ADDED COPYING Index: COPYING ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/brightHall Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/brightHall ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/brightHall @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +24 ClassicReverb//GUI/PDL/ms +0.27 ClassicReverb//GUI/Color/Dark<->Bright +0.3275 ClassicReverb//GUI/ReverbTime +-0.17 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/wetdry +0.96 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/outLevel +9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Predelay_samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/mute_wet/MUTE +1.566 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/del +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/speed +0.36 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/FB +1.579 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/speed +0.31 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/FB +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/BY +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/chorus/directpath +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/chorus/effectpath +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Test/Dirak +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/0_dirr +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1/ms +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2/ms +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//R +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//lv +17 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3/ms +-61.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//R +0.008 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Dc/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2/outerFB +0.24 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +-0.34 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.21 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/smooth +8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/del +0.07 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/amt +0.099 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/FB +12 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/del +-0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/amt +0.102 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/amt +0.023 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/speed +30 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/amt +0.175 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2/outerFB +-0.48 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.06 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/smooth + ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/chartre Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/chartre ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/chartre @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +24 ClassicReverb//GUI/PDL/ms +0.945 ClassicReverb//GUI/Color/Dark<->Bright +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUI/ReverbTime +0.01 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/wetdry +1.74 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/outLevel +9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Predelay_samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/mute_wet/MUTE +1.566 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/del +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/speed +0.36 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/FB +1.579 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/speed +0.31 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/FB +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/BY +-0.28 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+-9.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//lv +156 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8/ms +6.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//pan +0.144 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/DEPTH +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anidepth +20 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anispeed +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_oscfreq +0.87 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/by +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2lv +98 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2smooth +0.044 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3drive +0.329 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3lv +0.208 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3offset +954 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/lop +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///BY +-0.258 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///lv +-9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//pan +3981 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+0.65 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/smooth + ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +17 ClassicReverb//GUI/PDL/ms +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUI/Color/Dark<->Bright +0.2525 ClassicReverb//GUI/ReverbTime +-0.8 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/wetdry +0.9 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/outLevel +34 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Predelay_samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/mute_wet/MUTE +1.258 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/del +0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/speed +0.24 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//lv +127 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7/ms +-9.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//lv +156 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8/ms +6.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//pan +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/DEPTH +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anidepth +20 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anispeed +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_oscfreq +0.87 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/by +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2lv +98 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2smooth +0.044 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3drive +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3lv +0.208 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3offset +954 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/lop +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///BY +-0.115 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/speed +76 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/del +-0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/amt +0.217 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/amt +0.023 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/speed +30 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/amt +0.175 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2/outerFB +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.66 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/smooth + ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_drums Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_drums ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_drums @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUI/PDL/ms +0 ClassicReverb//GUI/Color/Dark<->Bright +0.2525 ClassicReverb//GUI/ReverbTime +-0.45 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/wetdry +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/outLevel +34 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Predelay_samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Test/Dirak +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/0_dirr +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//lv +0.066 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1/ms +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//lv +0.088 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2/ms +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//R +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//lv +17 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3/ms +-61.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//lv +23 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4/ms +72.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//lv +57 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5/ms +-31.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//lv +63 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6/ms +23.4 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//lv +127 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7/ms +-9.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//lv +156 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8/ms +6.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//pan +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/DEPTH +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anidepth +20 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anispeed +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_oscfreq +0.87 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/by +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2lv +98 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2smooth +0.044 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3drive +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3lv +0.208 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3offset +954 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/lop +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///BY +-0.115 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///lv +59.4 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//pan +3981 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//Bypass_2nd_dly +0.005 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//rdk.anidpths +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///BY +-0.115 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///lv +-60.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//pan +4000 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.66 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/smooth +8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/del +0.07 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/amt +0.099 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/FB +12 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/del +-0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/amt +0.102 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/FB +46 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/amt +0.089 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/speed +62 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/amt +0.133 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/FB +23.8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/del +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/amt +0.113 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1/outerFB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/speed +76 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/del +-0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/amt +0.217 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/amt +0.023 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/speed +30 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/amt +0.175 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2/outerFB +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.66 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/smooth + ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_orc Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_orc ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_orc @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +23.5 ClassicReverb//GUI/PDL/ms +0.16 ClassicReverb//GUI/Color/Dark<->Bright +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUI/ReverbTime +-0.42 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/wetdry +0.79 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/outLevel +34 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Predelay_samps +2.633 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/del +0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/speed +0.24 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/FB +2.646 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/del +-0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/speed +0.26 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/FB +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/Bypass +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Test/Dirak +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/0_dirr +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1/ms +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2/ms +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//R +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//lv +17 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3/ms +-61.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//lv +23 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4/ms +72.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//lv +57 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5/ms +-31.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//lv +63 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6/ms +23.4 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//lv +127 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7/ms +-9.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//lv +156 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8/ms +6.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//pan +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/DEPTH +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anidepth +20 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anispeed +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_oscfreq +0.87 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/by +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2lv +98 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2smooth +0.044 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3drive +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3lv +0.208 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3offset +954 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/lop +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///BY +-0.115 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///lv +59.4 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//pan +3981 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//Bypass_2nd_dly +0.005 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//rdk.anidpths +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///BY +-0.115 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///lv +-60.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//pan +4000 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//samps +0 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.65 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/smooth +8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/del +0.07 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/amt +0.099 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/FB +12 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/del +-0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/amt +0.102 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/FB +46 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/amt +0.089 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/speed +62 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/amt +0.133 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/FB +23.8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/del +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/amt +0.113 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1/outerFB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/speed +76 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/del +-0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/amt +0.217 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/amt +0.023 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/speed +30 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/amt +0.175 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2/outerFB +0.56 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.65 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/smooth + ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_orc2 Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_orc2 ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_orc2 @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +17 ClassicReverb//GUI/PDL/ms +0.015 ClassicReverb//GUI/Color/Dark<->Bright +0.325 ClassicReverb//GUI/ReverbTime +-0.28 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/wetdry +0.63 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/outLevel +11 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Predelay_samps +2.633 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/del +0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/speed +0.35 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/FB +2.646 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/del +-0.01 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/speed +0.32 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/FB +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/Bypass +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Test/Dirak +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/0_dirr +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1/ms +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2/ms +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//R +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//lv +17 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3/ms +-61.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//lv +23 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4/ms +72.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//lv +57 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5/ms +-31.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//lv +63 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6/ms +23.4 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//lv +127 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7/ms +-9.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//lv +156 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8/ms +6.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//pan +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/DEPTH +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anidepth +20 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anispeed +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_oscfreq +0.87 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/by +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2lv +98 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2smooth +0.044 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3drive +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3lv +0.208 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3offset +954 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/lop +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///BY +-0.344 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///lv +-24.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//pan +3981 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//Bypass_2nd_dly +0.005 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//rdk.anidpths +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///BY +-0.344 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///lv +13.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//pan +4000 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//samps +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//Bypass_2nd_dly +0.005 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//rdk.anidpths +8 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2/ms +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//R +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//lv +17 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3/ms +-61.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//lv +23 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4/ms +72.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//lv +57 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5/ms +-31.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//lv +63 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6/ms +23.4 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//lv +127 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7/ms +-9.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//lv +156 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8/ms +6.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//pan +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/DEPTH +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anidepth +20 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anispeed +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_oscfreq +0.87 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/by +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2lv +98 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+0.65 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/smooth +8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/del +0.07 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/amt +0.099 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/FB +12 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/del +-0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/amt +0.102 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/FB +46 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/amt +0.089 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/speed +62 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/amt +0.133 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/speed +0.25 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ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2/outerFB +0.56 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.65 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/smooth + ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_pno2 Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_pno2 ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic_pno2 @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +17.5 ClassicReverb//GUI/PDL/ms +0.16 ClassicReverb//GUI/Color/Dark<->Bright +0.2525 ClassicReverb//GUI/ReverbTime +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/wetdry +0.27 ClassicReverb//GUI/mix/outLevel +9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Predelay_samps +1.566 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/del +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/speed +0.36 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/L/FB +1.579 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/speed +0.31 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/R/FB +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/IN_AP/Bypass +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/Test/Test/Dirak +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/0_dirr +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1/ms +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/1//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//R +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2/ms +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/2//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//R +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//lv +17 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3/ms +-61.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/3//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//lv +23 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4/ms +72.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/4//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//lv +57 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5/ms +-31.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/5//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//lv +63 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6/ms +23.4 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/6//pan +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//L +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//R +0.008 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//lv +127 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7/ms +-9.9 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/7//pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//L +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//R +0.004 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//lv +156 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8/ms +6.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/reverb_input/tabbed/8//pan +0.144 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/DEPTH +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anidepth +20 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_anispeed +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/b_oscfreq +0.87 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/by +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2lv +98 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k2/k2smooth +0.044 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3drive +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3lv +0.208 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/k3/k3offset +954 ClassicReverb//GUTS/saturation/lop +-90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///BY +-0.258 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed///lv +11.7 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//pan +3981 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//samps +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//Bypass_2nd_dly +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/L/delayed//rdk.anidpths +90 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/pan +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///BY +-0.257 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed///lv +-15.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//pan +4000 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//samps +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//Bypass_2nd_dly +0.001 ClassicReverb//GUTS/outmix/R/delayed//rdk.anidpths +8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP1/del +0.07 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP1/amt +0.1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP1/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP1/FB +12 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP2/del +-0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP2/amt +0.1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP2/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/gadiff/AP2/FB +46 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//Da/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//Da/amt +0.092 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//Da/speed +62 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//AP3/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//AP3/amt +0.134 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//AP3/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//AP3/FB +23.8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//Db/del +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//Db/amt +0.112 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1//Db/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested1/outerFB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Da/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Da/amt +0.066 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Da/speed +76 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP4/del +-0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP4/amt +0.217 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP4/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP4/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Db/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Db/amt +0.023 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Db/speed +30 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP5/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP5/amt +0.175 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP5/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//AP5/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Dc/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/nested2/outerFB +0.56 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.65 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-0/decOpt/smooth +8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/del +0.07 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/amt +0.099 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP1/FB +12 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/del +-0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/amt +0.102 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/speed +0.3 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/gadiff/AP2/FB +46 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/amt +0.089 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Da/speed +62 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/del +-0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/amt +0.133 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//AP3/FB +23.8 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/del +0.02 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/amt +0.113 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1//Db/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested1/outerFB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/amt +0.2 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Da/speed +76 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/del +-0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/amt +0.217 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP4/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/amt +0.023 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Db/speed +30 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/del +0.03 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/amt +0.175 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/speed +0.25 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//AP5/FB +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/del +0.05 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/amt +0.014 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2//Dc/speed +0.5 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/nested2/outerFB +0.56 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap1/rdk.gagaOut1Tm +0.08 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap2/rdk.gagaOut2Tm +0.65 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Lv +0 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/taps/tap3/rdk.gagaOut3Tm +0.54 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/DecayOpt +1 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/amt +1.557 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/response +9.904 ClassicReverb//GUTS/ch0-1/decOpt/smooth + ADDED ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb.dsp Index: ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb.dsp ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ ClassicReverb/ClassicReverb.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +declare name "ClassicReverb"; +declare version "1.01"; + +/* + * Copyright (c) 2015 Urban Schlemmer. + * All rights reserved. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, + * MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Lexicon style Reverb Effect for acoustic instruments (piano/orchestral) with +// o input saturation/tape simulation +// o decay optimization (amp following the input signal affects reflection density) +// o chorus +// +// basic tuning: ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic +// +// nested allpass structure based on ideas from +// William Grant Gardner, The virtual acoustic Room, Master’s thesis, MIT, 1992. +// +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +import("../rdk_testgaga_decayopt4.lib") ; +import("../gui.lib") ; +cho = library("../components/chorus.dsp") ; + +test(fx) = rdk.wetdryST(fx,(1-checkbox("[2]BY"))) ; + +tape = component("../components/tapedelay2.dsp").tap2LB, + component("../components/tapedelay2.dsp").tap2RB ; +AP = rdk.modap(1<<14,.05,.2,.001,0,1) ; +ER = component("../components/tabbed_ST_noPredelay.dsp") ; +PDL = fdelay(1<<12,PD*SR/1000.+PDfine),fdelay(1<<12,PD*SR/1000.+PDfine) ; +TAIL = gaga(0) ; +outmix = bus(2) : rdk.crossmix3 : bus(8):> bus(2) ; +choST = cho[ + freq = 65 ; + depth = 0.001 ; + dt = 9.5 ; + feed = 0.56 ; + smoo = 175 ;].chorusM, + cho[ + freq = 81.0 ; + depth = 0.001 ; + dt = 13.0 ; + feed = 0.65 ; + smoo = 175 ;].chorusM ; + +reverb = IN_tape : IN_EQ : IN_AP : IN_ER : PDL : TAIL : OUT : CHORUS ; + +process(x,y) = hgroup("ClassicReverb",tgroup("",(lr:reverb:par(i,2,*(wet*lv))), (lr:par(i,2,*(dry*lv))) :> bus(2))) with { + lr = x+dirak, + y+dirak ; + wet = (2 - dry)*MUTE ; + }; + + +//------------------------- USER INTERFACE -------------------------------------------- +CHORUS = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[0]Test",vgroup("[1]chorus",rdk.wetwetST(choST)))) ; +MUTE = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[0]Test",hgroup("[0]mute wet",1-checkbox("MUTE")))) ; +IN_AP = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[0]Test",hgroup("[1]IN_AP",test((vgroup("[0]L",AP),vgroup("[1]R",AP)))))) ; +dirak = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[0]Test",hgroup("[2]Test",gui.impulsebutton))) ; +dry = + hgroup("GUI",hgroup("[5]mix",vslider("[0]wetdry[style:knob]",1,-1,1,.1)+1)) ; +lv = + hgroup("GUI",hgroup("[6]mix",vslider("[1]outLevel[style:knob]",.48,0,2,.01))) ; +OUT = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[4]outmix",outmix)) ; +IN_tape = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[2]saturation",tape)) ; +IN_EQ = + hgroup("GUI",rdk + [inEQ1wd = hgroup("[2]Color",nentry("[2]Dark<->Bright[style:knob]",.12,0,1,.01));].inEQ1) ; +IN_ER = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[0]reverb input",ER)) ; +PD = + hgroup("GUI",vgroup("[0]PDL",nentry("[0]ms[style:knob]",22,0,100,1))) ; +PDfine = + tgroup("GUTS",hgroup("[0]Test",nentry("[0]Predelay samps",30,0,1024,1))) ; +RS = + hgroup("GUI",nentry("[3]ReverbTime[style:knob]",.0,0.,.5,0.01)) ; +gaga(i,x,y) = + RS : tgroup("GUTS",rdk + [ + ga1 = tgroup("[8]ch%i-0",rdk + [ + gagaOut1Lv = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap1", nentry("rdk.gagaOut1Lv[style:knob]",.34,-2,2,0.01))) ; + gagaOut2Lv = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap2", nentry("rdk.gagaOut2Lv[style:knob]",.14,-2,2,0.01))) ; + gagaOut3Lv = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap3", nentry("rdk.gagaOut3Lv[style:knob]",.14,-2,2,0.01))) ; + gagaOut1Tm = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap1", nentry("rdk.gagaOut1Tm[style:knob]",.0 ,0 ,50,0.1))) ; + gagaOut2Tm = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap2", nentry("rdk.gagaOut2Tm[style:knob]",.0 ,0 ,50,0.1))) ; + gagaOut3Tm = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap3", nentry("rdk.gagaOut3Tm[style:knob]",.0 ,0 ,50,0.1))) ; + ].ga) ; + + ga2 = tgroup("[8]ch%i-1",rdk + [ + gagaOut1Lv = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap1", nentry("rdk.gagaOut1Lv[style:knob]",.34,-2,2,0.01))) ; + gagaOut2Lv = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap2", nentry("rdk.gagaOut2Lv[style:knob]",.14,-2,2,0.01))) ; + gagaOut3Lv = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap3", nentry("rdk.gagaOut3Lv[style:knob]",.14,-2,2,0.01))) ; + gagaOut1Tm = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap1", nentry("rdk.gagaOut1Tm[style:knob]",.0 ,0 ,50,0.1))) ; + gagaOut2Tm = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap2", nentry("rdk.gagaOut2Tm[style:knob]",.0 ,0 ,50,0.1))) ; + gagaOut3Tm = vgroup("[4]taps", hgroup("tap3", nentry("rdk.gagaOut3Tm[style:knob]",.0 ,0 ,50,0.1))) ; + ].ga) ; + + ].gaga(x,y)) ; + +//------------------------- END USER INTERFACE -------------------------------------------- + + ADDED README Index: README ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ README @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, + * MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + + Build +------------ + +sh-4.1# cd rdk/ClassicReverb +sh-4.1# ../compile ClassicReverb.dsp 1 0 1 + + Usage +------------ + +link additional soundfiles to rdk/testsounds. +sh-4.1# ../sound2 #(autoconnect mhwaveedit via jack) +or +sh-4.1# ../preset2 + + Manual Build +----------------- +If for one reason or another the bash scripts don't execute (i.e. realpath from gnu core utils is missing), you can still do things manually. + +sh-4.1# faust -a jack-gtk.cpp ClassicReverb.dsp -o ClassicReverb.cpp +sh-4.1# g++ ClassicReverb.cpp -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math -I/usr/local/lib/faust/ `pkg-config --cflags --libs jack gtk+-2.0` -o ClassicReverb.jgtk +sh-4.1# +sh-4.1# ls ClassicReverb-presets/ +sh-4.1# cp ClassicReverb-presets/largeHall_basic ~/.ClassicReverb.jgtkrc +sh-4.1# ./ClassicReverb.jgtk + +Note: the presets contain basic tunings and without them the reverb is pretty much useless. The GUI/GUTS is meant as a developer tool to experiment with new tunings and therefore an integrated preset management is necessary to +enable people to work intuitively with the program. + + tested with: +------------------ + +sh-4.1# faust --version +FAUST, DSP to C++ compiler, Version 0.9.58 +Copyright (C) 2002-2012, GRAME - Centre National de Creation Musicale. All rights reserved. + +sh-4.1# jackd --version +jackd version 0.118.0 tmpdir /dev/shm protocol 24 +sh-4.1# +sh-4.1# mhwaveedit --version +mhWaveEdit 1.4.20 +sh-4.1# +sh-4.1# which realpath +/usr/bin/realpath +sh-4.1# +sh-4.1# bash --version +GNU bash, version 4.1.0(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu) +sh-4.1# +sh-4.1# uname -r + +sh-4.1# + + +Urban Schlemmer ( + ADDED blockdiagram Index: blockdiagram ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ blockdiagram @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +infile=$1 +if [ -z $1 ] ; then + files=$(ls *.dsp) + [ $? != 0 ] && echo bye. && exit + select infile in $files ; do break ; done +fi + +rm -r *-svg +faust -svg $infile + +[ $? != "0" ] && exit 1 + +echo run firefox? +read +ffdir="/initrd/mnt/dev_save/old_sda4_conts/linux_portable_firefox.bk0" +"$ffdir/firefox-portable/firefox/firefox" -no-remote -profile $ffdir/firefox-portable/profilordner $(basename $infile .dsp)-svg/process.svg ADDED compile Index: compile ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ compile @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +RDKPATH=$(dirname $(realpath $(which $0))) +. $RDKPATH/ + +clear +infile=$1 +if [ -z $1 ] ; then + select infile in $(ls *.dsp) ; do break ; done +fi +echo "---> $infile" + +cd $(dirname $infile) +echo current working dir: $PWD + +inn=`basename $infile .dsp` +out=$inn +#echo +#echo "make unique (timestamped) filename? yes [y] <-> no [ENTER]" +#read unique +#test -n "$unique" && out=$inn$(date +-%Y%m%d%H%M) + + +rm $1.cpp 2> /dev/null + +if [ $2 = 1 ] 2> /dev/null ; then $RDKPATH/compilescripts/f2jgtk $inn $out $PWD/ + [ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 +else +echo select script +select script in $RDKPATH/compilescripts/* + do test -n "$script" && $script $inn $out $PWD/ + [ $? != 0 ] && continue #exit 1 + [ $3 = 0 ] 2>&1 && break #opt out + mess="compiled $PWD/$inn.dsp to $(basename $(cat /tmp/rdkoutfile)) using $(basename $script)." + echo #$mess + echo "automatically commit? yes [anything] <-> no [NO]" + read yn + [ "$yn" != "NO" ] && "$mess $yn" 1 + break + done +fi +if [ $4 = 1 ] 2> /dev/null ; then $RDKPATH/preset2 $(cat /tmp/rdkoutfile) +else +echo "run now? yes [y] <-> no [ENTER]" +read yn +[ "$yn" == "y" ] && $RDKPATH/preset2 $(cat /tmp/rdkoutfile) #test preset2... +fi +echo "hear some sound? yes [ENTER] <-> no [anything]" +read yn +[ -z "$yn" ] && $RDKPATH/sound2 $(cat /tmp/rdkoutfile) #test preset2... + +exit 0 ADDED compilescripts/f2jgtk Index: compilescripts/f2jgtk ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ compilescripts/f2jgtk @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +if [ -z $1 ] +then echo usage: `basename $0` [dsp-file] +exit 1 +fi + +infile=$3$(basename $1 .dsp) +outfile=$3$2 ; [ -z $2 ] && outfile=$infile + +echo `basename $0`: compiling.... +echo `basename $0`: $infile.dsp to +echo `basename $0`: $outfile.jgtk + +faust -a jack-gtk.cpp $infile.dsp -o $infile.cpp +[ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 + +g++ $infile.cpp -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math -I/usr/local/lib/faust/ `pkg-config --cflags --libs jack gtk+-2.0` -o $outfile.jgtk +[ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 +echo $outfile.jgtk > /tmp/rdkoutfile ADDED compilescripts/f2ladspa Index: compilescripts/f2ladspa ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ compilescripts/f2ladspa @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +if [ -z $1 ] +then echo usage: `basename $0` [dsp-file] +exit 1 +fi + +infile=$3$(basename $1 .dsp) +outfile=$3$2 ; [ -z $2 ] && outfile=$infile + +echo `basename $0`: compiling +echo `basename $0`: $infile.dsp to +echo `basename $0`: $ + +faust -a ladspa.cpp $infile.dsp -o $infile.cpp +[ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 + +g++ -I. -Wall -I/usr/local/lib/faust/ -fPIC -DPIC -shared -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math -Dmydsp=lop $infile.cpp -o $ +[ $? != 0 ] && exit 1 +echo $outfile.jgtk > /tmp/rdkoutfile ADDED compilescripts/f2w32vst Index: compilescripts/f2w32vst ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ compilescripts/f2w32vst @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +if [ -z $1 ] +then echo usage: `basename $0` [dsp-file] +exit 1 +fi + +infile=$(basename $1 .dsp) +outfile=$2 ; [ -z $2 ] && outfile=$infile + +echo infile: $infile --- outfile: $outfile + +mkdir w32vstdir + +[ ! -e w32vstdir/audioeffect.o ] && i586-mingw32msvc-g++ -Wfatal-errors -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4 -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x -DBUILDING_DLL -mno-cygwin -c /mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x/audioeffect.cpp -o w32vstdir/audioeffect.o + +[ ! -e w32vstdir/audioeffectx.o ] && i586-mingw32msvc-g++ -Wfatal-errors -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4 -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x -DBUILDING_DLL -mno-cygwin -c /mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x/audioeffectx.cpp -o w32vstdir/audioeffectx.o + +[ ! -e w32vstdir/vstplugmain.o ] && i586-mingw32msvc-g++ -Wfatal-errors -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4 -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x -DBUILDING_DLL -mno-cygwin -c /mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x/vstplugmain.cpp -o w32vstdir/vstplugmain.o + +echo LIBRARY $infile.def > w32vstdir/$infile.def +echo DESCRIPTION \'$infile DSP processor by urban schlemmer\' >> w32vstdir/$infile.def +echo EXPORTS main=VSTPluginMain >> w32vstdir/$infile.def + + +faust -a vst2p4.cpp $infile.dsp -o w32vstdir/$outfile.cpp + +i586-mingw32msvc-g++ -Wfatal-errors -O3 -mfpmath=sse -msse -msse2 -msse3 -ffast-math -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4 -I/mnt/sda2/vstsdk2.4/public.sdk/source/vst2.x -DBUILDING_DLL -mno-cygwin -c -o w32vstdir/$outfile.o w32vstdir/$outfile.cpp + +i586-mingw32msvc-dllwrap --target=i386-mingw32 -mno-cygwin --driver-name i586-mingw32msvc-g++ --def w32vstdir/$outfile.def w32vstdir/$outfile.o w32vstdir/$outfile.def w32vstdir/audioeffect.o w32vstdir/audioeffectx.o w32vstdir/vstplugmain.o -o w32vstdir/$outfile.dll + +i586-mingw32msvc-strip w32vstdir/$outfile.dll + +echo $outfile.dll > /tmp/rdkoutfile + +# rm w32vstdir/$infile.o w32vstdir/$infile.def w32vstdir/$infile.cpp + ADDED components/chorus.dsp Index: components/chorus.dsp ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ components/chorus.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +//import("rdk.lib") ; +import("../rdk_testgaga_decayopt4.lib") ; + + +//----------------------------------------------- +// chorus +//----------------------------------------------- + + +freq = nentry("%i cho_lfoFreq_Hz",freqD,1,1000,1) ; + samps = SR/freq :int ; + time_ms = 1000/freq ; +depth = nentry("%i cho_Depth",depthD,0,0.5,0.001) ; +dt = nentry("%i cho_Delay_ms",dtD,0,100,0.1)*SR/1000. ; +feed = nentry("%i cho_fb",feedD,0,0.99,0.01) ; +smoo = nentry("0 cho_lop",smooD,0,1000,1) ; + + +i = 0 ; + +op = rdk.randy *depth + 1. ; + +//version 0 (fb delay => 1 sample) +//controlsig = 0 ; + +controlsig = rdk.rdc(samps,op) : rdk.aline(samps) : smooth(tau2pole(1/smoo)) ; + +chorusM = ( + :> fdelay3(2<<14,controlsig *(dt))) ~ *(feed) ; + +process = rdk.wetdry(chorusM, nentry("0 cho_WetDry",0.5,0,1,0.01) ) ; + +//----------------------------------------- +//defaults + +freqD = 8 ; +depthD = 0.3 ; +dtD = 17 ; +feedD = 0.65 ; +smooD = 500 ; +WetDryD = 0.5 ; + + ADDED components/tabbed_ST_noPredelay.dsp Index: components/tabbed_ST_noPredelay.dsp ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ components/tabbed_ST_noPredelay.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import("../gui.lib") ; +import("../rdk_testgaga_decayopt4.lib") ; + +// a tabbed delay line with ST input. Delays do _NOT_ accumulate + +LR = hgroup("[0]", bus(2) : (*(checkbox("L")), *(checkbox("R")) )) :> _ ; +mix(lv,pan) = vgroup("[1]", *(gui.cheapmixlevel(lv))) : vgroup("[3]", gui.panpotcheap(pan)) ; + +tbplug(n) = vgroup("%n", LR) + : @(vgroup("%n",nentry("[2]ms",0,0,1999,.001)) + *SR/1000.) + : vgroup("%n",mix(.0,-0.)) ; + +tabbs = bus(2) <: par(i,ntabs,tbplug(i+1)), (,2,(*(DR)))) :> bus(2) ; +DR = nentry("0 dirr",.5,-2,2,.001) ; + + +process = hgroup("tabbed",tabbs) ; + + + +// number of tabs in delay line +ntabs = 8 ; + ADDED components/tapedelay2.dsp Index: components/tapedelay2.dsp ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ components/tapedelay2.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import("oscillator.lib"); +import("../rdk_testgaga_decayopt4.lib") ; + + +// ------ This is used as reverb input -----------// + + ani(samps,depth) = aloop ~ (_,_) : (!,_) + with { + n = int(samps) ; + aloop (count, val1) = + if(count<(n), count+1, 1), + if(count==n, rnd, val1); + if (c, then, else) = select2(c, else, then); + rnd = (rdk.randx *depth) +depth ; + }; + + +hz = nentry("b oscfreq",1,0,10,0.01) ; +dp = nentry("DEPTH",0.250,0,2,0.001) ; +ad = nentry("b anidepth",.02,0,.1,0.001) ; //osc moddepth [ 0 ... .2 ] +as = nentry("b anispeed",20,0,100,0.01) ; //osc modspeed [ Hz ] +aN = nentry("a N SR",5,1,40,1) ; +af = nentry("a ani freq",15,.1,20,0.1) ; + + +//process = osc(hz*ani(SR/20,3.)) *.1 ;//osc(latch(15) + +//process = ani(.5*SR/hz,2.) ; + +mod = osc(hz*ani(SR/as,ad)) *dp +1.; +mod2 = osc(hz*ani(SR/as,ad)) *dp +dp; +//ani(SR/as,ad) ; //:lowpass(5,15) ; //smooth(.9999) + +//a = fdelay3(2<<12,2<<10* //1<<12 (!!!) == 2*(1<<12) +// lfnoiseN(5,af) *dp) *button("a") ; + +//b = fdelay3(2<<12,(2<<10)*mod) ; + +lpf=rdk.lop(nentry("lop",888,20,120000,1))*mod ; + +k2 = hgroup("k2", abs : smooth(nentry("k2smooth",98,93,99.9,.01)/100.) : dcblocker *nentry("k2lv",-0.047,-50,50,.001)) : lpf ; //*checkbox("k2") +k3 = vgroup("k3",cubicnl(drive*on,offset*on) <: (dcblocker *nentry("k3lv",.321,-50,50,.001) *on) + ,(*(nentry("comparelv",.2,0,100,.001)) *(1-on))) with { + on = 1. ; //checkbox("k3") ; + drive = nentry("k3drive",.062,0,1,.001) ; + offset = nentry("k3offset",.156,0,1,.001) ; + }; + +saturation = _ <: bus(2) : k3, k2 : bus(3) :> _ ; + + +tap2L= rdk.wetdry( (saturation : fdelay3(2<<12,(2<<10)*mod+2) ) , checkbox("by")) ; +tap2R= rdk.wetdry( (saturation : fdelay3(2<<12,(2<<9 )*mod+2) ) , checkbox("by")) ; + +tap2LB= rdk.wetdry( (saturation : fdelay3(2<<12,(2<<10)*mod2) ) , 1-nentry("by",1,0,1,.01)) ; +tap2RB= rdk.wetdry( (saturation : fdelay3(2<<12,(2<<9 )*mod2) ) , 1-nentry("by",1,0,1,.01)) ; + + + +process = osc(888) <: + bus(2): tap2LB,tap2RB : bus(2) + ; + ADDED draw Index: draw ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ draw @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +if [ ! "$1" ] ; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` dsp-file [n samples to print] [signal 0...5] [signal+draw offset in samples] [look into IR by n samples]" + exit 1 +fi + +# clean up ? +#rm *.draw* + +if [ ! "$2" ] ; then nsamples=22050 ; else nsamples=$2 ; fi +if [ ! "$4" ] ; then off=0 ; else off=$4 ; fi +default="process = 1@$off -1@($off+1) <: component(\"$1\") ;" # impulse response +if [ ! "$3" ] ; then echo $default > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw + elif [ "$3" -eq "0" ] ; then echo "process = component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw # no input signal + elif [ "$3" -eq "1" ] ; then echo $default > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw + elif [ "$3" -eq "2" ] ; then echo "process = 1@$off <: component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw # step response + elif [ "$3" -eq "3" ] ; then echo "process = 1@$off - 1@($off+1000) <: component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw # impulse with + elif [ "$3" -eq "4" ] ; then echo "process = 1@$off - 1@($off+10000) <: component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw + elif [ "$3" -eq "5" ] ; then echo "process = 1@$off - 1@($off+100000) <: component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw + + else echo err: no such input signal. try [0...5]. + exit 2 +fi +if [ ! "$5" ] ; then s=0 ; else s=$5 ; fi + +#exit +echo faust ... +faust -a matlabplot.cpp `basename $1 .dsp`.draw -o `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.cpp 2> /tmp/faustmess +if grep ERROR /tmp/faustmess ; then exit 3 ; fi +if grep error /tmp/faustmess ; then exit 3 ; fi +if grep "no inputs" /tmp/faustmess ; then exit 3 ; fi +cat /tmp/faustmess + +echo g++ ... +g++ `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.cpp -I/usr/local/lib/faust/ -o `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.o + +let "off+=$s" +./`basename $1 .dsp`.draw.o -n $nsamples -s $off > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.octave +if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then echo bye ; exit 4 ; fi + +octave --persist `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.octave +#### IR: octave:1> source ../pfo.m ##### to view freq response + +# clean up ? +# rm *.draw* + +exit 0 + + + ADDED gui.lib Index: gui.lib ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ gui.lib @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +//import("../rdk.lib") ; + +import("math.lib") ; + +gui = environment { + + meter = component("../components/vumeter.dsp") ; + meterlin(x) = attach(x, hbargraph("out", 0, 1.)); + + dirakwetdry(plug,x,y) = impulsebutton <: bus(2), x , y :> stwetdry(plug) ; + //component("oscillator.lib").pink_noise; + impulsebutton = button("Dirak") <: _,mem : - : >(0); + stwetdry(plug,x,y) = x , y : (hgroup("[1]main", plug) : *(wet) , *(wet) ) + , x *(dry) , y *(dry) with { + + wet = hgroup("[9]wet",hslider("[0]",1.,0,1,.01) * (1-checkbox("[1]BY"))) ; + dry = hgroup("[0]dry",hslider("[0]",1.,0,1,.01) * (1-checkbox("[1]BY"))) ; + + } :> _ , _ ; + + //used by some reverbs... + m3 = rdk [ + m3jclevel = vgroup("[1]jclevel", (vslider("[0]",0,0,10,.1)* (1-checkbox("[1]BY")))); + jcAPfb1 = vgroup("[2] jcrev", nentry("jcAPfb1",0.7,0,.99,.01)); + jcAPfb2 = vgroup("[2] jcrev", nentry("jcAPfb2",0.7,0,.99,.01)); + jcAPfb3 = vgroup("[2] jcrev", nentry("jcAPfb3",0.7,0,.99,.01)); + jccombfb = vgroup("[2] jcrev", nentry("jccombfb",1.,0,2,.01)); + ].m3 ; + + + //------------------------------------------------- + // panpot and mixer + //------------------------------------------------- + + //bypass = 1-checkbox("BY") ; + + panpotcheap(pan,x) = panpotknob(pan)*x, (1-panpotknob(pan))*x ; + panpot(pan,x) = sqrt(panpotknob(pan))*x, sqrt(1-panpotknob(pan))*x ; + panpotknob(pan)=(nentry("[1]pan[style:knob]",pan,-90,90,1)-90.0)/-180.0 ; + + cheapmix(lv,pan) = vgroup("[0]", + *(cheapmixlevel(lv)) + *(1-checkbox("BY"))) + :gui.panpotcheap(pan) ; + cheapmixlevel(lv) = nentry("lv",lv,-4.,4.,0.001) ; + + mixerchannel(lv,pan) = vgroup("[0]", *(nentry("lv",lv,-4.,4.,0.001)*(1-checkbox("BY"))):panpot(pan)) ; + +}; ADDED pfo.m Index: pfo.m ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ pfo.m @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +% Usage: octave --persist thisfile.m +1; +function [xdb] = db(x,mindb) +% [y] = db(x,mindb) +% convert x to db, optionally clipped to mindb + +ax = abs(x); +xmax = max(ax(:)); +if nargin<2, xmin = xmax*eps; else xmin = 10^(mindb/20); end +xdb = 20*log10(max(abs(x),xmin*ones(size(x)))); +endfunction + +% input parameters: +if !exist('fs') + fs = 44100; + freqstr = 'Normalized Frequency (cycles/sample)'; +else + if fs<1000 % (Hack) + freqstr = 'Frequency (kHz)'; + else + freqstr = 'Frequency (Hz)'; + end +end + +if !exist('lwidth') + lwidth = 2; % linewidth for all plots +end +if !exist('kase') % cases to do + kase = [0 1 0 0]; % log freq +% kase = [1 0 0 0]; % linear freq +% kase = [1 1 0 0]; % linear and log freq +% kase = [1 0 1 0]; % linear freq and phase +elseif length(kase)<4 + kase = [kase(:)',zeros(1,4-length(kase))]; +end + +fo = faustout; +x = faustout; +[nx,nchans] = size(x); +N = 2^(nextpow2(nx)+4); +if !exist('Ns') + Ns = N/2+1; +% Ns = round(N*20000/fs); % only look at audio band +end + +if !exist('printplots') + printplots = 0; +end + +% WINDOW DISABLED +% w = chebwin(nx,300); +% xw = x .* (w * ones(1,nchans)); +xw = x; + +X = fft(xw,N); +Xs = X(2:Ns,:); % omit dc term; may be multichannel +if !exist('mindb') + mindb = -24; +end +Xsdb = db(Xs,mindb); +%Xsdb = min(20*log10(Xs),mindb) ; +f = fs*[1:Ns-1]/N; + +if kase(1) % dB magnitude vs. linear freq + figure(2); + plot(f,Xsdb,'linewidth',lwidth); + ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); + xlabel(freqstr); + grid('on'); + if exist('pfx') && nchans>1, dolegend(pfx,nchans,1); end + if printplots + print -depsc -F:12 './pfo-magdb-c.eps'; + print -deps -F:12 -mono -solid './pfo-magdb.eps'; + end +end + +if kase(2) % log-log + figure(3); + semilogx(f,Xsdb,'linewidth',lwidth); + %axis([10 20000 ymin ymax]) + ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); + xlabel(freqstr); + grid('on'); + if exist('pfx') && nchans>1, dolegend(pfx,nchans,3); end + if printplots + print -depsc -F:12 './pfo-magdb-semilog-c.eps'; + print -deps -F:12 -mono -solid './pfo-magdb-semilog.eps'; + end +end + +if kase(3) % phase delay + aXs = unwrap(angle(Xs)); + Xspd = - aXs ./ ((2*pi*f'/fs)*ones(1,nchans)); + figure(4); + plot(f,Xspd,'linewidth',lwidth); + % semilogx(f,Xspd); + ylabel('Phase Delay (samples)'); + xlabel(freqstr); + grid('on'); + if exist('pfx') && nchans>1, dolegend(pfx,nchans,1); end + if printplots + print -depsc -F:12 './pfo-pd-c.eps'; + print -deps -F:12 -mono -solid './pfo-pd.eps'; + end +end + +if kase(4) % group delay + aXs = unwrap(angle(Xs)); + Xspd = -diff(aXs); + Xspd = [0,Xspd(:)']; + figure(4); + plot(f,Xspd,'linewidth',lwidth); + % semilogx(f,Xspd); + ylabel('Group Delay (samples)'); + xlabel(freqstr); + grid('on'); + if exist('pfx') && nchans>1, dolegend(pfx,nchans,1); end + if printplots + print -depsc -F:12 './pfo-gd-c.eps'; + print -deps -F:12 -mono -solid './pfo-gd.eps'; + end +end + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%plot(faustout); +%title('Plot generated by ./lop.draw.o made using ''faust -a matlabplot.cpp ...'''); +%xlabel('Time (samples)'); +%ylabel('Amplitude'); ADDED preset2 Index: preset2 ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ preset2 @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +RDKPATH=$(dirname $(realpath $(which $0))) +. $RDKPATH/ + +clear +inn=$1 +if [ -z $1 ] ; then + select inn in $(ls *.jgtk) ; do break ; done +fi +echo "---> $inn" + +fst=$inn +infile=`basename $inn .jgtk` + +[ -z $2 ] && here=$(dirname $(realpath $infile.jgtk)) +[ ! -z $2 ] && cd $2 && here=$2 + +if [ -e $infile.jgtk ] + then + #killall $3* 2> /dev/null + killall $1 2> /dev/null + mkdir $infile-presets 2> /dev/null + else echo file [$infile.jgtk] not found. bye. + exit 1 +fi + +cd $infile-presets +echo $PWD +if [ ! -z $3 ] ; then + echo "copy ... cp $3 ~/.$infile.jgtkrc" + cp $3 ~/.$infile.jgtkrc && exec $here/$infile.jgtk 2>&1 | grep recallState + #else "echo file not found! (--- $3 ---)" && read + #exit +fi +#echo read && read +while [ 0 ] ; do clear + echo -e "PM: working dir: $PWD \nPM: select preset (\"0\" to load last settings)" + presetdir=$PWD && echo + list=$(ls --color --group-directories-first) + if [ -z $list ] 2> /dev/null ; then + (jackctl)& + $here/$infile.jgtk 2> /dev/null + fi + select preset in "PM: cd .." "PM: mkdir" "PM: load defaults" "PM: save as..." "PM: quit" "PM: ---------------------------------------------------" $list + do break ; done + + #echo "---> $preset" + preset=$(echo "$preset" | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g") + #rm color codes ##todo: remove new line at end + echo "---> $preset" + [ "$preset" == "PM: cd .." ] && cd .. && continue + [ "$preset" == "PM: mkdir" ] && echo enter name && read dir && mkdir $dir && continue + [ -d "$preset" ] && cd $preset && continue + [ "$preset" == "PM: quit" ] && exit 0 + if [ "$preset" == "PM: save as..." ] ; then savepreset ; fi + if [ "$preset" == "PM: load defaults" ] ; then rm ~/.$infile.jgtkrc ; loadpreset ; fi + if [ -f "$preset" ] ; then cp $preset ~/.$infile.jgtkrc && loadpreset ; fi + if [ -z "$preset" ] ; then echo "loading last settings... " ; loadpreset ; fi + +done + +exit 0 ADDED preset2draw Index: preset2draw ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ preset2draw @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#### directly draw presets #### + +# clean up ? +rm *.draw* 2> /dev/null + +here=$PWD +RDKPATH=$(dirname $(realpath $(which $0))) + +if [ ! $1 ] +then echo usage: `basename $0` [filename.dsp] +exit 2 +fi + +echo "how many samples to print (default: 1024)?" + read nsamples + [ -z $nsamples ] && nsamples=1024 +echo "offset (default: 0)?" + read off + [ -z $off ] && off=0 +echo "input signal (press \"0\" for: none)" +select insig in impulse sin100 sin1000 ; do break ; done + +default="process = component(\"$1\") ;" # no input sig +if [ -z "$insig" ] + then echo $default > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw +elif [ "$insig" == "impulse" ] + then echo "process = 1@$off -1@($off+1) <: component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw # IR +elif [ "$insig" == "sin100" ] + then echo "import(\"oscillator.lib\");process = osci(100) <: component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw # +elif [ "$insig" == "sin1000" ] + then echo "import(\"oscillator.lib\");process = osci(1000) <: component(\"$1\") ;" > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw # +fi + +cd $(basename $1 .dsp)-presets +while [ 0 ] ; do clear + echo -e "PM: working dir: $PWD \nPM: select preset (\"0\" to load last settings)" + presetdir=$PWD && echo + list=$(ls --color --group-directories-first) + + select preset in "PM: cd .." "PM: load defaults" "PM: ---------------------------------------------------" $list + do break ; done + preset=$(echo "$preset" | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g") #rm color codes ##todo: remove new line char at end + echo "---> $preset" + [ "$preset" == "PM: cd .." ] && cd .. && continue + #[ "$preset" == "PM: mkdir" ] && echo enter name && read dir && mkdir $dir && continue + [ -d "$preset" ] && cd $preset && continue + #[ "$preset" == "PM: quit" ] && exit 0 + #if [ "$preset" == "PM: save as..." ] ; then savepreset ; fi + if [ "$preset" == "PM: load defaults" ] ; then presetfile="" ; fi + #if [ -f "$preset" ] ; then $preset ~/.$infile.jgtkrc && loadpreset ; fi + if [ -z "$preset" ] ; then presetfile="~/.$infile.jgtkrc" ; fi + if [ -f "$preset" ] ; then presetfile="$preset" ; fi + break +done + +cd $here +args="" +if [ ! -z $presetfile ] ; then + echo translate preset: + cat $presetdir/$presetfile + + args=$(cat $presetdir/$presetfile | sed 's/_//g' | sed 's:/\+:-:g' | awk {'print tolower($_)'} | awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=" "}{tmp=$1;$1=$2;$2=tmp;print}' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="-"}{$1=""}{print}') + args=$(echo $args | sed 's/\.//g') + # still not perfect... + + #echo "$args" | cut -d- -f2- + echo "$args" + echo +fi +echo faust ... +faust -a matlabplot.cpp `basename $1 .dsp`.draw -o `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.cpp 2> /tmp/faustmess +if grep ERROR /tmp/faustmess ; then exit 3 ; fi +if grep error /tmp/faustmess ; then exit 3 ; fi +if grep "no inputs" /tmp/faustmess ; then exit 3 ; fi +cat /tmp/faustmess + +echo g++ ... +g++ `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.cpp -I/usr/local/lib/faust/ -o `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.o + +#let "off+=$s" #special case of "zooming" into particular area not implemented here +echo +./`basename $1 .dsp`.draw.o --help +echo #read +./`basename $1 .dsp`.draw.o $args -n $nsamples -s $off > `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.octave +#if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then echo bye ; exit 4 ; fi + +octave --persist `basename $1 .dsp`.draw.octave +#### IR: octave:1> source ../pfo.m ##### to view freq response + +# clean up ? +# rm *.draw* + +exit 0 + + +### #-convert "$1/" to "-" +### #sed "s/$1\//-/g" + +#-convert "_" to "" +#sed 's/_//g' + +#-convert "/" to "-" +#sed 's/\//-/g' + +#awk {'print tolower($_)'} + +#-exchange fields 1,2 (separated by SPACE) +#awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=" "}{tmp=$1;$1=$2;$2=tmp;print}' + +#-delete field 1 (separated by -) +#awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="-"}{$1="";print}' ADDED rdk_testgaga_decayopt4.lib Index: rdk_testgaga_decayopt4.lib ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ rdk_testgaga_decayopt4.lib @@ -0,0 +1,614 @@ +/* + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, + * MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +import("math.lib"); +import("music.lib"); +import("maxmsp.lib"); +import("filter.lib"); +import("effect.lib"); + + +rdk = environment { + + //----------------------------------------------- + // general struct + //----------------------------------------------- + + Reverb = \(input,matrix,lateRv,o).(input : matrix : lateRv, bus(o) :> bus(o) ) ; + + lexM(Reverb) = _ <: Reverb, (Reverb *(lexMatt) : fdelay3(1<<8,lexMdl*ani(364,.001))) : bus(2) ; //:> _ + lexMdl = nentry("rdk.lexMsampDel",65.8,0,1<<8-1,.1) ; + lexMatt = nentry("rdk.lexMatten",-.84,-1.,1.,.01) ; + + crossmix(x,y) = (x:hgroup("[2]L", _<: bus(2):(gui.panpot,crossmixdelay*(crossmixXlevel)):bus(3):_,(bus(2):>_))) , + (y:hgroup("[3]R", _<: bus(2):(crossmixdelay*(crossmixXlevel),gui.panpot):bus(3):(bus(2):>_),_ )) + //: bus(4) + ; + crossmix2(x,y)= (x:hgroup("[2]L", _<: bus(2):gui.panpot(-90),hgroup("delayed",(vgroup("[2]",rdk.crossmixdelay):vgroup("[1]",gui.mixerchannel(.5,0) ))))) , + (y:hgroup("[3]R", _<: bus(2):gui.panpot( 90),hgroup("delayed",(vgroup("[2]",rdk.crossmixdelay):vgroup("[1]",gui.mixerchannel(.5,0) ))))) + //: bus(8) + ; + crossmix3(x,y)= (x:hgroup("[2]L", _<: bus(2):gui.panpotcheap(-90),hgroup("delayed",(vgroup("[2]",rdk.crossmixdela3):vgroup("[1]",gui.cheapmix(.5,0) ))))) , + (y:hgroup("[3]R", _<: bus(2):gui.panpotcheap( 90),hgroup("delayed",(vgroup("[2]",rdk.crossmixdela3):vgroup("[1]",gui.cheapmix(.5,0) ))))) + //: bus(8) + ; + crossmixmod = rdk.aniold(crossmixanilenth,crossmixanidepth) ; + crossmixdela3 = _<: (fdelay3(1<<12,crossmixdly*(crossmixmod))), + (fdelay3(1<<12,crossmixdly*(-crossmixmod))*(1-checkbox("[1]Bypass 2nd dly"))) :> _ ; + crossmixdelay = fdelay3(1<<12,crossmixdly*(crossmixmod)) ; + crossmixdly = nentry("[0]samps",4000,0,4410,1) ; + crossmixanilenth = 3640 ; + crossmixanidepth = 1. ; //anidepths = .010 typ. + crossmixXlevel = .65 ; + + inEQ = (filtercoeff(110, -7.467, 1.).lowShelf ,_ : biquad ) + : (filtercoeff(187, 4.533, .25).peakingEQ ,_ : biquad ) + : (filtercoeff(1592,-6.133, .25).peakingEQ ,_ : biquad ) + : (filtercoeff(7870,-11.2, .25).peakingEQ ,_ : biquad ) + : (filtercoeff(14145,-13.8, 1.).highShelf ,_ : biquad ) + ; + inEQ1 = rdk.wetdry(rdk.inEQ,inEQ1wd) , rdk.wetdry(rdk.inEQ,inEQ1wd) ; + inEQ1wd = .8 ; + + //----------------------------------------------- + // Mix + //----------------------------------------------- + + panpotcheap(pan,x) = p*x, (1-p)*x with { p = (pan -90.0)/-180.0 ; }; + cheapmix(cheapmixlv,pan) = *(cheapmixlv):rdk.panpotcheap(pan) ; + + + //----------------------------------------------- + // Matritzen + //----------------------------------------------- + + m0 = bus(4) <: (bus(4), (bus(4) :> _,_ )) : bus(6) ; + + m1 = ((_ <:_,_), + (*(diffusivity2) <:_,_), + *(diffusivity1), + *(diffusivity1) :> *(LateLv),*(LateLv) ), + *(ERlevel),*(ERlevel) ; + + + m1a = hgroup("[3]rp input", + (vgroup("0",gui.cheapmix(.62,0)), + vgroup("1",gui.cheapmix(.62,0)), + vgroup("2",gui.cheapmix(.41, 90)), + vgroup("3",gui.cheapmix(.41,-90))) :> bus(2)), + hgroup("ER level", + vgroup("0",rdk.cheapmix(1.,-90)), + vgroup("1",rdk.cheapmix(1., 90)):> bus(2)) + ; + m1b = tgroup("[2]", hgroup("[0] plug in mix", + (vgroup("0",gui.cheapmix(.62,0)), + vgroup("1",gui.cheapmix(.62,0)), + vgroup("2",gui.cheapmix(.41, 90)), + vgroup("3",gui.cheapmix(.41,-90))) :> bus(2)), + hgroup("[1] ER mix", + (vgroup("0",gui.cheapmix(.62,0)), + vgroup("1",gui.cheapmix(.62,0)), + vgroup("2",gui.cheapmix(.41, 90)), + vgroup("3",gui.cheapmix(.41,-90))) :> bus(2))) + ; + + ERlevel = nentry("rdk.ERlevel",0,0.,10.,0.01) ; //1.5 + LateLv = nentry("rdk.LateLv",1.,0.,10.,0.01) ; + diffusivity1 = nentry("rdk.diffusivity1", 0.41,0.,10.,0.01) ; + diffusivity2 = nentry("rdk.diffusivity2", 0.62,0.,10.,0.01) ; + + + m2 = jcwd, jcwd, _ , _ with { + jcwd = wetwet(jc, nentry("rdk.jcWetDry", 10,0,20,0.01) ) ; + jc = delay(1<<14, nentry("rdk.jcDelayMs", 20,0,200,0.01) *SR/1000 ) : rdk.jcrev : _,!,!,! ; + }; + + m3jclevel = 10. ; + m3 = bus(4) <: bus(4),jcout with { + jcout = bus(4):> *(m3jclevel) : rdk.jcrev ; + }; + + //----------------------------------------------- + // diffuse reverb : Schroeder Model + //----------------------------------------------- + + // The reverb below was made from a listing of "RV", dated April 14, 1972, + // which was recovered from an old SAIL DART backup tape. + // John Chowning thinks this might be the one that became the + // well known and often copied JCREV: + jcAPfb1 = 0.7 ; + jcAPfb2 = 0.7 ; + jcAPfb3 = 0.7 ; + jccombfb = 1. ; + jcrev = *(0.06) : allpass_chain <: comb_bank : mix_mtx with { + + rev1N = component("filter.lib").rev1; + + rev12(len,g) = rev1N(2048,len,g); + rev14(len,g) = rev1N(4096,len,g); + + allpass_chain = + rev2(512,347,jcAPfb1) : + rev2(128,113,jcAPfb2) : + rev2( 64, 37,jcAPfb3); + + comb_bank = + rev12(1601,.802*(jccombfb)), + rev12(1867,.773*(jccombfb)), + rev14(2053,.753*(jccombfb)), + rev14(2251,.733*(jccombfb)); + + mix_mtx = _,_,_,_ <: psum, -psum, asum, -asum : _,_,_,_ with { + psum = _,_,_,_ :> _; + asum = *(-1),_,*(-1),_ :> _; + }; + }; + + //----------------------------------------------- + // diffuse reverb : QuadFDN + //----------------------------------------------- + + QuadFDN = bus(4) : component("G2reverbGUI.dsp").QuadFDN : bus(4) ; + + + //----------------------------------------------- + // diffuse reverb : Gardner model + //----------------------------------------------- + + gaga(x,y,RT) = x,y:(_,,_ : ga1,ga2 : _,,_) ~ + ( : rdk.crossove2(350,1.62),rdk.crossove2(350,1.62) + : *(RT*gagaRT*gagaRTphL),*(RT*gagaRT)) : (!,!,_,_) ; + gagaRT = 1. ; + gagaRTphL = -1 ; + ga1 = ga ; + ga2 = ga ; + +moddelay(maxdel_samps,del_ms,modspeed_s,amt) = //s = seconds + fdelay3(maxdel_samps,( + nentry("[0]del", del_ms,.025,500,.001) *SR/1000. + //+ (modspeed_s*amt*0) + + (ani( + nentry("[2]speed", modspeed_s,0,.5,.001), + nentry("[1]amt", amt, -2., 2., 0.01))) + )); +modap(maxdel_samps,del_ms,modspeed_s,amt,Feed,DecayOpt) = + (+ <: moddelay(maxdel_samps,del_ms,modspeed_s,amt),*(-fb)) ~ *(fb) : @(1),_ : + with { + fb = min(.98,DecayOpt *nentry("[3]FB", Feed, -99., .99, 0.01)) ; + }; + + IFB = hslider("innerFBx",1,0,2,.01) ; + IFB2 = hslider("outerFB1",1,0,2,.01) ; + IFB3 = hslider("outerFB2",1,0,2,.01) ; + + ampfollow(x) = x : abs : max ~ -(resp/SR) : max(.001) : linear2db *(-.01) : smooth(smoo) ; + + smoo = nentry("smooth",9.94,9.90,9.999,.001)/10. ; + resp = nentry("response",1.,.1,3.99,.001) ; + + DecayOpt(x) = vgroup("decOpt",nentry("DecayOpt [tooltip:manual multiplier to inner APs]", 1., 0., 2., 0.01)) + + (vgroup("decOpt",ampfollow(x)*nentry("amt [tooltip:ZERO means no amp-following!]",0,-2,2,.01))) ; + + ga(x) = +(x) : ( _ : (DecayOpt(x),_ : rdk.gadiff(.002*SR,8.,.003*SR,12.,.3,.3)) + <: ( delay(1<<10,.021*SR) //nentry("T3", 21, 0, 23, 0.01) + : (DecayOpt(x),_ : nested1( + 46 //Da //9.2 orig + ,62 //delay2 + ,23.8 //Db //15.7 orig + ,.25 //innerFB + ,.5)) //outerFB + //(.087*SR*ani(64,.002),.062*SR*ani(.134*SR,.003),37.2,.25*IFB,.5*IFB2,1,1) //.3*IFB,1,1) + <: ( delay(1<<10,.034*SR) + // (Da, D1,Db, D2, Dc,fb2,fb3,outerFB1) + : (DecayOpt(x),_ : nested2( + .05 //Da // ~2samps (BUG) // .222222*ani(196,.001), + ,76. //D1 //076*SR*ani(217,.002), + ,.05 //Db // ~2samps (BUG) // .333333*ani(340,.002), + ,30. //D2 //.030*SR*ani(175,.001), + ,.05 //Dc // ~2samps (BUG) // + ,.25 //fb2 + ,.25 //fb3 + ,.50)) //outerFB1 + <: + delay(1<<10,.012*SR) + ,@(gagaOut1Tm*SR/1000.) //(fdelay5(1<<9, .005*SR * ani(.186*SR,-.001) )) // [0] +//[*SR] BUG: secs here, not samps ! (+- *.186*44100 *1000. *.001 == 8202 samps???);2^9 = 512.... + *(gagaOut3Lv) ) + ,@(gagaOut2Tm*SR/1000.) //(fdelay5(1<<11, .031*SR * ani(.082*SR,.004) )) // [0] + *(gagaOut2Lv) ) + ,@(gagaOut3Tm*SR/1000.) //fdelay5(1<<8, .004*SR * ani(.120*SR,.002) ) // [0] + *(gagaOut1Lv) ) + : _,(_,_,_:>_) ; + //ani*******BUG***20121031 + gagaOut1Lv = .34 ; + gagaOut2Lv = .14 ; + gagaOut3Lv = .14 ; + gagaOut1Tm = 0. ; + gagaOut2Tm = 0. ; + gagaOut3Tm = 0. ; + + + gadiff(D0,D1,D2,D3,FB1,FB3,DecayOpt) = hgroup("[0]gadiff ", + delay(1<<9,D0) : vgroup("[0]AP1",modap(1<<9,D1,.11,.03,FB1,DecayOpt)) + : delay(1<<9,D2) : vgroup("[1]AP2",modap(1<<10,D3,.12,.03,FB3,DecayOpt))) ; + + + nested1(Da,delay2,Db,fb2,fb1,DecayOpt) = vgroup("[1]nested1", + (+ <: innerloop,*(-outerFB)) ~ *(outerFB) : @(1),_ : + ) with { + outerFB = nentry("[3]outerFB",fb1,0,.99,.01) ; + innerloop = hgroup("[0]",DaDel : allpass : DbDel) with { + DaDel = vgroup("[0]Da",moddelay(1<<12,Da, .092,.02)) ; //max 92 ms @ 44.1 + DbDel = vgroup("[2]Db",moddelay(1<<13,Db, .112,.02)) ; //max 185 ms @ 44.1 + allpass = vgroup("[1]AP3",modap(1<<14,delay2,.134,.034,fb2,DecayOpt)) ; //max 371 ms @ 44.1 + }; + }; + + nested2(Da,D1,Db,D2,Dc,fb2,fb3,outerFB1,DecayOpt) = vgroup("[2]nested2", + (+ <: innerloop,*(-outerFB)) ~ *(outerFB) : @(1),_ : + ) with { + outerFB = nentry("[3]outerFB",outerFB1,0,.99,.01) ; + innerloop = hgroup("[0]",DaDel : allpass : DbDel : allpasstoo : DcDel) with { + DaDel = vgroup("[1]Da",moddelay(1<<12,Da, 0.2,0.02)) ; + DbDel = vgroup("[3]Db",moddelay(1<<13,Db, 0.3,0.02)) ; + DcDel = vgroup("[5]Dc",moddelay(1<<13,Dc, 0.4,0.02)) ; + allpass = vgroup("[2]AP4",modap(1<<14,D1, .217,.034,fb2,DecayOpt)) ; + allpasstoo = vgroup("[4]AP5",modap(1<<14,D2,.175,.034,fb3,DecayOpt)) ; + }; + }; + +//----------------------------- new ------------------------------------// + ani(secs,depth) = aloop ~ (_,_) : (!,_) : aline(n) : smooth(.999) + with { + n = int(secs*SR) ; //period in samples + aloop (count, val1) = + if(count<(n), count+1, 1), + if(count==n, rnd, val1); + if (c, then, else) = select2(c, else, then); + rnd = (randx *secs *1000. *depth ) ; // randx : -1...0...+1 + }; + +//----------------------------- old ------------------------------------// + aniold(samps,depth) = aloop ~ (_,_) : (!,_) : aline(n) : smooth(.999) + with { + n = int(samps) ; //*******BUG***20121207 + aloop (count, val1) = + if(count<(n), count+1, 1), + if(count==n, rnd, val1); + if (c, then, else) = select2(c, else, then); + rnd = (randx *depth *anidpths) +1. ; + + }; + anidpths = nentry("[999]rdk.anidpths",.005,0.,10,.001) ; + + + + + //----------------------------------------------- + // ER: Simplified Source Image Modele + //----------------------------------------------- + + uref = environment { + + RS =nentry(" size",50,0,99,0.1) ; + DST=nentry("rdk.uref.distance",50,0.833,99,0.1) ; + DST_lp=8000;//DST *.4 -20 : db2ulinear *(7980.) ; + EFX=nentry("rdk.uref.efx",50,0,99,0.1) ; + AN =nentry("rdk.uref.animation",50,0,99,0.1) ; + + //simplified source image model + t0sq=sqrt( pow(DST_lp, 2)+pow((RS/50*23000/2.1*2), 2) ) ; T0=((t0sq/44.702625 *47.269485 - DST_lp) /343.) ; //magic numbers from + t2sq=sqrt( pow(t0sq, 2)+pow(((RS/50*16300-2100)*2), 2) ) ; T2=(t2sq/83.85714 *86.717827 - DST_lp) /343. ; //max patch translation... + t1sq=sqrt( pow(DST_lp, 2)+pow((RS/50*23000/1.9*2), 2) ) ; T1=(t0sq/51.052479 *47.583393 - DST_lp) /343. ; + t3sq=sqrt( pow(t1sq, 2)+pow(((RS/50*16300-2100)*2), 2) ) ; T3=(t2sq/87.994171 *86.919724 - DST_lp) /343. ; + + cc1(dir,ms)=dir/(ms*.343+dir) ; // == dir[m]/ssq[m] + L0= cc1(5.5,T0) ; + L2= cc1(8,T2) ; + L1= cc1(5.5,T1) ; + L3= cc1(8,T3) ; + + FX=RS/33.:min(1)*EFX/100. ; + DN=(1.18/(DST/50.)) ; + fbtm0= FX *.5 *T0 ; + fbtm1= FX *.5 *T1 ; + fbtm2= FX *DN *T2 ; + fbtm3= FX *DN *T3 ; + + dir=10; + fblv0=(FX * T0*.343+dir) / ((T0+fbtm0)*.343+dir) ; // dir[m]/ssq2[m] = x * dir[m]/ssq1[m] ; x = ssq1[m] / ssq2[m] ; + fblv1=(FX * T1*.343+dir) / ((T1+fbtm1)*.343+dir) ; // "korrekt" wäre eigentlich DST_lp statt 10. + fblv2=(FX * T2*.343+dir) / ((T2+fbtm2)*.343+dir) ; + fblv3=(FX * T3*.343+dir) / ((T3+fbtm3)*.343+dir) ; + + dlx(dly,ani) = fdelay3(1<<15,dly*SR/1000.*ani:uline(300)) ; + lev(lv) = _*lv ; + flt(num) = _ ; + allpass(apdly,aplv,ani) = ap3(1<<16,apdly*SR/1000.*ani:uline(600),aplv:uline(300):min(.99)) ; + outoption = !, _ ; + + cell(inp,dly,lv,apdly,aplv,num,ani) = + inp + : dlx(dly,ani) + : lev(lv) + <: _,allpass(apdly,aplv,ani) + : outoption + ; + + speed = (((800.-30.) * (100.-AN)*DST/10000.) + 30) *SR/1000 : int ; + depth = 0.1 * AN*(100.-DST)/10000. ; + //algo = (randx *depth) +1. : smooth(.9) ; *******BUG***20121031 + algo = randy *(depth) +1. ; //(((random / RANDMAX ) -1.) *depth) +1. ; + lfos = fourxnoise(speed, algo ) ; + + mini(x,y) = lfos + //(1,1,1,1) + :(cell(y ,T0 ,-L0 ,fbtm0, fblv0, 0) + , cell(x ,T1 ,L1 ,fbtm1, fblv1, 1) + , cell(y ,T2-fbtm2:max(0.1) ,L2 ,fbtm2, fblv2, 2) + , cell(x ,T3-fbtm3:max(0.1) ,-L3 ,fbtm3, fblv3, 3) + ) + ; + + }; + + //----------------------------------------------- + // Helpers + //----------------------------------------------- + + softflangeST(fx0,fx1) = _,_ <: + ( fx0 : *(p3),*(p4) ) + , (fx1 : *(p1),*(p2) : del,del ) + :> _,_ + with { + p1 = nentry("rdk.fx0phaseL",1,-1,1,.1) ; + p2 = nentry("rdk.fx0phaseR",1,-1,1,.1) ; + p3 = nentry("rdk.fx1phaseL",-1,-1,1,.1) ; + p4 = nentry("rdk.fx1phaseR",-1,-1,1,.1) ; + del = fdelay3(1<<16, nentry("rdk.softflangeDellSamps",200,0,2000,1) *lfo : smooth(.999)) ; + lfo = rdk.sinlfo ; + }; + + wetdry(fx,wd) = _ <: (fx *(1-wd), *(wd)) :> _ ; // "0" = wet, "1" = dry + wetdryST(fx,wd) = bus(2) <: (fx : *(1-wd),*(1-wd)), (*(wd),*(wd)) :> bus(2) ; + wetwet(fx) = _ <: (fx *(effectpath), *(directpath)) :> _ ; + wetwetST(fx) = bus(2) <: bus(4) : (fx : *(effectpath), *(effectpath)) + , *(directpath), *(directpath) :> bus(2) ; + directpath = nentry("directpath", 1,-2,2,.01) ; + effectpath = nentry("effectpath",-.72,-2,2,.01) ; + + + m2samps(m) = m /343 * SR ; + m2ms(m) = m / .343 ; + ms2samps(ms) = ms *SR/1000. ; + Hz2samps(Hz) = SR/Hz ; + + cx = _,_ <: !,_,_,! ; + crossover(x,bassmult) = _ <: _, smooth(x) *(bassmult) :>_ ; + crossove2(f,bassmult) = _ <: hip(f), lop(f) *(bassmult) :>_ ; + + /*uline (time, value) = state ~ ( _ , _ ) : ! , _ + with { + state (t , c) = nt , if( nt <= 0 , value , c + (value - c) / nt) + with { + nt = if( value != value' , samples, t - 1) ; + samples = time * SR / 1000.0 ; + } ; + } ; */ + + aline (samples, value) = state ~ ( _ , _ ) : ! , _ + with { + state (t , c) = nt , if( nt <= 0 , value , c + (value - c) / nt) + with { + nt = if( value != value' , samples, t - 1) ; + } ; + } ; + + uline (ramptime, destval) = line (destval, ramptime) ; + + Gerade(x0,y0,x1,y1,x) = y0 + (((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)) *(x - x0)) ; + + //----------------------------------------------- + // LFO + //----------------------------------------------- + + ml = library("music.lib") ; + + sinusFreqHz = nentry("rdk.sinusFreqHz",1.178,0,10,.01) ; + sinusPhase = nentry("rdk.sinusPhase",0,0,1,.01) ; + sinusDepth = nentry("rdk.sinusDepth",.02,0,.1,.001) ; + sinlfo = sinus(sinusFreqHz, sinusPhase ) *(sinusDepth +1.) ; + sinus(freq,p) = ml + [phase(freq,p) = freq/float(ml.samplingfreq) : (+ : ml.decimal) ~ _ : +(p) : ml.decimal *(float(ml.tablesize));] + .osc(freq,p) ; + + sinusi(freq,p) = ml + [osci(freq,p) = s1 + d * (s2 - s1) + with { + phase(freq,p) = freq/float(ml.samplingfreq) : (+ : ml.decimal) ~ _ : +(p) : ml.decimal *(float(ml.tablesize)); + i = int(phase(freq,p)); + d = ml.decimal(phase(freq,p)); + s1 = rdtable(ml.tablesize+1,ml.sinwaveform,i); + s2 = rdtable(ml.tablesize+1,ml.sinwaveform,i+1);}; + ] + .osci(freq,p) ; + + //ie. process = sinusi(4,.25) ; + + + //----------------------------------------------- + // random numbers + //----------------------------------------------- + + //RANDMAX = 2147483647; + random1 = ffunction(int random (), , ""); + randz = (random1 << 1) * (1.0/RANDMAX); + + randx = (+(12345) ~ *(1103515245)) * (1.0/RANDMAX); //Faust + //randx = +(12345) ~ *(1103515245) * (1.0/RANDMAX); *******BUG***20121031 + randy = (+(938284287) ~ *(435898247)) * (1.0/RANDMAX); //pd 0.42 source, x_misc.c + + + + //calc every samps + rdc(n,op) = aloop ~ (_,_) : (!,_) with { + aloop (count, val1) = + if(count<(n), count+1, 1), + if(count==n, op, val1); + if (c, then, else) = select2(c, else, then); + }; + + lfnoise(n,algo) = rdc(n,algo) : aline(n) ; + + fourxnoise(n,algo) = compute ~ (_,_,_,_,_) : (!,_,_,_,_) with { + compute (count, val1, val2, val3, val4) = + if(count<(n*4), count+1, 1), + if(count==n, algo, val1), + if(count==(n*2), algo, val2), + if(count==(n*3), algo, val3), + if(count==(n*4), algo, val4); + if (c, then, else) = select2(c, else, then); + }; + + + //----------------------------------------------- + // allpass + //----------------------------------------------- + + ap0(maxSize, d , gain) = (+ <: delay (maxSize,d :max(0)),*(-gain)) ~ *(gain) : @(1),_ : + ; + ap1(maxSize, delay, gain) = (+ <: fdelay (maxSize,delay:max(1)),*(-gain)) ~ *(gain) : @(1),_ : + ; + ap2(maxSize, delay, gain) = (+ <: fdelay2(maxSize,delay:max(1)),*(-gain)) ~ *(gain) : @(1),_ : + ; + ap3(maxSize, delay, gain) = (+ <: fdelay3(maxSize,delay:max(2)),*(-gain)) ~ *(gain) : @(1),_ : + ; + ap4(maxSize, delay, gain) = (+ <: fdelay4(maxSize,delay:max(2)),*(-gain)) ~ *(gain) : @(1),_ : + ; + ap5(maxSize, delay, gain) = (+ <: fdelay5(maxSize,delay:max(3)),*(-gain)) ~ *(gain) : @(1),_ : + ; + + + //----------------------------------------------- + // nested allpass + //----------------------------------------------- + + + + + /******************** + * * + * Filter Stuff * + * * + ********************/ + + lop(freq) = smooth(exp(-2.*PI*freq/SR)) ; + hip(freq) = tf1(c0,c1,-d1) with { + d1 = exp(-2.*PI*freq/SR) ; + c0 = (1+d1) / 2. ; + c1 = -c0 ; + }; + + hs(freq, gain, Q, x) = highShelf(x, freq, gain, Q) ; + bp(freq, gain, Q, x) = BPF(x, freq, gain, Q) ; + + //convert maxmsp filtergraf~ data to FAUST maxmsp.lib + bq(a,b,c,d,e,x) = biquad(x,a,b,c,-d,-e) ; + // avoid negative input + bqvst(a,b,c,d,e,x) = biquad(x,a,-b,c,d,-e) ; + + //Fixed directivity +damping for typical angles (flute) + f0 = bq(0.778342, -1.557887, 0.779562, -1.998412, 0.998434) + : bq(1.010895, -1.984542, 0.973962, -1.984542, 0.984857) + : bq(1.003048, -1.976456, 0.974663, -1.976456, 0.97771) + : bq(1.008643, -1.945218, 0.941521, -1.945218, 0.950164) + : bq(1.000702, -1.835624, 0.853712, -1.835624, 0.854414) + : bq(1.000646, -1.744797, 0.817466, -1.744797, 0.818112) + : bq(1.006305, -1.48838, 0.761466, -1.48838, 0.767771) ; + + f1 = bq(0.853169, -1.707658, 0.854508, -1.998412, 0.998434) + : bq(1.002863, -1.9799, 0.977351, -1.9799, 0.980214) + : bq(0.996158, -1.969549, 0.974642, -1.969549, 0.970799) + : bq(0.98459, -1.92056, 0.940854, -1.92056, 0.925443) + : bq(0.994906, -1.830226, 0.854054, -1.830226, 0.84896) + : bq(1.001092, -1.745185, 0.817424, -1.745185, 0.818516) + : bq(1.004413, -1.487008, 0.761728, -1.487008, 0.766141) ; + + f2 = bq(0.658591, -1.318201, 0.659624, -1.998412, 0.998434) + : bq(1.023436, -1.988192, 0.965071, -1.988192, 0.988507) + : bq(1.00903, -1.980994, 0.973221, -1.980994, 0.982251) + : bq(1.022493, -1.955188, 0.937667, -1.955188, 0.96016) + : bq(1.00153, -1.836378, 0.853645, -1.836378, 0.855175) + : bq(1.001812, -1.745807, 0.817353, -1.745807, 0.819164) + : bq(1.009758, -1.490856, 0.760954, -1.490856, 0.770711) ; + + f3 = bq(0.627894, -1.256758, 0.628879, -1.998412, 0.998434) + : bq(1.018041, -1.985641, 0.967914, -1.985641, 0.985956) + : bq(1.008185, -1.980429, 0.9735, -1.980429, 0.981686) + : bq(1.005841, -1.94284, 0.941939, -1.94284, 0.94778) + : bq(0.995605, -1.830888, 0.854024, -1.830888, 0.849629) + : bq(1.001739, -1.745744, 0.81736, -1.745744, 0.819099) + : bq(1.010747, -1.491558, 0.760799, -1.491558, 0.77154) ; + + //----------------------------------------------- + // n filters GUI + //----------------------------------------------- + + nflt(n,modulation,depth) = environment { + f(type) = type(freq,gain,q) ; + smoo = smooth(.999); + freq = nentry("[3 %n 0]%n Freq",3000,0,20000,1.) * (modulation*depth +1.) : smoo ; + gain = nentry("[3 %n 0]%n Gain",1,-10,10,.1) * (modulation*depth +1.) : smoo ; + q = nentry("[3 %n 0]%n Q",.34,0,20,.01) * (modulation*depth +1.) : smoo ; + }; + //example + //process = nflt(1,0,0)[smoo = _ ;].f(hs) ; modulation turned off + + Bqs(cnum,biquadtype,nBiquads)=seq(j,nBiquads,(par(i,5,nentry("[99]coeff %cnum %j %i",0,0,100,0.00001)),_: biquadtype)) ; + +}; + +sim = environment { + + //----------------------------------------------- + // ER: source image model (shoebox) + //----------------------------------------------- + + lfo= osci(5) *nentry("[1 unit:%%]rdk.lfoDepth",.02,0,.02,.001) + 1 ; + + Rx = nentry("[30 unit:m] x",42.005,0,100,0.1) ; + Ry = nentry("[31 unit:m] y",23,0,100,0.1) ; + Rz = nentry("[32 unit:m] z",16.3,0,100,0.1) ; + + Sx = nentry("[34 unit:%%]rdk.source x",.8,0,1,.01) *Rx ; + Sy = nentry("[35 unit:%%]rdk.source y",.5,0,1,.01) *Ry ; + Sz = nentry("[36 unit:%%]rdk.source z",.2,0,1,.01) *Rz ; + + Dx = nentry("[37 unit:%%]rdk.destination x",.36,0,1,.01) *Rx *lfo ; + Dy = nentry("[38 unit:%%]rdk.destination y",.50,0,1,.01) *Ry ; + Dz = nentry("[39 unit:%%]rdk.destination z",.10,0,1,.01) *Rz ; + + //mirror images in shoebox room + l(Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz) = Rx,Ry,Rz, Sx, 2*Ry-Sy, Sz ; + r(Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz) = Rx,Ry,Rz, Sx, -Sy , Sz ; + v(Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz) = Rx,Ry,Rz, 2*Rx-Sx, Sy, Sz ; + h(Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz) = Rx,Ry,Rz, -Sx, Sy, Sz ; + b(Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz) = Rx,Ry,Rz, Sx, Sy, -Sz ; + d(Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz) = Rx,Ry,Rz, Sx, Sy, 2*Rz-Sz ; + + //Direct sound + D0(Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz) = Rx,Ry,Rz, Sx,Sy,Sz ; + + //Vector arithmetics + Ref(Dx,Dy,Dz,SSQx,SSQy,SSQz) = sqrt( pow(SSQx-Dx, 2) + pow(SSQy-Dy, 2) + pow(SSQz-Dz, 2)) ; + refm(image) = (Rx,Ry,Rz,Sx,Sy,Sz : image : !,!,!,_,_,_ : Ref(Dx,Dy,Dz)) ; + +}; + +//rdk = gaga { +//}; ADDED Index: ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +rdkPath() +{ + RDKPATH=$(dirname $(realpath $(which $0))) + [ -z $RDKPATH ] && RDKPATH=$(dirname $0) + cd $RDKPATH +} + +jackctl() +{ + while [ -z "$(pidof jackd)" ] ; do sleep 1 ; echo Zzz ; done + sleep 2 # todo: wait for ALL programs.......... + jack_disconnect system:capture_1 $(basename $fst):in_0 + jack_disconnect system:capture_2 $(basename $fst):in_1 + + jack_disconnect mhwe:outL system:playback_1 #2> /dev/null + jack_disconnect mhwe:outR system:playback_2 #2> /dev/null + + jack_disconnect system:capture_1 mhwe:inL + jack_disconnect system:capture_2 mhwe:inR + + jack_connect moc:output0 $(basename $fst):in_0 #2> /dev/null + jack_connect moc:output1 $(basename $fst):in_1 #2> /dev/null + + jack_connect mhwe:outL $(basename $fst):in_0 #2> /dev/null + jack_connect mhwe:outR $(basename $fst):in_1 #2> /dev/null + + jack_connect $(basename $fst):out_0 system:playback_1 #2> /dev/null + jack_connect $(basename $fst):out_1 system:playback_2 #2> /dev/null + + jack_connect $(basename $fst):out_0 mhwe:inL #2> /dev/null + jack_connect $(basename $fst):out_1 mhwe:inR #2> /dev/null +} + +loadpreset() +{ + echo "---> $infile.jgtk ($preset):" + (jackctl)& + [ ! -z $preset ] &> /dev/null && cat $preset ## too many args to test.... hmm + echo -e "---> $here/$infile.jgtk ($preset):"#'\e[1;91m' #red + sync + #read + echo "execute this file: $here/$infile.jgtk" + exec $here/$infile.jgtk 2>&1 | grep recallState + echo -e '\e[0m'"---> $infile.jgtk ($preset)." + continue +} + +savepreset() +{ + cd $presetdir #&& echo -e "$PWD" #&& ls -R && echo + echo PM: enter [Name] or [Return] to quit + read pn # todo: allow spaces in name (escape) + pname="$pn" + #echo -------------------$pname + #exit + test -z "$pn" && continue + newName="" + conf="" + while [ -e "$pname" ] ; do echo "file exists! overwrite ? yes [RETURN] <-> no [newName]" + read newName + [ -e "$newName" ] && pname=$newName && continue + [ -z "$newName" ] && conf="existing file overwritten." + break + done + + if test -z "$newName" ; then + cp -f ~/.$infile.jgtkrc $pname && chmod +x $pname + [ $? != "0" ] && echo write failed. recover preset by selecting zero next run. bye. [RETURN] && read && continue + echo $conf #&& cd $(dirname $pname) + else cp ~/.$infile.jgtkrc $newName && chmod +x $newName + [ $? != "0" ] && echo write failed. recover preset by selecting zero next run. bye. [RETURN] && read && continue + echo $conf #&& cd $(dirname $newName) + fi + + presetdir=$PWD + mess="$(basename $here)/$(basename $fst) --> preset: $(basename $pname) ($(cat /tmp/current_soundfile)) ($presetdir) " + #echo "message: $mess" + echo description? #echo "automatically commit? yes [anything] <-> no [NO]" + read yn + #[ "$yn" == "NO" ] && continue + "$mess $yn" 1 #quiet + continue +} ADDED Index: ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +cd /mnt/home/dsp/rdk #todo... + +IGNORE="*.svg,*.draw*,*octave-core,*.dll,*.o,*dir,*.so,*.jgtk,*.WAV,*.wav,*.png,*.cpp" + +TEXT="$1" +[ ! -z "$1" ] && echo -e "commit: $TEXT\n" + +if [ -z $2 ] ; then + fossil addremove --test --ignore $IGNORE + echo + echo ~~~~~ ignoring these files: $IGNORE ~~~~~~ + echo + echo "this was a testrun. Does this look ok? (Return to continue)" + read ret + echo $ret + if [ -z $ret ] ; then echo OK. ; else exit 2 ; fi +fi + +if [ -z "$1" ] ; then + echo "enter COMMIT text... " + read TEXT +fi + +fossil addremove --ignore $IGNORE +fossil commit -m "$TEXT" # > currentcommit + + +echo bye +exit 0 + + + ADDED sound2 Index: sound2 ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ sound2 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +RDKPATH=$(dirname $(realpath $(which $0))) +. $RDKPATH/ + +infile=`basename $1 .jgtk`.jgtk +if [ ! -f $infile ] ; then + files=$(ls *.jgtk) + [ $? != 0 ] && echo bye. && exit + select infile in $files ; do break ; done + else infile=`basename $1 .jgtk`.jgtk +fi + +here=$(dirname $(realpath $infile)) +echo -e "---> $infile \n" + +select sound in $RDKPATH/testsounds/* + do + echo -e "---> $sound \n" + jackd -d alsa &> /dev/null & + if [ ! -z "$sound" ] ; then + #echo $(basename $sound) > /tmp/current_soundfile + basename "$sound" > /tmp/current_soundfile + killall mhwaveedit 2> /dev/null + mhwaveedit "$sound" 2> /dev/null & + while [ -z "$(pidof mhwaveedit)" ] ; do sleep 1 ; done + fi + #read + $RDKPATH/preset2 $infile + echo -e "\nselect testsound (enter \"0\" to continue playing back current soundfile)\n" + + done + +exit 0 ADDED testsounds/hihat.flac Index: testsounds/hihat.flac ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ testsounds/hihat.flac cannot compute difference between binary files ADDED testsounds/pizzi.flac Index: testsounds/pizzi.flac ================================================================== --- /dev/null +++ testsounds/pizzi.flac cannot compute difference between binary files