



An SQLite binding for Zig.


As a zigmod package:

Add a line to the dependencies (or root_dependencies) in your zig.mod file:

  - src: http https://chiselapp.com/user/javier/repository/zigqlite/zip/zigqlite.zip

then you can just:

const sqlite = @import("zigqlite");


Copy src/sqlite.zig somewhere in your sources (i.e. a vendor/ directory) and import with the relative path:

const sqlite = @import("vendor/sqlite.zig");


DB object:

To open a database in the given path, creating it if needed:

var db = try sqlite.DB.open(<path>);
defer db.close();

Prepared Statement

var stmt = try db.prep(<sql>);

Where <sql> is the SQL command text. Can include positional arguments like ? or named arguments like :argname.

Once prepared, the statement is executed with the .exec() function:

var cursor = try stmt.exec(<args>, <rowtype>);

Where <args> is a tuple or structure holding arguments to fill in the SQL command. If field names match named arguments, they are used regardless of order; otherwise the position in the tuple or struct determines the field it fills.

The <rowtype> parameter is a struct type. Each returned row will be a value of this type. Each field will hold a column from the row, in order. If there are more fields than columns, the extra fields would be filled with their respective default value, if declared in the struct.

Cursor object

The value returned by the stmt.exec() function is used to retrieve results row by row with the .fetch() function:

var stmt = try db.prep("select name, age from children where height >= :minheight");
var cursor = try stmt.exec(.{1.30}, struct{name: []const u8, age: i16});
while (try cursor.fetch()) |kid| {
    std.debug.print("{s} is {d} years old\n", .{kid.name, kid.age});