All classes in the Tao framework decend from tao::object.
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- trace - When true, enable tracing information to stdout
- options_strict - Default 0. When true, attempts to access an option through configure or cget, which was not declared by the option keyword, or inherited from another class, will fail.
- ActiveLocks - A list of active locks
- organs - A dict containing the mapping of stubs to objects
Indicate to the user that the program is processing. (Empty method)
Commands to run when the system releases the gui. (Empty method)
Commands to perform as an object enters this new class via the morph method. (Empty method)
Commands to perform as an object exits the current class via the morph method. (Empty method)
Commands to run when the system releases the locks. (Empty method)
** method cget field ?default?
Return the value for an option, or of the option is null return default. Dashes are stripped from the left of all fields.
** method code
Return [namespace code {self}]
method configure keyvaluelist|key value ?key value...
Modify options. The command accepts either a single argument (a key value list), or a series of keys. Dashes are stripped from the left of all fields.
Internally, configure normalizes the inputs, and passes them to config set and config set_triggers.
method config set keyvaluelist
Perform validation checks and modify the internal configuration of the object. This method will not trigger modification events.
method event cancel ?pattern?
Cancel a scheduled event. If pattern not specified, all scheduled tasks are cancelled. If pattern given, all task handles that match pattern are cancelled. Patterns are those used by array get.
(Note: this method is actually a forward to ::tao::event::cancel)
method event generate event args...
Generate an event of type event which will be passed to the notify method of all objects subscribed to event.
(Note: this method is actually a forward to ::tao::event::generate)
method event nextid
Return a unique name for an event.
method event Notification_list pattern
Called recursively to produce a list of who recieves notifications of pattern pattern.
(Note: this method is actually a forward to ::tao::event::Notification_list)
method event publish object_pattern event_pattern
Create a subscription for objects specified by object_pattern to events specified by event_pattern. Patterns should be any pattern suitiable for [string match]
method event schedule handle interval script
Arrange for script to be called after interval. Interval is any value acceptable to [after]. A successive call to handle will cancel the prior event and schedule a new one.
method event subscribe object_pattern event_pattern
Create a subscription for the current object to events emitted by objects specified by object_pattern to events specified by event_pattern. Patterns should be any pattern suitiable for [string match]
method event unpublish ?event_pattern?
Remove any subscriptions to this object's events that match event_pattern. If event_pattern not given, all subscriptions are removed.
method event unsubscribe ?event_pattern?
Remove any subscriptions this object has made to events that match event_pattern. If event_pattern not given, all subscriptions are removed.
method forward method ?args...?
Forward method to the command specified by args. Internally this is just a wrapper around [oo::objdefine forward]
method graft stub object ?stub object...?
Calles to <stub> for this object will now forward to the object (or ensemble) specified. A mapping of stub->object is stored internally as a dict in the organs variable.
method initialize
Called during the constructor to set up all local variables and data structures. It is a seperate method to ensure inheritence chains predictably and also to keep us from having to pass along the constructor's arguments.
method InitializePublic
Provide a default value for all options and publically declared variables, and locks the pipeline mutex to prevent signal processing while the contructor is still running. A call to this method is automatically injected into the constructor by the Tao preprocessor's constructor keyword.
Note, by default a Tao object will ignore signals until a later call to my lock remove pipeline
method lock active
Return a list of active locks.
method lock create lock ?lock...?
Add all arguments as locks if they are not already in the list of locks.
method lock peek lock ?lock...?
Returns true if any of the locks specified is active.
method lock remove lock ?lock...?
Remove the locks specified. If the last lock has been removed, a call to lock remove_all is made.
method lock remove_all
Removes all locks and makes a call to Signal_schedule
method message error error errorInfo
Process a background error
method morph newclass
Have this object transition to newclass (if it isn't already that class).
The following snippet describes the steps:
my action morph_leave
oo::objdefine [self] class ::${newclass}
my variable config
set savestate $config
my InitializePublic
my Config_set $savestate
my action morph_enter
The InitializePublic call ensures that any internal variables and options that are declared in the new class, but not present in the current class, are initialized.
method mutex down flag
Remove mutex flag. Return 1 if the mutex was active, 0 otherwise.
method mutex peek flag
Return 1 if mutex flag is active, 0 otherwise.
method mutex up flag
Attempt to establish a mutex flag. If mutex is already active, return 1. If a new mutex was successfully established, return 0.
Ensemble notify eventtype info
Process an incoming notification of eventtime immediately.
Ensemble Option_set field newvalue
Called by config set_triggers
Process and incoming change to an option.
method OptionsMirrored stub
Return a list of options which should be mirrored to an object attached as <stub>.
method organ ?stub?
Return the path to the object attached as <stub>. If stub not given, return a key/value list of all stubs and objects.
method Prefs_Load
Load persistant preferences for this object. (Empty method)
method Prefs_Store dictargs
Store persistant preferences for this object. (Empty method)
method private method ?args...?
Invoke a normally private method publically.
method signal ?signal signal...?
Generate a signal, which will ultimately schedule a call to Signal_schedule. The call of one signal can trigger or suppress other signals. See signals