clay-event(n) 0.2 clay-event "Clay Event Manager"


clay-event - Event Interface for Clay

Table Of Contents




proc clay::event::cancel self ?task *?

Cancel a scheduled event

proc clay::event::generate self event ?args?

Generate an event Adds a subscription mechanism for objects to see who has recieved this event and prevent spamming or infinite recursion

proc clay::event::nextid
proc clay::event::Notification_list self event ?stackvar ?

Called recursively to produce a list of who recieves notifications

proc clay::event::notify rcpt sender event eventinfo

Final delivery to intended recipient object

proc clay::event::process self handle script

Evaluate an event script in the global namespace

proc clay::event::schedule self handle interval script

Schedule an event to occur later

proc clay::event::subscribe self who event

Subscribe an object to an event pattern

proc clay::event::unsubscribe self ?args?

Unsubscribe an object from an event pattern


Class clay::object

Modify the fundamental clay::object class to add Tk-like Option handling


method config method ?args?

A public method to expose the private Config_ methods. These methods access and alter an internal dictionary named config.

method Config_Default field

Returns the default value for field as specified in the default attribute for field's definition. If default-command was specified that script is evaluated instead.

method Config_add field ?args?

Adds a value to an entry in the config dict

method Config_dump

Returns the entire contents of the config dictionary

method Config_exists field

Returns true if field exists in the internal config dictionary.

method Config_get field ?args?

Returns a value. If the value exists in the internal config dictionary, that value is returned. If that value does not exist, an alias for that field is sought out. If that value still does not exist, the internal option system is consulted for a default value. If that does not exist, the option section of clay is consulted

method Config_id ?args?

Return the ID of this node. If no id was set, a new id is randomly generated as a shortened GUUID.

method Config_initialize ?args?

Trigger special behaviors to key/value fields in the initial configuration of a node.

method Config_label ?args?

Set or access the label field in the config dictionary

method Config_merge ?dictargs?

Merge the contents of dictargs with the internal config dictionary

method Config_Mixin field value

Calculate an class mixin name from a field/value pair

method Config_remove field ?args?

Remove an element from a config dictionary value

method Config_set ?args?

Set a value in the internal config dictionary, and trigger any behaviors that are scripted to occur as a result of that value being modified

method Config_triggers ?dictargs?

React to changes in config dictionary


TclOO, clay, oo


Programming tools