
Artifact [2eaf122a47]

Artifact 2eaf122a47d02fbdf2a97e420bbd5177326f1c180f952bb3d2fae1c77bd7f66c:

# ![Slang](

> *The "simple" lang...*


Slang is a purposefully weird, toy scripting language that seeks to evaluate basic programs in a REPL environment that can take user input, or a file, and run it.
Influences are raw-text notes, shopping/todo lists, (Intel syntax) Assembly, Gravity, HolyC, Ocaml, Pseudocode, and Nim.

## Requirements

Default development environment: OpenBSD (amd64) with default `cc` (`clang`).
C99-capable C compiler.

### Dependencies

There are no external dependencies, though the following C libs are used:

- `stdio.h`
- `stdlib.h`
- `string.h`

## Building

The build system currently uses `ksh`, though the script is intended to be minimalistic to work on other shells as well.
It'll eventually mosey on over to `make` but for now, meh...

`cc main.c -o slang` or `./`

### Modifying

To quickly change the syntax of slang to meet yer likin', edit the barrage of `#define` statements in the `slang_syntax.h` file.