The provider class creates an object instance for an OData service provider.
The created instance is then configured to define the service and the code
that handles
- provider add itemType itemName ?args...??
Add the item named itemName of the type itemType to the
provider, where itemType is:
- action
Add an unbound action to the service. This type will take one
additional optional argument, parameterDict, which is a parameter dictionary that defines the action.
- entitySet
- Add an entity set to the service.This takes one additional optional
argument, a dictionary describing the type.
- function
Add an unbound function to the service. This type will take one
additional optional argument, parameterDict, which is a parameter dictionary that defines the function.
- type
- Add an type to the service. This takes one additional optional
argument, a dictionary describing the type.
- provider associate itemType itemName handlerCommand
This associates a command, handlerCommand, to handle
request/invokcations of the item. , where itemType is:
- action
See Unbound
Action/Function Command Interface Specificationfor
- entitySet
See Entity Handler
Command Interface Specification for details.
- function
See Unbound
Action/Function Command Interface Specificationfor
- type
Add an type to the service. This takes one additional optional
argument, a dictionary describing the type.
- provider delete itemType itemName
Remove from the service definition the item specified by itemName
and of the type specified by itemType, where itemType is one of:
- action
- entitySet
- function
- type
- provider dispatch url
This subcommand is called by the web server to have a cause the service
to process a request.
- provider export
This command returns the "parsed" definition of the service. It can be
saved (e.g. to a file) and later used by the load
- provider import metaData
Parse a Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) that describes the
service to define the service. When using this approch, you must
associate handlers to the Entity Sets, Unbound
Actions and Unbound Functions.
- provider info subCommand ?arg ...?
This method is used to query information about the service and its compontents.
Valid subCommand are:
- actions
- Returns a list of unbound actions advertised by the service.
- action unboundActionName
- Returns a dictionary (see parameter
dictionary) describing the parameters and return value of
the action with the name unboundActionName. If no such action
exists, an error will be raised.
- entitySets
- Returns a list of entiy sets advertised by the service.
- entitySet entitySetName
- Returns a dictionary describing entitySetName. The dictionary is structured as follows:
- Handler
- The name of the registered handler command.
- Type
- The type of items (aka entities) that compose the entity set.
- Singleton
- A boolean indicating if this entity set represents a singleton.
- functions
- Returns a list of unbound functions advertised by the service.
- function unboundFunctionName
- Returns a dictionary (see parameter
dictionary) describing the parameters and return value of
the function with the name unbounFunctionName. If no such fuction
exists, an error will be raised.
- properties
- Returns a list of services properties of the service.
- property propertyNAme
- Returns the value of the service property specified by propertyName.
- types
- Returns a list of types that the service uses.
- type typeName item
- This subcommand returns dictionary describing type. Valid keys are:
- properties
- Returns a list of the pairs that are the property name and its data type for this type.
- relationships
- Returns a list of other types that this type has a relationship to.
- keys
- Returns a list of the properties that are keys, if any, for this type.
- provider load parsedServiceDefinition
Load a parsedServiceDefinition, produced by the export subcommand, to define the service.
- provider redefine entityNameSet
This subcommand is used to discard and redefine the definition of an EntitySet.
- provider set servicePropertyName value
This command is used to set the value of a service property, supported
properties are:
- ServiceBaseURL
The base URL prepended to all of the service URLs by the web
While the odata::Provider class has several non-exported methods, the are
considered "private" and as such their APIs are subject to change without notice
and not supported; thus the non-exported methods should not be used.
Entity Handler Command Interface Specification
Unbound Action/Function Command Interface Specification
This dictionary has the following structure (note either key may be absent if
not used by the action/function):
- Handler
- The name of the registered handler command.
- Inputs
- A dictionary representing the input parameters. The keys are the
parameter name and the value is a dictionary with the following
- Type (this key is always present)
- The type of what item is to be passed in.
- Nullable (this key is always present)
- A boolean indicating if the parameter is optional.
- MaxLength
- Specifies the maximum length of the parameter value. The percise
meaning is dependent on the actual parameter type.
- Precision
- Specifies the precision of the parameter value. The percise meaning
is dependent on the actual return type.
- Scale
- Specifies the precision of the parameter value. The percise meaning is
dependent on the actual return type.
- Identifies which spatial reference system is applied to parameter
value. This is only present for spatial data types.
- Returns
- A dictionary representing with the following keys:
- Class (this key is always present)
- The class of what is returned. It will be either Collection or Item.
- Type (this key is always present)
- The type of what item(s) returned.
- Nullable (this key is always present)
- A boolean indicating if a null value or empty collection may be returned.
- MaxLength
- Specifies the maximum length of the return value. The percise
meaning is dependent on the actual return type.
- Precision
- Specifies the precision of the return value. The percise meaning
is dependent on the actual return type.
- Scale
- Specifies the precision of the return value. The percise meaning is
dependent on the actual return type.
- Identifies which spatial reference system is applied to returned
value. This is only present for spatial data types.
Copyright © 2017 Gerald W. Lester