**Understanding Pharo built-in data types**
#Pseudo variables
#Characters, Strings and Symbols
#Literal and dynamic arrays
We provide an overview of the built-in data types with dediacted syntax provided by Pharo, namely booleans, characters, strings, symbols, arrays and blocks. **Opinión:** tipos de datos incorporados con sintaxis separada proporcionada por booleanos, caracteres, cadenas, simbolos, matrices y bloques. **Pregunta:** ¿son operados que nos indican cuando no ha sido leido en su totalidad un texto por ser demasiado extenso?
Smalltalk has just six reserved keywords, each of which represents a particular object value.
`nil` represents the default value of an uninitialized variables, and is the unique instance of the class {{gtClass:name=UndefinedObject}}. You can test if a variable is nil bey sending it `#isNil`:
`true` and `false` are booleans, described next.
`self` and `super` are used in methods, and both represent the receiver. The difference is the way in which methods are looked up when they are sent messages. For details, see [[Understanding self and super]].
**Otras fuentes:** el super es pseudovariable muy parecida a self (lenguaje de programación: wikipedia y/o sitio oficial **Pregunta:** ¿como visualizar lo que diferencia una de la otra?
`thisContext` represents the reification of the run-time stack. For details, see [[Understanding reflection]].
In Smalltalk, everything is an object, even booleans.
`true` and `false` are the unique instances, respectively, of the classes {{gtClass:name=True}} and {{gtClass:name=False}}, both subclasses of {{gtClass:name=Boolean}}:
GtMondrianDomainExamples new classHierarchyFor: Boolean withAllSubclasses
{{gtClass:name=Boolean}} consists mostly of abstract methods that are differently implemented by each of its subclasses, and generic methods that are the same for both.
Have a look at the different `&` method implementations of `true` and `false` (click on the grey triangles):
**Pregunta:** ¿Por queal realizar la visualizacion de la ecuación anterior el resultado es el mismo?
Numbers are also organized as a hierarchy, with {{gtClass:name=Number}} as the abstract root of the hierarchy:
GtMondrianDomainExamples new classHierarchyFor: Number withAllSubclasses
Smalltalk provides dedicated syntax for several kinds of numbers. Integers can be expressed either in plain decimal or radix syntax. Here we see decimal as well as binary and hexidecimal notations:
**Pregunta:** ¿las anotaciones, decimales, binarias y hexadecimales el resultado siempre será positivo?
The maximum size of a {{gtClass:name=SmallInteger}} is:
However, if you increment this value, Pharo automatically converts it to a {{gtClass:name=LargeInteger}}:
Decrementing this value will, of course, result in a SmallInteger again.
Smalltalk can happily deal with very large integers:
Floats can be expressed either using plain floating point or scientific notation:
There is no dedicated syntax for fractions. Instead the factory method `/` is used as a conmvenient way to create them:
Characters are prefeixed by a dollar sign (`$`), while strings are dekimited by single quotes (`'`):
Untypeable characters can be created by sending dedicated instance creation methods to the {{gtClass:name=Character}} class:
Note that we can concatenate strings by sending the binary `#,` message, while characters can be converted to strings by sending the `#asString` message.
We can compare the *values* of two objects with the `#=` message, and their *identity* with the `#==` message. Two strings can have the same value but be two separate objects:
*Symbols* are similar to strings, but start with a hash (#). They have the added property that they are globally unique.
Arrays are a very basic form of Sequenceable Collection, as seen in this extract of the {{gtClass:name=Collection}} hierarchy:
GtMondrianDomainExamples new classHierarchyFor: { Collection. SequenceableCollection. ArrayedCollection. Array. String. ByteString. Symbol. OrderedCollection. }
If you need a list of objects, you will normally work with a growable {{gtClass:name=OrderedCollection}}, but fixed-size Arrays are also convenient as Pharo provides dedicated syntax for both *literal* and *dynamic* arrays.
**Literal arrays** are computed at parse time. They are expressed as a hash (`#`) followed by a list of literal values enclosed in parentheses:
Note that, although we can have nested literal arrays, no expressions are dynamically evaluated, so `3`, `/`, and `4` are treated as three separate literals.
**Dynamic arrays** are evaluated at run time. They consist of a sequence of expressions delimited by curly braces and separated by periods:
**Pregunta:** ¿Porque el resultado es siempre true?
It is common to use array syntax to build a list, and then send it `#asOrderedCollection` to convert it:
Blocks are Smalltalks anonymous functions, or *lambdas*. They are expressed as a sequence of statements enclosed in square brackets.
A block is evaluated by sending it the message `#value`:
Blocks may also declare a number of formal parameters, as well as local temporary variables:
To evaluate a block with one argument, send it `#value:`. To evaluate one with two arguments, send it `#value:value:`, and so on.
A block is a *closure*, i.e., it may capture any variables in its lexical environment. Even if the value of the block is passed out to other environments, it continues to hold references to any of the captuired variables:
*Caveat:* Although the return operator (`^`) may be used within a block, its effect is not to return from the block, but to return from the enclosing method.
**Pregunta:** ¿Se presenta algún error al momento es que se quiere capturar cualquier variable en el entorno léxico? **Apunte:** Entorno léxico: es donde esta puesto un código, es decir todo el entorno que rodea donde esta escrito el código