D 2017-11-08T02:18:54.965 L binconvert N text/x-markdown P 29e7821cf4df3a79b65f6466db3bb60d109f3228 U erikj W 1158 # binconvert This package is in the process of being enhanced and re-hosted at Chisel. The process is expected to complete in November 2017. ### About Binconvert is a Tcl package that reads & writes EEPROM memory files in multiple formats (Motorola S-REC, Intel Hex, TI Txt, raw binary). Within Tcl, the information in the files is available for use as a Segment List, i.e. a list of segments in address/datablock pairs. ### Documentation Binconvert is written for use with the [pycco](https://pycco-docs.github.io/pycco/) documentation generator in a literate programming style. Generated documentation can be found [here](https://chiselapp.com/user/erikj/repository/binconvert/doc/tip/docs/binconvert.html) and [here](https://chiselapp.com/user/erikj/repository/binconvert/doc/tip/docs/index.html).. ### Installation Download the teacup file to your local system. From a command line in that directory: teacup install binconvert.tm ### Example usage set bindata [binconvert readFile srec inputFile.S28] set bindata [you_can_process_the_data $bindata] binconvert writeFile i16hex $bindata outputFile.hex Z 2db5e5c2678c8013f4551a371b599ebc