Examples of Usage
The following examples were taken from the regression test script.
Object setup:
package require autoObject
set firstDefList {
FieldOne {0 4 uint32_t 1 }
FieldTwo {4 1 uint8_t 150 }
FieldThree {5 3 uint8_t[3] {1 2 3} }
FieldFour {8 4 float_t 3.141590118408203 }
FieldFive {12 2 uint16_t 50000 }
FieldSix {14 1 int8_t -5 }
FieldSeven {15 4 time_t "" {"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"} }
StrField {20 15 string_t "How you like me now?" 15 }
set firstObject [autoObject new $firstDefList]
Human-readable output:
puts [$firstObject toString]
FieldOne: 1
FieldTwo: 150
FieldThree: 1 2 3
FieldFour: 3.141590
FieldFive: 50000
FieldSix: -5
FieldSeven: {"2017-08-03 16:12:09"}
StrField: "How you like me"
Changing field values, getting fields, and outputting list form:
$firstObject set FieldThree {4 5 6} FieldOne 987654321
puts [$firstObject get]
puts "Twice FieldTwo is: [expr {[$firstObject get FieldTwo] * 2}]"
puts "To List: [$firstObject toList]"
FieldOne 987654321 FieldTwo 150 FieldThree {4 5 6} FieldFour 3.141590118408203 FieldFive 50000 FieldSix -5 FieldSeven {"1969-12-31 16:00:00"}
Twice FieldTwo is: 300
To List: 177 104 222 58 150 4 5 6 208 15 73 64 80 195 251 201 173 131 89 1 72 111 119 32 121 111 117 32 108 105 107 101 32 109 101
And setting all fields from a byte stream:
set list1 {1 0 1 0 96 10 9 -10 -48 99 73 64 120 232 175 0 0 0 0 2 \
110 111 119 44 32 109 111 116 104 101 114 102 42 42 42}
$firstObject fromList $list1
puts "From modified list:"
puts [$firstObject toString]
puts "Twice FieldTwo is: [expr {[$firstObject get FieldTwo] * 2}]"
From modified list:
FieldOne: 65537
FieldTwo: 96
FieldThree: 10 9 246
FieldFour: 3.146717
FieldFive: 59512
FieldSix: -81
FieldSeven: {"1969-12-31 16:00:00"}
StrField: "now, motherf***"
Twice FieldTwo is: 192