Copyright 2019, Erik N. Johnson
This software is distributed under the MIT 3-clause license (../License.ENJ).
Preamble for all tests
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
lappend auto_path ".."
package require autoObject
Series of tests creating and testing the functions of an object with no fields defined or handler classes mixed in. Tests all base-class functions (e.g., configure & cget) that do not need the mixin classes, and tests the null-case handlers for the mixin mechanisms.
puts ""
puts ""
puts "\tEmpty Object Tests"
puts ""
test empty_objectCreate {
Empty Object Tests: Create object with empty definition list.
} -body {
set emptyObj [autoObject new {}]
} -match glob -result "::oo::Obj*"
test empty_objectType { Empty object: Verify object is the correct class } -body {
return [info object isa typeof $emptyObj ::autoObject]
} -result 1
test empty_objectValidate { Empty object: validate } -body {
$emptyObj validate
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION >= 1.0
} -result true
test empty_cgetInitialized { Empty object: cget initialized } -body {
$emptyObj cget -initialized
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result false
test empty_isInitializedNot { Empty object: isInitialized s/b false} -body {
$emptyObj isInitialized
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION < 1.0
} -result false
test empty_cgetLevel {Empty object cget -level} -body {
$emptyObj cget -level
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result "warn"
test empty_configureLevel {Empty object: configure -level} -body {
$emptyObj configure -level error
$emptyObj cget -level
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result error
test empty_configureAll {
Empty object: configure {} should return all options
} -body {
$emptyObj configure
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result {-initialized false -level error}
Set level back to warn before next test if possible
if {$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10} {
$emptyObj configure -level warn
test empty_getUninitialized { Empty object: get when uninitialized } -body {
$emptyObj get
} -match glob -output "* \\\[\:\:autoObject\] \\\[warn\] 'Reading from uninitialized object * of type ::autoObject'\n"
test empty_configureInit {Empty object: configure -initialized} -body {
$emptyObj configure -initialized true
$emptyObj cget -initialized
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result true
test empty_initializedGet {} -body {
$emptyObj get
} -result {}
test empty_isInitialized { Empty object: isInitialized s/b true} -body {
$emptyObj isInitialized
} -constraints {
$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION < 1.0
} -result true
test empty_toString {Empty object toString} -body {
$emptyObj toString
} -result ""
test empty_toList {Empty object toList} -body {
$emptyObj toList
} -result {}
test empty_setNothing {Empty object set} -body {
$emptyObj set
} -result {}
test empty_fromList {Empty object fromList} -body {
$emptyObj fromList {}
} -result {}
test empty_toString2 {Empty object toString post fromList} -body {
$emptyObj toString
} -result ""