

Copyright 2019, Erik N. Johnson

This software is distributed under the MIT 3-clause license (../License.ENJ).



Preamble for all tests

package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*

lappend auto_path ".."
package require autoObject

Empty Object Tests

Series of tests creating and testing the functions of an object with no fields defined or handler classes mixed in. Tests all base-class functions (e.g., configure & cget) that do not need the mixin classes, and tests the null-case handlers for the mixin mechanisms.

puts ""
puts ""
puts "\tEmpty Object Tests"
puts ""

test empty_objectCreate {
    Empty Object Tests:  Create object with empty definition list.
} -body {
    set emptyObj [autoObject new {}]
} -match glob -result "::oo::Obj*"

test empty_objectType { Empty object:  Verify object is the correct class } -body {
    return [info object isa typeof $emptyObj ::autoObject]
} -result 1

test empty_objectValidate { Empty object:  validate } -body {
    $emptyObj validate
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION >= 1.0
} -result true

test empty_cgetInitialized { Empty object:  cget initialized } -body {
    $emptyObj cget -initialized
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result false

test empty_isInitializedNot { Empty object: isInitialized s/b false} -body {
    $emptyObj isInitialized
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION < 1.0
} -result false

test empty_cgetLevel {Empty object cget -level} -body {
    $emptyObj cget -level
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result "warn"

test empty_configureLevel {Empty object:  configure -level} -body {
    $emptyObj configure -level error
    $emptyObj cget -level
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result error

test empty_configureAll {
    Empty object:  configure {} should return all options
} -body {
    $emptyObj configure
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result {-initialized false -level error}

Set level back to warn before next test if possible

if {$::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10} {
    $emptyObj configure -level warn

test empty_getUninitialized { Empty object:  get when uninitialized } -body {
    $emptyObj get
} -match glob -output  "* \\\[\:\:autoObject\] \\\[warn\] 'Reading from uninitialized object * of type ::autoObject'\n"

test empty_configureInit {Empty object:  configure -initialized} -body {
    $emptyObj configure -initialized true
    $emptyObj cget -initialized
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION > 0.10
} -result true

test empty_initializedGet  {} -body {
    $emptyObj get
} -result {}

test empty_isInitialized { Empty object: isInitialized s/b true} -body {
    $emptyObj isInitialized
} -constraints {
    $::AutoObject::AUTOOBJECT_VERSION < 1.0
} -result true

test empty_toString {Empty object toString} -body {
    $emptyObj toString
} -result ""

test empty_toList {Empty object toList} -body {
    $emptyObj toList
} -result {}

test empty_setNothing {Empty object set} -body {
    $emptyObj set
} -result {}

test empty_fromList {Empty object fromList} -body {
    $emptyObj fromList {}
} -result {}

test empty_toString2 {Empty object toString post fromList} -body {
    $emptyObj toString
} -result ""
