retro  Version Update Information

Retro started from Euler 3.04

Euler 3.04 : - markerstyle and linestyle return the previous settings.

Util 3.04 : - xgrid and ygrid are no longer resetting the marker style.

Euler 3.03 - cols and rows work for complex numbers now. - cols works for strings.

Euler 3.02 : - plotarea works like plot concerning setplot parameters.

Util 3.02 : - xplot and xmark respect setplot parameters. - xplot does no longer erase the plot.

Euler 3.01 : - cols and rows defined. - minput produces a value.

Util 3.01 : - cols and rows substitutes length. - eigen corrected.

Euler 3.00 : Util 3.00 : First Version with a number. - Tracing defined. - Version number appears at start of Euler.