retro  Documentation

Retro, a numerical laboratory

Version 1.00



The idea of Retro is a system with the following features:

  • Interactive evaluation of numerical expressions with real or complex values, vectors and matrices, including use of variables.
  • Built in functions that can take vectors as input and are then evaluated for each element of the vector or matrix.
  • Matrix functions.
  • Statistical functions and random numbers.
  • 2D- and 3D-plots.
  • A built in programming language which allows to define user functions with parameters and local variables.
  • A tracing feature for debug purpose.
  • An online help.

These features make Retro an ideal tool for the tasks such as:

  • Inspecting and discussing functions of one real or complex variable.
  • Viewing surfaces in parameter representation.
  • Linear algebra and eigenvalue computation.
  • Testing numerical algorithms.
  • Solving differential equations numerically.
  • Computing polynomials.


Installing and running Retro

From the root directory of the project, in a shell console

make install

will compile the source code into two programs:

  • retro a console program which provides a command line interface,
  • xretro which provides command line editing and graphing features in a basic X11 interface.

and will install them to the /usr/local/bin directory and will copy the files progs/*.e to the /usr/share/retro/progs directory. These are function module files that you will be able to load at demand.

It is a good idea to create a .retro/progs directory in your local directory as well (though it is not done by the install process).

retro -h
Use: retro [-s KB] [-q] files

xretro -h
Use: xretro  [-d DISPLAY] [-geom GEOMETRY] [-f FONT] [-g FONT]
[-0..15 COLOR] [-s KBYTES] files

gives the available command line parameters

  • -s KBYTES: size of the calculation stack.
  • -q: quiet. Used to disable echoing of commands, and get only the output results.
  • -d: the display to be used.
  • -geom WxH: size of the X11 window (defaults to 800x600).
  • files: a list of files containing commands, user functions, expression to evaluate. They are searched for in different directories in the following order:

    • the current directory
    • ~/.retro/progs
    • INSTALL_DIR/share/retro/progs

    The first and last directories in the list are mandatory. ~/.retro/progs can be replaced by a list of directories provided by the RETRO environment variable if it is defined. The directories must be separated by colons (:). The first directory will be searched first.

    A special file retro.e must exist. It allows to initialize the environment, loading standard modules, for example. It is executed before any other file. It is searched in the same search path list as other files.

Example running the script hello.e

  • create a file hello.e with a text editor

    put inside

    "Hello World!"
  • execute it

    retro -q hello.e

will print on the console the classical Hello World!.

Note that without the -q option, the program prints a welcome message before executing our script. Without the quit command in the script, the program enters the interactive mode after executing the script content.

Running xretro with or without files in the command line parameters will send you to the interactive console after executing the files. The program will then prompt for input.


The command line interface

Text can be entered after the prompt (>) using the keyboard. If a letter is mistyped, it can be cancelled with the Backspace key. The cursor keys -> and <- position the cursor back and forth in the line. The line editor is always in insert mode, so any character is inserted at the cursor position. Shift plus <- positions the cursor to the beginning of the line, and Shift plus -> to the end of the line. Clr-Home clears all input (Contrl-Up or Escape on some machines). Control plus -> or <- position the cursor one word to the right or left. Finally, the input is entered by pressing Return. Then Retro will start to interpret the command. Note, that the cursor can be at any position of the input line, when Return is pressed.

Previous input can be recalled with the cursor-up and cursor-down keys. If a command is recalled this way and entered with Return, cursor-down recalls the next command; i.e., cursor-up and cursor-down are always based on the last recalled command. Pressing Clr-Home (see above) not only clears the input line, but also makes the last command the base for recalling. Thus Clr-Home plus cursor-up recalls the previous command.

Pressing the Help key (or the insert key, depending on the version) extends incomplete commands. Pressing this key again gives another extension, if there is one. The search goes through the command history, the implemented functions, the user defined functions and the builtin commands in that order.

There are some other special keys. The Tabulator (TAB, or some other key, depending on the program version) key switches to the Graphics screen and from there any key switches back. The Esc key stops any running Retro program and some internal functions, like the 3-dimensional plots, the linear equation solver and the polynomial root finder.

Input can spread over several lines by the use of "...". The three dots are allowed at any place, where a space is acceptable. E.g.

>3+ ... some comment

is equivalent to


Comments can follow the "..." and are skipped.

The function keys may be programmed by the command


The number must be between 1 and 12 and the "text" may be any Retro string. Then the corresponding function key will produce the text, when it is pressed. A " can be escaped or one can use char(34) and the string concatenation. For example,

>setkey(1,"load \"test\";");

will put load "test"; on the function key F1 push.

By default, Retro doesn't save neither the command entered nor the output results. This behavior can be changed using the dump command

>dump savefile.txt
> ... extra commands

All the commands and expressions entered between the two dump and the corresponding output results will be saved in the savefile.txt file.

[TODO: It would be nice to have a -o option allowing to save everything in a file entered at startup]


Loading a file

To abbreviate tedious input one may generate a file containing Retro commands. This file can be generated with any editor. To load that file enter

>load filename

All lines of that file are then interpreted just as any other input from the keyboard. Also a loaded file may itself contain a load command. If an error occurs, the loading is stopped and an error message is displayed. There is a default extension ".e", which you should use for your files. You need not specify this extension in the load command.

The best use of a load file is to define functions in that file. See programming Retro.


A quick demo

The best way to get a good idea of Retro is to run the demo. To do that issue the command

>load demo

Do not enter the prompt ">" and press the Return key.

You can learn a lot by studying the demo file.


Getting help

One can get online help, using the command help

>help cmd

It will show the help text of the cmd (see "programming Retro").

[TODO: review the help system]



Entering input

Retro is all about evaluating inputs which can be either a "command", an "expression" including numerical litterals and operators, variables and builin or user defined functions, or an "assignment" allowing to define new variables dynamically.

An example for a command is


which quits the program.

An expression is a valid Retro expression, which can be evaluated.

Hence, the expression


is evaluated and the result 6.4641 is displayed.

Expression use normal mathematical notations, and so may be shaped with number litterals, variables, builtin or user defined functions and operators.

Of course, one can use the round brackets ( and ) to group expressions like in


Expression evaluation is done according to operator precedence defined below and uses a stack to store intermediate results.

builtin and user defined functions, accessing variables () [] [highest priority]
"^" "'" exponent, transpose
"*" "/" "." element wise multiply and divide, matrix multiply
"+" "-" add, substract
":" ": :" vectorize
"!" "<" "<=" "==" "~=" "!=" ">=" ">" "|" "_" complement, compare, horizontal and vertical concatenate
"||" "&&" logical or / and [lowest priority]

Operation yielding a boolean result ("!" "<" "<=" "==" "~=" "!=" ">=" ">" "||" "&&") will give the numerical values 1 for true and 0 for false.

An assignment looks like


It assigns the expression evaluation result to the variable defined by variablename. If the expression is followed by a ";", then the printing is skipped. The expression may be followed by "," (or nothing), which prints the result of the expression evaluation.

This makes sense, since it may be the result of be an intermediate calculus and hence we don't need to display it, or the user does not want to see the long output corresponding to the result of the expression evaluation.

There are also multiple assignments (see below).


Data types

Variables are defined dynamically and data types are assigned according to the data type of the result. Possible data types are:

  • real numbers
  • complex numbers
  • real matrices
  • complex matrices
  • strings

The basic constant expressions are numbers. Those are entered in the usual form 100, 100.0, 1e2, 1.0e+2, or 1k (1e3), 1u (1e-3). The letter e or E indicates powers of 10. Letters ... T, G, M, k or K, m, u, n, p ,f ... are recognized as multiple or submultiple of engineering units.

m = milli = 1e-3 k = kilo = 1e+3 or (K)
u = micro = 1e-6 M = mega = 1e+6
n = nano = 1e-9 G = giga = 1e+9
p = pico = 1e-12 T = tera = 1e+12
f = femto = 1e-15 P = peta = 1e+15
a = atto = 1e-18 E = exa = 1e+18
z = zepto = 1e-21 Z = zetta = 1e+21
y = yocto = 1e-24 Y = yotta = 1e+24

A suffix "i" indicates multiples of the complex imaginary unit "i". "1+1i" is in fact a sum of 1 and 1i.

Retro tries to keep an evaluation real. But as soon, as complex data is involved the computation gets complex. That is why


results in NaN (not a number), but


gives 0+1*i. complex(x) is a way to turn a number complex.

Real and complex matrices can be defined and used in expressions. For a detailed overview, go the Matrix language section.

Number formatting

Retro use the IEEE 64 bit double precision floating point encoding to represent numbers. It allows a 16 decimal digit representation of numbers.

The printing format is determined by the function


where flavour is one of the five ways of formatting numbers and n is the total width of print and m is either the number of significant digits displayed or the number of digits after the decimal dot. It returns the vector value [n,m].

flavor n m comment
"STD" width in chars nb of significant digits smart display: use fixed or scientiic display depending on the value
"FIXED" width in chars nb of digits after the decimal dot fixed display
"SCI" width in chars nb of significant digits scientific display: mantissa*1E[+-]exponent, with 1<mantissa<10
"ENG1" width in chars nb of significant digits engineering display: use exponent multiple of 3
"ENG2" width in chars nb of significant digits plain text engineering displat: use letters to represent powers of 10

Setting n to 0 will trigger automatic calculation of the width relative to the flavour used and the value of m.

Simplified functions are available

>longformat()             ... format("STD",[0,16])
>shortformat()            ... format("STD",[0,6])
>stdformat(m=6)           ... format("STD",[0,m]) where m defaults to 6
>sciformat(m=6)           ... format("SCI",[0,m]) where m defaults to 6
>fixedformat(m=6)         ... format("FIXED",[0,m]) where m defaults to 6
>eng1format(m=6)          ... format("ENG1",[0,m]) where m defaults to 6
>eng2format(m=6)          ... format("ENG2",[0,m]) where m defaults to 6

The effect of the different flavours is illustrated below







Strings are only used for explaining output, file names and function key texts. There are only a few string operators: the concatenation | and comparison <, <=, ==, !=, =>, >.

String constants are enclosed in double quotes, like in

>s="This is a text"

A " can be escaped in a string constant like

>s="say \"Hello!\""

Finally strings can expand over several lines


provides "A\nmultiline\nstring".

There are a few builtin function which can produce strings:

char(n) A single character string with ASCII code n
printf("fmt", var) C like formatting of a real data

All these data are kept on the stack. Usually, the user does not have to worry about the stack, since Retro uses normal mathematical notation for expressions. Internally, the evaluation of an expression uses the stack rather heavily.

A list of all defined variables with their type information can be get by the command


If a variable, used in an expression, is undefined, interpreting the expression will stop with an error message.


Commands, builtin and user defined functions

Finally, we remark that the data explained in this section are different from builtin functions which can be used in the same places as user defined functions. There are also "commands", which cannot be used in expressions. Builtin functions and commands are part of the code of Retro.

Command, builtin and user defined function list can be displayed with the list command.

  *** Builtin functions:
abs            acos           any            arg            argn           args           asin           atan           band           bandmult       
bin            ceil           char           charpoly       chidis         color          cols           complex        conj           contour        
cos            count          ctext          cumprod        cumsum         density        diag           diag           dup            epsilon        
error          errorlevel     eval           exp            extrema        fak            fdis           fft            find           flipx          
flipy          floor          format         frame          framecolor     free           hb             holding        holding        huecolor       
huegrid        ifft           im             index          input          interp         interpret      interpval      invnormaldis   invtdis        
iscomplex      isfunction     isreal         isstring       isvar          jacobi         key            lineinput      linestyle      linewidth      
log            lu             lusolve        mark           markerstyle    matrix         max            max            mesh           meshfactor     
min            min            mod            mouse          name           nonzeros       normal         normaldis      ones           pi             
pixel          plot           plot           plotarea       polyadd        polycons       polydiv        polymult       polyroot       polysolve      
polytrans      polytrunc      polyval        printf         prod           project        random         re             restore        round          
rows           rtext          scale          scaling        setdiag        setepsilon     setkey         setplot        sign           sin            
size           solid          solid          solidhue       sort           sqrt           store          style          subplot        sum            
symmult        tan            tdis           text           textcolor      textsize       time           triangles      twosides       view           
view           wait           window         window         wire           wirecolor      zeros          

  *** Commands:
break          cd             clear          clg            cls            comment        dir            do             dump           else           
elseif         end            endif          exec           for            forget         function       global         help           hexdump        
hold           if             list           listvar        load           loop           memorydump     meta           output         quit           
remove         repeat         return         shg            trace          type           

  *** Your functions:
solidhue       density        framedwire     framedsolidhue framedsolid    scaleframe     frame2         frame1         framexmym      framexmyp      
framexpym      framexpyp      framez1        framez0        getframe       view           text           ctext          window         plotwindow     
cplot          mark           plot           ygrid          xgrid          niceform       histogram      fplot          setplotm       xmark          
xplot          logticks2      logticks       ticks          setplot        shrinkwindow   fullwindow     textwidth      textheight     xlabel         
title          select         xsubplot       splineval      spline         remez          remezhelp      iterate        map            broyden        
gauss          gauss10        romberg        simpson        secant         bisect         heun           arcosh         arsinh         cosh           
sinh           log10          totalmax       totalmin       totalsum       field          polyfit        polydif        hilb           eigennewton    
eigen1         eigenremove    eigenspace1    eigen          eigenspace     eigenvalues    det            image          kernel         fit            
inv            id             matrix         zeros          ones           random         normal         diag           write          writeform      
length         equispace      linspace       shortformat    longformat     format         wait           reset          

Commands constitute the core interface of Retro. They can be dispatched in the following categories.

  • file system interaction

    exec appname execute an external application [disabled]
    cd [path] change directory. Without an argument, the current path is displayed. With an argument, the current directory is changed. The path can be absolute or relative to the current directory.
    dir [pattern] display the directory content according to the pattern. Simple wildcard patterns can be used (*.e, zzz?.txt, ...). Without a pattern, the whole content of the directory is displayed.
    rm file remove the file or dir from disk [disabled]
    dump [textfile] with an argument, starts appending the text console to the specified text file. Without an argument, it stops to echo to the text file.
    load filename.e load a module containing user defined function and expression to evaluate. the path file can be locates with an absolute path or a relative one to the current directory or to the same search directory list applicable when loading files given on the command line.
    meta filename store the graphics window in a device-independent manner.
    store filename save the current calculation stack to the specified file.
    restore filename reload the calculation stack content from the specified file. store/restore define a way to save and reload a session with all its functions and global variables.
  • console/graphical display interaction

    quit quit the program (beware: no chance to save the content!)
    cls clear the text console.
    output on/off enable/disable the outputing of results in the text console (default: on).
    clg clear the graphics screen.
    shg toggle between text and graphics screens.
    hold on/off enable/disable the persistence for the graphics screen (default: off). See [Plotting].
  • variable and user function management

    list list commands, builtin and user defined functions.
    listvar list variables in the current context.
    memorydump display the content of the stack.
    hexdump low-level inspect the way a variable or user defined function is stored on the stack.
    clear [var] With an argument, remove the specified variable from the current context. Without an argument, remove all the variables!
    forget userfunc remove the specified user defined function from the stack.
    show userfunc display the code of the specified user defined function.
    help cmd ask for help about the specified cmd (see [User defined function help]).
    trace on/off enable/disable the trace feature to debug user defined function (default: off). See [Programming].
  • programming language keywords

    break, do, else, elseif, end, endfunction, endif, for, function, global, if, loop, repeat, return.

    See [Programming] for details.

  • comments

    ... line comment
    comment endcomment multiline comment between the two keywords.




A matrix is entered in the brackets "[" and "]" row by row. The columns are seperated by "," and the rows by ";". Example:


This is equivalent with


The matrix is real, if all entries are real, otherwise it is complex. If a row is shorter than the others, it is filled with zeros. A matrix constant can spread over several lines.



A submatrix is a matrix, which is made up by the entries of another matrix. The simplest example is a matrix element


which gives the element in the first row and column of A. Note, that submatrices can be assigned values. Thus


is a legal statement. If a submatrix gets complex, the matrix gets complex. If v is a 1xN or Nx1 matrix (i.e., a vector), then v[1] gives the first element of v; i.e.,

>v=[1.5,-2,0,4.8]; v[3]

gives 0. Let us now assume, that A is a matrix, and r and c are vectors. Then A[r,c] results in a matrix, which consists of the rows r[1],r[2],... of A, and from these rows, only the columns c[1],c[2],... are taken. Example:


is the upper left 2x2 submatrix of A.

Note that


is also a legal assignment

If a row or column does not exist, it is simply neglected. Thus, if A is a 4x4 matrix, then A[[4,7],[4,7]] results in the value A[4,4].

A special thing is A[1], which gives the first row of A. To be precise, if only one index is present, then the second index is assumed to be ":". A ":" indicates all rows or columns; i.e., A[:,1] is the first column of A, and A[:,:] is A itself.

Another example:

>v=[-1,-2,-3,-4,-5]; v[[5,4,3,2,1,1]]

gives the vector [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,-1].

If A is a 4x4 matrix, then A[[2,1]] gives a 2x4 matrix, which consists of the second row of A on top of the first row. Note, that there may be a 0xN or Nx0 matrix.

For compatibility reasons, the square brackets can be replaced by round brackets. Thus, A(1,1) is the same thing as A[1,1]. But A[1,1] is faster. Furthermore, if there is a function A, then A(1,1) will result in a function call to A.

A{i} gives the i-th element of the matrix A, as if the NxM Matrix A was a vector of length N*M. This is useful for making functions work for matrices, and is really the quickest way to access a matrix element. It works also, if the matrix A is to small or a real or complex variable. Then the result is the last element of A.


Quick vector definition

The ":" serves to generate a vector quickly. Thus


generates the vector [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. A step size may be given as in the example


which yields [5,3.5,2]. By numerical reasons, one cannot expect to hit 1 exactly with 0:0.1:1. However, the program uses the internal epsilon to stop generating the vector, so that 0:0.1:1 yields the desired result. By default, the internal epsilon is set so that even


works correctly.


Combining matrices (horizontal and vertical concatenation)

The binary operator "|" puts a matrix aside another; i.e., if A is a NxM matrix and B is a NxK matrix, then A|B is a Nx(M+K) matrix, which consists of A left of B.

Analogously, A_B puts A atop of B.

These operators work also for numbers, which are treated as 1x1 matrices. They do even work, if A is a Nx0 or 0xN matrix.


Matrix operations

The matrix product of A and B is computed by "A.B".

The transposed matrix of 1 is computed by "A'". is the transposed matrix.

The mathematical operators +,-,*,/ work as usual for numbers. For matrices they work elementwise.

If a is a number and B a matrix, then a+B or B+a computes the sum of all elements of B with a. This also holds for the other operators.

Precedence between operators is observed as usual.

One can also write ".*","./" for compatibility with MATLAB. If A has a different size as B, and neither A or B is a 1x1 matrix or a number, then A+B results in error.

The power operator can be written "^" or "**" (or ".^"). It computes the power elementwise, like all the other operatos. So


yields [1,4,9]. The power may also be negative; i.e., the integer powers of all numbers are defined. For a matrix, inv(A) computes the inverse of A (not "A^-1"!). Note, that "^" has precedence, so


gives -4.

Comparison of values can be performed with >, >=, <, <=, != (not equal) or == (equal). They result in 1 or 0, where 1 is TRUE. Again, these operators work elementwise; i.e,


yields [0,0,1,1].


(not A) gives a matrix, which is 1 on all zero elements of A, and 0 on all nonzero elements of A.

>A && B

gives a matrix, which is 1 whenever the corresponding elements of A and B are nonzero.

>A || B

is 1 whenever the corresponding element of A is nonzero or the corresponding element of B is nonzero.


yields 1 if any element of A is nonzero.


Functions that generate matrices

There are several builtin functions which generate matrices. The most elementary ones are zeros([N,M]) and ones([N,M]), which can also be written zeros(N,M) and ones(N,M). They produce a NxM matrix, which is filled with ones or zeros respectively. The first form, which gives the size in a 1x2 vector, is faster, since the second form is not a builtin function, but a user defined function from UTIL. The input for zeros and ones is the output of the "size" function, which gives [N,M] for size(A), if A is an NxM matrix. Note, that one can also generate 0xN and Nx0 matrices. So


is a legal statement, if v is a 1x5 vector. It is also possible to give size several arguments. Then


results in the size of the largest matrix of A,B,... However, all matrixes in the list must have the same size, unless their size is 1x1. The use of this feature will become apparent later on. Also


return the number of columns and rows of a matrix A.


it the maximum of the number of columns and rows.

More generally,


or matrix(N,M,x) returns a NxM matrix filled with x, which may be real or complex.


produces a NxM matrix, which has the vector v on its K-th diagonal and is 0 everywhere else. If v is not long enough, the last element of v is taken for the rest of the diagonal. The 0-th diagonal is the main diagonal, the 1-st the one above, and the -1-st the one below. So


produces the 5x5 identity matrix. The same can be achieved with


from UTIL. One can also write diag(N,M,K,v), as this is defined in UTIL.


gives a vector, which is the K-th diagonal of A.


duplicates the 1xM vector N times, such that a NxM matrix is generated, which has v in each row. If v is an Mx1 vector, then v is duplicated into the N columns of a MxN matrix. dup works also, if v is a number. Then it generates a column vector.


sets all elements of A[i,j] to 0, unless N <= i-j <= M.


sets the N-th diagonal of A to v. v may be a number or a vector.


multiplies to matrices A and B (like A.B), but is considerably faster, if A and B contain lots of zeros.


multiplies symmetric matrices A and B and saves half of the time.



flips the matrix, such that the last column becomes the first, the first column the last.


does the same to the rows.


Builtin functions

In this section some basic builtin functions are explained. There are the usual functions:

abs, sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, re, im, conj.

They all work for complex values. In this case they yield the principle value. There are some functions which make sense only for real values:

floor, ceil, sign, fak, bin.

floor and ceil give integer approximations to a real number. "bin(n,m)" computes the binomial coefficient of n and m.


(or simply ">pi") is a builtin constant.


is an internal epsilon, used by many functions and the operator ~= which compares two values and returns 1 if the absolute difference is smaller than epsilon. This epsilon can be changed with the statement



rounds x to n digits after the decimal dot. It also works for complex numbers. x may be a matrix.


return x modulus y.


and min(x,y) return the maximum (minimum resp.) of x and y.


and min(A) return a column vector containting the maxima (minima resp.) of the rows of A.

If A is a NxM matrix, then


is a Nx4 matrix, which contains in each row a vector of the form [min imin max imax], where min and max are the minima and maxima of the corresponding row of A, and imin and imax are the indices, where those are obtained.

If v is a 1xN vector, then


returns a vector, containing all indices i, where v[i] is not zero. Furthermore,


returns a 1xM vector, the i-th component of which contains the number of v[i] in the interval [i-1,i).


assumes that the elements of v are ordered. It returns the index (or indices, if x is a vector) i such that v[i] <= x < v[i+1], or 0 if there is no such i.


sorts the elements of v with the quicksort algorithm.

If A is NxM matrix


returns a column vector containing the sums of the rows of A. Analoguously,


returns the products.


returns a NxM matrix containing the cumulative sums of the columns of A.


works the same way. E.g.,


returns a vector with faculty function at 1 to 20.


returns a timer in seconds. It is useful for benchmarks etc.


waits for n seconds or until a key was pressed.


waits for a keypress and returns the internal scan code.



The best part of Retro is its graphic capability. There are two screens, the text screen and the graphic screen. Text output automatically displays the text screen, and graphic output displays the graphic screen. One may also switch to the graphic screen by pressing TAB on input or with the command


There are two coordinate systems. The screen coordinates are a 1024x1024 grid with (0,0) in the upper left corner. Furthermore, each plot generates plot coordinates mapping a rectangle of the plane on the screen with the smallest x value left and the smallest y value at the bottom. To be precise, the rectangle is mapped to the screen window, which may only cover a part of the display area. See below for more information on windows.

2D graphics

If x and y are 1xN vectors, the function


connects the points (x[i],y[i]) with straight lines and plots these lines. It first clears the screen and draws a frame around the screen window. The plot coordinates are chosen such that the plot fits exactly into the screen window. This behaviour is called autoscaling. You can set your own plot coordinates with


(or setplot([...])). The autoscaling is then turned off. To turn it on again,




is used.


does also turn off autoscaling and returns the old state of the scaling flag to s. By the way, the plot command returns the plot coordinates; i.e., a vector [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax].

The screen window is a rectangle on the screen which can be set by


(or window([...])) in screen coordinates.

If x is a 1xN vector and A MxN matrix,


plots several functions. The same is true with


if B is a MxN matrix. In this case, the plot is done for corresponding rows of A and B.

The graphic screen is cleared by the plot command. This can be turned off with

>hold on;



To turn holding off,

>hold off;



is used. The function holding returns the old state of the holding flag. This is a way to draw several plots into the same frame. Combining window and holding is a way to draw several plots in several windows on the screen.


works like plot but does also show axis grids. Actually, xplot has default parameters grid=1 and ticks=1, which determine, if a grid is plotted and axis laballing is done. Thus


does no ticks. Also


may be used for the same purpose (see below in the section about Retro programming for details on default parameters).


plots the axis and ticks only.

You should use


if you intend to use labels (ticks) on the axis. This leaves some space around the plot.


resizes the plots to the full size. You may also set the x axis grids on your own with




the latter producing digits at the edge of the plot (ygrid(...) works respectively). Actually, these functions are defined in UTIL.


sets the plot area for the next plot like plot(x,y), but it does not actually plot.


draws a title above the plot. It is a function in UTIL using


which plots the text centered at screen coordinates (col,row).


plots the text left justified. The width and height of the charcters can be asked with


returning the vector [width,height] in screen coordinates.

If a color monitor is used, Retro can produce colored plots. The plot color can be modified with


where n=1 is black, and n=0 is white. Other colors depend on your system settings. The textcolor and framecolor can be set the same way.

There is the possibility to use dotted and dashed lines, or even invisible lines erasing the background. This is done with the style one of the commands


("-","--","i"). The function linestyle, also


returns the previous line style. The lines can have a width greater than

  1. This is set with


The function returns the previous setting.

The command


works like plot. But it does not connect the points but plots single markers at (x[i],y[i]). The style of the marker can be set with one of the commands


for a cross. Other styles are "m<>" for diamonds, "m." for dots, "m+" for plus signs, "m[]" for rectangles and "m*" for stars. The function returns the previous marker style.


resets the plot and marker styles. There is also the command



3D graphics

The easiest way to produce 3D-plots is


If Z is a NxM matrix, its elements are interpreted as z-values of a function defined on a grid of points (i,j). The plot is a three dimensional plot with hidden lines of the points (i,j,Z[i,j]). It is autoscaled to fit onto the screen window. The point (1,1,z[1,1]) is the left foremost point. To improve the look of the plot, one uses


However, this way is considerably slower. Of course,


turns this feature off again. One can also turn off the different fill styles mesh uses for the two sides of the plot with


This function works also for solid plots described below. It is a faster way than the use of triangles to avoid the errors, that the mesh plot frequently makes. By the way, both functions return the old values of the flags.

There is a function which produces matrices X and Y such that X[i,j] and Y[i,j] are the coordinates in the plane of a point in a rectangular grid parametrized by (i,j). This function is


where x and y are row vectors. Then X[i,j] is equal to x[i] and Y[i,j] is equal to y[j]. So you can easily generate a matrix of function values; e.g.,


Note that this is not the most economical way. The above Z would be generated by


much more rapidly.

A nicer way to plot a surface is




where x, y and z are NxM matrices. The surface parameters are then (i,j) and (x[i,j],y[i,j],z[i,j]) are points on the surface. The surface should not self intersect; or else plot errors will occur. The surface is projected onto the screen in central projection, with the view centered to (0,0,0). You can set the viewing distance, a zooming parameter, the angles of the eye from the negative y- to the positive x-axis, and the height of the eye on the x-y-plane, by


(or view([...])). view returns the previous values and view() merely returns the old values. framedsolid has a default parameter scale, which scales the image to fit into a cube with side length 2*scale, centered at 0, unless scale=0, which is the default value (no scaling). Thus

will scale the plot so that x , y , z <=2.



work the same way, but the plotting is not solid. If x, y and z are vectors, then a path in three dimensions is drawn. The color of the wires is set by


If you add an extra value to framedwire or framedsolid like in


the plot is scaled to fit into a cube of side length 2scale. The function


projects the coordinates x,y,z to the screen and is useful for 3D path plots. There is a function


which scale the matrix A linearly so that its entries are between 0 and 1.


is a special form of solid. If i=[i1,...,in], then the ij-th row of (x,y,z) is not connected to the ij+1-st row. I.e., the plot consists of n+1 parts.

A contour plot of a matrix is produced by


The contour lines are then at the heights v1 to vn. The interpretation of A is the same as in mesh(A).

A density plot is a plot of a matrix, that uses shades to make the values visible. It is produced with


The integer part of the values is cut off. So the shades run through the available shades, if A runs from 0 to 1. A can be scaled to 0 to f with


f=1 is the most important value. The shades can be controlled with


if color=0, then the function uses the available colors for shading. One should set these colors to give a nice color scale from dark to light. This option is not available on B/W screens. Any positive color produces shades in that color using dithering. Any negative color cycles through colors 4 to 16 plus dithering.


makes a solid view with shades. h are the shading values as in density.


works like a mixture of framedsolid and solidhue. scale=0 and f=1 are the default values.

The plotting of a user defined function f(x,...) can be done with


The extra parameters ... are passed to f. n is the number of subintervals. Note the extra ',', if n is omitted. If a and b are omitted, as in




then the plot coordinates of the last plot are used. You can zoom in with the mouse by

>setplotm(); fplot("f");

This lets you select a square region of the screen. In any case, setplotm() sets the plot coordinates to the user selected square.

It is possible to sample coordinates from the graphics screen with the mouse.


displays the graphics screen and a mouse pointer and waits for a mouse click. It returns a vector [x,y] which are the plot coordinates of the clicked spot. Using


returns several x coordinates and y coordinates at the points, which the user selected by the mouse. The selection stops, if the user clicks above the plot window.


The meta file

For special purposes, you can keep a record of your graphic output on an external file called meta file. You turn on recording with

>meta "filename";

and turn it off again with


The content of the meta file looks like this. All commands start with a command number (a byte) and the number of arguments (a byte). Then several arguments follow (int or long or a string). The screen coordinates are multiplied by 1000 and are stored long, as is hue and scale. Note that int may be 16-bit or 32-bit depending on your machine.

  • 1 c0 r0 c1 r1 color style width Draws a line from (c0,r0 to (r1,c1). The style is none=0, solid=1, dotted=2, dashed=3.

  • 2 c r color type A marker at (c,r). dot=0, plus=1, start=2, square=3, cross=4, diamond=5.

  • 3 n c1 r1 f1 c2 r2 f2 c3 r3 f3 ... cn rn style A filled rectangle with the specified corners. fill style is solid=0, dotted=1. The corners are (ci,ri) and fi is a flag which determines if the point is to be connected to the next one on the boundary. n is the number of points.

  • 4 c r color centered Text+0(+0) A text at (c,r). The extra 0 makes the text have an even length.

  • 5 scale scales the plot window to 1 : (scale/1024). A 0 means rescaling to full screen.

  • 6 clears the screen.

  • 7 c1 r1 c2 r2 hue color Draws a rectangle with upper left corner (c1,r1) and lower right corner (c2,r2). hue is a value from 0 to 1 multiplied by 1000. color is as in the function huecolor().

  • 8 c1 r1 c2 r2 c3 r3 c4 r4 hue color Draws a filled polygon with corner (ci,ri).

The author has no use for the meta file right now. But clearly someone might write a program for printer output, film sequences etc. using the meta file. Sorry, but I was unable to use POSTSCRIPT commands. It should be trival to translate the above commands however.



Retro would not be as powerful as it is, if there wasn't the possibility to extend it with user defined functions. A function can be entered from the keyboard or better from a load file. Since there may be errors in a function, it is best to call an editor, edit the function in a file and then load that file.

Loading a file is done with

>load "filename"

as explained above.


A function is declared by the following commands

>function name (parameter,...,parameter)

It can have several parameters or none. If the function is entered from the keyboard, the prompt changes to "udf>". "endfunction" finishes the function definition. An example:

>function cosh (x)
udf>  return (exp(x)+exp(-x))/2

Every function must have a return statement, which ends the execution of the function and defines the value it returns. A function can be used in any expression, just as the builtin functions. If a function is not used in an assignment and with suppressed output (followed by ";"), it is used like a procedure and its result is evidently lost. However, the function may have had some side effect.

Inside a function one cannot access global variables or variables of the function which called the function. To use global variables use the command

>global variablename

in the function body. Of course, one can use other functions in expressions inside a function, one can even use the function inside itself recursively. All variables defined inside a function are local to that function and undefined after the return from the function. There is no way to define global variables or change the type or size of global variables from within a function, even if one defines these variables in a "global" statement.

All parameters are passed as references. That means that a change of a parameter results in the change of the variable, which was passed as the parameter. For example

>function test(x)
>  x=3;
>  return x

gives the value 3. There is an exeption to this. A submatrix is not passed by value. Thus


gives the value 1.

A function can have a variable number of parameters. The number of parameters passed to a function can be determined with the builtin function "argn()". If the parameters are not named in the function definition, they are given the names arg1, arg2 and so on.

Parameters can have default values. The syntax ist parameter=value in the parameter definition; e.g.,

>function f(x=3,y,z=1:10)

assigns the default value 3 to x and the vector 1 to 10 to z, if the function is called in the form


If the function is called


x has the value 1, y the value 4, and z the value 1:10.

The function can even be given a named parameter. Consider the function

>function f(x,y,z=4,w=4,t=5)



calls the function, as if


was entered. Actually the name needs not be a parameter name. Thus


defines a local variable s with value 7.

A function can return multiple values. This is done with the return statement

>  return {x,y,...}

You can assign all the return values of a function to variables, using


If the result of such a function is assigned to a number of variables smaller than the number of returned values, only the first values are used. If is is assigned to a larger number of variables, the last value is used more than once. Some builtin functions return multiple values.

Comments can be included, starting with ##. Comments are not entered in the function definition and do not appear, when you type the function with

>type functionname

If the lines immediately after the function header start with ##, then those lines are considered to be help text. They can be displayed with

>help functionname

This is a good way to remember the parameters of the function. Also


can be used to display the names of the user defined functions.

A function or several functions can be removed with

>forget name,...

By the way, a variable can be removed with

>clear name,...


Control structure syntax

Like in any other programming language, in Retro there are commands for changing the flow of evaluation. These commands can only be used inside user defined functions.

First there is the "if" command.

>if expression; ...; else; ....; endif;

The expression is any Retro numerical expression. If it is a matrix, and all its entries are different from zero, then the part from the ";" to the "else;" is evaluated. Else the part from "else;" to "endif" is evaluated. Of course "..." may spread over several lines. To work correctly, keywords like "if", "else", "endif" and others should be the first nonblank characters in a line, or should be preceded by "," or ";" (plus blanks or TABs). The "else" may be omitted. In this case the evaluation skips behind the "endif", if the matrix contains nonzero elements (resp. the number is nonzero).

There is the function "any(A)", which yields 1, if there is any nonzero element in A, 0 otherwise. The function is useful in connection with the if statement.

Next, there are several loops.

>repeat; ...; end;
>loop a to b; ...; end;
>for i=a to b step c; ...; end;

All loops can be aborted by the break command (usually inside an "if"), especially the seemingly infinite "repeat". "loop" loops are fast long integer loops. The looping index can be accessed with the function "index()" or with "#". In a "for" loop the looping index is the variable left of the "=". The step size can be omitted. Then it is assumed to be 1. As an example, the following loops count from 1 to 10:

>  i=1;
>  repeat;
>    i, i=i+1;
>    if i>10; break; endif;
>  end;


>  loop 1 to 10; #, end;


>  for i=1 to 10; i, end;


Programming style

All internal Retro functions can handle vector or matrix input. And so should user defined functions. To achieve this, sometimes nothing special needs to be done. E.g., the function

>function kap (r,i,n)
>  p=1+i/100;
>  return p*r*(p^n-1)/(p-1)

is automatically capable to handle matrix intput. Thus


will produce a vector of values. However, if the function uses a more complicated algorithm, one needs to take extra care. E.g.,

>function lambda (a,b)
>  si=size(a,b); l=zeros(si);
>  loop 1 to prod(si);
>    l{#}=max(abs(polysolve([1,a{#},b{#},1])));
>  end;
>  return l

shows the fastest way to achieve the aim. "si" will contain the size, of the matrix "a" or "b", and will yield an error message, if the sizes are different. However, if "a" is a real and "b" a matrix, "si" will contain the size of "b" and the program will still run properly. The loop will then be over all the elements of "a" or "b". the "{#}" indexing works correctly, if the vector is smaller than the index. It then yields the last element of a vector, which is OK in the case of a real or complex values. See also the function "map" in UTIL explained below.

Forthermore, as a matter of good style, one should use the help lines extensively. One should explain all parameters of the function and its result. This is a good way to remember what the function really does.


Passing functions as arguments

It is possible to pass functions to a function. E.g., the function "bisect" in UTIL finds the zero of a function using bisection. One uses this function in the following way:

>function f(x)
>  return x*x-2

The result will be sqrt(2). If "f" needs extra paramters, those can also be passed to "bisect":

>funtion f(x,a)
>  return x*x-a

will result in sqrt(a) (for a>=0). The search interval is set to [0,a].

The way to write a function like "bisect" is to use the "args" function.

>function bisect (function,a,b)
>  y=function(x,args(4));

Then "function" will be called with the parameter "x" and all paramters from the 4-th on (if any) which have been passed to "bisect". Of course, "function" should be assigned a string, containing the name of the function which we want the zero of.



The command

>trace on

sets tracing of all functions on. Then any new line in a user defined function will be printed with the function name before it is executed. The uses has to press a key, before execution continues:

F1	debugs every function.

F2	debugs no function called in the current line.

F3	will stop debugging until return of the current function.

F4	will prompt for an expression and evaluate it.

F9	aborts execution of the program.

F10	ends tracing for this command.

Any other key will display the available keys.

>trace off

switches tracing off.

Note, that with F4 you can evaluate any expression, even if it contains local variables or subroutine calls. Tracing is switched off during evaluation of the expression.

A single function can be traced with

>trace function


>trace "function"

Execution will stop only in this function. The same command switches the trace bit of this function off.

>trace alloff

switches tracing for all functions off.


User interface

Clearly, Retro is designed to run interactively. The user loads a file containing the functions he needs. The file may inform the user of its content by simply printing some messages with commands like

>"The content of this file is:",

Then the user can use the help facility to retrieve further information on the functions, its parameters and so on. He (or she) then calls the particular function with the parameters he desires.

However, it is also possible to run a file as a standalone program. If you start Retro from a shell simply put the file into the command line.

If you wish a standalone application, the user will have to enter data. You can prompt him with


The prompt

prompt? >

will appear and the user may enter any valid Retro expression, even if it uses variables. Errors are catched and force the user to reenter the input. If you wish the user to enter a string, use


The string may then be evaluated with


and if it does not consist of a valid Retro expression the result is the string "error".

Output is printed to screen. All expressions and assignments produce output unless followed by ";". If formated output is wanted, use


The format string obeys the C syntax; e.g., "%15.10f" prints the data on 15 places with 10 digits after decimal dot, and "%20.10e" produces the exponential format. You can concatenate strings with | to longer output in a single line.

Output is suppressed globally with

>output off;


>output on;

turns the output on again. This is useful if a dump file is defined by

>dump "filename";

Then all output is echoed into the dump file. The command


turns the dump off. Note that the dump is always appended to the file. Furthermore, that file may not be edited while dump is on! In UTIL the function


is defined, which writes x in a format readable by Retro on input. If you omit the name "x", the name of x is used automatically. This is done with the help of the function


which gives a string containing the name of x.


clears the screen.


clears the graphics. Also to show graphics to the user, use


Subsequent output will switch back to the text screen.

Finally, an error can be issued with the function

>error("error text")



One can make all sorts of mistakes in Retro. This section tries to warn you of the more common ones, most os which the author has some experience with.

As already mentioned, you should not assign to the parameter of a function. This will generally produce strange errors, which are difficult to debug. If you need default values for parameters, use a construction like

>function f(a,x)
>  if argn()==2; xx=x; else xx=4; endif
>  ...

which gives xx the value of the second parameter, with default 4.

The next mistake is to produce matrices with 0 rows or columns. Retro can not do any computation with these matrices. Make sure that every index you use is in range. And use special handling, if there is nothing to do.

Another subtlety concerns the use of multiple return values. The following simply does not work:

>x=random(1,10); sin(sort(x))

The reason is that sort returns not only the sorted array but also the indices of the sorted elements. This works as if sin was passed two parameters and Retro will not recognize that use of sin. To work around this either assign the sorted array to a variable or put extra brackets around it:

>x=random(1,10); sin((sort(x)))

Also a return statement like

>return {sort(x),y}

really returns 3 (or more) values! Use

>return {(sort(x)),y}

One further misfortune results from the use of strings as functions, like in

>function test(f,x)
>	return f(x*x)

This works well as long as there is no function by the name of "f". If there is, this function is called rather than the sine function. The only way to avoid this is to use really strange names for function parameters. I prefer "test(ffunction,x)" and used it throughout UTIL.



In UTIL some fuctions are defined, which will to be of general use. First there are some functions for solving equations.


uses the bisetion method to solve f(x,...)=0. f must be a function of the real variable x which may have additional parameters "...". These parameters can be passed to bisect and are in turn passed to f.


uses the secant method for the same purpose.




uses the Broyden method to find the roots of f(x,...)=0. This time, f may be a function f : R^n -> R^n. Then x is a vector. J is an approximation of the Jacobian at x, the starting point. If J==0 or J is missing, then the function computes J. Again, additional parameters are passed to f.




computes the Simpson integral with of f in [a,b]. n is the discretization and additional parameters are passed to f(x,...). f must be able to handle vector input for x.




performs gauss integration with 10 knots. If n is specified, then the interval is subdivided into n subintervals. f(x,...) must be able to handle vector intput for x.




uses the Romberg method for integration. n is the starting discretization. All other parameters are as in "simpson". The iteration goes on until the accuracy rombergeps is reached, which is epsilon() initially.

There are some approximation tools. Polynomial interpolation has been discussed above. There is also spline interpolation


which returns the second derivatives of the natural cubic spline through (t[i],s[i]). To evaluate this spline at x,


is available.


fits a polynomial of n-th degree to (t[i],s[i]) in least square mode. This is an application of


which computes x such that the L_2-norm of Ax-b is minimal.




iterates f starting at x n times and returns the vector of iterated values. If n is missing or 0, then the iteration stops at a fixed point and only this fixed point is returned.


evaluates the function f(x,...) at all elements of x, if f(x,...) does not work because the function f does not accept vectors x.



There are lots of builtin functions to perform linear algebra. The matrix product has already been discussed. The operation


takes a NxN matrix A and a Nx1 vector b and returns the vector x such that Ax=b. If in


B is a NxM matrix, then the systems AB[:,i] are solved simultanuously. An error is issued if the determinant of A turns out to be to small relative to the internal epsilon.


computes the invers of A. This is a function in UTIL defined as


There are also more primitive functions, like


for NxM matrices A. It returns multiple values, which needs explaining. You can assign its return values to variables with


If you use only


all other output values are dropped. To explain the output of lu, lets start with Res. Res is a NxM matrix containing the LU-decomposition of A; i.e., L.U=A with a lower triangle matrix L and an upper triangle matrix U. L has ones in the diagonal, which are omitted so that L and U can be stored in Res. det is of course the determinant of A. ri contains the indices of the rows of lu, since during the algorithm the rows may have been swept. ci is not important if A is nonsingular. If A is singular, however, Res contains the result of the Gauss algorithm. ri contains 1 and 0 such that the columns with 1 form a basis for the columns of A.

lu is used by several functions in UTIL.


gives a basis of the kernel of A; i.e., the vectors x with Ax=0.


gives a basis of the vectors Ax.

The primitive function for computing eigenvalues currently implemented is


which computes the characteristic polynomial of A. This is used by


to compute the eigenvalues of A. Then


computes a basis of the eigenspace of l.


returns the eigenvalues of A in l and the eigenvectors in X.



Retro stores a polynomial a+bx+...+cx^n in the form [a,b,...,c]. It can evaluate a polynomial with the Horner scheme


where x can be a matrix, of course. It can multiply polynomials with


or add them with


Of course, the polynomials need not have the same degree.


divides p by q and returns {result,remainder}.


truncates a polynomial to its true degree (using epsilon). In UTIL


is defined. It differentiates the polynomial once. To construct a polynomial with prescribed zeros z=[z1,...,zn]


is used. The reverse is obtained with


This function uses the Bauhuber method, which converges very stabelly to the zeros. However, there is always the problem with multiple zeros destroying the accuracy (but not the speed of convergence). Another problem is the scaling of the polynomial, which can improve the stability and accuracy of the method considerably.

Polynomial interpolation can be done by


where t and s are vectors. The result is a polynomial in divided differences (Newton) form, and can be evaluated by


at x. To transform the Newton form to the usual polynomial form


may be used. Interpolation in the roots of unity can be done with the fast Fourier transform


Then p(exp(I2pi*i/n))=s[i+1], 0<=i<n-1. For maximal speed, n should be a power of 2. The reverse evaluates a polynomial at the roots of unity simultanuously




Retro supports statistical functions, such as distribution integrals and random variables.

First of all,


or random([N,M]) generates an NxM random matrix with uniformly distributed values in [0,1]. It uses the internal random number generator of ANSI-C. The quality of this generator may be doubtful; but for most purposes it should suffice. The function


or normal([N,M]) returns normally distributed random variables with mean value 0 and standart deviation 1. You should scale the function for other mean values or deviations.

A function for the mean value or the standart deviation has not been implemented, since it is easily defined in Retro; e.g,


is the mean value of the vector x, and


the standart deviation.

Rather, some distributions are implemented.


returns the probability of a normally dstributed random variable being less than x.


is the inverse to the above function. These functions are only accurate to about 4 digits. However, this is enough for practical purposes and an improved version is easily implemented with the Romberg or Gauss integration method.

Another distribution is


It the T-distrution of x with n degrees of freedom; i.e., the probability that n the sum of normally distributed random variables scaled with their mean value and standart deviation are less than x.


returns the inverse of this function.


returns the chi^2 distribution; i.e., the distribution of the sum of the squares n normally distributed random variables.


returns the f-distribution with n and m degrees of freedom.

Other functions have been mentioned above, like bin, fak, count, etc., which may be useful for statistical purposes.



The author is interested in applications of Retro. Some interesting applications are in the progs folder. The file contains sample sessions with Retro and shows how to solve problems with this programming system.

The author wishes anyone success in using Retro.