retro  Technical documentation

Compile-time options

Two compile options are available throug symbols to be defined at compile time.

  • FLOAT32 : allows to use IEEE 32 bit single precision for floating point numbers ## Overview of the program

Retro uses a recursive descent parser. It is left associative.

Retro syntax in BNF

  • * {...}* : 0 or more times
  • + {...}+: 1 or more times
  • | : choice (one in the list)
  • - : sequence
  • {...} : grouping (exactly 1 time)
  • [...] : optionnal (0 or 1 time)
letter      := {'A'-'Z'} | {'a'-'z'}.
digit       := {'0'-'9'}.
hexadigit   := {'0'-'9'} | {'A'-'F'} | {'a'-'f'}.
identifier  := {letter | '_'} {letter | digit}*.
integer     := ['+'|'-'] {'1'-'9'} {'0'-'9'}*.
hexinteger  := '0x' hexadigit+.
bininteger  := '0b' {'0'-'1'}+.
real        := ['+'|'-'] {'0' | {{'1'-'9'} {'0'-'9'}*}} '.' {0-9}+ [ {'E' | 'e'} ['+' | '-'] {'1'-'9'} {'0'-'9'}* ].
complex     := real 'i'.
number      := integer | hexinteger | bininteger | real.

factor      := identifier | number.
product     := factor {'*' | '.*' | '/' | '.*' | '.' | '\'} factor.
sum         := product {'+' | '-'} product.
range       := sum ':' sum [ ':' sum ].
logicalterm := range {'!' | '>' | '>=' | '<' | '<=' | '==' | '!=' | '~=' | '_' | '|'} range
logicalexpr := logicalterm {'||' | '&&'} logicalterm.
expr        := { '{' logicalexpr '}' } | logicalexpr.

Elements of the language

There are 3 levels in functions

  • commands which implement the core keywords of the language. These keywords are are listed in the command_list array.

    typedef struct {
      char *name;				/* name of the command */
      comtyp nr;				/* command category */
      void (*f)(void);			/* implementation */
    } commandtyp;
    commandtyp command_list[] = {
  • builtins functions that use the Retro API explained in the extend documention.

    a builtin function is run through the call

    int exec_builtin(char *name, int nargs, header *hd);


    name : the name of the function

    nargs : the number of arguments

    hd : a pointer to the first parameter on the stack

    The function checks for existence by name and number of arguments, so that 2 function can have the same name if they have a different numberof arguments.

    Results may be pushed on the stack.

    The function itself returns a boolean if the function was executed.

  • user defined functions

Use of the stack

  • Organization of the stack

    ----------------------------- <-- ramend
    ----------------------------- <-- newram = endlocal (top of stack)
    running function local scope
    ----------------------------- <-- startlocal     [endlocal]
    global variables
    ----------------------------- <-- udfend         [startlocal]
    udf (user defined functions)                          ^
    ----------------------------- <-- ramstart            |
                                                     when global
  • Calling a function: the callee must push parameters on the stack

  • Evaluating expression

    When evaluating expressions, the expression is parsed.

    • When encountering identifiers a s_reference object is pushed on the stack.
    • When encoutering a binary operator, the second operand is parsed and pushed on the stack. The recursive structure of the parser enforces precedence of some operators on others.

      Then the operator is evaluated. For example,

      void add (header *hd, header *hd1)
      {	header *result,
      	       *st=hd;		// remind the stack pointer
                  			//         <-- newram
                  			//   *hd1
                  			//   *hd   <-- st
      	hd=getvalue(hd);	// get the actual value: reference
      	                	//   is evaluated. Here an error
      	                	//   can occur if the variable
      	                	//   does not exist.
      	hd1=getvalue(hd1);	// same for operand 2
      	// evaluate the operator, push the result onto the stack
      	//            <-- newram
      	//   *result
      	//   *hd1
      	//   *hd      <-- st
      	// eliminate *hd and *hd1 from the stack (and lower newram)
      	//           <-- newram
      	//   *result <-- st