retro  Examples

Basic ideas

Retro can do ordinary arithmetic like




To get a longer output, we simply use the function

  14.000000000000       5.000000000000

defined in UTIL.


Note, that the logarithm function computes the natural logarithm


and the arcsine, arccosine a.s.o. are called asin,...


Retro can also handle vectors, like

Column 1 to 3:
   1.000000000000       2.000000000000       3.000000000000
Column 4 to 5:
   4.000000000000       5.000000000000

All data can be assigned to a variable. Its name may consist of up to 15 letters

Column 1 to 3:
   1.000000000000       2.000000000000       3.000000000000
Column 4 to 5:
   4.000000000000       5.000000000000

The important thing to know is that all functions are applied for each component of the vector. So

Column 1 to 3:
   1.000000000000       1.414213562373       1.732050807569
Column 4 to 5:
   2.000000000000       2.236067977500

computes the square root of all elements of the vector. And

Column 1 to 3:
   1.000000000000       2.000000000000       3.000000000000
Column 4 to 5:
   4.000000000000       5.000000000000

multiplies two vectors in each element. If one of the operators is a scalar (a real or complex number), the operation is applied on the scalar and each component of the vector.

Column 1 to 3:
   5.000000000000      10.000000000000      15.000000000000
Column 4 to 5:
  20.000000000000      25.000000000000
Column 1 to 3:
   5.000000000000      10.000000000000      15.000000000000
Column 4 to 5:
  20.000000000000      25.000000000000

It may be confusing to devide vectors, but Retro does it simly deviding each element of the vector.

Column 1 to 3:
   1.000000000000       1.000000000000       1.000000000000
Column 4 to 5:
   1.000000000000       1.000000000000

An expression of the form a:h:b generates the vector [a,a+h,a+2h,...a+nh], where the n is the biggest n such that a+nh <= b+epsilon. Here, epsilon is a built in machine constant of small size. Example:


The semicolon ";" suppresses the boring output of the vector.

The elements of t are


The size of this vector can be asked with

   1.000000000000     201.000000000000

The size function outputs a 1x2 vector containing the number of rows and columns of the matrix (we will soon see that vectors are special matrices).


It is better to use [...], because this notation evaluate faster.


Note, that


evaluates to a 1x0 vector.

Let us do something useful with a vector. We like to plot a function. First of all, we use a graphics command to be explained later on.

Column 1 to 3:
  12.000000000000      38.000000000000    1011.000000000000
Column 4 to 4:

The 14 digit precission becomes boring, so we switch it off


Next we plot a function

   -1.00000        1.00000       -7.00000        0.05100

xplot(t,s) or plot(t,s) simply plot the points (t[i],s[i]) on the graphcis screen.

You may even add a title to your plot.


Another function:

   -1.00000        1.00000       -1.00000        1.00000

We could have stored the values of our function into a vector.


Compute the maximum and minimum of this vector


Vectors are really special matrices. You can enter a matrix with

    1.00000        2.00000        3.00000
    4.00000        5.00000        6.00000
    7.00000        8.00000        9.00000

Compute the determinant of A.


A is singular. So let us change it a little bit

    1.00000        2.00000        3.00000
    4.00000        5.00000        6.00000
    7.00000        8.00000       10.00000

Now we solve a linear system.


gives a column vector, which can be multiplied with A.




solves the linear system.

The eigenvalues of A are all real.

Column 1 to 2:
    0.19825        0.00000       -0.90574        0.00000
Column 3 to 3:
   16.70749       -0.00000

This is a complex vector, which we can make real with

    0.19825       -0.90574       16.70749

Zeros of a real-valued function of one variable

The task is to compute the smallest positive zero of a function. First we define f.

>function xi (g)
udf>  return (2-3*g^2)/(1-2*g^2)*g
>function l (g)
udf>  xi=xi(g);
udf>  return log(g)+8*xi/(1-xi^2)

In this case, we used an interactive definition. Of course, the functions could also be defined in a file. Let us print the functions.

>type xi
function xi (g)
  return (2-3*g^2)/(1-2*g^2)*g
>type l
function l (g)
  return log(g)+8*xi/(1-xi^2);

Now we plot the functions, to see where the zeros are.

>t=0:0.01:1; s=l(t);
>setplot(0,1,-5,5); shrinkwindow();
>xplot(t,s); ygrid(0); xgrid(0:0.1:1); hold off;

To locate the zero we use the mouse.

    0.11912       -0.15416

There should be a zero close to 0.12. We use bisection to compute it.

>longformat(); bisect("l",0.1,0.2)

That solves our problem.

The fibonacci numbers

Lets investigate the fibonacci numbers defined by f(1)=1, f(2)=1 and f(n+1)=f(n)+f(n-1). First we write a function computing the first n fibonacci numbers.

>function fibo (n)
udf>## computes the first n fibonacci numbers.
udf>  r=ones(1,n);
udf>  for i=3 to n; r[i]=r[i-1]+r[i-2]; end;
udf>  return r


    1.00000        1.00000        2.00000        3.00000        5.00000

Now we compute a 1000 of them.

    1.00000     1000.00000        1.00000  4.34666e+0208

The plot shows a sharp increase of the numbers, probably exponetially.

    1.00000     1000.00000        0.00000      480.40711

Indeed the growth is of exponential nature. The growth rate is about 0.48 as can be seen with

    1.00000     1000.00000        0.00000        0.48041

The reason is the largest eigenvalue of the matrix

    0.00000        1.00000
    1.00000        1.00000

This matrix maps [f(n);f(n+1)] to [f(n+2);f(n+3)].

Let us compute the eigenvalues.

>{l,V}=eigen(A); D=diag(size(A),0,l);


5.42101e-0020        0.00000        1.00000        0.00000
      1.00000        0.00000        1.00000        0.00000

is A. V is a unitary matrix, since all eigenvectors are normed.

Thus A^n = V . D^n . V':

  2.68638e+0208  5.71486e-0226
  4.34666e+0208 -3.53198e-0226


Thus the growth rate is


The exponential function for matrices

This job will be solved in two versions. The first one evaluates exp(A) = I + A + A/2 + A/3! + A/4! + ...

>type mexp
function mexp (A)
  B=id(length(A)); S=B; n=1;
    if max(max(abs(B)))~=0; break; endif;
    B=A.B/n; S=S+B; n=n+1;
   return S

The stopping criterion max(max(abs(B)))~=0 tests, if all elements of B are smaller than epsilon().

The second version uses eigenvalue decomposition.

>type mexp1
function mexp1 (A)
  return v.diag(size(A),0,exp(l)).inv(v)

Let us test these functions.

    1.00000        1.00000        2.00000
    3.00000        4.00000        5.00000
    6.00000        7.00000        8.00000

Column 1 to 2:
    0.30420        0.00000       -0.73432        0.00000
Column 3 to 3:
   13.43012       -0.00000

which means that A can be diagonalized.

   59292.72131    71084.03394    87292.04912
  169351.28682   203035.19937   249326.53344
  283826.55487   340276.98381   417861.71137
Column 1 to 2:
   59292.72131        0.00000    71084.03394        0.00000
  169351.28682        0.00000   203035.19937        0.00000
  283826.55487        0.00000   340276.98381        0.00000
Column 3 to 3:
   87292.04912        0.00000
  249326.53344        0.00000
  417861.71137        0.00000

Both functions work also for complex arguments.

Solving a two point boundary equation

We wish to solve the following differential equation

y''(t)=ty(t)(y(t)-t)+1, y(0)=0, y(1)=0.

First we define the differential equation; i.e., the system



>type dgl
function dgl (t,x)
  return [x[2],t*x[1]*(x[1]-t)+1]

Next we define a function which computes y(1) in dependence of y'(0).

>type f
function f (a,h)
  si=size(a); r=zeros(si);
  loop 1 to prod(si);
  return r

Let us get an idea, how solutions of this equation look like.


Note, that heun returns a vector of function values and a vector of first derivatives.

Now we solve the equation f(s)=0, which is equivalent to the shooting method.

>a=-1:0.1:1; xplot(a,f(a,h));
   -0.51456        0.01060

Thus the solution is close to -0.51.


This is the solution.


finally plots the solution and the derivative.

Interest rates

If you buy an investement for 108 (thousand or so) at year 0 and get payments of 8 at the end of the next 8 years. At the end of the 8th year you sell the investment for 100. The problem is to determine the interest rate of this investment.

First of all, we enter the payments in a vector

Column 1 to 5:
 -108.00000        8.00000        8.00000        8.00000        8.00000
Column 6 to 9:
    8.00000        8.00000        8.00000      108.00000

If the interest rate was i=(1+p/100), then a payment of a in n years is a/i^n today. Thus the interest rate is the solution of the equation K[0] + K[]/i + K[2]/i^2 + ... K[n]/i^n = 0. If we replace i with 1/x this becomes a polynomial. And we have polysolve at our hands to get the zeros of polynomials.

Column 1 to 2:
    0.93741        0.00000       -0.71379       -0.71358
Column 3 to 4:
   -0.71379        0.71358        0.71304       -0.71421
Column 5 to 6:
    0.71304        0.71421       -0.00035        1.00929
Column 7 to 8:
   -0.00035       -1.00929       -1.00930  1.28498e-0019

Of these zeros the first one is the solution to our problem


Thus this investment has about 6.7% interest.

However, this way is quite slow and therefore we should use another method. In this case the Newton method works very well. The following functions implements is.

>type rendite
function rendite (K)
    if xn~=x; return (1/xn-1)*1e+0002; endif;

Note, that the result is rediculously accurate. Instead of xn~=x, abs(xn-x)<0.0001 would fully suffice.

Lets test it.


Now we can solve a lot of similar questions. A loan is a single payment made at year 0, and periodic payments over some years. E.g.,

Column 1 to 5:
 -104.00000       12.00000       12.00000       12.00000       12.00000
Column 6 to 10:
   12.00000       12.00000       12.00000       12.00000       12.00000
Column 11 to 11:

is the interest rat of that loan. Lets test some other rates

>K=-104|dup(13,10)'; rendite(K)
>K=-104|dup(14,10)'; rendite(K)
>K=-104|dup(15,10)'; rendite(K)

We could make a function of it

>type loanrate
function loanrate (K,R,n)
  return rendite(-K|dup(R,n)')

Including some help text helps.

>help loanrate
function loanrate (K,R,n)
## loanrate(K,R,n) computes the interest rate of a loan of K (including
## disaggio) and n periodic payments of R.


But we are better of, if we make the function work for vector input.

>type loanrate
function loanrate (K,R,n)
  si=size(K,R,n); x=zeros(si);
  loop 1 to prod(si);
  return x

Then we can plot various interest rates depending on the payments.

>r=loanrate(104,12:0.1:17,10); shrinkwindow(); xplot(12:0.1:17,r);

The Fast Fourier Transform

The fast Fourier transform has many applications. Let us start with a first example involving complex numbers.

We define the 512-th roots of unity with


and take the exponential function a these points


To plot the image of the unit circle after the exp function has been applied, we use

   12.00000       38.00000     1011.00000     1011.00000
    0.36788        2.71828       -1.32115        1.32115

This gives an oval shape.

Of course,

   -1.00000        1.00000       -1.00000        1.00000

is the unit circle, which is a little deformed on the screen.



computes the interpolating polynomial; i.e. p(z[i])=w[i]. "ifft(p)" then evaluates this polynomial at the roots of unity z simultanuously. There is an error of course, but it is small.


Let us truncate p to the first 16 coefficients

Column 1 to 2:
        1.00000 -2.78697e-0020        1.00000 -3.27627e-0020
Column 3 to 4:
        0.50000 -1.87865e-0020        0.16667 -6.79627e-0020
Column 5 to 6:
        0.04167 -3.04213e-0020        0.00833 -3.16973e-0020
Column 7 to 8:
        0.00139 -2.07105e-0020        0.00020 -2.05299e-0020
Column 9 to 10:
        0.00002 -4.69085e-0020  2.75573e-0006 -3.18317e-0020
Column 11 to 12:
  2.75573e-0007 -2.58004e-0020  2.50521e-0008 -9.53105e-0021
Column 13 to 14:
  2.08768e-0009 -9.94706e-0021  1.60590e-0010 -8.97525e-0021
Column 15 to 16:
  1.14707e-0011 -7.15237e-0021  7.64716e-0013  2.48211e-0021

Since q is a real polynomial, we may as well use

Column 1 to 5:
        1.00000        1.00000        0.50000        0.16667        0.04167
Column 6 to 10:
        0.00833        0.00139        0.00020        0.00002  2.75573e-0006
Column 11 to 15:
  2.75573e-0007  2.50521e-0008  2.08768e-0009  1.60590e-0010  1.14707e-0011
Column 16 to 16:

These coefficients are in fact close to the Taylor series of exp


The error of the approximating polynomial q is not very big

  1.00000      512.00000  4.51316e-0014  5.07712e-0014

This is a typical error curve.

Another use is signal processing. Let us first define equispaces values in [0,2pi]

    1.00000      512.00000

For the Fourier transform, optimal speed is achieved when the size is a power of 2.

The signal is the mountain shaped function

    0.00000        6.27091        0.00000        3.14159

Then we add a little bit of noise

>style("m."); mark(t,sn);

This gives a cloud of values around the function.



compares the Fourier transforms of the two functions. The noise can be seen clearly.

To remove the noise, we might try

    0.00000        6.27091        0.15441        2.99504

or even

    0.00000        6.27091        0.10004        3.04940

This looks like the function and gives a smooth curve. However, it may sound quite different from the function.

We could also remove high frequences with

    0.00000        6.27091        0.02219        3.14823

The apple set

We like to plot the fractal set, defined as the set of all points z, such that the iteration w -> z+w*w is bounded when started at z. First we define a function, which performs this iteration 10 times.

>type apple
function apple (z)
  loop 1 to 10; w=z+w*w; end;
  return w;

Next a rectangle in the complex plane is iterated


This takes some time.

To view the result, we use

>view(5,1.5,0.5,0.5); twosides(0);
>framedsolid(x,y,abs(w)<2,2); twosides(1);

This looks quite nice, since we stopped Retro's backside detection.


When abs(w[i,j])<2 is 1, we decide that the point z[i,j] should belong to the apple set.


Let us explore the function "iterate" defined in UTIL

>help iterate
function iterate (ffunction,x,n)
## iterate("f",x,n,...) iterate the function f(x,...) n times,
## starting with the point x.
## if n is missing or n is 0, then the iteration stops at a fixed point.
## Returns the value after n iterations, and its history.

We try it out with the cosine function, which is a builtin function. However, we could as well use any user defined function.


This is the fixed point of the cosine.

>x=iterate("cos",0.73); x-cos(x)

We can also iterate a vector x.

>shrinkwindow(); xplot(x,Y')
    0.00000        1.00000        0.00000        1.00000

You see a plot of the iterateted cosine functions, which approach a constant function with geometrical speed.


To demonstrate the use of splines, we solve the differential equation

y'' + sin(x)^2 *y' + y = cos(x)^2

with a very rough step size.

The function f is defined as

>type f
function f (t,y)
  return [y[2],cos(t)^2-y[1]-sin(t)^2*y[2]]

It represents the differential equation and maps (y,y') to its derivative.

    0.00000       20.00000        0.21585        1.00000

This does not look smoothly. We smooth it out with spline interpolation

    0.00000       20.00000        0.21224        1.00118

which looks much better. Since "sp" contains the second derivatives of the spline at the itnerpolation knots, we could as well compute "sp" ourselves from the differential equation.

    0.00000       20.00000        0.21585        1.00022

There is not much difference.

Now let us see if our grid size was to large.

    0.00000       20.00000        0.18316        1.00000

This is the same picture, we already had. In fact, there is some difference. But the behaviour of the solution can be seen with the rough step size too.

Complex numbers

To visualize a complex mapping, there is the function cplot in UTIL. this functions takes a grid of complex values and connects them.

>help cplot
function cplot (z)
## cplot(z) plots a grid of complex numbers.

To use this function, define a erctangular grid of complex numbers.



    0.00000        3.14159       -1.00000        1.00000

plots just a rectangular pattern of lines. But

   -1.54308        1.54308       -1.17520        1.17520

shows what the function cos does to the rectangle [0,pi]x[-1,1]. A pattern of elipses and hyperbola appears. Let us show some grids.


To see the effect of the exponential function to the unit circle, we define

   -1.00000        1.00000       -1.00000        1.00000

This is just the unit circle a little distorted.

    0.36788        2.71828       -1.30249        1.30249

shows the image of the unit circle. With grids:


To see the real part of the function, i.e. a harmonic function, we use

Column 1 to 5:
   -1.53552        1.53552       -1.53552        1.53552       -2.00000
Column 6 to 6:

Also in Retro you need not be afraid of singularities. All one has to do is set the plot area accordingly.

   -5.00000        5.00000       -5.00000        5.00000

gives a nice picture of the inversion with respect to the unit circle.

Another example:


Now we can display the following M”bius transform

   -2.50000        5.50000       -3.00000        3.50000
>xgrid(0); ygrid(0);