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50 most recent check-ins

Version controlled the ignore-glob. Leaf check-in: 6487cac452 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added Name component, added more functionality to Role component. check-in: 79f5850fc1 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added Day state, and Role component (which should have been add in the previous commit. Renamed state filenames for consistency). check-in: 607247b6a3 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added Role component, and removed redundant -bitID instance member for components (just get the class of the component and then call the class member from the Component protocol). check-in: d87f1ef79a user: Donny tags: trunk
Fixed include paths that broke from moving source files, updated Makefile to reflect the new paths, and removed the old main.m which was for testing Fraction. check-in: d7fe8242bf user: Donny tags: trunk
Added subdirectories for components, states, and systems. check-in: 12a56f828b user: Donny tags: trunk
Fixed problem in previous commit where getAllEntitiesThatFitLock:strict: was simply returning a set of every entity regardless of whether or not its key matched what was given. check-in: dfe8879f41 user: Donny tags: trunk
Sample entities are crudely processed by Physics system. The EntityManager does not appear to be properly selecting only entities that are relevant to the system (in this case Physics, which requires that the entity contain a Position component, and may or may not contain other components (i.e. not strict)). check-in: 54bd071ede user: Donny tags: trunk
Added frame rate limiting of the main loop. Should be easy to modify during runtime. Physics System is added to the simulation, firing at 1 update per second, however it appears to be taking slightly longer then 1 second between updates. Whether or not this timing can end up becoming an issue, I'm not sure. check-in: 1f08ca389f user: Donny tags: trunk
Added EntityManager test case, and removed similar test code from Splash state's load function. check-in: 0e01ed39c3 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added a newline that didn't make it in the previous commit. check-in: a2b2073e6a user: Donny tags: trunk
Added a test case for EntityManager. check-in: 24cfef2eb4 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added update of SystemsManager to engine loop (currently does nothing as there are no states that attached systems to it) and implemented a couple of entities with position components created for them, at the loading phase of Splash state (though this should be moved to test.m for thorough testing). check-in: 8c43e2dcb0 user: Donny tags: trunk
Fixed typo in Makefile for OS X target. Fixed most compile errors and warnings from latest revision. A few warnings remain... check-in: b2ac791969 user: Donny tags: trunk
Implemented SystemManager functions (except the one to get the longest subsystem name). check-in: 19e5c62415 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added component template files (.h/.m), added and began work on Physics System, and SystemManager. check-in: f4f57e875b user: Donny tags: trunk
Readded command line parser, and unit test functionality. Run executable with -test check-in: e39eafe162 user: Donny tags: trunk
Fixed compile errors, added EntityManager and Position to the build (Position is first test component). check-in: b93abb25e5 user: Donny tags: trunk
Ported all remaining functions for EntityManager except for one (load entity configuration from lua script). check-in: 7a3dddea29 user: Donny tags: trunk
Implemented some more functions for EntityManager. check-in: 31a8aba985 user: Donny tags: trunk
Implemented singleton and init methods for EntityManager. check-in: b08fe6d24f user: Donny tags: trunk
Added pseudo ports of EntityManager to the project. EntityManager is not part of the build yet because the code port is not copmlete. check-in: 1764932770 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added Component and System protocols. check-in: 1d413570f8 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added specific int values for each state_t, so that later on when files may be used to specify states, the int value can be used to identify which state to use. check-in: 3db9c2ca37 user: Donny tags: trunk
StateMachine update is called during the engine loop. A state change is performed (Initial -> Splash) which seems to work smoothly. check-in: 51988e59a4 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added Makefile target for windows machine (windows 7 laptop currently), after installing GNUstep on the system. Used StackOverflow answer at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56708/objective-c-for-windows for setup. check-in: ae5b06f695 user: Donny tags: trunk
Fixed compile errors/warnings on OS X. check-in: da0d40c589 user: Donny tags: trunk
Removed old state functions from Engine object as they are unused. Renamed states_t to state_t. Changed NSInteger return values to state_t for State protocol's -id function. Reformatted STATE_TRANSITIONS table. Added static internal helper function within state_machine.m for state transition table lookup (with error checking), canTransto(state_t start, state_t end). check-in: b1e5762cb7 user: Donny tags: trunk
Reimplemented StateMachine as a singleton. Its singleton initialization is now inits the StateMachine object with the InitialState state, so make sure that InitialState exists in the program. An enum (states_t) has been created for each state, and it is stored in state.h since all derived states will include that file. Removed the old #defines for each state, and substituted the parameters in related arguments with states_t. Added a 2D lookup table to check for valid state transitions. check-in: 7e3f9e7f49 user: Donny tags: trunk
StateMachine will now init with a State based on a given ID passed to the initWithState function. check-in: 526b46931c user: Donny tags: trunk
Added initWithState: to init the state machine with only 1 state instead of a list of preallocated states. The State passed in is identified correctly, but there are compile warnings when trying to alloc the passed Class <State>, so I will try a different approach of simply passing the ID number of a State to init/change to, and checking for validity. check-in: db20355824 user: Donny tags: trunk
Implemented StateMachine init function with states. Currently the states passed in are preallocated, as opposed to being simply the names of states to allocate. The StateMachine will simply print out the names of each State derivative passed to the function for now. State now inherits from NSObject in order to use reflection functions. check-in: 8d93af7d20 user: Donny tags: trunk
Replaced gameTime with elapsedTime (and implemented it), added StateMachine and InitialState classes to the build. check-in: 86b11c8fd2 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added a state machine object that will allow me a layer of abstraction from the various states, and will give me the possibility of implementing transitions between states. Using a state machine instead of view controllers because this code will be reused for other platforms, which may not have nice iOS view controller frameworks already in place. check-in: ad1b64ab15 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added some code for adding/changing states, may change it altogether though if I can figure out the MVC pattern for ios. check-in: 0b7d93e4b1 user: Donny tags: trunk
Renamed executable. check-in: 641d3376d1 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added empty state change functions to Engine object, and removed argc/argv settings. check-in: 97860bd647 user: Donny tags: trunk
Removed old files, added old remaining c code into Engine's run function (commented out). Renamed Fraction files to be consistent with the rest of the project (i.e. lower case). check-in: 78a3cb0c5e user: Donny tags: trunk
Added State object to the build, and implemented a SplashState derivative. The engine is now passed the classname of an initial state to start in, which is required. Removed state.c from project since currently State is just a protocol. check-in: 6bb2190e3d user: Donny tags: trunk
Removed fullscreen option, added init function for Engine to be safe. check-in: 27a4a6fbf7 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added a couple of instance variables / getters to Engine, and implemented a basic game loop in -run() which prints out the delta time for each frame. check-in: af1a93d146 user: Donny tags: trunk
Engine title now correctly set/displayed in debug output. check-in: 1f364bf910 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added code to engine's dictionary setup to copy the values over from the dictionary to the engine object instance (and output it). Unsure if memory management is clean or not, and the title (NSString *) isn't copied/displayed correctly. check-in: 31896e67a3 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added Makefile detection of platform, which completes ticket [63ecd9dce2]. 'uname' is used to detect the current platform. Since there is no uname on Windows, the project cannot be compiled on that platform right now. If I install a port of uname for Windows in the future, I will be able to modify the windows variables in the Makefile to allow Windows machines to compile the project (but I'll have to install gnustep first). check-in: a868921a36 user: Donny tags: trunk
Ticket [2bc992679f] is now closed as the project now builds on Mac OS X. The Makefile must be edited when changing platforms however, so a feature request should be opened for allowing the Makefile to automatically detect the current compilation platform. check-in: 2d99d79d69 user: Donny tags: trunk
Added singleton functionality to Engine class, and implemented a simple skeleton setup function for passing a dictionary from main to the engine in order to setup the game. check-in: e7d2e7341d user: Donny tags: trunk
engine .h/.m readded to make build. 'engine.m' is from scratch, with the old code residing in 'engine.mOLD'. A dictionary is in the process of being implemented which will be used to send engine setup data from the main function to the engine. The engine has yet to become a singleton. check-in: 7a3f0c954f user: Donny tags: trunk
Removed clutter from mmain.m, and changed Makefile so that mmain.m is the only target file, until the others are cleaned up for objective-c. check-in: e95344fb74 user: Donny tags: trunk
Renamed engine and mmain to be objective-c files. check-in: 58fd716bda user: Donny tags: trunk
Objective-C'ified parts of the engine and mmain. Incomplete. check-in: 3b6a67f0b4 user: Donny tags: trunk