History Of Ticket 96a606c93626c2280eb5a28d2b9c7cfa8e65b76d
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Artifacts Associated With Ticket 96a606c93626c2280eb5a28d2b9c7cfa8e65b76d

  1. Ticket change [85ccb703f3] (rid 37) by Derek on 2013-01-03 05:39:36:

    1. comment initialized to:
      Factor out the code needed for maintaing a wireframe model from the rest of the drawing code.
    2. severity initialized to: "Critical"
    3. status initialized to: "Open"
    4. title initialized to: "factor out WireframeModel code"
    5. type initialized to: "Documentation"
  2. Ticket change [187ae5fcdc] (rid 48) by Derek on 2013-01-16 20:16:37:

    1. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    2. resolution changed to: "Open"
    3. type changed to: "Feature_Request"