dgw::combobox - is a snit widget derived from a ttok::combobox but with the added possibility to display the list of values available in the combobox as dropdown list. This dropdown list can further be filtered using the given options. If the user supplies the option -hidenohits false. He just gets the standard ttk::combobox.
Below some example code:
wm title . "dgw::combobox demo"
pack [label .l0 -text "standard combobox"]
ttk::combobox .c0 -values [list done1 done2 dtwo dthree four five six seven]
pack .c0 -side top
pack [label .l1 -text "combobox with filtering"]
dgw::combobox .c1 -values [list done1 done2 dtwo dthree four five six seven] \
-hidenohits true
pack .c1 -side top