mkdoc::mkdoc - Tcl package and command line application to extract and format embedded programming documentation from source code files written in Markdown and optionally converts them into HTML.
Usage as package:
package require mkdoc::mkdoc
mkdoc::mkdoc inputfile outputfile ?-html|-md|-pandoc -css file.css?
Usage as command line application:
mkdoc inputfile outputfile ?--html|--md|--pandoc --css file.css?
mkdoc::mkdoc *inputfile outputfile ?-mode? -css file.css? - extracts embedded documentation
from source code files. The documentation inside the source code must be prefixed with the #'
character sequence.
The file extension of the output file determines the output format. File extensions can bei either .md
for Markdown output or .html
for html output. The latter requires the tcllib Markdown extension to be installed.
The file mkdoc.tcl
can be as well directly used as a console application. An explanation on how to do this, is given in the section Installation.
mkdoc::mkdoc infile outfile ?-mode -css file.css?
Extracts the documentation in Markdown format from infile and writes the documentation to outfile either in Markdown or HTML format.
- -infile filename - file with embedded markdown documentation
- -outfile filename - name of output file extension
- -html - (mode) outfile should be a html file, not needed if the outfile extension is html
- -md - (mode) outfile should be a Markdown file, not needed if the outfile extension is md
- -pandoc - (mode) outfile should be a pandoc Markdown file with YAML header, needed even if the outfile extension is md
- -css cssfile if outfile mode is html uses the given cssfile
If the -mode flag (one of -html, -md, -pandoc) is not given, the output format is taken from the file extension of the output file, either .html for HTML or .md for Markdown format. This deduction from the filetype can be overwritten giving either
as command line flags. If as mode-pandoc
is given, the Markdown markup code as well contains the YAML header. If infile has the extension .md than conversion to html will be performed, outfile file extension In this case must be .html. If output is html a -css flag can be given to use the given stylesheet file instead of the default style sheet embedded within the mkdoc code.
package require mkdoc::mkdoc
mkdoc::mkdoc mkdoc.tcl mkdoc.html
mkdoc::mkdoc mkdoc.tcl mkdoc.rmd -md
For a complete list of Markdown formatting commands consult the basic Markdown syntax at
Here just the most basic essentials to create documentation are described.
Please note, that formatting blocks in Markdown are separated by an empty line, and empty line in this documenting mode is a line prefixed with the #'
and nothing thereafter.
Title and Author
Title and author can be set at the beginning of the documentation in a so called YAML header. This header will be as well used by the document converter pandoc to handle various options for later processing if you extract not HTML but Markdown code from your documentation.
A YAML header starts and ends with three hyphens. Here is the YAML header of this document:
#' ---
#' title: mkdoc - Markdown extractor and formatter
#' author: Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany
#' ---
Those four lines produce the two lines on top of this document. You can extend the header if you would like to process your document after extracting the Markdown with other tools, for instance with Pandoc.
You can as well specify an other style sheet, than the default by adding the following style information:
#' ---
#' title: mkdoc - Markdown extractor and formatter
#' author: Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' css: tufte.css
#' ---
Please note, that the indentation is required and it is two spaces.
Headers are prefixed with the hash symbol, single hash stands for level 1 heading, double hashes for level 2 heading, etc. Please note, that the embedded style sheet centers level 1 and level 3 headers, there are intended to be used for the page title (h1), author (h3) and date information (h3) on top of the page.
#' ## <a name="sectionname">Section title</a>
#' Some free text that follows after the required empty
#' line above ...
This produces a level 2 header. Please note, if you have a section name synopsis
the code fragments thereafer will be hilighted different than the other code fragments. You should only use level 2 and 3 headers for the documentation. Level 1 header are reserved for the title.
Lists can be given either using hyphens or stars at the beginning of a line.
#' - item 1
#' - item 2
#' - item 3
Here the output:
A special list on top of the help page could be the table of contents list. Here is an example:
#' ## Table of Contents
#' - [Synopsis](#synopsis)
#' - [Description](#description)
#' - [Command](#command)
#' - [Example](#example)
#' - [Authors](#author)
This will produce in HTML mode a clickable hyperlink list. You should however create the name targets using html code like so:
## <a name='synopsis'>Synopsis</a>
Hyperlinks are written with the following markup code:
[Link text](URL)
Let's link to the Tcler's Wiki:
[Tcler's Wiki](
produces: Tcler's Wiki
Indentations are achieved using the greater sign:
#' Some text before
#' > this will be indented
#' This will be not indented again
Here the output:
Some text before
this will be indented
This will be not indented again
Also lists can be indented:
> - item 1
- item 2
- item 3
- item 1
- item 2
- item 3
Italic font face can be requested by using single stars or underlines at the beginning and at the end of the text. Bold is achieved by dublicating those symbols: Monospace font appears within backticks. Here an example:
I am _italic_ and I am __bold__! But I am programming code: `ls -l`
I am italic and I am bold! But I am programming code:
ls -l
Code blocks
Code blocks can be started using either three or more spaces after the #' sequence or by embracing the code block with triple backticks on top and on bottom. Here an example:
#' ```
#' puts "Hello World!"
#' ```
Here the output:
puts "Hello World!"
If you insist on images in your documentation, images can be embedded in Markdown with a syntax close to links. The links here however start with an exclamation mark:

The source code of mkdoc.tcl is a good example for usage of this source code annotation tool. Don't overuse the possibilities of Markdown, sometimes less is more. Write clear and concise, don't use fancy visual effects.
mkdoc in contrast to standard markdown as well support includes. Using the #' #include ""
it is possible to include other markdown files. This might be useful for instance to include the same
header or a footer in a set of related files.
The mkdoc::mkdoc package can be installed either as command line application or as a Tcl module. It requires the Markdown package from tcllib to be installed.
Installation as command line application can be done by copying the mkdoc.tcl
to a directory which is in your executable path. You should make this file executable using chmod
. There exists as well a standalone script which does not need already installed tcllib package. You can download this script named:
from the chiselapp release page.
Installation as Tcl module is achieved by copying the file mkdoc.tcl
to a place
which is your Tcl module path as mkdoc/
for instance. See the tm manual page
The mkdoc::mkdoc package was written by Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany.
Markdown extractor and converter mkdoc::mkdoc, version PKGVERSION
Copyright (c) 2019-20 Dr. Detlef Groth, E-mail: <detlef(at)dgroth(dot)de>
This library is free software; you can use, modify, and redistribute it for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.