Also attachment "" to
wiki page [releases]
added by
2020-02-26 07:08:46.
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# -- tcl module generated by mk_tmModule
if {[file exists "/tmp"]} {set tmpdir "/tmp"}
catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
set fd [open [info script] r]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set data [read $fd]
close $fd
set startIndex [string first \u001A $data]
incr startIndex
#-- From string.tcl
# string.tcl --
# Utilities for manipulating strings, words, single lines,
# paragraphs, ...
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Eric Melski <>
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Joe English <>
# Copyright (c) 2001-2014 by Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: string.tcl,v 1.2 2008/03/22 16:03:11 mic42 Exp $
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::textutil::string {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API implementation
# @c Removes the last character from the given <a string>.
# @a string: The string to manipulate.
# @r The <a string> without its last character.
# @i chopping
proc ::textutil::string::chop {string} {
return [string range $string 0 [expr {[string length $string]-2}]]
# @c Removes the first character from the given <a string>.
# @c Convenience procedure.
# @a string: string to manipulate.
# @r The <a string> without its first character.
# @i tail
proc ::textutil::string::tail {string} {
return [string range $string 1 end]
# @c Capitalizes first character of the given <a string>.
# @c Complementary procedure to <p ::textutil::uncap>.
# @a string: string to manipulate.
# @r The <a string> with its first character capitalized.
# @i capitalize
proc ::textutil::string::cap {string} {
return [string toupper [string index $string 0]][string range $string 1 end]
# @c unCapitalizes first character of the given <a string>.
# @c Complementary procedure to <p ::textutil::cap>.
# @a string: string to manipulate.
# @r The <a string> with its first character uncapitalized.
# @i uncapitalize
proc ::textutil::string::uncap {string} {
return [string tolower [string index $string 0]][string range $string 1 end]
# @c Capitalizes first character of each word of the given <a sentence>.
# @a sentence: string to manipulate.
# @r The <a sentence> with the first character of each word capitalized.
# @i capitalize
proc ::textutil::string::capEachWord {sentence} {
regsub -all {\S+} [string map {\\ \\\\ \$ \\$} $sentence] {[string toupper [string index & 0]][string range & 1 end]} cmd
return [subst -nobackslashes -novariables $cmd]
# Compute the longest string which is common to all strings given to
# the command, and at the beginning of said strings, i.e. a prefix. If
# only one argument is specified it is treated as a list of the
# strings to look at. If more than one argument is specified these
# arguments are the strings to be looked at. If only one string is
# given, in either form, the string is returned, as it is its own
# longest common prefix.
proc ::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefix {args} {
return [longestCommonPrefixList $args]
proc ::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefixList {list} {
if {[llength $list] <= 1} {
return [lindex $list 0]
set list [lsort $list]
set min [lindex $list 0]
set max [lindex $list end]
# Min and max are the two strings which are most different. If
# they have a common prefix, it will also be the common prefix for
# all of them.
# Fast bailouts for common cases.
set n [string length $min]
if {$n == 0} {return ""}
if {0 == [string compare $min $max]} {return $min}
set prefix ""
set i 0
while {[string index $min $i] == [string index $max $i]} {
append prefix [string index $min $i]
if {[incr i] > $n} {break}
set prefix
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures
namespace eval ::textutil::string {
# Export the imported commands
namespace export chop tail cap uncap capEachWord
namespace export longestCommonPrefix
namespace export longestCommonPrefixList
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide textutil::string 0.8
#-- From repeat.tcl
# repeat.tcl --
# Emulation of string repeat for older
# revisions of Tcl.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: repeat.tcl,v 1.1 2006/04/21 04:42:28 andreas_kupries Exp $
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::textutil::repeat {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
namespace eval ::textutil::repeat {
variable HaveBuiltin [expr {![catch {string repeat a 1}]}]
if {0} {
# Problems with the deactivated code:
# - Linear in 'num'.
# - Tests for 'string repeat' in every call!
# (Ok, just the variable, still a test every call)
# - Fails for 'num == 0' because of undefined 'str'.
proc textutil::repeat::StrRepeat { char num } {
variable HaveBuiltin
if { $HaveBuiltin == 0 } then {
for { set i 0 } { $i < $num } { incr i } {
append str $char
} else {
set str [ string repeat $char $num ]
return $str
if {$::textutil::repeat::HaveBuiltin} {
proc ::textutil::repeat::strRepeat {char num} {
return [string repeat $char $num]
proc ::textutil::repeat::blank {n} {
return [string repeat " " $n]
} else {
proc ::textutil::repeat::strRepeat {char num} {
if {$num <= 0} {
# No replication required
return ""
} elseif {$num == 1} {
# Quick exit for recursion
return $char
} elseif {$num == 2} {
# Another quick exit for recursion
return $char$char
} elseif {0 == ($num % 2)} {
# Halving the problem results in O (log n) complexity.
set result [strRepeat $char [expr {$num / 2}]]
return "$result$result"
} else {
# Uneven length, reduce problem by one
return "$char[strRepeat $char [incr num -1]]"
proc ::textutil::repeat::blank {n} {
return [strRepeat " " $n]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures
namespace eval ::textutil::repeat {
namespace export strRepeat blank
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide textutil::repeat 0.7
#-- From adjust.tcl
# trim.tcl --
# Various ways of trimming a string.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Eric Melski <>
# Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Johannes-Heinrich Vogeler <>
# Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: adjust.tcl,v 1.16 2011/12/13 18:12:56 andreas_kupries Exp $
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::string
namespace eval ::textutil::adjust {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API implementation
namespace eval ::textutil::adjust {
namespace import -force ::textutil::repeat::strRepeat
proc ::textutil::adjust::adjust {text args} {
if {[string length [string trim $text]] == 0} {
return ""
Configure $args
Adjust text newtext
return $newtext
proc ::textutil::adjust::Configure {args} {
variable Justify left
variable Length 72
variable FullLine 0
variable StrictLength 0
variable Hyphenate 0
variable HyphPatterns ; # hyphenation patterns (TeX)
set args [ lindex $args 0 ]
foreach { option value } $args {
switch -exact -- $option {
-full {
if { ![ string is boolean -strict $value ] } then {
error "expected boolean but got \"$value\""
set FullLine [ string is true $value ]
-hyphenate {
# the word exceeding the length of line is tried to be
# hyphenated; if a word cannot be hyphenated to fit into
# the line processing stops! The length of the line should
# be set to a reasonable value!
if { ![ string is boolean -strict $value ] } then {
error "expected boolean but got \"$value\""
set Hyphenate [string is true $value]
if { $Hyphenate && ![info exists HyphPatterns(_LOADED_)]} {
error "hyphenation patterns not loaded!"
-justify {
set lovalue [ string tolower $value ]
switch -exact -- $lovalue {
left -
right -
center -
plain {
set Justify $lovalue
default {
error "bad value \"$value\": should be center, left, plain or right"
-length {
if { ![ string is integer $value ] } then {
error "expected positive integer but got \"$value\""
if { $value < 1 } then {
error "expected positive integer but got \"$value\""
set Length $value
-strictlength {
# the word exceeding the length of line is moved to the
# next line without hyphenation; words longer than given
# line length are cut into smaller pieces
if { ![ string is boolean -strict $value ] } then {
error "expected boolean but got \"$value\""
set StrictLength [ string is true $value ]
default {
error "bad option \"$option\": must be -full, -hyphenate, \
-justify, -length, or -strictlength"
return ""
# ::textutil::adjust::Adjust
# History:
# rewritten on 2004-04-13 for bugfix tcllib-bugs-882402 (jhv)
proc ::textutil::adjust::Adjust { varOrigName varNewName } {
variable Length
variable FullLine
variable StrictLength
variable Hyphenate
upvar $varOrigName orig
upvar $varNewName text
set pos 0; # Cursor after writing
set line ""
set text ""
if {!$FullLine} {
regsub -all -- "(\n)|(\t)" $orig " " orig
regsub -all -- " +" $orig " " orig
regsub -all -- "(^ *)|( *\$)" $orig "" orig
set words [split $orig]
set numWords [llength $words]
set numline 0
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $numWords} {incr cnt} {
set w [lindex $words $cnt]
set wLen [string length $w]
# the word $w doesn't fit into the present line
# case #1: we try to hyphenate
if {$Hyphenate && ($pos+$wLen >= $Length)} {
# Hyphenation instructions
set w2 [textutil::adjust::Hyphenation $w]
set iMax [llength $w2]
if {$iMax == 1 && [string length $w] > $Length} {
# word cannot be hyphenated and exceeds linesize
error "Word \"$w2\" can\'t be hyphenated\
and exceeds linesize $Length!"
} else {
# hyphenating of $w was successfull, but we have to look
# that every sylable would fit into the line
foreach x $w2 {
if {[string length $x] >= $Length} {
error "Word \"$w\" can\'t be hyphenated\
to fit into linesize $Length!"
for {set i 0; set w3 ""} {$i < $iMax} {incr i} {
set syl [lindex $w2 $i]
if {($pos+[string length " $w3$syl-"]) > $Length} {break}
append w3 $syl
for {set w4 ""} {$i < $iMax} {incr i} {
set syl [lindex $w2 $i]
append w4 $syl
if {[string length $w3] && [string length $w4]} {
# hyphenation was successfull: redefine
# list of words w => {"$w3-" "$w4"}
set x [lreplace $words $cnt $cnt "$w4"]
set words [linsert $x $cnt "$w3-"]
set w [lindex $words $cnt]
set wLen [string length $w]
incr numWords
# the word $w doesn't fit into the present line
# case #2: we try to cut the word into pieces
if {$StrictLength && ([string length $w] > $Length)} {
# cut word into two pieces
set w2 $w
set over [expr {$pos+2+$wLen-$Length}]
incr Length -1
set w3 [string range $w2 0 $Length]
incr Length
set w4 [string range $w2 $Length end]
set x [lreplace $words $cnt $cnt $w4]
set words [linsert $x $cnt $w3 ]
set w [lindex $words $cnt]
set wLen [string length $w]
incr numWords
# continuing with the normal procedure
if {($pos+$wLen < $Length)} {
# append word to current line
if {$pos} {append line " "; incr pos}
append line $w
incr pos $wLen
} else {
# line full => write buffer and begin a new line
if {[string length $text]} {append text "\n"}
append text [Justification $line [incr numline]]
set line $w
set pos $wLen
# write buffer and return!
if {[string length $text]} {append text "\n"}
append text [Justification $line end]
return $text
# ::textutil::adjust::Justification
# justify a given line
# Parameters:
# line text for justification
# index index for line in text
# Returns:
# the justified line
# Remarks:
# Only lines with size not exceeding the max. linesize provided
# for text formatting are justified!!!
proc ::textutil::adjust::Justification { line index } {
variable Justify
variable Length
variable FullLine
set len [string length $line]; # length of current line
if { $Length <= $len } then {
# the length of current line ($len) is equal as or greater than
# the value provided for text formatting ($Length) => to avoid
# inifinite loops we leave $line unchanged and return!
return $line
# Special case:
# for the last line, and if the justification is set to 'plain'
# the real justification is 'left' if the length of the line
# is less than 90% (rounded) of the max length allowed. This is
# to avoid expansion of this line when it is too small: without
# it, the added spaces will 'unbeautify' the result.
set justify $Justify
if { ( "$index" == "end" ) && \
( "$Justify" == "plain" ) && \
( $len < round($Length * 0.90) ) } then {
set justify left
# For a left justification, nothing to do, but to
# add some spaces at the end of the line if requested
if { "$justify" == "left" } then {
set jus ""
if { $FullLine } then {
set jus [strRepeat " " [ expr { $Length - $len } ]]
return "${line}${jus}"
# For a right justification, just add enough spaces
# at the beginning of the line
if { "$justify" == "right" } then {
set jus [strRepeat " " [ expr { $Length - $len } ]]
return "${jus}${line}"
# For a center justification, add half of the needed spaces
# at the beginning of the line, and the rest at the end
# only if needed.
if { "$justify" == "center" } then {
set mr [ expr { ( $Length - $len ) / 2 } ]
set ml [ expr { $Length - $len - $mr } ]
set jusl [strRepeat " " $ml]
set jusr [strRepeat " " $mr]
if { $FullLine } then {
return "${jusl}${line}${jusr}"
} else {
return "${jusl}${line}"
# For a plain justification, it's a little bit complex:
# if some spaces are missing, then
# 1) sort the list of words in the current line by decreasing size
# 2) foreach word, add one space before it, except if it's the
# first word, until enough spaces are added
# 3) rebuild the line
if { "$justify" == "plain" } then {
set miss [ expr { $Length - [ string length $line ] } ]
# Bugfix tcllib-bugs-860753 (jhv)
set words [split $line]
set numWords [llength $words]
if {$numWords < 2} {
# current line consists of less than two words - we can't
# insert blanks to achieve a plain justification => leave
# $line unchanged and return!
return $line
for {set i 0; set totalLen 0} {$i < $numWords} {incr i} {
set w($i) [lindex $words $i]
if {$i > 0} {set w($i) " $w($i)"}
set wLen($i) [string length $w($i)]
set totalLen [expr {$totalLen+$wLen($i)}]
set miss [expr {$Length - $totalLen}]
# len walks through all lengths of words of the line under
# consideration
for {set len 1} {$miss > 0} {incr len} {
for {set i 1} {($i < $numWords) && ($miss > 0)} {incr i} {
if {$wLen($i) == $len} {
set w($i) " $w($i)"
incr wLen($i)
incr miss -1
set line ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $numWords} {incr i} {
set line "$line$w($i)"
# End of bugfix
return "${line}"
error "Illegal justification key \"$justify\""
proc ::textutil::adjust::SortList { list dir index } {
if { [ catch { lsort -integer -$dir -index $index $list } sl ] != 0 } then {
error "$sl"
return $sl
# Hyphenation utilities based on Knuth's algorithm
# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Dr.Johannes-Heinrich Vogeler (jhv)
# These procedures may be used as part of the tcllib
# textutil::adjust::Hyphenation
# Hyphenate a string using Knuth's algorithm
# Parameters:
# str string to be hyphenated
# Returns:
# the hyphenated string
proc ::textutil::adjust::Hyphenation { str } {
# if there are manual set hyphenation marks e.g. "Recht\-schrei\-bung"
# use these for hyphenation and return
if {[regexp {[^\\-]*[\\-][.]*} $str]} {
regsub -all {(\\)(-)} $str {-} tmp
return [split $tmp -]
# Don't hyphenate very short words! Minimum length for hyphenation
# is set to 3 characters!
if { [string length $str] < 4 } then { return $str }
# otherwise follow Knuth's algorithm
variable HyphPatterns; # hyphenation patterns (TeX)
set w ".[string tolower $str]."; # transform to lower case
set wLen [string length $w]; # and add delimiters
# Initialize hyphenation weights
set s {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $wLen} {incr i} {
lappend s 0
for {set i 0} {$i < $wLen} {incr i} {
set kmax [expr {$wLen-$i}]
for {set k 1} {$k < $kmax} {incr k} {
set sw [string range $w $i [expr {$i+$k}]]
if {[info exists HyphPatterns($sw)]} {
set hw $HyphPatterns($sw)
set hwLen [string length $hw]
for {set l1 0; set l2 0} {$l1 < $hwLen} {incr l1} {
set c [string index $hw $l1]
if {[string is digit $c]} {
set sPos [expr {$i+$l2}]
if {$c > [lindex $s $sPos]} {
set s [lreplace $s $sPos $sPos $c]
} else {
incr l2
# Replace all even hyphenation weigths by zero
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $s]} {incr i} {
set c [lindex $s $i]
if {!($c%2)} { set s [lreplace $s $i $i 0] }
# Don't start with a hyphen! Take also care of words enclosed in quotes
# or that someone has forgotten to put a blank between a punctuation
# character and the following word etc.
for {set i 1} {$i < ($wLen-1)} {incr i} {
set c [string range $w $i end]
if {[regexp {^[:alpha:][.]*} $c]} {
for {set k 1} {$k < ($i+1)} {incr k} {
set s [lreplace $s $k $k 0]
# Don't separate the last character of a word with a hyphen
set max [expr {[llength $s]-2}]
if {$max} {set s [lreplace $s $max end 0]}
# return the syllabels of the hyphenated word as a list!
set ret ""
set w ".$str."
for {set i 1} {$i < ($wLen-1)} {incr i} {
if {[lindex $s $i]} { append ret - }
append ret [string index $w $i]
return [split $ret -]
# textutil::adjust::listPredefined
# Return the names of the hyphenation files coming with the package.
# Parameters:
# None.
# Result:
# List of filenames (without directory)
proc ::textutil::adjust::listPredefined {} {
variable here
return [glob -type f -directory $here -tails *.tex]
# textutil::adjust::getPredefined
# Retrieve the full path for a predefined hyphenation file
# coming with the package.
# Parameters:
# name Name of the predefined file.
# Results:
# Full path to the file, or an error if it doesn't
# exist or is matching the pattern *.tex.
proc ::textutil::adjust::getPredefined {name} {
variable here
if {![string match *.tex $name]} {
return -code error \
"Illegal hyphenation file \"$name\""
set path [file join $here $name]
if {![file exists $path]} {
return -code error \
"Unknown hyphenation file \"$path\""
return $path
# textutil::adjust::readPatterns
# Read hyphenation patterns from a file and store them in an array
# Parameters:
# filNam name of the file containing the patterns
proc ::textutil::adjust::readPatterns { filNam } {
variable HyphPatterns; # hyphenation patterns (TeX)
# HyphPatterns(_LOADED_) is used as flag for having loaded
# hyphenation patterns from the respective file (TeX format)
if {[info exists HyphPatterns(_LOADED_)]} {
unset HyphPatterns(_LOADED_)
# the array xlat provides translation from TeX encoded characters
# to those of the ISO-8859-1 character set
set xlat(\"s) \337; # 223 := sharp s "
set xlat(\`a) \340; # 224 := a, grave
set xlat(\'a) \341; # 225 := a, acute
set xlat(\^a) \342; # 226 := a, circumflex
set xlat(\"a) \344; # 228 := a, diaeresis "
set xlat(\`e) \350; # 232 := e, grave
set xlat(\'e) \351; # 233 := e, acute
set xlat(\^e) \352; # 234 := e, circumflex
set xlat(\`i) \354; # 236 := i, grave
set xlat(\'i) \355; # 237 := i, acute
set xlat(\^i) \356; # 238 := i, circumflex
set xlat(\~n) \361; # 241 := n, tilde
set xlat(\`o) \362; # 242 := o, grave
set xlat(\'o) \363; # 243 := o, acute
set xlat(\^o) \364; # 244 := o, circumflex
set xlat(\"o) \366; # 246 := o, diaeresis "
set xlat(\`u) \371; # 249 := u, grave
set xlat(\'u) \372; # 250 := u, acute
set xlat(\^u) \373; # 251 := u, circumflex
set xlat(\"u) \374; # 252 := u, diaeresis "
set fd [open $filNam RDONLY]
set status 0
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
switch -exact $status {
if {[regexp {^\}[.]*} $line]} {
# End of patterns encountered: set status
# and ignore that line
set status 0
} else {
# This seems to be pattern definition line; to process it
# we have first to do some editing
# 1) eat comments in a pattern definition line
# 2) eat braces and coded linefeeds
set z [string first "%" $line]
if {$z > 0} { set line [string range $line 0 [expr {$z-1}]] }
regsub -all {(\\n|\{|\})} $line {} tmp
set line $tmp
# Now $line should consist only of hyphenation patterns
# separated by white space
# Translate TeX encoded characters to ISO-8859-1 characters
# using the array xlat defined above
foreach x [array names xlat] {
regsub -all {$x} $line $xlat($x) tmp
set line $tmp
# split the line and create a lookup array for
# the repective hyphenation patterns
foreach item [split $line] {
if {[string length $item]} {
if {![string match {\\} $item]} {
# create index for hyphenation patterns
set var $item
regsub -all {[0-9]} $var {} idx
# store hyphenation patterns as elements of an array
set HyphPatterns($idx) $item
if {[regexp {^\}[.]*} $line]} {
# End of patterns encountered: set status
# and ignore that line
set status 0
} else {
# to be done in the future
default {
if {[regexp {^\\endinput[.]*} $line]} {
# end of data encountered, stop processing and
# ignore all the following text ..
} elseif {[regexp {^\\patterns[.]*} $line]} {
# begin of patterns encountered: set status
# and ignore that line
set status PATTERNS
} elseif {[regexp {^\\hyphenation[.]*} $line]} {
# some particular cases to be treated separately
set status EXCEPTIONS
} else {
set status 0
close $fd
set HyphPatterns(_LOADED_) 1
# @c The specified <a text>block is indented
# @c by <a prefix>ing each line. The first
# @c <a hang> lines ares skipped.
# @a text: The paragraph to indent.
# @a prefix: The string to use as prefix for each line
# @a prefix: of <a text> with.
# @a skip: The number of lines at the beginning to leave untouched.
# @r Basically <a text>, but indented a certain amount.
# @i indent
# @n This procedure is not checked by the testsuite.
proc ::textutil::adjust::indent {text prefix {skip 0}} {
set text [string trimright $text]
set res [list]
foreach line [split $text \n] {
if {[string compare "" [string trim $line]] == 0} {
lappend res {}
} else {
set line [string trimright $line]
if {$skip <= 0} {
lappend res $prefix$line
} else {
lappend res $line
if {$skip > 0} {incr skip -1}
return [join $res \n]
# Undent the block of text: Compute LCP (restricted to whitespace!)
# and remove that from each line. Note that this preverses the
# shaping of the paragraph (i.e. hanging indent are _not_ flattened)
# We ignore empty lines !!
proc ::textutil::adjust::undent {text} {
if {$text == {}} {return {}}
set lines [split $text \n]
set ne [list]
foreach l $lines {
if {[string length [string trim $l]] == 0} continue
lappend ne $l
set lcp [::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefixList $ne]
if {[string length $lcp] == 0} {return $text}
regexp "^(\[\t \]*)" $lcp -> lcp
if {[string length $lcp] == 0} {return $text}
set len [string length $lcp]
set res [list]
foreach l $lines {
if {[string length [string trim $l]] == 0} {
lappend res {}
} else {
lappend res [string range $l $len end]
return [join $res \n]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures
namespace eval ::textutil::adjust {
variable here [file dirname [info script]]
variable Justify left
variable Length 72
variable FullLine 0
variable StrictLength 0
variable Hyphenate 0
variable HyphPatterns
namespace export adjust indent undent
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide textutil::adjust 0.7.3
#-- From expander.tcl
# expander.tcl
# Will Duquette
# An expander is an object that takes as input text with embedded
# Tcl code and returns text with the embedded code expanded. The
# text can be provided all at once or incrementally.
# See expander.[e]html for usage info.
# Also expander.n
# Copyright (C) 2001 by William H. Duquette. See expander_license.txt,
# distributed with this file, for license information.
# 10/31/01: V0.9 code is complete.
# 11/23/01: Added "evalcmd"; V1.0 code is complete.
# Provide the package.
# Create the package's namespace.
namespace eval ::textutil {
namespace eval expander {
# All indices are prefixed by "$exp-".
# lb The left bracket sequence
# rb The right bracket sequence
# errmode How to handle macro errors:
# nothing, macro, error, fail.
# evalcmd The evaluation command.
# textcmd The plain text processing command.
# level The context level
# output-$level The accumulated text at this context level.
# name-$level The tag name of this context level
# data-$level-$var A variable of this context level
variable Info
# In methods, the current object:
variable This ""
# Export public commands
namespace export expander
#namespace import expander::*
namespace export expander
proc expander {name} {uplevel ::textutil::expander::expander [list $name]}
# expander name
# name A proc name for the new object. If not
# fully-qualified, it is assumed to be relative
# to the caller's namespace.
# nothing
# Creates a new expander object.
proc ::textutil::expander::expander {name} {
variable Info
# FIRST, qualify the name.
if {![string match "::*" $name]} {
# Get caller's namespace; append :: if not global namespace.
set ns [uplevel 1 namespace current]
if {"::" != $ns} {
append ns "::"
set name "$ns$name"
# NEXT, Check the name
if {"" != [info commands $name]} {
return -code error "command name \"$name\" already exists"
# NEXT, Create the object.
proc $name {method args} [format {
if {[catch {::textutil::expander::Methods %s $method $args} result]} {
return -code error $result
} else {
return $result
} $name]
# NEXT, Initialize the object
Op_reset $name
return $name
# Methods name method argList
# name The object's fully qualified procedure name.
# This argument is provided by the object command
# itself.
# method The method to call.
# argList Arguments for the specific method.
# Depends on the method
# Handles all method dispatch for a expander object.
# The expander's object command merely passes its arguments to
# this function, which dispatches the arguments to the
# appropriate method procedure. If the method raises an error,
# the method procedure's name in the error message is replaced
# by the object and method names.
proc ::textutil::expander::Methods {name method argList} {
variable Info
variable This
switch -exact -- $method {
expand -
lb -
rb -
setbrackets -
errmode -
evalcmd -
textcmd -
cpush -
ctopandclear -
cis -
cname -
cset -
cget -
cvar -
cpop -
cappend -
where -
reset {
# FIRST, execute the method, first setting This to the object
# name; then, after the method has been called, restore the
# old object name.
set oldThis $This
set This $name
set retval [catch "Op_$method $name $argList" result]
set This $oldThis
# NEXT, handle the result based on the retval.
if {$retval} {
regsub -- "Op_$method" $result "$name $method" result
return -code error $result
} else {
return $result
default {
return -code error "\"$name $method\" is not defined"
# Get key
# key A key into the Info array, excluding the
# object name. E.g., "lb"
# The value from the array
# Gets the value of an entry from Info for This.
proc ::textutil::expander::Get {key} {
variable Info
variable This
return $Info($This-$key)
# Set key value
# key A key into the Info array, excluding the
# object name. E.g., "lb"
# value A Tcl value
# The value
# Sets the value of an entry in Info for This.
proc ::textutil::expander::Set {key value} {
variable Info
variable This
return [set Info($This-$key) $value]
# Var key
# key A key into the Info array, excluding the
# object name. E.g., "lb"
# The full variable name, suitable for setting or lappending
proc ::textutil::expander::Var {key} {
variable Info
variable This
return ::textutil::expander::Info($This-$key)
# Contains list value
# list any list
# value any value
# TRUE if the list contains the value, and false otherwise.
proc ::textutil::expander::Contains {list value} {
if {[lsearch -exact $list $value] == -1} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
# Op_lb ?newbracket?
# newbracket If given, the new bracket token.
# The current left bracket
# Returns the current left bracket token.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_lb {name {newbracket ""}} {
if {[string length $newbracket] != 0} {
Set lb $newbracket
return [Get lb]
# Op_rb ?newbracket?
# newbracket If given, the new bracket token.
# The current left bracket
# Returns the current left bracket token.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_rb {name {newbracket ""}} {
if {[string length $newbracket] != 0} {
Set rb $newbracket
return [Get rb]
# Op_setbrackets lbrack rbrack
# lbrack The new left bracket
# rbrack The new right bracket
# nothing
# Sets the brackets as a pair.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_setbrackets {name lbrack rbrack} {
Set lb $lbrack
Set rb $rbrack
# Op_errmode ?newErrmode?
# newErrmode If given, the new error mode.
# The current error mode
# Returns the current error mode.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_errmode {name {newErrmode ""}} {
if {[string length $newErrmode] != 0} {
if {![Contains "macro nothing error fail" $newErrmode]} {
error "$name errmode: Invalid error mode: $newErrmode"
Set errmode $newErrmode
return [Get errmode]
# Op_evalcmd ?newEvalCmd?
# newEvalCmd If given, the new eval command.
# The current eval command
# Returns the current eval command. This is the command used to
# evaluate macros; it defaults to "uplevel #0".
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_evalcmd {name {newEvalCmd ""}} {
if {[string length $newEvalCmd] != 0} {
Set evalcmd $newEvalCmd
return [Get evalcmd]
# Op_textcmd ?newTextCmd?
# newTextCmd If given, the new text command.
# The current text command
# Returns the current text command. This is the command used to
# process plain text. It defaults to {}, meaning identity.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_textcmd {name args} {
switch -exact [llength $args] {
0 {}
1 {Set textcmd [lindex $args 0]}
default {
return -code error "wrong#args for textcmd: name ?newTextcmd?"
return [Get textcmd]
# Op_reset
# none
# nothing
# Resets all object values, as though it were brand new.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_reset {name} {
variable Info
if {[info exists Info($name-lb)]} {
foreach elt [array names Info "$name-*"] {
unset Info($elt)
set Info($name-lb) "\["
set Info($name-rb) "\]"
set Info($name-errmode) "fail"
set Info($name-evalcmd) "uplevel #0"
set Info($name-textcmd) ""
set Info($name-level) 0
set Info($name-output-0) ""
set Info($name-name-0) ":0"
# Context: Every expansion takes place in its own context; however,
# a macro can push a new context, causing the text it returns and all
# subsequent text to be saved separately. Later, a matching macro can
# pop the context, acquiring all text saved since the first command,
# and use that in its own output.
# Op_cpush cname
# cname The context name
# nothing
# Pushes an empty macro context onto the stack. All expanded text
# will be added to this context until it is popped.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cpush {name cname} {
# FRINK: nocheck
incr [Var level]
# FRINK: nocheck
set [Var output-[Get level]] {}
# FRINK: nocheck
set [Var name-[Get level]] $cname
# The first level is init'd elsewhere (Op_expand)
if {[set [Var level]] < 2} return
# Initialize the location information, inherit from the outer
# context.
LocInit $cname
catch {LocSet $cname [LocGet $name]}
# Op_cis cname
# cname A context name
# true or false
# Returns true if the current context has the specified name, and
# false otherwise.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cis {name cname} {
return [expr {[string compare $cname [Op_cname $name]] == 0}]
# Op_cname
# none
# The context name
# Returns the name of the current context.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cname {name} {
return [Get name-[Get level]]
# Op_cset varname value
# varname The name of a context variable
# value The new value for the context variable
# The value
# Sets a variable in the current context.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cset {name varname value} {
Set data-[Get level]-$varname $value
# Op_cget varname
# varname The name of a context variable
# The value
# Returns the value of a context variable. It's an error if
# the variable doesn't exist.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cget {name varname} {
if {![info exists [Var data-[Get level]-$varname]]} {
error "$name cget: $varname doesn't exist in this context ([Get level])"
return [Get data-[Get level]-$varname]
# Op_cvar varname
# varname The name of a context variable
# The index to the variable
# Returns the index to a context variable, for use with set,
# lappend, etc.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cvar {name varname} {
if {![info exists [Var data-[Get level]-$varname]]} {
error "$name cvar: $varname doesn't exist in this context"
return [Var data-[Get level]-$varname]
# Op_cpop cname
# cname The expected context name.
# The accumulated output in this context
# Returns the accumulated output for the current context, first
# popping the context from the stack. The expected context name
# must match the real name, or an error occurs.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cpop {name cname} {
variable Info
if {[Get level] == 0} {
error "$name cpop underflow on '$cname'"
if {[string compare [Op_cname $name] $cname] != 0} {
error "$name cpop context mismatch: expected [Op_cname $name], got $cname"
set result [Get output-[Get level]]
# FRINK: nocheck
set [Var output-[Get level]] ""
# FRINK: nocheck
set [Var name-[Get level]] ""
foreach elt [array names "Info data-[Get level]-*"] {
unset Info($elt)
# FRINK: nocheck
incr [Var level] -1
return $result
# Op_ctopandclear
# None.
# The accumulated output in the topmost context, clears the context,
# but does not pop it.
# Returns the accumulated output for the current context, first
# popping the context from the stack. The expected context name
# must match the real name, or an error occurs.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_ctopandclear {name} {
variable Info
if {[Get level] == 0} {
error "$name cpop underflow on '[Op_cname $name]'"
set result [Get output-[Get level]]
Set output-[Get level] ""
return $result
# Op_cappend text
# text Text to add to the output
# The accumulated output
# Appends the text to the accumulated output in the current context.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_cappend {name text} {
# FRINK: nocheck
append [Var output-[Get level]] $text
# Macro-expansion: The following code is the heart of the module.
# Given a text string, and the current variable settings, this code
# returns an expanded string, with all macros replaced.
# Op_expand inputString ?brackets?
# inputString The text to expand.
# brackets A list of two bracket tokens.
# The expanded text.
# Finds all embedded macros in the input string, and expands them.
# If ?brackets? is given, it must be list of length 2, containing
# replacement left and right macro brackets; otherwise the default
# brackets are used.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_expand {name inputString {brackets ""}} {
# FIRST, push a new context onto the stack, and save the current
# brackets.
Op_cpush $name expand
Op_cset $name lb [Get lb]
Op_cset $name rb [Get rb]
# Keep position information in context variables as well.
# Line we are in, counting from 1; column we are at,
# counting from 0, and index of character we are at,
# counting from 0. Tabs counts as '1' when computing
# the column.
LocInit $name
# SF Tcllib Bug #530056.
set start_level [Get level] ; # remember this for check at end
# NEXT, use the user's brackets, if given.
if {[llength $brackets] == 2} {
Set lb [lindex $brackets 0]
Set rb [lindex $brackets 1]
# NEXT, loop over the string, finding and expanding macros.
while {[string length $inputString] > 0} {
set plainText [ExtractToToken inputString [Get lb] exclude]
# FIRST, If there was plain text, append it to the output, and
# continue.
if {$plainText != ""} {
set input $plainText
set tc [Get textcmd]
if {[string length $tc] > 0} {
lappend tc $plainText
if {![catch "[Get evalcmd] [list $tc]" result]} {
set plainText $result
} else {
HandleError $name {plain text} $tc $result
Op_cappend $name $plainText
LocUpdate $name $input
if {[string length $inputString] == 0} {
# NEXT, A macro is the next thing; process it.
if {[catch {GetMacro inputString} macro]} {
# SF tcllib bug 781973 ... Do not throw a regular
# error. Use HandleError to give the user control of the
# situation, via the defined error mode. The continue
# intercepts if the user allows the expansion to run on,
# yet we must not try to run the non-existing macro.
HandleError $name {reading macro} $inputString $macro
# Expand the macro, and output the result, or
# handle an error.
if {![catch "[Get evalcmd] [list $macro]" result]} {
Op_cappend $name $result
# We have to advance the location by the length of the
# macro, plus the two brackets. They were stripped by
# GetMacro, so we have to add them here again to make
# computation correct.
LocUpdate $name [Get lb]${macro}[Get rb]
HandleError $name macro $macro $result
# SF Tcllib Bug #530056.
if {[Get level] > $start_level} {
# The user macros pushed additional contexts, but forgot to
# pop them all. The main work here is to place all the still
# open contexts into the error message, and to produce
# syntactically correct english.
set c [list]
set n [expr {[Get level] - $start_level}]
if {$n == 1} {
set ctx context
set verb was
} else {
set ctx contexts
set verb were
for {incr n -1} {$n >= 0} {incr n -1} {
lappend c [Get name-[expr {[Get level]-$n}]]
return -code error \
"The following $ctx pushed by the macros $verb not popped: [join $c ,]."
} elseif {[Get level] < $start_level} {
set n [expr {$start_level - [Get level]}]
if {$n == 1} {
set ctx context
} else {
set ctx contexts
return -code error \
"The macros popped $n more $ctx than they had pushed."
Op_lb $name [Op_cget $name lb]
Op_rb $name [Op_cget $name rb]
return [Op_cpop $name expand]
# Op_where
# None.
# The current location in the input.
# Retrieves the current location the expander
# is at during processing.
proc ::textutil::expander::Op_where {name} {
return [LocGet $name]
# HandleError name title command errmsg
# name The name of the expander object in question.
# title A title text
# command The command which caused the error.
# errmsg The error message to report
# Nothing
# Is executed when an error in a macro or the plain text handler
# occurs. Generates an error message according to the current
# error mode.
proc ::textutil::expander::HandleError {name title command errmsg} {
switch [Get errmode] {
nothing { }
macro {
# The location is irrelevant here.
Op_cappend $name "[Get lb]$command[Get rb]"
error {
foreach {ch line col} [LocGet $name] break
set display [DisplayOf $command]
Op_cappend $name "\n=================================\n"
Op_cappend $name "*** Error in $title at line $line, column $col:\n"
Op_cappend $name "*** [Get lb]$display[Get rb]\n--> $errmsg\n"
Op_cappend $name "=================================\n"
fail {
foreach {ch line col} [LocGet $name] break
set display [DisplayOf $command]
return -code error "Error in $title at line $line,\
column $col:\n[Get lb]$display[Get rb]\n-->\
default {
return -code error "Unknown error mode: [Get errmode]"
# ExtractToToken string token mode
# string The text to process.
# token The token to look for
# mode include or exclude
# The extracted text
# Extract text from a string, up to or including a particular
# token. Remove the extracted text from the string.
# mode determines whether the found token is removed;
# it should be "include" or "exclude". The string is
# modified in place, and the extracted text is returned.
proc ::textutil::expander::ExtractToToken {string token mode} {
upvar $string theString
# First, determine the offset
switch $mode {
include { set offset [expr {[string length $token] - 1}] }
exclude { set offset -1 }
default { error "::expander::ExtractToToken: unknown mode $mode" }
# Next, find the first occurrence of the token.
set tokenPos [string first $token $theString]
# Next, return the entire string if it wasn't found, or just
# the part upto or including the character.
if {$tokenPos == -1} {
set theText $theString
set theString ""
} else {
set newEnd [expr {$tokenPos + $offset}]
set newBegin [expr {$newEnd + 1}]
set theText [string range $theString 0 $newEnd]
set theString [string range $theString $newBegin end]
return $theText
# GetMacro string
# string The text to process.
# The macro, stripped of its brackets.
proc ::textutil::expander::GetMacro {string} {
upvar $string theString
# FIRST, it's an error if the string doesn't begin with a
# bracket.
if {[string first [Get lb] $theString] != 0} {
error "::expander::GetMacro: assertion failure, next text isn't a command! '$theString'"
# NEXT, extract a full macro
set macro [ExtractToToken theString [Get lb] include]
while {[string length $theString] > 0} {
append macro [ExtractToToken theString [Get rb] include]
# Verify that the command really ends with the [rb] characters,
# whatever they are. If not, break because of unexpected
# end of file.
if {![IsBracketed $macro]} {
set strippedMacro [StripBrackets $macro]
if {[info complete "puts \[$strippedMacro\]"]} {
return $strippedMacro
if {[string length $macro] > 40} {
set macro "[string range $macro 0 39]...\n"
error "Unexpected EOF in macro:\n$macro"
# Strip left and right bracket tokens from the ends of a macro,
# provided that it's properly bracketed.
proc ::textutil::expander::StripBrackets {macro} {
set llen [string length [Get lb]]
set rlen [string length [Get rb]]
set tlen [string length $macro]
return [string range $macro $llen [expr {$tlen - $rlen - 1}]]
# Return 1 if the macro is properly bracketed, and 0 otherwise.
proc ::textutil::expander::IsBracketed {macro} {
set llen [string length [Get lb]]
set rlen [string length [Get rb]]
set tlen [string length $macro]
set leftEnd [string range $macro 0 [expr {$llen - 1}]]
set rightEnd [string range $macro [expr {$tlen - $rlen}] end]
if {$leftEnd != [Get lb]} {
return 0
} elseif {$rightEnd != [Get rb]} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
# LocInit name
# name The expander object to use.
# No result.
# A convenience wrapper around LocSet. Initializes the location
# to the start of the input (char 0, line 1, column 0).
proc ::textutil::expander::LocInit {name} {
LocSet $name {0 1 0}
# LocSet name loc
# name The expander object to use.
# loc Location, list containing character position,
# line number and column, in this order.
# No result.
# Sets the current location in the expander to 'loc'.
proc ::textutil::expander::LocSet {name loc} {
foreach {ch line col} $loc break
Op_cset $name char $ch
Op_cset $name line $line
Op_cset $name col $col
# LocGet name
# name The expander object to use.
# A list containing the current character position, line number
# and column, in this order.
# Returns the current location as stored in the expander.
proc ::textutil::expander::LocGet {name} {
list [Op_cget $name char] [Op_cget $name line] [Op_cget $name col]
# LocUpdate name text
# name The expander object to use.
# text The text to process.
# No result.
# Takes the current location as stored in the expander, computes
# a new location based on the string (its length and contents
# (number of lines)), and makes that new location the current
# location.
proc ::textutil::expander::LocUpdate {name text} {
foreach {ch line col} [LocGet $name] break
set numchars [string length $text]
#8.4+ set numlines [regexp -all "\n" $text]
set numlines [expr {[llength [split $text \n]]-1}]
incr ch $numchars
incr line $numlines
if {$numlines} {
set col [expr {$numchars - [string last \n $text] - 1}]
} else {
incr col $numchars
LocSet $name [list $ch $line $col]
# LocRange name text
# name The expander object to use.
# text The text to process.
# A text range description, compatible with the 'location' data
# used in the tcl debugger/checker.
# Takes the current location as stored in the expander object
# and the length of the text to generate a character range.
proc ::textutil::expander::LocRange {name text} {
# Note that the structure is compatible with
# the ranges uses by tcl debugger and checker.
# {line {charpos length}}
foreach {ch line col} [LocGet $name] break
return [list $line [list $ch [string length $text]]]
# DisplayOf text
# text The text to process.
# The text, cut down to at most 30 bytes.
# Cuts the incoming text down to contain no more than 30
# characters of the input. Adds an ellipsis (...) if characters
# were actually removed from the input.
proc ::textutil::expander::DisplayOf {text} {
set ellip ""
while {[string bytelength $text] > 30} {
set ellip ...
set text [string range $text 0 end-1]
set display $text$ellip
# Provide the package only if the code above was read and executed
# without error.
package provide textutil::expander 1.3.1
#-- From split.tcl
# split.tcl --
# Various ways of splitting a string.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Eric Melski <>
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Reinhard Max <>
# Copyright (c) 2003 by Pat Thoyts <>
# Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: split.tcl,v 1.7 2006/04/21 04:42:28 andreas_kupries Exp $
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::textutil::split {}
# This one was written by Bob Techentin (RWT in Tcl'ers Wiki):
# Later, he send me an email stated that I can use it anywhere, because
# no copyright was added, so the code is defacto in the public domain.
# You can found it in the Tcl'ers Wiki here:
# Bob wrote:
# If you need to split string into list using some more complicated rule
# than builtin split command allows, use following function. It mimics
# Perl split operator which allows regexp as element separator, but,
# like builtin split, it expects string to split as first arg and regexp
# as second (optional) By default, it splits by any amount of whitespace.
# Note that if you add parenthesis into regexp, parenthesed part of separator
# would be added into list as additional element. Just like in Perl. -- cary
# Speed improvement by Reinhard Max:
# Instead of repeatedly copying around the not yet matched part of the
# string, I use [regexp]'s -start option to restrict the match to that
# part. This reduces the complexity from something like O(n^1.5) to
# O(n). My test case for that was:
# foreach i {1 10 100 1000 10000} {
# set s [string repeat x $i]
# puts [time {splitx $s .}]
# }
if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.3]} {
proc ::textutil::split::splitx {str {regexp {[\t \r\n]+}}} {
# Bugfix 476988
if {[string length $str] == 0} {
return {}
if {[string length $regexp] == 0} {
return [::split $str ""]
if {[regexp $regexp {}]} {
return -code error \
"splitting on regexp \"$regexp\" would cause infinite loop"
set list {}
set start 0
while {[regexp -start $start -indices -- $regexp $str match submatch]} {
foreach {subStart subEnd} $submatch break
foreach {matchStart matchEnd} $match break
incr matchStart -1
incr matchEnd
lappend list [string range $str $start $matchStart]
if {$subStart >= $start} {
lappend list [string range $str $subStart $subEnd]
set start $matchEnd
lappend list [string range $str $start end]
return $list
} else {
# For tcl <= 8.2 we do not have regexp -start...
proc ::textutil::split::splitx [list str [list regexp "\[\t \r\n\]+"]] {
if {[string length $str] == 0} {
return {}
if {[string length $regexp] == 0} {
return [::split $str {}]
if {[regexp $regexp {}]} {
return -code error \
"splitting on regexp \"$regexp\" would cause infinite loop"
set list {}
while {[regexp -indices -- $regexp $str match submatch]} {
lappend list [string range $str 0 [expr {[lindex $match 0] -1}]]
if {[lindex $submatch 0] >= 0} {
lappend list [string range $str [lindex $submatch 0] \
[lindex $submatch 1]]
set str [string range $str [expr {[lindex $match 1]+1}] end]
lappend list $str
return $list
# splitn --
# splitn splits the string $str into chunks of length $len. These
# chunks are returned as a list.
# If $str really contains a ByteArray object (as retrieved from binary
# encoded channels) splitn must honor this by splitting the string
# into chunks of $len bytes.
# It is an error to call splitn with a nonpositive $len.
# If splitn is called with an empty string, it returns the empty list.
# If the length of $str is not an entire multiple of the chunk length,
# the last chunk in the generated list will be shorter than $len.
# The implementation presented here was given by Bryan Oakley, as
# part of a ``contest'' I staged on c.l.t in July 2004. I selected
# this version, as it does not rely on runtime generated code, is
# very fast for chunk size one, not too bad in all the other cases,
# and uses [split] or [string range] which have been around for quite
# some time.
# -- Robert Suetterlin (
proc ::textutil::split::splitn {str {len 1}} {
if {$len <= 0} {
return -code error "len must be > 0"
if {$len == 1} {
return [split $str {}]
set result [list]
set max [string length $str]
set i 0
set j [expr {$len -1}]
while {$i < $max} {
lappend result [string range $str $i $j]
incr i $len
incr j $len
return $result
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures
namespace eval ::textutil::split {
namespace export splitx splitn
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide textutil::split 0.8
#-- From tabify.tcl
# As the author of the procs 'tabify2' and 'untabify2' I suggest that the
# comments explaining their behaviour be kept in this file.
# 1) Beginners in any programming language (I am new to Tcl so I know what I
# am talking about) can profit enormously from studying 'correct' code.
# Of course comments will help a lot in this regard.
# 2) Many problems newbies face can be solved by directing them towards
# available libraries - after all, libraries have been written to solve
# recurring problems. Then they can just use them, or have a closer look
# to see and to discover how things are done the 'Tcl way'.
# 3) And if ever a proc from a library should be less than perfect, having
# comments explaining the behaviour of the code will surely help.
# This said, I will welcome any error reports or suggestions for improvements
# (especially on the 'doing things the Tcl way' aspect).
# Use of these sources is licensed under the same conditions as is Tcl.
# June 2001, Helmut Giese (
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The original procs 'tabify' and 'untabify' each work with complete blocks
# of $num spaces ('num' holding the tab size). While this is certainly useful
# in some circumstances, it does not reflect the way an editor works:
# Counting columns from 1, assuming a tab size of 8 and entering '12345'
# followed by a tab, you expect to advance to column 9. Your editor might
# put a tab into the file or 3 spaces, depending on its configuration.
# Now, on 'tabifying' you will expect to see those 3 spaces converted to a
# tab (and on the other hand expect the tab *at this position* to be
# converted to 3 spaces).
# This behaviour is mimicked by the new procs 'tabify2' and 'untabify2'.
# Both have one feature in common: They accept multi-line strings (a whole
# file if you want to) but in order to make life simpler for the programmer,
# they split the incoming string into individual lines and hand each line to
# a proc that does the real work.
# One design decision worth mentioning here:
# A single space is never converted to a tab even if its position would
# allow to do so.
# Single spaces occur very often, say in arithmetic expressions like
# [expr (($a + $b) * $c) < $d]. If we didn't follow the above rule we might
# need to replace one or more of them to tabs. However if the tab size gets
# changed, this expression would be formatted quite differently - which is
# probably not a good idea.
# 'untabifying' on the other hand might need to replace a tab with a single
# space: If the current position requires it, what else to do?
# As a consequence those two procs are unsymmetric in this aspect, but I
# couldn't think of a better solution. Could you?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
package require textutil::repeat
namespace eval ::textutil::tabify {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API implementation
namespace eval ::textutil::tabify {
namespace import -force ::textutil::repeat::strRepeat
proc ::textutil::tabify::tabify { string { num 8 } } {
return [string map [list [MakeTabStr $num] \t] $string]
proc ::textutil::tabify::untabify { string { num 8 } } {
return [string map [list \t [MakeTabStr $num]] $string]
proc ::textutil::tabify::MakeTabStr { num } {
variable TabStr
variable TabLen
if { $TabLen != $num } then {
set TabLen $num
set TabStr [strRepeat " " $num]
return $TabStr
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tabifyLine: Works on a single line of text, replacing 'spaces at correct
# positions' with tabs. $num is the requested tab size.
# Returns the (possibly modified) line.
# 'spaces at correct positions': Only spaces which 'fill the space' between
# an arbitrary position and the next tab stop can be replaced.
# Example: With tab size 8, spaces at positions 11 - 13 will *not* be replaced,
# because an expansion of a tab at position 11 will jump up to 16.
# See also the comment at the beginning of this file why single spaces are
# *never* replaced by a tab.
# The proc works backwards, from the end of the string up to the beginning:
# - Set the position to start the search from ('lastPos') to 'end'.
# - Find the last occurrence of ' ' in 'line' with respect to 'lastPos'
# ('currPos' below). This is a candidate for replacement.
# - Find to 'currPos' the following tab stop using the expression
# set nextTab [expr ($currPos + $num) - ($currPos % $num)]
# and get the previous tab stop as well (this will be the starting
# point for the next iteration).
# - The ' ' at 'currPos' is only a candidate for replacement if
# 1) it is just one position before a tab stop *and*
# 2) there is at least one space at its left (see comment above on not
# touching an isolated space).
# Continue, if any of these conditions is not met.
# - Determine where to put the tab (that is: how many spaces to replace?)
# by stepping up to the beginning until
# -- you hit a non-space or
# -- you are at the previous tab position
# - Do the replacement and continue.
# This algorithm only works, if $line does not contain tabs. Otherwise our
# interpretation of any position beyond the tab will be wrong. (Imagine you
# find a ' ' at position 4 in $line. If you got 3 leading tabs, your *real*
# position might be 25 (tab size of 8). Since in real life some strings might
# already contain tabs, we test for it (and eventually call untabifyLine).
proc ::textutil::tabify::tabifyLine { line num } {
if { [string first \t $line] != -1 } {
# assure array 'Spaces' is set up 'comme il faut'
checkArr $num
# remove existing tabs
set line [untabifyLine $line $num]
set lastPos end
while { $lastPos > 0 } {
set currPos [string last " " $line $lastPos]
if { $currPos == -1 } {
# no more spaces
set nextTab [expr {($currPos + $num) - ($currPos % $num)}]
set prevTab [expr {$nextTab - $num}]
# prepare for next round: continue at 'previous tab stop - 1'
set lastPos [expr {$prevTab - 1}]
if { ($currPos + 1) != $nextTab } {
continue ;# crit. (1)
if { [string index $line [expr {$currPos - 1}]] != " " } {
continue ;# crit. (2)
# now step backwards while there are spaces
for {set pos [expr {$currPos - 2}]} {$pos >= $prevTab} {incr pos -1} {
if { [string index $line $pos] != " " } {
# ... and replace them
set line [string replace $line [expr {$pos + 1}] $currPos \t]
return $line
# Helper proc for 'untabifyLine': Checks if all needed elements of array
# 'Spaces' exist and creates the missing ones if needed.
proc ::textutil::tabify::checkArr { num } {
variable TabLen2
variable Spaces
if { $num > $TabLen2 } {
for { set i [expr {$TabLen2 + 1}] } { $i <= $num } { incr i } {
set Spaces($i) [strRepeat " " $i]
set TabLen2 $num
# untabifyLine: Works on a single line of text, replacing tabs with enough
# spaces to get to the next tab position.
# Returns the (possibly modified) line.
# The procedure is straight forward:
# - Find the next tab.
# - Calculate the next tab position following it.
# - Delete the tab and insert as many spaces as needed to get there.
proc ::textutil::tabify::untabifyLine { line num } {
variable Spaces
set currPos 0
while { 1 } {
set currPos [string first \t $line $currPos]
if { $currPos == -1 } {
# no more tabs
# how far is the next tab position ?
set dist [expr {$num - ($currPos % $num)}]
# replace '\t' at $currPos with $dist spaces
set line [string replace $line $currPos $currPos $Spaces($dist)]
# set up for next round (not absolutely necessary but maybe a trifle
# more efficient)
incr currPos $dist
return $line
# tabify2: Replace all 'appropriate' spaces as discussed above with tabs.
# 'string' might hold any number of lines, 'num' is the requested tab size.
# Returns (possibly modified) 'string'.
proc ::textutil::tabify::tabify2 { string { num 8 } } {
# split string into individual lines
set inLst [split $string \n]
# now work on each line
set outLst [list]
foreach line $inLst {
lappend outLst [tabifyLine $line $num]
# return all as one string
return [join $outLst \n]
# untabify2: Replace all tabs with the appropriate number of spaces.
# 'string' might hold any number of lines, 'num' is the requested tab size.
# Returns (possibly modified) 'string'.
proc ::textutil::tabify::untabify2 { string { num 8 } } {
# assure array 'Spaces' is set up 'comme il faut'
checkArr $num
set inLst [split $string \n]
set outLst [list]
foreach line $inLst {
lappend outLst [untabifyLine $line $num]
return [join $outLst \n]
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures
namespace eval ::textutil::tabify {
variable TabLen 8
variable TabStr [strRepeat " " $TabLen]
namespace export tabify untabify tabify2 untabify2
# The proc 'untabify2' uses the following variables for efficiency.
# Since a tab can be replaced by one up to 'tab size' spaces, it is handy
# to have the appropriate 'space strings' available. This is the use of
# the array 'Spaces', where 'Spaces(n)' contains just 'n' spaces.
# The variable 'TabLen2' remembers the biggest tab size used.
variable TabLen2 0
variable Spaces
array set Spaces {0 ""}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide textutil::tabify 0.7
#-- From trim.tcl
# trim.tcl --
# Various ways of trimming a string.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Eric Melski <>
# Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: trim.tcl,v 1.5 2006/04/21 04:42:28 andreas_kupries Exp $
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::textutil::trim {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API implementation
proc ::textutil::trim::trimleft {text {trim "[ \t]+"}} {
regsub -line -all -- [MakeStr $trim left] $text {} text
return $text
proc ::textutil::trim::trimright {text {trim "[ \t]+"}} {
regsub -line -all -- [MakeStr $trim right] $text {} text
return $text
proc ::textutil::trim::trim {text {trim "[ \t]+"}} {
regsub -line -all -- [MakeStr $trim left] $text {} text
regsub -line -all -- [MakeStr $trim right] $text {} text
return $text
# @c Strips <a prefix> from <a text>, if found at its start.
# @a text: The string to check for <a prefix>.
# @a prefix: The string to remove from <a text>.
# @r The <a text>, but without <a prefix>.
# @i remove, prefix
proc ::textutil::trim::trimPrefix {text prefix} {
if {[string first $prefix $text] == 0} {
return [string range $text [string length $prefix] end]
} else {
return $text
# @c Removes the Heading Empty Lines of <a text>.
# @a text: The text block to manipulate.
# @r The <a text>, but without heading empty lines.
# @i remove, empty lines
proc ::textutil::trim::trimEmptyHeading {text} {
regsub -- "^(\[ \t\]*\n)*" $text {} text
return $text
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Helper commands. Internal
proc ::textutil::trim::MakeStr { string pos } {
variable StrU
variable StrR
variable StrL
if { "$string" != "$StrU" } {
set StrU $string
set StrR "(${StrU})\$"
set StrL "^(${StrU})"
if { "$pos" == "left" } {
return $StrL
if { "$pos" == "right" } {
return $StrR
return -code error "Panic, illegal position key \"$pos\""
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures
namespace eval ::textutil::trim {
variable StrU "\[ \t\]+"
variable StrR "(${StrU})\$"
variable StrL "^(${StrU})"
namespace export \
trim trimright trimleft \
trimPrefix trimEmptyHeading
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide textutil::trim 0.7
#-- From textutil.tcl
# textutil.tcl --
# Utilities for manipulating strings, words, single lines,
# paragraphs, ...
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Ajuba Solutions.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Eric Melski <>
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Joe English <>
# Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Andreas Kupries <>
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: textutil.tcl,v 1.17 2006/09/21 06:46:24 andreas_kupries Exp $
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::textutil {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API implementation
## All through sub-packages imported here.
package require textutil::string
package require textutil::repeat
package require textutil::adjust
package require textutil::split
package require textutil::tabify
package require textutil::trim
namespace eval ::textutil {
# Import the miscellaneous string command for public export
namespace import -force string::chop string::tail
namespace import -force string::cap string::uncap string::capEachWord
namespace import -force string::longestCommonPrefix
namespace import -force string::longestCommonPrefixList
# Import the repeat commands for public export
namespace import -force repeat::strRepeat repeat::blank
# Import the adjust commands for public export
namespace import -force adjust::adjust adjust::indent adjust::undent
# Import the split commands for public export
namespace import -force split::splitx split::splitn
# Import the trim commands for public export
namespace import -force trim::trim trim::trimleft trim::trimright
namespace import -force trim::trimPrefix trim::trimEmptyHeading
# Import the tabify commands for public export
namespace import -force tabify::tabify tabify::untabify
namespace import -force tabify::tabify2 tabify::untabify2
# Re-export all the imported commands
namespace export chop tail cap uncap capEachWord
namespace export longestCommonPrefix longestCommonPrefixList
namespace export strRepeat blank
namespace export adjust indent undent
namespace export splitx splitn
namespace export trim trimleft trimright trimPrefix trimEmptyHeading
namespace export tabify untabify tabify2 untabify2
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide textutil 0.8
#-- From markdown.tcl
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2014 Caius Project
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package require textutil
## \file
# \brief Functions for converting markdown to HTML.
# \brief Functions for converting markdown to HTML.
namespace eval Markdown {
namespace export convert
# Converts text written in markdown to HTML.
# @param markdown currently takes as a single argument the text in markdown
# The output of this function is only a fragment, not a complete HTML
# document. The format of the output is generic XHTML.
proc convert {markdown} {
set markdown [regsub {\r\n?} $markdown {\n}]
set markdown [::textutil::untabify2 $markdown 4]
set markdown [string trimright $markdown]
array unset ::Markdown::_references
array set ::Markdown::_references [collect_references markdown]
return [apply_templates markdown]
# Register a language specific converter. This converter can be
# used for fenced code blocks to transform the code block into a
# prettified HTML.
proc register {lang_specifier converter} {
set ::Markdown::converter($lang_specifier) $converter
# Return a dict (attribute value pairs) of language specifiers and
# the number of occurrences as they were used in fenced code blocks.
proc get_lang_counter {} {
return [array get ::Markdown::lang_counter]
# Reset the language counters of fenced code blocks.
proc reset_lang_counter {} {
array unset ::Markdown::lang_counter
## \private
proc collect_references {markdown_var} {
upvar $markdown_var markdown
set lines [split $markdown \n]
set no_lines [llength $lines]
set index 0
array set references {}
while {$index < $no_lines} {
set line [lindex $lines $index]
if {[regexp \
{^[ ]{0,3}\[((?:[^\]]|\[[^\]]*?\])+)\]:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(([\"\']).*\4|\(.*\))\s*$)?} \
$line match ref link title]} \
set title [string trim [string range $title 1 end-1]]
if {$title eq {}} {
set next_line [lindex $lines [expr $index + 1]]
if {[regexp \
{^(?:\s+(?:([\"\']).*\1|\(.*\))\s*$)} \
$next_line]} \
set title [string range [string trim $next_line] 1 end-1]
incr index
set ref [string tolower $ref]
set link [string trim $link {<>}]
set references($ref) [list $link $title]
incr index
return [array get references]
## \private
proc apply_templates {markdown_var {parent {}}} {
upvar $markdown_var markdown
set lines [split $markdown \n]
set no_lines [llength $lines]
set index 0
set result {}
set ul_match {^[ ]{0,3}(?:\*(?!\s*\*\s*\*\s*$)|-(?!\s*-\s*-\s*$)|\+) }
set ol_match {^[ ]{0,3}\d+\. }
while {$index < $no_lines} {
set line [lindex $lines $index]
switch -regexp -matchvar matches -- $line {
{^\s*$} {
if {![regexp {^\s*$} [lindex $lines [expr $index - 1]]]} {
append result "\n\n"
incr index
{^[ ]{0,3}\[(?:[^\]]|\[[^\]]*?\])+\]:\s*\S+(?:\s+(?:([\"\']).*\1|\(.*\))\s*$)?} {
set next_line [lindex $lines [expr $index + 1]]
if {[regexp \
{^(?:\s+(?:([\"\']).*\1|\(.*\))\s*$)} \
$next_line]} \
incr index
incr index
{^[ ]{0,3}-[ ]*-[ ]*-[- ]*$} -
{^[ ]{0,3}_[ ]*_[ ]*_[_ ]*$} -
{^[ ]{0,3}\*[ ]*\*[ ]*\*[\* ]*$} {
append result "<hr/>"
incr index
{^[ ]{0,3}#{1,6}} {
set h_level 0
set h_result {}
while {$index < $no_lines && ![is_empty_line $line]} {
incr index
if {!$h_level} {
regexp {^\s*#+} $line m
set h_level [string length [string trim $m]]
lappend h_result $line
set line [lindex $lines $index]
set h_result [\
parse_inline [\
regsub -all {^\s*#+\s*|\s*#+\s*$} [join $h_result \n] {} \
append result "<h$h_level>$h_result</h$h_level>"
{^[ ]{0,3}\>} {
set bq_result {}
while {$index < $no_lines} {
incr index
lappend bq_result [regsub {^[ ]{0,3}\>[ ]?} $line {}]
if {[is_empty_line [lindex $lines $index]]} {
set eoq 0
for {set peek $index} {$peek < $no_lines} {incr peek} {
set line [lindex $lines $peek]
if {![is_empty_line $line]} {
if {![regexp {^[ ]{0,3}\>} $line]} {
set eoq 1
if {$eoq} { break }
set line [lindex $lines $index]
set bq_result [string trim [join $bq_result \n]]
append result <blockquote>\n \
[apply_templates bq_result] \
{^\s{4,}\S+} {
set code_result {}
while {$index < $no_lines} {
incr index
lappend code_result [html_escape [\
regsub {^ } $line {}]\
set eoc 0
for {set peek $index} {$peek < $no_lines} {incr peek} {
set line [lindex $lines $peek]
if {![is_empty_line $line]} {
if {![regexp {^\s{4,}} $line]} {
set eoc 1
if {$eoc} { break }
set line [lindex $lines $index]
set code_result [join $code_result \n]
append result <pre><code> $code_result \n </code></pre>
{^(?:(?:`{3,})|(?:~{3,}))\{?(\S+)?\}?\s*$} {
set code_result {}
if {[string index $line 0] eq {`}} {
set end_match {^`{3,}\s*$}
} else {
set end_match {^~{3,}\s*$}
# A language specifier might be provided
# immediately after the leading delimiters.
# ```tcl
# The language specifier is used for two purposes:
# a) As a CSS class name
# (useful e.g. for highlight.js)
# b) As a name for a source code to HTML converter.
# When such a converter is registered,
# the codeblock will be sent through this converter.
set lang_specifier [string tolower [lindex $matches end]]
if {$lang_specifier ne ""} {
set code_CCS_class " class='$lang_specifier'"
incr ::Markdown::lang_counter($lang_specifier)
} else {
set code_CCS_class ""
while {$index < $no_lines} {
incr index
set line [lindex $lines $index]
if {[regexp $end_match $line]} {
incr index
lappend code_result $line
set code_result [join $code_result \n]
# If there is a converter registered, apply it on
# the resulting snippet.
if {[info exists ::Markdown::converter($lang_specifier)]} {
set code_result [{*}$::Markdown::converter($lang_specifier) $code_result]
} else {
set code_result [html_escape $code_result]
append result \
"<pre class='code'>" \
<code$code_CCS_class> \
$code_result \
{^[ ]{0,3}(?:\*|-|\+) |^[ ]{0,3}\d+\. } {
set list_result {}
# continue matching same list type
if {[regexp $ol_match $line]} {
set list_type ol
set list_match $ol_match
} else {
set list_type ul
set list_match $ul_match
set last_line AAA
while {$index < $no_lines} \
if {![regexp $list_match [lindex $lines $index]]} {
set item_result {}
set in_p 1
set p_count 1
if {[is_empty_line $last_line]} {
incr p_count
set last_line $line
set line [regsub "$list_match\\s*" $line {}]
# prevent recursion on same line
set line [regsub {\A(\d+)\.(\s+)} $line {\1\\.\2}]
set line [regsub {\A(\*|\+|-)(\s+)} $line {\\\1\2}]
lappend item_result $line
for {set peek [expr $index + 1]} {$peek < $no_lines} {incr peek} {
set line [lindex $lines $peek]
if {[is_empty_line $line]} {
set in_p 0
elseif {[regexp {^ } $line]} {
if {!$in_p} {
incr p_count
set in_p 1
elseif {[regexp $list_match $line]} {
if {!$in_p} {
incr p_count
elseif {!$in_p} {
set last_line $line
lappend item_result [regsub {^ } $line {}]
set item_result [join $item_result \n]
if {$p_count > 1} {
set item_result [apply_templates item_result li]
} else {
if {[regexp -lineanchor \
{(\A.*?)((?:^[ ]{0,3}(?:\*|-|\+) |^[ ]{0,3}\d+\. ).*\Z)} \
$item_result \
match para rest]} \
set item_result [parse_inline $para]
append item_result [apply_templates rest]
} else {
set item_result [parse_inline $item_result]
lappend list_result "<li>$item_result</li>"
set index $peek
append result <$list_type>\n \
[join $list_result \n] \
{^<(?:p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|script|noscript|form|fieldset|iframe|math|ins|del)} {
set re_htmltag {<(/?)(\w+)(?:\s+\w+=(?:\"[^\"]+\"|'[^']+'))*\s*>}
set buffer {}
while {$index < $no_lines} \
while {$index < $no_lines} \
incr index
append buffer $line \n
if {[is_empty_line $line]} {
set line [lindex $lines $index]
set tags [regexp -inline -all $re_htmltag $buffer]
set stack_count 0
foreach {match type name} $tags {
if {$type eq {}} {
incr stack_count +1
} else {
incr stack_count -1
if {$stack_count == 0} { break }
append result $buffer
{(?:^\s{0,3}|[^\\]+)\|} {
set cell_align {}
set row_count 0
while {$index < $no_lines} \
# insert a space between || to handle empty cells
set row_cols [regexp -inline -all {(?:[^|]|\\\|)+} \
[regsub -all {\|(?=\|)} [string trim $line] {| }] \
if {$row_count == 0} \
set sep_cols [lindex $lines [expr $index + 1]]
# check if we have a separator row
if {[regexp {^\s{0,3}\|?(?:\s*:?-+:?(?:\s*$|\s*\|))+} $sep_cols]} \
set sep_cols [regexp -inline -all {(?:[^|]|\\\|)+} \
[string trim $sep_cols]]
foreach {cell_data} $sep_cols \
switch -regexp $cell_data {
{:-*:} {
lappend cell_align center
{:-+} {
lappend cell_align left
{-+:} {
lappend cell_align right
default {
lappend cell_align {}
incr index
append result "<table class=\"table\">\n"
append result "<thead>\n"
append result " <tr>\n"
if {$cell_align ne {}} {
set num_cols [llength $cell_align]
} else {
set num_cols [llength $row_cols]
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_cols} {incr i} \
if {[set align [lindex $cell_align $i]] ne {}} {
append result " <th style=\"text-align: $align\">"
} else {
append result " <th>"
append result [parse_inline [string trim \
[lindex $row_cols $i]]] </th> "\n"
append result " </tr>\n"
append result "</thead>\n"
} else {
if {$row_count == 1} {
append result "<tbody>\n"
append result " <tr>\n"
if {$cell_align ne {}} {
set num_cols [llength $cell_align]
} else {
set num_cols [llength $row_cols]
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_cols} {incr i} \
if {[set align [lindex $cell_align $i]] ne {}} {
append result " <td style=\"text-align: $align\">"
} else {
append result " <td>"
append result [parse_inline [string trim \
[lindex $row_cols $i]]] </td> "\n"
append result " </tr>\n"
incr row_count
set line [lindex $lines [incr index]]
if {![regexp {(?:^\s{0,3}|[^\\]+)\|} $line]} {
switch $row_count {
1 {
append result "</table>\n"
default {
append result "</tbody>\n"
append result "</table>\n"
default {
set p_type p
set p_result {}
while {($index < $no_lines) && ![is_empty_line $line]} \
incr index
switch -regexp $line {
{^[ ]{0,3}=+$} {
set p_type h1
{^[ ]{0,3}-+$} {
set p_type h2
{^[ ]{0,3}(?:\*|-|\+) |^[ ]{0,3}\d+\. } {
if {$parent eq {li}} {
incr index -1
} else {
lappend p_result $line
{^[ ]{0,3}-[ ]*-[ ]*-[- ]*$} -
{^[ ]{0,3}_[ ]*_[ ]*_[_ ]*$} -
{^[ ]{0,3}\*[ ]*\*[ ]*\*[\* ]*$} -
{^[ ]{0,3}#{1,6}} \
incr index -1
default {
lappend p_result $line
set line [lindex $lines $index]
set p_result [\
parse_inline [\
string trim [join $p_result \n]\
if {[is_empty_line [regsub -all {<!--.*?-->} $p_result {}]]} {
# Do not make a new paragraph for just comments.
append result $p_result
} else {
append result "<$p_type>$p_result</$p_type>"
return $result
## \private
proc parse_inline {text} {
set text [regsub -all -lineanchor {[ ]{2,}$} $text <br/>]
set index 0
set result {}
set re_backticks {\A`+}
set re_whitespace {\s}
set re_inlinelink {\A\!?\[((?:[^\]]|\[[^\]]*?\])+)\]\s*\(\s*((?:[^\s\)]+|\([^\s\)]+\))+)?(\s+([\"'])(.*)?\4)?\s*\)}
set re_reflink {\A\!?\[((?:[^\]]|\[[^\]]*?\])+)\](?:\s*\[((?:[^\]]|\[[^\]]*?\])*)\])?}
set re_htmltag {\A</?\w+\s*>|\A<\w+(?:\s+\w+=(?:\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'))*\s*/?>}
set re_autolink {\A<(?:(\S+@\S+)|(\S+://\S+))>}
set re_comment {\A<!--.*?-->}
set re_entity {\A\&\S+;}
while {[set chr [string index $text $index]] ne {}} {
switch $chr {
"\\" {
set next_chr [string index $text [expr $index + 1]]
if {[string first $next_chr {\`*_\{\}[]()#+-.!>|}] != -1} {
set chr $next_chr
incr index
{_} -
{*} {
if {[regexp $re_whitespace [string index $result end]] &&
[regexp $re_whitespace [string index $text [expr $index + 1]]]} \
#do nothing
} \
elseif {[regexp -start $index \
"\\A(\\$chr{1,3})((?:\[^\\$chr\\\\]|\\\\\\$chr)*)\\1" \
$text m del sub]} \
switch [string length $del] {
1 {
append result "<em>[parse_inline $sub]</em>"
2 {
append result "<strong>[parse_inline $sub]</strong>"
3 {
append result "<strong><em>[parse_inline $sub]</em></strong>"
incr index [string length $m]
{`} {
regexp -start $index $re_backticks $text m
set start [expr $index + [string length $m]]
if {[regexp -start $start -indices $m $text m]} {
set stop [expr [lindex $m 0] - 1]
set sub [string trim [string range $text $start $stop]]
append result "<code>[html_escape $sub]</code>"
set index [expr [lindex $m 1] + 1]
{!} -
{[} {
if {$chr eq {!}} {
set ref_type img
} else {
set ref_type link
set match_found 0
if {[regexp -start $index $re_inlinelink $text m txt url ign del title]} {
incr index [string length $m]
set url [html_escape [string trim $url {<> }]]
set txt [parse_inline $txt]
set title [parse_inline $title]
set match_found 1
} elseif {[regexp -start $index $re_reflink $text m txt lbl]} {
if {$lbl eq {}} {
set lbl [regsub -all {\s+} $txt { }]
set lbl [string tolower $lbl]
if {[info exists ::Markdown::_references($lbl)]} {
lassign $::Markdown::_references($lbl) url title
set url [html_escape [string trim $url {<> }]]
set txt [parse_inline $txt]
set title [parse_inline $title]
incr index [string length $m]
set match_found 1
if {$match_found} {
if {$ref_type eq {link}} {
if {$title ne {}} {
append result "<a href=\"$url\" title=\"$title\">$txt</a>"
} else {
append result "<a href=\"$url\">$txt</a>"
} else {
if {$title ne {}} {
append result "<img src=\"$url\" alt=\"$txt\" title=\"$title\"/>"
} else {
append result "<img src=\"$url\" alt=\"$txt\"/>"
{<} {
if {[regexp -start $index $re_comment $text m]} {
append result $m
incr index [string length $m]
} elseif {[regexp -start $index $re_autolink $text m email link]} {
if {$link ne {}} {
set link [html_escape $link]
append result "<a href=\"$link\">$link</a>"
} else {
set mailto_prefix "mailto:"
if {![regexp "^${mailto_prefix}(.*)" $email mailto email]} {
# $email does not contain the prefix "mailto:".
set mailto "mailto:$email"
append result "<a href=\"$mailto\">$email</a>"
incr index [string length $m]
} elseif {[regexp -start $index $re_htmltag $text m]} {
append result $m
incr index [string length $m]
set chr [html_escape $chr]
{&} {
if {[regexp -start $index $re_entity $text m]} {
append result $m
incr index [string length $m]
set chr [html_escape $chr]
{>} -
{'} -
"\"" {
set chr [html_escape $chr]
default {}
append result $chr
incr index
return $result
## \private
proc is_empty_line {line} {
return [regexp {^\s*$} $line]
## \private
proc html_escape {text} {
return [string map {& & < < > > \" "} $text]
package provide Markdown 1.1
#-- From mkdoc.tcl
# A Tcl comment, whose contents don't matter \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
# Author : Dr. Detlef Groth
# Created : Fri Nov 15 10:20:22 2019
# Last Modified : <200226.0804>
# Description : Command line utility and package to extract Markdown documentation
# from programming code if embedded as after comment sequence #'
# manual pages and installation of Tcl files as Tcl modules.
# Copy and adaptation of dgw/dgwutils.tcl
# History : 2019-11-08 version 0.1
# Copyright (c) 2019 Dr. Detlef Groth, E-mail: detlef(at)dgroth(dot)de
# This library is free software; you can use, modify, and redistribute it
# for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained
# in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
# distributions.
# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
#' ---
#' title: mkdoc::mkdoc 0.3
#' author: Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany
#' documentclass: scrartcl
#' geometry:
#' - top=20mm
#' - right=20mm
#' - left=20mm
#' - bottom=30mm
#' ---
#' ## NAME
#' **mkdoc::mkdoc** - Tcl package and command line application to extract and format embedded programming documentation from
#' source code files written in Markdown and optionally converts them into HTML.
#' ## <a name='toc'></a>TABLE OF CONTENTS
#' - [SYNOPSIS](#synopsis)
#' - [DESCRIPTION](#description)
#' - [COMMAND](#command)
#' - [EXAMPLE](#example)
#' - [BASIC FORMATTING](#format)
#' - [INSTALLATION](#install)
#' - [SEE ALSO](#see)
#' - [CHANGES](#changes)
#' - [TODO](#todo)
#' - [AUTHOR](#authors)
#' - [LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT](#license)
#' ## <a name='synopsis'>SYNOPSIS</a>
#' Usage as package:
#' ```
#' package require mkdoc::mkdoc
#' mkdoc::mkdoc inputfile outputfile ?-html|-md|-pandoc -css file.css?
#' ```
#' Usage as command line application:
#' ```
#' mkdoc inputfile outputfile ?--html|--md|--pandoc --css file.css?
#' ```
#' ## <a name='description'>DESCRIPTION</a>
#' **mkdoc::mkdoc** *inputfile outputfile ?-mode? -css file.css? - extracts embedded documentation
#' from source code files. The documentation inside the source code must be prefixed with the `#'` character sequence.
#' The file extension of the output file determines the output format. File extensions can bei either `.md` for Markdown output or `.html` for html output. The latter requires the tcllib Markdown extension to be installed.
#' The file `mkdoc.tcl` can be as well directly used as a console application. An explanation on how to do this, is given in the section [Installation](#install).
#' ## <a name='command'>COMMAND</a>
#' **mkdoc::mkdoc** *infile outfile ?-mode -css file.css?*
#' > Extracts the documentation in Markdown format from *infile* and writes the documentation
#' to *outfile* either in Markdown or HTML format.
#' > - *-infile filename* - file with embedded markdown documentation
#' - *-outfile filename* - name of output file extension
#' - *-html* - (mode) outfile should be a html file, not needed if the outfile extension is html
#' - *-md* - (mode) outfile should be a Markdown file, not needed if the outfile extension is md
#' - *-pandoc* - (mode) outfile should be a pandoc Markdown file with YAML header, needed even if the outfile extension is md
#' - *-css cssfile* if outfile mode is html uses the given *cssfile*
#' > If the *-mode* flag (one of -html, -md, -pandoc) is not given, the output format is taken from the file extension of the output file, either *.html* for HTML or *.md* for Markdown format. This deduction from the filetype can be overwritten giving either `-html` or `-md` as command line flags. If as mode `-pandoc` is given, the Markdown markup code as well contains the YAML header.
#' If infile has the extension .md than conversion to html will be performed, outfile file extension
#' In this case must be .html. If output is html a *-css* flag can be given to use the given stylesheet file instead of the default style sheet embedded within the mkdoc code.
package require Tcl 8.4
if {[package provide Markdown] eq ""} {
package require Markdown
package provide mkdoc::mkdoc 0.3
namespace eval mkdoc {
variable htmltemplate {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: ; script-src 'self' 'nonce-d717cfb5d902616b7024920ae20346a8494f7832145c90e0' ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="title" content="$document(title)">
<meta name="author" content="$document(author)">
variable htmltitle {
<div class="title"><h1>$document(title)</h1></div>
<div class="author"><h3>$document(author)</h3></div>
<div class="date"><h3>$document(date)</h3></div>
variable mdheader {
# $document(title)
### $document(author)
### $document(date)
variable style {
body {
margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%;
font-family: Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino LT STD", "Book Antiqua", Georgia, serif;
pre {
padding-top: 1ex;
padding-bottom: 1ex;
padding-left: 2ex;
padding-right: 1ex;
width: 100%;
color: black;
background: #ffefdf;
border-top: 1px solid black;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
font-family: Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;
pre.synopsis {
background: #cceeff;
code {
font-family: Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;
h1,h2, h3,h4 {
font-family: sans-serif;
background: transparent;
h1 {
font-size: 120%;
h2 {
font-size: 110%;
h3, h4 {
font-size: 100%
div.title h1 {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 120%;
background: transparent;
text-align: center;
color: black;
} h3, h3 {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 110%;
background: transparent;
text-align: center;
color: black ;
h2 {
margin-top: 1em;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 110%;
color: #005A9C;
background: transparent;
text-align: left;
h3 {
margin-top: 1em;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 100%;
color: #005A9C;
background: transparent;
text-align: left;
proc mkdoc::pfirst {varname arglist} {
upvar $varname x
set varval $x
if {[regexp {^-} $varval]} {
set arglist [linsert $arglist 0 $varval]
set x [lindex $args end]
set arglist [lrange $arglist 0 end-1]
} else {
set x $varval
return $arglist
# argument parser for procedures
# places all --options or -options in an array given with arrayname
# recognises
# -option2 value -flag1 -flag2 -option2 value
proc mkdoc::pargs {arrayname defaults args} {
upvar $arrayname arga
array set arga $defaults
set args {*}$args
if {[llength $args] > 0} {
set args [lmap i $args { regsub -- {^--} $i "-" }]
while {[llength $args] > 0} {
set a [lindex $args 0]
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
if {[regexp {^-{1,2}(.+)} $a -> opt]} {
if {([llength $args] > 0 && [regexp -- {^-} [lindex $args 0]]) || [llength $args] == 0} {
set arga($opt) true
} elseif {[regexp {^[^-].*} [lindex $args 0] value]} {
set arga($opt) $value
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
proc mkdoc::mkdoc {filename outfile args} {
variable htmltemplate
variable mdheader
variable htmltitle
variable style
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set args {*}$args
::mkdoc::pargs arg [list mode "" css ""] $args
set mode $arg(mode)
if {$mode eq "-rox2md"} {
mkdoc::rox2md $filename $outfile
if {[file extension $filename] eq [file extension $outfile]} {
error "Error: infile and outfile must have different file extensions"
if {[file extension $filename] eq ".md"} {
if {[file extension $outfile] ne ".html"} {
error "For converting Markdown files directly file extension of output file must be .html"
set mode "-html"
set extract false
} else {
set extract true
if {$mode eq ""} {
if {[file extension $outfile] eq ".html"} {
set mode "--html"
} elseif {[file extension $outfile] eq ".md"} {
set mode "--markdown"
} else {
error "Unknown output file format, must be either .html or .md"
} else {
if {$mode ne "-html" && $mode ne "-markdown" && $mode ne "-md" && $mode ne "-pandoc"} {
error "Unknown mode, must be either -html, -md, -markdown or -pandoc"
set mode "-$mode"
set markdown ""
if {$mode eq "--html"} {
if {[package provide Markdown] eq ""} {
error "Error: For html mode you need package Markdown from tcllib. Download and install tcllib from"
} else {
package require Markdown
if [catch {open $filename r} infh] {
puts stderr "Cannot open $filename: $infh"
} else {
set flag false
while {[gets $infh line] >= 0} {
if {$extract} {
if {[regexp {^\s*#' +#include +"(.*)"} $line -> include]} {
if [catch {open $include r} iinfh] {
puts stderr "Cannot open $filename: $include"
exit 0
} else {
while {[gets $iinfh iline] >= 0} {
# Process line
append markdown "$iline\n"
close $iinfh
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#' ?(.*)} $line -> md]} {
append markdown "$md\n"
} else {
# simple markdown to html converter
append markdown "$line\n"
close $infh
set titleflag false
array set document [list title "Documentation [file tail [file rootname $filename]]" author "NN" date [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d"] style $style]
if {!$extract} {
if {$arg(css) eq ""} {
set document(style) $style
} else {
set document(style) "<link rel='stylesheet' href='$arg(css)' type='text/css'>"
set mdhtml ""
set YAML ""
set indent ""
set header $htmltemplate
foreach line [split $markdown "\n"] {
# todo document pkgversion and pkgname
#set line [regsub {__PKGVERSION__} $line [package provide mkdoc::mkdoc]]
#set line [regsub -all {__PKGNAME__} $line mkdoc::mkdoc]
if {$titleflag && [regexp {^---} $line]} {
set titleflag false
set header [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $header]
set htmltitle [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $htmltitle]
set mdheader [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $mdheader]
append YAML "$line\n"
} elseif {$titleflag} {
append YAML "$line\n"
if {[regexp {^\s*([a-z]+): +(.+)} $line -> key value]} {
if {$key eq "style"} {
set document($key) "<link rel='stylesheet' href='$value' type='text/css'>"
if {$arg(css) ne ""} {
append document($key) "\n<link rel='stylesheet' href='$arg(css)' type='text/css'>"
} elseif {$key in [list title date author]} {
set document($key) $value
} elseif {[regexp {^---} $line]} {
append YAML "$line\n"
set titleflag true
} elseif {[regexp {^```} $line] && $indent eq ""} {
append mdhtml "\n"
set indent " "
} elseif {[regexp {^```} $line] && $indent eq " "} {
set indent ""
append mdhtml "\n"
} else {
append mdhtml "$indent$line\n"
if {$mode eq "--html"} {
set htm [Markdown::convert $mdhtml]
set html ""
# synopsis fix as in tcllib with blue background
set synopsis false
foreach line [split $htm "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^<h2>} $line]} {
set synopsis false
if {[regexp -nocase {^<h2>.*Synopsis} $line]} {
set synopsis true
if {$synopsis && [regexp {<pre>} $line]} {
set line [regsub {<pre>} $line "<pre class='synopsis'>"]
append html "$line\n"
set out [open $outfile w 0644]
if {$extract} {
puts $out $header
puts $out $htmltitle
} else {
set header [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $header]
puts $out $header
puts $out $html
puts $out "</body>\n</html>"
close $out
puts stderr "Success: file [file rootname $filename].html was written!"
} elseif {$mode eq "--pandoc"} {
set out [open $outfile w 0644]
puts $out $YAML
puts $out $mdhtml
close $out
} else {
set out [open $outfile w 0644]
puts $out $mdheader
puts $out $mdhtml
close $out
proc mkdoc::rox2md {infile outfile} {
# converts an R roxgene2 format into markdown
# todo:
# - html mode
# - rox2html
# - name tag, multiple files from same R file
set filename $infile
if [catch {open $filename r} infh] {
puts stderr "Cannot open $filename: $infh"
} else {
set out [open $outfile w 0600]
set region "START"
while {[gets $infh line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@title (.+)} $line -> title]} {
puts $out "# $title"
set region TITLE
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@description (.+)} $line -> descr]} {
set region DESCRIPTION
puts $out "\n## DESCRIPTION\n\n> $descr"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@details\s*(.*)} $line -> det]} {
set region DETAILS
puts $out "\n## DETAILS\n\n> $det"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@section\s*(.*):} $line -> section]} {
set region SECTION
puts $out "\n## [string toupper $section]\n\n"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@usage (.+)} $line -> txt]} {
set region USAGE
puts $out "\n## USAGE\n\n> $txt"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s#'\s+@return\s(.*)} $line -> txt]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region VALUE
puts $out "\n## VALUE\n\n> $txt"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@references\s*(.*)} $line -> txt]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region REF
puts $out "\n## REFERENCES\n\n> $txt"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@seealso\s*(.*)} $line -> txt]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region SEEALSO
puts $out "\n## SEE ALSO\n\n> $txt"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@keywords\s*(.*)} $line -> txt]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region KEYWORDS
puts $out "\n## KEYWORDS\n\n> $txt"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@examples\s*(.*)} $line -> txt]} {
set region EXAMPLES
puts $out "\n## EXAMPLES\n\n```$txt"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@authors\s*(.*)} $line -> txt]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region AUTHORS
puts $out "\n## AUTHORS\n\n> $txt"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@param\s+([^\s]+)\s(.+)} $line -> param descr]} {
if {$region ne "PARAMS"} {
set region PARAMS
puts $out "\n## ARGUMENTS\n\n"
puts $out "- *$param*: $descr"
} elseif {[regexp {^\s*#'\s+@import} $line] || [regexp {^\s*#'\s+@useDynLib} $line]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region IGNORE
} elseif {[regexp {\s*#'\s+@export} $line -> txt]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region START
# puts $out "$txt"
} elseif {[regexp {\s*#'\s+\\(describe|enumerate)} $line -> reg]} {
set region $reg
} elseif {[regexp {\s*#' \}\s*$} $line]} {
} elseif {[regexp {\s*#'\s+\\item{(.+)}{(.+)}} $line -> item text]} {
if {$region eq "enumerate"} {
puts $out "1. *${item}* - $text"
} else {
puts $out "- *${item}* - $text"
} elseif {[regexp {\s*#'\s+\\item\s+(.+)} $line -> text]} {
if {$region eq "enumerate"} {
puts $out "1. $text"
} else {
puts $out "- $text"
} elseif {[regexp {\s*#'\s*(.+)} $line -> txt]} {
if {$region ne "IGNORE"} {
puts $out "$txt"
} elseif {![regexp {\s*#'} $line]} {
if {$region eq "EXAMPLES"} {
puts $out "```"
set region START
# puts $out "$txt"
close $out
close $infh
proc mkdoc::run {argv} {
puts $argv
if {[info exists argv0] && $argv0 eq [info script]} {
if {[lsearch $argv {--version}] > -1} {
puts "[package provide mkdoc::mkdoc]"
} elseif {[lsearch $argv {--license}] > -1} {
puts "MIT License - see manual page"
if {[llength $argv] < 2 || [lsearch $argv {--help}] > -1} {
puts "mkdoc - extract documentation in Markdown and convert it optionally into HTML"
puts " Author/Copyright: @ Detlef Groth, Caputh, Germany, 2019-2020"
puts " License: MIT"
puts "\nUsage: [info script] inputfile outputfile ?--html|--md|--pandoc --version --css file.css?\n"
puts " inputfile: the inputfile with embedded Markdown text after #' comments"
puts " outputfile: should have either the extension html or md "
puts " for automatic selection of the correct output format."
puts " Deduction of output format can be suppressed by given mode flags:"
puts " --html, --md or --pandoc"
puts " --html give HTML output even if outputfile extension is not html"
puts " --md give Markdown output event if outputfile extension is not md"
puts " --pandoc command line argument will emmit as well the YAML header"
puts " header which is a Markdown extension."
puts " --css file.css: use the given stylesheet filename instead of the"
puts " inbuild default on"
puts " --help: shows this help page"
puts " --version: returns the package version"
puts " Example: extract mkdoc's own embedded documentation as html:"
puts " tclsh mkdoc.tcl mkdoc.tcl mkdoc.html"
# puts " The -rox2md flag extracts roxygen2 R documentation from R script files"
# puts " and converts them into markdown"
} elseif {[llength $argv] == 2} {
mkdoc::mkdoc [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1]
} elseif {[llength $argv] > 2} {
mkdoc::mkdoc [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1] [lrange $argv 2 end]
#' ## <a name='example'>EXAMPLE</a>
#' ```
#' package require mkdoc::mkdoc
#' mkdoc::mkdoc mkdoc.tcl mkdoc.html
#' mkdoc::mkdoc mkdoc.tcl mkdoc.rmd -md
#' ## <a name='format'>BASIC FORMATTING</a>
#' For a complete list of Markdown formatting commands consult the basic Markdown syntax at [](
#' Here just the most basic essentials to create documentation are described.
#' Please note, that formatting blocks in Markdown are separated by an empty line, and empty line in this documenting mode is a line prefixed with the `#'` and nothing thereafter.
#' **Title and Author**
#' Title and author can be set at the beginning of the documentation in a so called YAML header.
#' This header will be as well used by the document converter [pandoc]( to handle various options for later processing if you extract not HTML but Markdown code from your documentation.
#' A YAML header starts and ends with three hyphens. Here is the YAML header of this document:
#' ```
#' #' ---
#' #' title: mkdoc - Markdown extractor and formatter
#' #' author: Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany
#' #' ---
#' ```
#' Those four lines produce the two lines on top of this document. You can extend the header if you would like to process your document after extracting the Markdown with other tools, for instance with Pandoc.
#' You can as well specify an other style sheet, than the default by adding
#' the following style information:
#' ```
#' #' ---
#' #' title: mkdoc - Markdown extractor and formatter
#' #' author: Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany
#' #' output:
#' #' html_document:
#' #' css: tufte.css
#' #' ---
#' ```
#' Please note, that the indentation is required and it is two spaces.
#' **Headers**
#' Headers are prefixed with the hash symbol, single hash stands for level 1 heading, double hashes for level 2 heading, etc.
#' Please note, that the embedded style sheet centers level 1 and level 3 headers, there are intended to be used
#' for the page title (h1), author (h3) and date information (h3) on top of the page.
#' ```
#' #' ## <a name="sectionname">Section title</a>
#' #'
#' #' Some free text that follows after the required empty
#' #' line above ...
#' ```
#' This produces a level 2 header. Please note, if you have a section name `synopsis` the code fragments thereafer will be hilighted different than the other code fragments. You should only use level 2 and 3 headers for the documentation. Level 1 header are reserved for the title.
#' **Lists**
#' Lists can be given either using hyphens or stars at the beginning of a line.
#' ```
#' #' - item 1
#' #' - item 2
#' #' - item 3
#' ```
#' Here the output:
#' - item 1
#' - item 2
#' - item 3
#' A special list on top of the help page could be the table of contents list. Here is an example:
#' ```
#' #' ## Table of Contents
#' #'
#' #' - [Synopsis](#synopsis)
#' #' - [Description](#description)
#' #' - [Command](#command)
#' #' - [Example](#example)
#' #' - [Authors](#author)
#' ```
#' This will produce in HTML mode a clickable hyperlink list. You should however create
#' the name targets using html code like so:
#' ```
#' ## <a name='synopsis'>Synopsis</a>
#' ```
#' **Hyperlinks**
#' Hyperlinks are written with the following markup code:
#' ```
#' [Link text](URL)
#' ```
#' Let's link to the Tcler's Wiki:
#' ```
#' [Tcler's Wiki](
#' ```
#' produces: [Tcler's Wiki](
#' **Indentations**
#' Indentations are achieved using the greater sign:
#' ```
#' #' Some text before
#' #'
#' #' > this will be indented
#' #'
#' #' This will be not indented again
#' ```
#' Here the output:
#' Some text before
#' > this will be indented
#' This will be not indented again
#' Also lists can be indented:
#' ```
#' > - item 1
#' - item 2
#' - item 3
#' ```
#' produces:
#' > - item 1
#' - item 2
#' - item 3
#' **Fontfaces**
#' Italic font face can be requested by using single stars or underlines at the beginning
#' and at the end of the text. Bold is achieved by dublicating those symbols:
#' Monospace font appears within backticks.
#' Here an example:
#' ```
#' I am _italic_ and I am __bold__! But I am programming code: `ls -l`
#' ```
#' > I am _italic_ and I am __bold__! But I am programming code: `ls -l`
#' **Code blocks**
#' Code blocks can be started using either three or more spaces after the #' sequence
#' or by embracing the code block with triple backticks on top and on bottom. Here an example:
#' ```
#' #' ```
#' #' puts "Hello World!"
#' #' ```
#' ```
#' Here the output:
#' ```
#' puts "Hello World!"
#' ```
#' **Images**
#' If you insist on images in your documentation, images can be embedded in Markdown with a syntax close to links.
#' The links here however start with an exclamation mark:
#' ```
#' 
#' ```
#' The source code of mkdoc.tcl is a good example for usage of this source code
#' annotation tool. Don't overuse the possibilities of Markdown, sometimes less is more.
#' Write clear and concise, don't use fancy visual effects.
#' **Includes**
#' mkdoc in contrast to standard markdown as well support includes. Using the `#' #include ""` syntax
#' it is possible to include other markdown files. This might be useful for instance to include the same
#' header or a footer in a set of related files.
#' ## <a name='install'>INSTALLATION</a>
#' The mkdoc::mkdoc package can be installed either as command line application or as a Tcl module. It requires the Markdown package from tcllib to be installed.
#' Installation as command line application can be done by copying the `mkdoc.tcl` as
#' `mkdoc` to a directory which is in your executable path. You should make this file executable using `chmod`. There exists as well a standalone script which does not need already installed tcllib package. You can download this script named: `` from the [chiselapp release page](
#' Installation as Tcl module is achieved by copying the file `mkdoc.tcl` to a place
#' which is your Tcl module path as `mkdoc/` for instance. See the [tm manual page](
#' ## <a name='see'>SEE ALSO</a>
#' - [tcllib]( for the Markdown and the textutil packages
#' - [dgtools]( project for example help page
#' - [pandoc]( - a universal document converter
#' - [Ruff!]( Ruff! documentation generator for Tcl using Markdown syntax as well
#' ## <a name='changes'>CHANGES</a>
#' - 2019-11-19 Relase 0.1
#' - 2019-11-22 Adding direct conversion from Markdown files to HTML files.
#' - 2019-11-27 Documentation fixes
#' - 2019-11-28 Kit version
#' - 2019-11-28 Release 0.2 to fossil
#' - 2019-12-06 Partial R-Roxygen/Markdown support
#' - 2020-01-05 Documentation fixes and version information
#' - 2020-02-02 Adding include syntax
#' - 2020-02-26 Adding stylesheet option --css
#' - 2020-02-26 Adding files pandoc.css and dgw.css
#' - 2020-02-26 Making standalone file using pkgDeps and mk_tm
#' - 2020-02-26 Release 0.3 to fossil
#' ## <a name='todo'>TODO</a>
#' - extract Roxygen2 documentation codes from R files??
#' - standalone files using mk_tm module maker
#' - support for __PKGVERSION__ and __PKGNAME__ replacements at least in Tcl files and via command line for other file types
#' ## <a name='authors'>AUTHOR(s)</a>
#' The **mkdoc::mkdoc** package was written by Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany.
#' ## <a name='license'>LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT</a>
#' Markdown extractor and converter mkdoc::mkdoc, version __PKGVERSION__
#' Copyright (c) 2019-20 Dr. Detlef Groth, E-mail: <detlef(at)dgroth(dot)de>
#' This library is free software; you can use, modify, and redistribute it
#' for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained
#' in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any
#' distributions.
#' This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
package provide mkdoc 0.3
#-- End of script section