# DisTcl - Distributed Programming Infrastructure for Tcl
# DisTcl provides a communication channel between clients and named services.
# Each named service can process certain forms of request. A service may be
# implemented by multiple server processes and used by multiple client
# processes. All these processes may be on different machines. Redis
# (or one of the compatible forks) is used to communicate between clients
# and servers, and to cache results.
# Details of operation:
# A request to service "abc" for key "def" will proceed as follows:
# The value may be requested by writing def to redis queue q:abc .
# A prefetch may be requested by writing def to redis queue p:abc .
# A server reads "def" from q:abc or p:abc, and pushes 0 (for a prefetch)
# or 1 (for a get) onto list r:abc:def. If this list already had an entry,
# this request is already being computed by another server so skip it, otherwise...
# The server computes value "ghi" with status s from key "def" .
# The server writes "s:ghi" to the Value cache v:abc:def .
# The server pushes "s:ghi" to the Waitlist w:abc:def as many times as there
# are get requests recorded in r:abc:def .
# Each client which requested the value for def reads it from queue w:abc:def .
# After this, any client which requests this value will read it from v:abc:def .
# Each server also monitors an individual control queue z:id through which
# it can be requested to shut down cleanly.
package require retcl
namespace eval distcl {
# Loop serving requests, will continue until told 'stop' via the control queue.
# redis - a retcl connection to redis, authenticated if necessary;
# service - name of the service being provided;
# proc - command to call to process the request and return its value.
# id - optional identifier for this service instance.
proc serve {redis service proc {id {}}} {
set reqqueue q:$service
set prequeue p:$service
if {$id eq {}} {set id [pid]}
set ctlqueue z:$id
puts stderr "Control queue is '$ctlqueue'"
set verbose 0
while 1 {
# wait for a request to appear on one of the queues
set qreq [$redis -sync blpop $ctlqueue $reqqueue $prequeue 60]
if {$qreq eq "(nil)"} {
# keep things alive?
lassign $qreq queue request
if {$verbose} {puts "QUEUE $queue REQUEST '$request'"}
# server control request?
if {$queue eq $ctlqueue} {
switch -glob -- $request {
stop break
v* {set verbose 1}
q* {set verbose 0}
# request is get or prefetch
set is_get [expr {$queue eq $reqqueue}]
set runlist r:${service}:$request
set runcount [$redis -sync rpush $runlist $is_get]
# is the same request already running on another server?
if {$runcount > 1} continue
# call the request processor
$redis -sync expire $runlist 10
set status [catch {$proc {*}$request} value options]
set result ${status}:$value
# cache the result if an expiry time was specified
if {[dict exists $options -secs2keep]} {
set expiry [dict get $options -secs2keep]
$redis -sync set v:${service}:$request $result ex $expiry
# push the result to the waitlist for each client waiting
set requests [$redis -sync lpop $runlist 999]
if {$requests eq {(nil)}} {set requests {}}
set waiters [tcl::mathop::+ {*}$requests]
if {$waiters} {
set waitlist w:${service}:$request
while {$waiters} {
$redis -sync rpush $waitlist $result
incr waiters -1
$redis -sync expire $waitlist 10
# Request the data computed by service for these arguments.
# redis - a retcl connection to Redis, authenticated if necessary;
# service - name of the service to call;
# args - one or more arguments to pass to the service.
proc get {redis service args} {
set key v:${service}:$args
# try to read the data from the cache
set res [$redis -sync get $key]
if {$res eq "(nil)"} {
# data not in cache, send a request for it
$redis -sync rpush q:$service $args
# wait for the data to be returned in the waitlist
set qres [$redis -sync blpop w:${service}:$args 10]
# if 10 second timeout expired, report error
if {$qres eq "(nil)"} {error "Request for '$key' timed out."}
set res [lindex $qres 1]
# parse the result and return it
if {[string index $res 1] ne ":"} {error "Malformed result for '$key'."}
set status [string index $res 0]
set value [string range $res 2 end]
return -code $status $value
# Request that a data item be precomputed as it will soon be needed.
# We don't wait for the reply, so multiple prefetches can be issued
# and processed in parallel if multiple servers are available.
# redis - a retcl connection to Redis, authenticated if necessary;
# service - name of the service to call;
# args - one or more arguments to pass to the service.
proc prefetch {redis service args} {
set key v:${service}:$args
# check if it's already cached
if {! [$redis -sync exists $key]} {
# not cached, send request to precompute it
$redis -sync rpush p:$service $args
# Remove a previously-computed data item from the cache.
# redis - a retcl connection to Redis, authenticated if necessary;
# service - name of the service;
# args - one or more arguments.
proc forget {redis service args} {
set key v:${service}:$args
# waitlist could be left behind by a crash, so delete it too
set waitlist w:${service}:$args
$redis -sync del $key $waitlist