View Ticket
Ticket Hash: c8104f8aed59144637d6b9db2b73a31a3eb39507
Title: Concepts of labels must be included
Status: Open Type: Requirement
Severity: Critical Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2018-03-29 22:22:55
Version Found In:
User Comments:
charlie added on 2018-03-29 22:22:55:
Multiple labels can be added to a ticket.
Labels could be the primary construct for lane/board creation

- construct board based on label
- construct lane based on label

How to store the label in the ticket?

A - Just in the text? label:ThisIsALabel label:ThisisAnotherLabel
B - Additional Table in fossil to store labels
C - Additional field to store a Tcl list of labels
D - ...