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Artifact ID: 04794b95fcd36c4187f86bee7870416505edafaa
Page Name:howto
Date: 2017-10-24 22:05:47
Original User: aspect
Parent: ff14c05dd823b06ceb3a98dc582b68a9510099fa (diff)

Customising a Tclkit

You will need sdx.kit from the front page of this repo. See tclkits for sources of pre-built kits

# grab a tclkit
curl -O

# make a copy of tclkit to run sdx with
cp tclkit-fossil_trunk-linux-amd64 tclkit
chmod +x tclkit

# extract the vfs
./tclkit sdx.kit extract tclkit-fossil_trunk-linux-amd64

# add some code
echo 'puts "Hello, Tclkit"' >> tclkit-fossil_trunk-linux-amd64.vfs/boot.tcl

# sync changes back to tclkit
./tclkit sdx.kit sync tclkit-fossil_trunk-linux-amd64 tclkit-fossil_trunk-linux-amd64.vfs

boot.tcl is run on tclkit startup. Since there is no main.tcl, the tclkit will give you a Tcl shell.

Wrapping an Application

Tclkits look for main.tcl to launch an application on startup.

# grab a tclkit
curl -O

# make a copy of tclkit to run sdx with
cp tclkit-fossil_trunk-linux-amd64 tclkit
chmod +x tclkit

# create your application
mkdir myapp.vfs
echo 'puts "Hello, Starkit!"' > myapp/main.tcl

# wrap it!
./tclkit sdx.kit wrap myapp -runtime tclkit-fossil_trunk-linux-amd64

Share the new executable myapp with your friends!

Wrapping a simple script for multiple platforms

This section introduces qwrap for single-script applications, and using non-native runtimes (eg: building Windows kits on Linux).

Create your script:

 $ mkdir hello
 $ cd hello
 $ echo > hello.tcl "
package require Tk
pack [button .b -text Hello -command exit]

Download the required bits:

 $ wget -O sdx.kit
 $ wget -O tclkit.exe
 $ wget -O tclkit
 $ chmod +x tclkit

Wrap for Windows:

 $ ./tclkit sdx.kit qwrap hello.tcl -runtime tclkit.exe
 $ mv hello hello.exe

For native kits, remember the tclkit that runs sdx cannot be the same tclkit that is used for -runtime .. so make a copy:

 $ cp tclkit tclkit-linux
 $ ./tclkit sdx.kit qwrap hello.tcl -runtime tclkit-linux 
 $ ./hello


The above steps are easily elaborated to ...