MathemaTcl is a collection of compiled extensions for Tcl, each intended to solve a particular numerical problem. Currently the following extensions are available:
- CDFLIB - evaluate cumulative probability density functions and their inverses
- CEPHES - a library for evaluating special mathematical function, such as the various Bessel functions and exponential integral functions.
- FFTPACK - a one-dimensional FFT package (derived from the SLATEC library)
- GLOBAL - a package to find the global minimum of a function of one or several variables
- LAPIN - a small package (one command) to evaluate the inverse of a Laplace transform (note: involves complex numbers)
- MILLER - a variety of numerical algorithms, such finding zeroes of functions
- ORDERPACK - a library for a variety of ordering and ranking algorithms
- QUADPACK - a package for the automatic integration of functions over finite or infinite intervals
- RANDOM - a library to generate random numbers adhering to well-known distributions, such as normal, Student's t, chi-square etc.
- SPECFUNC - a collection of routines to evaluate special mathematical functions, such as Bessel functions of the first and second kind, exponential integrals and the like.
- STROUD - a collection of quadrature rules for regions like cubes, spheres, pyramids, various weighting functions
- TCLODE - solving ordinary differential equations, with root-finding capacities
- WAVELIB - a library for wavelet transforms
- There are several Packages in preparation
Warning: This is work in progress at the moment. For most packages documentation is now available, but they should be tested more extensively.
There are a number of other issues that need to be taken care of.