
Here some links of my interest are collected. The links are few. Still in a collection, the links should be checked and revised from time to time. Nothing of Internet can disappoint you more than a dead link.


My main interest in Tcl/Tk is about its GUI facilities which might be explained a bit.

This unique programming language has almost all features the programmers need and perhaps even more. Still, its GUI has been killing it. No, it's probably not what you think. There are few programming languages that provide GUI as their core feature. Tcl/Tk does it. Well, does C (and its derivatives) provide GUI by itself? The third-party C libraries only do it. And folks are glad to take it 'as is'.

Somehow as for Tcl/Tk, things are different. The same feature that distinguishes it among the co-languages is slowly killing it. Anyone with a little programming experience can take Tcl/Tk and - one-two-three keystrokes... bang! - make an ugly GUI script / screenshot (sometimes, to make things worse, for Internet publishing). Few if any are interested in going a little further and trying a third-party Tcl/Tk packages or just a bit deeper exploring the core Tcl/Tk. It's a pity.

Nonetheless, I'll try and supply here some links to Tcl/Tk GUI a bit more advanced than a primer stuff.

Another thing is that Tcl/Tk is indeed not designed to be a universal tool and specifically a GUI masterpieces' maker. But its GUI features are clear and simple which makes it great for your own GUI programming. It means both your home-made programs and GUI / shell scripts for Linux / Windows / Mac administering. Tcl/Tk is a great language for all of these.

Perhaps, your programs don't look as those cool LibreOffice, Blender, VLC... do. And what? The programs of yours are made by yourself and do what you, your family, relatives, colleagues or friends want. That's all.

It seems ~90% of home-made programs can be implemented with a core Tcl/Tk and, in specific 10%, by means of third-party Tcl/Tk packages. And you can do it in a few keystrokes indeed.

Still first of all, the links about Tcl by itself.


Tcl/Tk runtimes

The Tcl/Tk most used distributions are available at:

The Tcl/Tk single-file executables of new versions are available at To access them, click one of Developer preview builds, then click the newest build's title, then scroll to the bottom of page and choose an executable for your platform. As of December 2023, there are Tcl/Tk 9.0 and Tcl/Tk 8.7 builds.

The Tcl/Tk single-file executables are also available at, where you can download tclsh 9.0 and wish 9.0 builds for Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

Tcl core source is a source of Tcl.

Tcl/Tk forums

stackoverflow forum is full of universal QA's.

comp.lang.tcl forum is excellent as well, though roughly attacked by spammers.

There is also an alternative access to the forums, following Rich's advice:
1. Set up a free account at
2. Choose a USENET newsreader from List of Usenet newsreaders (e.g. Pan newsreader for Linux).
3. Set up the newsreader, using "" as the newsserver.
4. Subscribe to a Tcl forum (e.g. comp.lang.tcl), using "tcl" as the filter.

Tcl algorithms is a source of Tcl algorithms.

Tcl book

The Tcl Programming Language: A Comprehensive Guide is the modern book of Tcl.

Persons of Tcl/Tk world:

Ashok P. Nadkarni

Ashok P. Nadkarni is the author of The Tcl Programming Language: A Comprehensive Guide.

Ashok P. Nadkarni is also the renowned author of Tcl software designed mostly for Windows OS, such as:

  • Magicsplat Tcl/Tk for Windows distribution
  • Tcl Windows API extension (TWAPI)
  • Windows Inspection Tool Set (WITS)
  • and other high quality Tcl software

  • Donal K. Fellows

    Donal K. Fellows is the member of the Tcl Core Team.

    Donal K. Fellows is probably the most kind and generous member of forum of Tcl.

    Try and click the Top posts - Newest link on Donal K. Fellows' profile to view his last contributions to the forum. A bulk of advices is waiting for you.

    Paul Obermeier

    Paul Obermeier is the author of famous Tcl/Tk extensions and programs.

    Paul Obermeier sets the distinguished examples of what you can do with Tcl/Tk. His poSoft is a collection of 9 excellent applications!

    If you don't want to bother with deploying a Tcl/Tk distribution, just try and run executables, made by the way with Paul's tools based on Tcl/Tk.

    Yes, when somewhere in Tcl/Tk related site you would come across a reference to Paul, you know for sure it's about Paul Obermeier. And it sounds rightly as one of Tcl/Tk's apostles.

    Csaba Nemethi

    Dr. Csaba Nemethi is the author of tablelist widget.

    Besides tablelist, Csaba Nemethi has developed a set of excellent Tcl/Tk packages.

    The masters of Tcl/Tk about the tablelist widget:

    Judge yourself by tablelist's screenshots.

    Andreas Kupries

    Andreas Kupries is the member of the Tcl Core Team and Program Chair of Twenty-sixth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2019). Dixi.

    Johann Oberdorfer

    Johann Oberdorfer is the author of Tcl/Tk packages and programs.

    Clif Flynt

    Clif Flynt is the author of Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide 3'd Edition and other books.
    He sets an example of commercial Tcl/Tk application, Editomat. For those who think Tcl is a toy.

    Trevor Williams

    Trevor Williams is the author of TKE editor.
    TKE's subdirectory lib/ptwidgets1.2 contains a batch of widgets that can be included in other Tcl/Tk applications.
    TKE by itself presents an incredible master class for those interested in Tcl/Tk.


    The links presented below are a bit chaotic and eclectic as all of our life, though.
    Still a human doesn't live in Tcl/Tk world only.

    The World of Emotions

    The World of Emotions. The site of Katharina Yakovina is a wonder of pure beauty.

    It's so beautiful and spacious that at first you feel quite overwhelmed as they say you cannot have the good in large amount. It has some tiny slips (what has not?) but they mean little to those who know how things stand.

    One can think the site is great if one wants. I think it is humane and beautiful.

    Mikhail Rozhkov

    Life is beautiful youtube film is about Mikhail Rozhkov.

    The film is devoted to 85th birthday of Mikhail Rozhkov. He was a balalaika virtuoso. He died at 99.

    In the film, he tells about his life, his mother, his art.

    His story is understandable without translation.

    Walt Whitman Archive

    The Walt Whitman Archive is devoted to Walt Whitman.

    It's a great inspiration for all interested in the life and writings of Walt Whitman.

    The site also gives links to useful sites devoted to Whitman, his writings, his associates, the places he lived, and the culture of his time.

    Alas, it's not accessible from Russia. Whitman wouldn't give the glad eye to this fact.

    See also USA national archives.

    To be continued...