
Here are some demos of my programming efforts whatever humble.
The demos are kind of live documentation.
The intros with immediate effects.

apave package

The apave package provides a sort of geometry manager for Tcl/Tk
and a few of other features like theming, mega-widgets, mega-attributes etc.

Overview of apave

The apave-3.4.6.mp4 presents a general overview of apave package.

Theming in apave

The apave-theming.3.4.6.mp4 presents the theming facilities of apave package.

The apave-links.3.2.7.mp4 presents the links of apave package.

Dialogues in apave

The apave-dialogs.3.2.7.mp4 presents the dialogues of apave package.

Loupe and choosers

The apave_loup_choosers-3.1.1.mp4 presents the aloupe package and two choosers of apave package.


The 6.Paver_alited presents Paver, very convenient tool for developing GUI with apave package the alited editor is based upon.

hl_tcl package

The hl_tcl-0.6.1.mp4 presents a Tcl/Tk syntax highlighter.

bartabs package

The bartabs-1.1.1.mp4 presents a bar of tabs with test.tcl.
The bartabs-1.0.mp4 presents a bar of tabs with test2_pave.tcl.

baltip package

The baltip-1.3.1.mp4 presents a balloon and tip package.


The ale_themes.mp4 presents a batch of Tcl/Tk themes used in alited editor.


Two mp4 demos presents playtkl, a Tcl/Tk package to make GUI testing scenarios and key macros.

e_menu utility

The e_menu-3.0.mp4 presents e_menu utility to be used in editors and file managers.

alited editor

There are a few of demo videos for alited:

To be continued...