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11 check-ins related to "andygoth-tcl-function"

Rename -new to -initial Leaf check-in: e4a7d847d1 user: andy tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Add missing initialization check-in: 5e7cff8436 user: andy tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Add the -new function switch to make it possible to provide arguments to the constructor or the initial state to the new method check-in: 416ebde3e7 user: andy tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Initial implementation of -class. This also changes the calling convention for -state (the prior design approach) to add "new" and "destroy" methods and to replace "final" with "value". check-in: 9b1fad00da user: andy tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Remove safeToUseEvalObjv() because it is not necessary. Command prefixes are always lists and should always be handled by list manipulations, which the baseline code was already doing. All safeToUseEvalObjv() did was cause what would otherwise be a pure list (the product of list manipulations) to be given a string representation, forcing the slow path through the Tcl execution engine in order to make it process substitutions. However, substitutions would not be performed anyway because they would all have been protected by braces or backslashes in the string representation, so the presence or absence of the string representation of the generated list would have no effect aside from reducing performance. check-in: 7ba7faab0e user: andygoth tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Rename fixedStrings to pFixedStrings check-in: 821a23e890 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-tcl-function
I developed this code to more accurately test if a script is a simple command prefix which can be processed by list manipulations, or if it's a more general script needing string manipulations. However, it turns out that all command prefixes need to be processed as lists, which is what the baseline code did anyway. See [lsort -command] for the prototypical example. A correction is needed, but it must go in the opposite direction and fully embrace the list nature of the argument. Nevertheless, even though this code is the wrong thing for the job, it still may be useful for future reference, should a Tcl parser need to be written, so I am committing it on a closed branch. Closed-Leaf check-in: 4ca78d092c user: andygoth tags: andygoth-tcl-parse
Add support for window functions check-in: 4be97e0cfe user: andygoth tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Add method argument to aggregate function invocations check-in: 4fc35d5e09 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Initial implementation of user-defined Tcl aggregate functions. Testing and documentation to come. check-in: e0689f05d1 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-tcl-function
Enhancements to the index_usage utility program. check-in: 19c739b4a8 user: drh tags: trunk