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ankh - Ankh - API

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package require Tcl 8.6 9
package require ankh ?1.0?

ak hash version
ak hash list
ak hash HASH channel channel ?options?
ak hash HASH path path ?options?
ak hash HASH string string ?options?
ak hash HASH size
ak hash HASH references


Welcome to Ankh, Andreas Kupries' Hashes.

This document is the reference manpage for the publicly visible API, i.e. the API a user will see, and use.

Global operations

Hash commands

Each supported hash provides an ensemble command with three methods for hashing data from an in-memory string, an open channel, or a file specified by its path in the filesystem.

The set of supported hashes is described in the following section.

Slice Options

The slice options allow for finer control of the part of the input to be hashed.

For string hashing these options are technically superfluous as their effect can be had by applying a string range to the input before handing it to the hash command.

Similarly for hashing a channel, seeking to the desired position makes option -start superfluous.

Only for hashing a file both are required if we do not wish to go through a channel or string at Tcl level.

They are implemented for all modes for the sake of consistency.

Supported Hashes

The package currently supports 18 different hash functions, some configured for multiple digest sizes, for 30 base commands. Times the 3 modes per such and the package publishes a total of 90 hash commands.

Note that many of the hash functions have descriptions at RHash @ SourceForge. Because of that the descriptions here are even shorter summaries.

Further note that all phrases like X supports digests of size A, B, ... should be read to mean that this are the digest sizes supported by the C code underlying Ankh. While this matches the allowed/specified digest sizes for many of the hashes here, it is not true for all.

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such at the Ankh Tracker. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.


aich, bittorrent info hash, blake, btih, cryptographically secure hashes, ed2k, edonr, gost12, gost94, has160, hash digests, md4, md5, ripemd160, secure hashes, sha1, sha2, sha3, snefru, tiger, tth, whirlpool


cryptographically secure hashes


Copyright © 2021-2024 Andreas Kupries
Copyright © 2021-2024 Documentation, Andreas Kupries