JSON API: /finfo
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File Information

Status: implemented 2012-something, but output structure is likely to change.

Required privileges: "o"

Request: /json/finfo?name=path/to/file


  • name=string. Required. Use the absolute name of the file, including any directory parts, and without a leading slash. e.g. "path/to/my.c".
    CLI mode: --name or positional argument.
  • checkin=string. Only return info related to this specific checkin, as opposed to listing all checkins. If set, neither "before" nor "after" have any effect.
    CLI mode: --checkin|-ci
  • before=DATETIME only lists checkins from on or before this time.
    CLI mode: --before|-b
  • after=DATETIME only lists checkins from on or before this time. Using this option swaps the sort order, to provide reasonable behaviour in conjunction with the limit option.
    Only one of "before" and "after" may be specified, and if both are specified then which one takes precedence is unspecified.
    CLI mode: --after|-a
  • limit=integer limits the output to (at most) the given number of associated checkins.
    CLI mode: --limit|-n

Response payload example (very likely to change!):


FIXME: there is a semantic discrepancy between /json/artifact's payload.checkins[N].uuid and this command's.