Ardoise  Documentation

Ardoise fossil theme

This is an experimental fossil skin that was made with the original purpose of creating a dark version of the Blitz skin, which turned out rather different as I got carried away with tweaking it.

It was built with sass, using blitz and skeleton as a starting point.


This theme was developed for the current trunk version of fossil (as of 16 december 2017), and will not work as intended on older versions. If you are currently viewing this on chiselapp, the theme is not enabled on the skins's repository itself for this reason.


Here are some preview screenshots (click for larger versions)

About this repository

The files in this repository are the messy patchwork of sass files I used to build the skin, starting from the Sass version of Skeleton. It is not really very clean. For instance, a lot of colors are set directly inside the files instead of always using variables.

It is in fact the first time I do any significant CSS hacking and I have really little idea of what I'm doing, so my apology in advance when it inevitably breaks in some other browser/device or something that I haven't tested properly doesn't render correctly.


  1. Backup your current skin, as it will be overwritten by these steps.
  2. Download
  3. Import it into your repository with the fossil config import -R <repository> command.


This theme is loosely based upon, and still contains some elements from the Blitz theme by James Moger.
This theme embeds & uses a modified copy of Normalize 3.0.2 which is distributed under an MIT license.
This theme embeds & uses a modified copy of Skeleton which is distributed under an MIT license.
The sass version of Skeleton used in this project was made by Seth Coelen.

You can contact me at: a dot chavasse at gmail dot com.