#### Bzip2 Implementation
#### Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Remilia Scarlet
#### Copyright (C) 2015 Jaime Olivares
#### Copyright (c) 2011 Matthew Francis
#### MIT License
#### Ported from the Java implementation by Matthew Francis:
#### https://github.com/MateuszBartosiewicz/bzip2.
#### Ported by Remilia Scarlet from the C# implementation by Jamie Olivares:
#### http://github.com/jaime-olivares/bzip2
module RemiLib::Compression::BZip2
# The default compresson level.
# The maximum compression level.
# The minimum compression level.
# :nodoc:
# First three bytes of the block header marker.
# :nodoc:
# Last three bytes of the block header marker.
# :nodoc:
# Maximum possible Huffman alphabet size.
# :nodoc:
# The longest Huffman code length accepted by the decoder.
# :nodoc:
# The longest Huffman code length created by the encoder.
# :nodoc:
# Used in initial Huffman table generation.
# :nodoc:
# The longest Huffman code length created by the encoder.
# :nodoc:
# Number of symbols decoded after which a new Huffman table is selected.
# :nodoc:
# The first 2 bytes of a Bzip2 marker.
STREAM_START_MARKER_1 = 0x425a_u32
# :nodoc:
# The 'h' that distinguishes BZip from BZip2.
# :nodoc:
# First three bytes of the end of stream marker.
STREAM_END_MARKER_1 = 0x177245_u32
# :nodoc:
# Last three bytes of the end of stream marker.
STREAM_END_MARKER_2 = 0x385090_u32
# :nodoc:
# Huffman symbol used for run-length encoding.
# :nodoc:
# Huffman symbol used for run-length encoding.
# :nodoc:
# Minimum number of alternative Huffman tables.
# :nodoc:
# Maximum number of alternative Huffman tables.
# :nodoc:
# The BZip2 specification originally included the optional addition of a
# slight pseudo-random perturbation to the input data, in order to work
# around the block sorting algorithm's non- optimal performance on some
# types of input. The current mainline bzip2 does not require this and will
# not create randomised blocks, but compatibility is still required for old
# data (and third party compressors that haven't caught up). When
# decompressing a randomised block, for each value N in this array, a 1 will
# be XOR'd onto the output of the Burrows-Wheeler transform stage after N
# bytes, then the next N taken from the following entry.
619, 720, 127, 481, 931, 816, 813, 233, 566, 247, 985, 724, 205, 454, 863,
491, 741, 242, 949, 214, 733, 859, 335, 708, 621, 574, 73, 654, 730, 472,
419, 436, 278, 496, 867, 210, 399, 680, 480, 51, 878, 465, 811, 169, 869,
675, 611, 697, 867, 561, 862, 687, 507, 283, 482, 129, 807, 591, 733, 623,
150, 238, 59, 379, 684, 877, 625, 169, 643, 105, 170, 607, 520, 932, 727,
476, 693, 425, 174, 647, 73, 122, 335, 530, 442, 853, 695, 249, 445, 515,
909, 545, 703, 919, 874, 474, 882, 500, 594, 612, 641, 801, 220, 162, 819,
984, 589, 513, 495, 799, 161, 604, 958, 533, 221, 400, 386, 867, 600, 782,
382, 596, 414, 171, 516, 375, 682, 485, 911, 276, 98, 553, 163, 354, 666,
933, 424, 341, 533, 870, 227, 730, 475, 186, 263, 647, 537, 686, 600, 224,
469, 68, 770, 919, 190, 373, 294, 822, 808, 206, 184, 943, 795, 384, 383,
461, 404, 758, 839, 887, 715, 67, 618, 276, 204, 918, 873, 777, 604, 560,
951, 160, 578, 722, 79, 804, 96, 409, 713, 940, 652, 934, 970, 447, 318,
353, 859, 672, 112, 785, 645, 863, 803, 350, 139, 93, 354, 99, 820, 908,
609, 772, 154, 274, 580, 184, 79, 626, 630, 742, 653, 282, 762, 623, 680,
81, 927, 626, 789, 125, 411, 521, 938, 300, 821, 78, 343, 175, 128, 250,
170, 774, 972, 275, 999, 639, 495, 78, 352, 126, 857, 956, 358, 619, 580,
124, 737, 594, 701, 612, 669, 112, 134, 694, 363, 992, 809, 743, 168, 974,
944, 375, 748, 52, 600, 747, 642, 182, 862, 81, 344, 805, 988, 739, 511,
655, 814, 334, 249, 515, 897, 955, 664, 981, 649, 113, 974, 459, 893, 228,
433, 837, 553, 268, 926, 240, 102, 654, 459, 51, 686, 754, 806, 760, 493,
403, 415, 394, 687, 700, 946, 670, 656, 610, 738, 392, 760, 799, 887, 653,
978, 321, 576, 617, 626, 502, 894, 679, 243, 440, 680, 879, 194, 572, 640,
724, 926, 56, 204, 700, 707, 151, 457, 449, 797, 195, 791, 558, 945, 679,
297, 59, 87, 824, 713, 663, 412, 693, 342, 606, 134, 108, 571, 364, 631,
212, 174, 643, 304, 329, 343, 97, 430, 751, 497, 314, 983, 374, 822, 928,
140, 206, 73, 263, 980, 736, 876, 478, 430, 305, 170, 514, 364, 692, 829,
82, 855, 953, 676, 246, 369, 970, 294, 750, 807, 827, 150, 790, 288, 923,
804, 378, 215, 828, 592, 281, 565, 555, 710, 82, 896, 831, 547, 261, 524,
462, 293, 465, 502, 56, 661, 821, 976, 991, 658, 869, 905, 758, 745, 193,
768, 550, 608, 933, 378, 286, 215, 979, 792, 961, 61, 688, 793, 644, 986,
403, 106, 366, 905, 644, 372, 567, 466, 434, 645, 210, 389, 550, 919, 135,
780, 773, 635, 389, 707, 100, 626, 958, 165, 504, 920, 176, 193, 713, 857,
265, 203, 50, 668, 108, 645, 990, 626, 197, 510, 357, 358, 850, 858, 364,
936, 638
# :nodoc:
# Maximum possible number of Huffman table selectors.
class Error < Exception