Dialab now in chisel: https://chiselapp.com/user/LuoChunlei/repository/dialab Dialab is not the diagram's application, although it looks like, it is from the begin. I's main purpose is to browse and view the diagram; and you can modify it and look at the diffrence. It has the following features: 1. browse a directory for *.dia files 2. include examples from diagram, pt of Tcllib, critcl, Kettle, Mustache 3. preset favorite directories in favoritedirs.cfg under directory of the script, [pwd], [info nameofexecutable] 4. use wheel to zoom, you also can scroll 5. Shift+Return to view you tested in the editor 6. the dia script run in main interpreter, so no safe security todd: 1. drawpikchr method, preprocessor/macro from syntax sugar direct run pikchr script, need implement, ele: file, dot, oval, print, round rect. att: same as, chop, fit, big/small, %. comment: //, /**/. go direction even with place. thickness attribute oval cylinder file dot units other than inches: pc -> picas new uses for "radius" enhanced ability to control text alignment and display Adjust the size of objects to fit their text annotations % chop works differently the same as construct new ways to describe line paths new syntax to describe positions new ways to identify prior objects support for C and C++ style comments variable names start with "$" or "@" characters New assignment operators for variables: += -= *= /= New keyword aliases: invisible vs invis, first vs 1st, previous vs last New variables: bottommargin, chrht, chrwid, color, fill, fontscale, leftmargin, margin, rightmargin, thickness, topmargin [] block 2. pikchr script -> pikchr -> tinydom -> svg2can -> canvas draw from your sqlitepikchr example, some pikchr example throw exceptions. I can only find that pikchr print command and attribute big throw exceptions. tklib::diagrams should through syntax sugar can run pikchr script to compete with pikchr, the best solution implement a method drawpikchr, which can compatibly run pikchr script. at least we can implement the innovations of pikchr. file, oval, dot, cylinder element; same, chop, radius new explain; fit, %, behind new attribute transplant pikchr document to diagram