ADDED   class.c
Index: class.c
--- /dev/null
+++ class.c
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#if 0
+gcc -s -O2 -c -Wno-unused-result class.c `sdl-config --cflags`
+  This program is part of Free Hero Mesh and is public domain.
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "sqlite3.h"
+#include "smallxrm.h"
+#include "heromesh.h"
+#define TF_COMMA 0x0001
+#define TF_EQUAL 0x0002
+#define TF_ABNORMAL 0x0004
+#define TF_COMPAT 0x0008
+#define TF_DIR 0x0010
+#define TF_DROP 0x0020
+#define TF_NAME 0x0080
+#define TF_KEY 0x0100
+#define TF_STRING 0x0200
+#define TF_OPEN 0x0400
+#define TF_CLOSE 0x0800
+#define TF_INT 0x1000
+#define TF_MACRO 0x4000
+#define TF_EOF 0x8000
+typedef struct {
+  const char*txt;
+  Uint32 num;
+} Op_Names;
+#include "instruc.h"
+const char*messages[0x4000];
+int max_animation=32;
+Sint32 max_volume=10000;
+static FILE*classfp;
+static Uint16 tokent;
+static Uint32 tokenv;
+static int linenum=1;
+static char tokenstr[0x2000];
+static int undef_class=1;
+static int undef_message=0;
+#define ParseError(a,...) fatal("On line %d: " a,linenum,##__VA_ARGS__)
+static const unsigned char chkind[256]={
+  ['$']=1, ['!']=1, ['\'']=1, ['#']=1, ['@']=1, ['%']=1, ['&']=1, [':']=1,
+  ['0'...'9']=2, ['-']=2, ['+']=2,
+  ['A'...'Z']=3, ['a'...'z']=3, ['_']=3, ['?']=3, ['.']=3, ['*']=3, ['/']=3,
+static void read_quoted_string(void) {
+  int c,i,n;
+  int isimg=0;
+  for(i=0;i<0x1FFD;) {
+    c=fgetc(classfp);
+    if(c==EOF) {
+      ParseError("Unterminated string literal\n");
+    } else if(c=='\\') {
+      if(isimg) {
+        isimg=0;
+        tokenstr[i++]=c;
+      } else switch(c=fgetc(classfp)) {
+        case '"': case '\\': tokenstr[i++]=c; break;
+        case '0' ... '7': tokenstr[i++]=c+1-'0'; break;
+        case 'b': tokenstr[i++]=15; break;
+        case 'c': tokenstr[i++]=12; break;
+        case 'i': tokenstr[i++]=14; isimg=1; break;
+        case 'l': tokenstr[i++]=11; break;
+        case 'n': tokenstr[i++]=10; break;
+        case 'q': tokenstr[i++]=16; break;
+        case 'x':
+          c=fgetc(classfp);
+          if(c>='0' && c<='9') n=c-'0';
+          else if(c>='A' && c<='F') n=c+10-'A';
+          else if(c>='a' && c<='f') n=c+10-'a';
+          else ParseError("Invalid string escape: \\x%c\n",c);
+          n<<=4;
+          c=fgetc(classfp);
+          if(c>='0' && c<='9') n|=c-'0';
+          else if(c>='A' && c<='F') n|=c+10-'A';
+          else if(c>='a' && c<='f') n|=c+10-'a';
+          else ParseError("Invalid string escape: \\x%X%c\n",n>>4,c);
+          if(n<32) tokenstr[i++]=31;
+          tokenstr[i++]=n;
+          break;
+        default: ParseError("Invalid string escape: \\%c\n",c);
+      }
+    } else if(c=='"') {
+      if(isimg) ParseError("Unterminated \\i escape in string literal\n");
+      tokenstr[i]=0;
+      return;
+    } else if(c!='\r') {
+      tokenstr[i++]=c;
+      if(c=='\n') ++linenum;
+    }
+  }
+  ParseError("Too long string literal\n");
+static int name_compar(const void*a,const void*b) {
+  const Op_Names*x=a;
+  const Op_Names*y=b;
+  return strcmp(x->txt,y->txt);
+#define ReturnToken(x,y) do{ tokent=x; tokenv=y; return; }while(0)
+static void nxttok(void) {
+  int c,i;
+  int fl=0;
+  int n=0;
+  int pr=0;
+  tokent=tokenv=0;
+  *tokenstr=0;
+  c=fgetc(classfp);
+  while(c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\r' || c=='\n') {
+    if(c=='\n') ++linenum;
+    c=fgetc(classfp);
+  }
+  if(c==EOF) ReturnToken(TF_EOF,0);
+  if(c==';') {
+    while(c!=EOF && c!='\n') c=fgetc(classfp);
+    ++linenum;
+    goto again;
+  }
+  if(c=='(') ReturnToken(TF_OPEN,0);
+  if(c==')') ReturnToken(TF_CLOSE,0);
+  if(c=='"') {
+    tokent=TF_STRING;
+    read_quoted_string();
+    return;
+  }
+  if(c=='=') {
+    fl|=TF_EQUAL;
+    c=fgetc(classfp);
+  }
+  if(c==',') {
+    fl|=TF_COMMA;
+    c=fgetc(classfp);
+  }
+  if(c==EOF) ParseError("Unexpected end of file\n");
+  if(chkind[c]==1) {
+    pr=c;
+    c=fgetc(classfp);
+    if(c==EOF) ParseError("Unexpected end of file\n");
+  }
+  while(c>0 && (chkind[c]&2)) {
+    if(n==256) {
+      tokenstr[256]=0;
+      ParseError("Identifier too long: %s\n",tokenstr);
+    }
+    tokenstr[n++]=c;
+    c=fgetc(classfp);
+  }
+  tokenstr[n]=0;
+  if(!n) fatal("Expected identifier\n");
+  if(c!=EOF) ungetc(c,classfp);
+  switch(pr) {
+    case 0:
+      if(chkind[c=*tokenstr]==2) {
+        char*e;
+        if(c=='-' || c=='+') n=1; else n=0;
+        if(n && !tokenstr[1]) goto norm;
+        tokent=TF_INT;
+        if(fl) ParseError("Invalid use of , and = in a numeric token\n");
+        if(c=='0' && tokenstr[1]=='x') {
+          tokenv=strtol(tokenstr+2,&e,16);
+        } else if(c=='0' && tokenstr[1]=='o') {
+          tokenv=strtol(tokenstr+2,&e,8);
+        } else {
+          tokenv=strtol(tokenstr+n,&e,10);
+        }
+        if(e && *e) ParseError("Invalid token: %s\n",tokenstr);
+        if(c=='-') tokenv=-tokenv;
+      } else {
+        static Op_Names key={tokenstr};
+        const Op_Names*op;
+        norm:
+        op=bsearch(&key,op_names,N_OP_NAMES,sizeof(Op_Names),name_compar);
+        if(!op) ParseError("Invalid token: %s\n",tokenstr);
+        tokenv=op->num&0xFFFF;
+        tokent=op->num>>16;
+        if(fl&~tokent) ParseError("Invalid use of , and = in token: %s\n",tokenstr);
+      }
+      break;
+    case '$':
+      break;
+    case '!':
+      // Just ignore sounds for now
+      if(fl) ParseError("Invalid use of , and = in user sound token\n");
+      tokent=TF_NAME;
+      tokenv=0x0400;
+      break;
+    case '%':
+      break;
+    case '@':
+      break;
+    case '#':
+      break;
+    case ':':
+      break;
+    case '&':
+      break;
+    case '\'':
+      break;
+  }
+void load_classes(void) {

Index: instruc
--- instruc
+++ instruc
@@ -55,14 +55,21 @@
+; Animation constants
+STOP (0000)
+ONCE (0001)
+LOOP (0002)
+OSC (0008)
 ; Stack ops
-drop "."
+.drop "."
@@ -74,10 +81,12 @@
 ; Arithmetic
@@ -147,23 +156,76 @@
 ; Class definitions
+; Main operations
+.,MovePlus "Move+"
+; Specials

Index: instruc.h
--- instruc.h
+++ instruc.h
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
 #define OP_BITCONSTANT 34792
+#define OP_STOP 0
+#define OP_ONCE 1
+#define OP_LOOP 2
+#define OP_OSC 8
+#define OP_OSCLOOP 10
 #define OP_DROP 32768
+#define OP_DROP_D 40960
 #define OP_DUP 32769
 #define OP_DUP_C 34817
 #define OP_SWAP 32770
 #define OP_NIP 32771
 #define OP_TUCK 32772
@@ -12,456 +18,582 @@
 #define OP_BEGIN 32777
 #define OP_AGAIN 32778
 #define OP_UNTIL 32779
 #define OP_WHILE 32780
 #define OP_REPEAT 32781
-#define OP_GOTO 32782
-#define OP_CALLSUB 32783
-#define OP_RET 32784
-#define OP_ADD 32785
-#define OP_SUB 32786
-#define OP_MUL 32787
-#define OP_MUL_C 34835
-#define OP_DIV 32788
-#define OP_DIV_C 34836
-#define OP_MOD 32789
-#define OP_MOD_C 34837
-#define OP_NEG 32790
-#define OP_LSH 32791
-#define OP_RSH 32792
-#define OP_RSH_C 34840
-#define OP_BAND 32793
-#define OP_BOR 32794
-#define OP_BXOR 32795
-#define OP_BNOT 32796
-#define OP_BIT 32797
-#define OP_LAND 32798
-#define OP_LOR 32799
-#define OP_LXOR 32800
-#define OP_LNOT 32801
-#define OP_EQ 32802
-#define OP_NE 32803
-#define OP_GT 32804
-#define OP_GT_C 34852
-#define OP_LT 32805
-#define OP_LT_C 34853
-#define OP_GE 32806
-#define OP_GE_C 34854
-#define OP_LE 32807
-#define OP_LE_C 34855
-#define OP_IS 32808
-#define OP_CLASS 32809
-#define OP_CLASS_C 34857
-#define OP_TEMPERATURE 32810
-#define OP_TEMPERATURE_C 34858
-#define OP_TEMPERATURE_E 36906
-#define OP_TEMPERATURE_EC 38954
-#define OP_TEMPERATURE_EC16 34859
-#define OP_TEMPERATURE_E16 36907
-#define OP_SHAPE 32812
-#define OP_SHAPE_C 34860
-#define OP_SHAPE_E 36908
-#define OP_SHAPE_EC 38956
-#define OP_XLOC 32813
-#define OP_XLOC_C 34861
-#define OP_YLOC 32814
-#define OP_YLOC_C 34862
-#define OP_DIR 32815
-#define OP_DIR_C 34863
-#define OP_DIR_E 36911
-#define OP_DIR_EC 38959
-#define OP_IMAGE 32816
-#define OP_IMAGE_C 34864
-#define OP_IMAGE_E 36912
-#define OP_IMAGE_EC 38960
-#define OP_INERTIA 32817
-#define OP_INERTIA_C 34865
-#define OP_INERTIA_E 36913
-#define OP_INERTIA_EC 38961
-#define OP_INERTIA_EC16 34866
-#define OP_INERTIA_E16 36914
-#define OP_DISTANCE 32819
-#define OP_DISTANCE_C 34867
-#define OP_DISTANCE_E 36915
-#define OP_DISTANCE_EC 38963
-#define OP_DISTANCE_EC16 34868
-#define OP_DISTANCE_E16 36916
-#define OP_DENSITY 32821
-#define OP_DENSITY_C 34869
-#define OP_DENSITY_E 36917
-#define OP_DENSITY_EC 38965
-#define OP_DENSITY_EC16 34870
-#define OP_DENSITY_E16 36918
-#define OP_VOLUME 32823
-#define OP_VOLUME_C 34871
-#define OP_VOLUME_E 36919
-#define OP_VOLUME_EC 38967
-#define OP_VOLUME_EC16 34872
-#define OP_VOLUME_E16 36920
-#define OP_WEIGHT 32825
-#define OP_WEIGHT_C 34873
-#define OP_WEIGHT_E 36921
-#define OP_WEIGHT_EC 38969
-#define OP_WEIGHT_EC16 34874
-#define OP_WEIGHT_E16 36922
-#define OP_HEIGHT 32827
-#define OP_HEIGHT_C 34875
-#define OP_HEIGHT_E 36923
-#define OP_HEIGHT_EC 38971
-#define OP_HEIGHT_EC16 34876
-#define OP_HEIGHT_E16 36924
-#define OP_CLIMB 32829
-#define OP_CLIMB_C 34877
-#define OP_CLIMB_E 36925
-#define OP_CLIMB_EC 38973
-#define OP_CLIMB_EC16 34878
-#define OP_CLIMB_E16 36926
-#define OP_STRENGTH 32831
-#define OP_STRENGTH_C 34879
-#define OP_STRENGTH_E 36927
-#define OP_STRENGTH_EC 38975
-#define OP_STRENGTH_EC16 34880
-#define OP_STRENGTH_E16 36928
-#define OP_HARD 32833
-#define OP_HARD_C 34881
-#define OP_HARD_E 36929
-#define OP_HARD_EC 38977
-#define OP_SHARP 32834
-#define OP_SHARP_C 34882
-#define OP_SHARP_E 36930
-#define OP_SHARP_EC 38978
-#define OP_SHAPEDIR 32835
-#define OP_SHAPEDIR_C 34883
-#define OP_SHAPEDIR_E 36931
-#define OP_SHAPEDIR_EC 38979
-#define OP_SHOVABLE 32836
-#define OP_SHOVABLE_C 34884
-#define OP_SHOVABLE_E 36932
-#define OP_SHOVABLE_EC 38980
-#define OP_MISC1 32837
-#define OP_MISC1_C 34885
-#define OP_MISC1_E 36933
-#define OP_MISC1_EC 38981
-#define OP_MISC1_EC16 34886
-#define OP_MISC1_E16 36934
-#define OP_MISC2 32839
-#define OP_MISC2_C 34887
-#define OP_MISC2_E 36935
-#define OP_MISC2_EC 38983
-#define OP_MISC2_EC16 34888
-#define OP_MISC2_E16 36936
-#define OP_MISC3 32841
-#define OP_MISC3_C 34889
-#define OP_MISC3_E 36937
-#define OP_MISC3_EC 38985
-#define OP_MISC3_EC16 34890
-#define OP_MISC3_E16 36938
-#define OP_MISC4 32843
-#define OP_MISC4_C 34891
-#define OP_MISC4_E 36939
-#define OP_MISC4_EC 38987
-#define OP_MISC4_EC16 34892
-#define OP_MISC4_E16 36940
-#define OP_MISC5 32845
-#define OP_MISC5_C 34893
-#define OP_MISC5_E 36941
-#define OP_MISC5_EC 38989
-#define OP_MISC5_EC16 34894
-#define OP_MISC5_E16 36942
-#define OP_MISC6 32847
-#define OP_MISC6_C 34895
-#define OP_MISC6_E 36943
-#define OP_MISC6_EC 38991
-#define OP_MISC6_EC16 34896
-#define OP_MISC6_E16 36944
-#define OP_MISC7 32849
-#define OP_MISC7_C 34897
-#define OP_MISC7_E 36945
-#define OP_MISC7_EC 38993
-#define OP_MISC7_EC16 34898
-#define OP_MISC7_E16 36946
-#define OP_ARRIVED 32851
-#define OP_ARRIVED_C 34899
-#define OP_ARRIVED_E 36947
-#define OP_ARRIVED_EC 38995
-#define OP_DEPARTED 32852
-#define OP_DEPARTED_C 34900
-#define OP_DEPARTED_E 36948
-#define OP_DEPARTED_EC 38996
-#define OP_ARRIVALS 32853
-#define OP_ARRIVALS_C 34901
-#define OP_ARRIVALS_E 36949
-#define OP_ARRIVALS_EC 38997
-#define OP_DEPARTURES 32854
-#define OP_DEPARTURES_C 34902
-#define OP_DEPARTURES_E 36950
-#define OP_DEPARTURES_EC 38998
-#define OP_BUSY 32855
-#define OP_BUSY_C 34903
-#define OP_BUSY_E 36951
-#define OP_BUSY_EC 38999
-#define OP_INVISIBLE 32856
-#define OP_INVISIBLE_C 34904
-#define OP_INVISIBLE_E 36952
-#define OP_INVISIBLE_EC 39000
-#define OP_KEYCLEARED 32857
-#define OP_KEYCLEARED_C 34905
-#define OP_KEYCLEARED_E 36953
-#define OP_KEYCLEARED_EC 39001
-#define OP_USERSIGNAL 32858
-#define OP_USERSIGNAL_C 34906
-#define OP_USERSIGNAL_E 36954
-#define OP_USERSIGNAL_EC 39002
-#define OP_VISUALONLY 32859
-#define OP_VISUALONLY_C 34907
-#define OP_VISUALONLY_E 36955
-#define OP_VISUALONLY_EC 39003
-#define OP_STEALTHY 32860
-#define OP_STEALTHY_C 34908
-#define OP_STEALTHY_E 36956
-#define OP_STEALTHY_EC 39004
-#define OP_ISPLAYER 32861
-#define OP_ISPLAYER_C 34909
-#define OP_COMPATIBLE 32862
-#define OP_COMPATIBLE_C 34910
-#define OP_MSG 32863
-#define OP_MSG_C 34911
-#define OP_FROM 32864
-#define OP_FROM_C 34912
-#define OP_ARG1 32865
-#define OP_ARG1_C 34913
-#define OP_ARG1_E 36961
-#define OP_ARG1_EC 39009
-#define OP_ARG2 32866
-#define OP_ARG2_C 34914
-#define OP_ARG2_E 36962
-#define OP_ARG2_EC 39010
-#define OP_ARG3 32867
-#define OP_ARG3_C 34915
-#define OP_ARG3_E 36963
-#define OP_ARG3_EC 39011
-#define OP_MOVENUMBER 32868
-#define OP_MOVENUMBER_C 34916
-#define OP_LEVEL 32869
-#define OP_LEVEL_C 34917
-#define OP_QUIZ 32870
-#define OP_INPLACE 32871
-#define OP_DEFAULTIMAGE 32872
-#define OP_HELP 32873
-#define OP_EDITORHELP 32874
-#define OP_SUBS 32875
+#define OP_FOR 32782
+#define OP_NEXT 32783
+#define OP_GOTO 32784
+#define OP_CALLSUB 32785
+#define OP_RET 32786
+#define OP_ADD 32787
+#define OP_SUB 32788
+#define OP_MUL 32789
+#define OP_MUL_C 34837
+#define OP_DIV 32790
+#define OP_DIV_C 34838
+#define OP_MOD 32791
+#define OP_MOD_C 34839
+#define OP_NEG 32792
+#define OP_LSH 32793
+#define OP_RSH 32794
+#define OP_RSH_C 34842
+#define OP_BAND 32795
+#define OP_BOR 32796
+#define OP_BXOR 32797
+#define OP_BNOT 32798
+#define OP_BIT 32799
+#define OP_LAND 32800
+#define OP_LOR 32801
+#define OP_LXOR 32802
+#define OP_LNOT 32803
+#define OP_EQ 32804
+#define OP_NE 32805
+#define OP_GT 32806
+#define OP_GT_C 34854
+#define OP_LT 32807
+#define OP_LT_C 34855
+#define OP_GE 32808
+#define OP_GE_C 34856
+#define OP_LE 32809
+#define OP_LE_C 34857
+#define OP_IS 32810
+#define OP_CLASS 32811
+#define OP_CLASS_C 34859
+#define OP_TEMPERATURE 32812
+#define OP_TEMPERATURE_C 34860
+#define OP_TEMPERATURE_E 36908
+#define OP_TEMPERATURE_EC 38956
+#define OP_TEMPERATURE_EC16 34861
+#define OP_TEMPERATURE_E16 36909
+#define OP_SHAPE 32814
+#define OP_SHAPE_C 34862
+#define OP_SHAPE_E 36910
+#define OP_SHAPE_EC 38958
+#define OP_XLOC 32815
+#define OP_XLOC_C 34863
+#define OP_YLOC 32816
+#define OP_YLOC_C 34864
+#define OP_DIR 32817
+#define OP_DIR_C 34865
+#define OP_DIR_E 36913
+#define OP_DIR_EC 38961
+#define OP_IMAGE 32818
+#define OP_IMAGE_C 34866
+#define OP_IMAGE_E 36914
+#define OP_IMAGE_EC 38962
+#define OP_INERTIA 32819
+#define OP_INERTIA_C 34867
+#define OP_INERTIA_E 36915
+#define OP_INERTIA_EC 38963
+#define OP_INERTIA_EC16 34868
+#define OP_INERTIA_E16 36916
+#define OP_DISTANCE 32821
+#define OP_DISTANCE_C 34869
+#define OP_DISTANCE_E 36917
+#define OP_DISTANCE_EC 38965
+#define OP_DISTANCE_EC16 34870
+#define OP_DISTANCE_E16 36918
+#define OP_DENSITY 32823
+#define OP_DENSITY_C 34871
+#define OP_DENSITY_E 36919
+#define OP_DENSITY_EC 38967
+#define OP_DENSITY_EC16 34872
+#define OP_DENSITY_E16 36920
+#define OP_VOLUME 32825
+#define OP_VOLUME_C 34873
+#define OP_VOLUME_E 36921
+#define OP_VOLUME_EC 38969
+#define OP_VOLUME_EC16 34874
+#define OP_VOLUME_E16 36922
+#define OP_WEIGHT 32827
+#define OP_WEIGHT_C 34875
+#define OP_WEIGHT_E 36923
+#define OP_WEIGHT_EC 38971
+#define OP_WEIGHT_EC16 34876
+#define OP_WEIGHT_E16 36924
+#define OP_HEIGHT 32829
+#define OP_HEIGHT_C 34877
+#define OP_HEIGHT_E 36925
+#define OP_HEIGHT_EC 38973
+#define OP_HEIGHT_EC16 34878
+#define OP_HEIGHT_E16 36926
+#define OP_CLIMB 32831
+#define OP_CLIMB_C 34879
+#define OP_CLIMB_E 36927
+#define OP_CLIMB_EC 38975
+#define OP_CLIMB_EC16 34880
+#define OP_CLIMB_E16 36928
+#define OP_STRENGTH 32833
+#define OP_STRENGTH_C 34881
+#define OP_STRENGTH_E 36929
+#define OP_STRENGTH_EC 38977
+#define OP_STRENGTH_EC16 34882
+#define OP_STRENGTH_E16 36930
+#define OP_HARD 32835
+#define OP_HARD_C 34883
+#define OP_HARD_E 36931
+#define OP_HARD_EC 38979
+#define OP_SHARP 32836
+#define OP_SHARP_C 34884
+#define OP_SHARP_E 36932
+#define OP_SHARP_EC 38980
+#define OP_SHAPEDIR 32837
+#define OP_SHAPEDIR_C 34885
+#define OP_SHAPEDIR_E 36933
+#define OP_SHAPEDIR_EC 38981
+#define OP_SHOVABLE 32838
+#define OP_SHOVABLE_C 34886
+#define OP_SHOVABLE_E 36934
+#define OP_SHOVABLE_EC 38982
+#define OP_MISC1 32839
+#define OP_MISC1_C 34887
+#define OP_MISC1_E 36935
+#define OP_MISC1_EC 38983
+#define OP_MISC1_EC16 34888
+#define OP_MISC1_E16 36936
+#define OP_MISC2 32841
+#define OP_MISC2_C 34889
+#define OP_MISC2_E 36937
+#define OP_MISC2_EC 38985
+#define OP_MISC2_EC16 34890
+#define OP_MISC2_E16 36938
+#define OP_MISC3 32843
+#define OP_MISC3_C 34891
+#define OP_MISC3_E 36939
+#define OP_MISC3_EC 38987
+#define OP_MISC3_EC16 34892
+#define OP_MISC3_E16 36940
+#define OP_MISC4 32845
+#define OP_MISC4_C 34893
+#define OP_MISC4_E 36941
+#define OP_MISC4_EC 38989
+#define OP_MISC4_EC16 34894
+#define OP_MISC4_E16 36942
+#define OP_MISC5 32847
+#define OP_MISC5_C 34895
+#define OP_MISC5_E 36943
+#define OP_MISC5_EC 38991
+#define OP_MISC5_EC16 34896
+#define OP_MISC5_E16 36944
+#define OP_MISC6 32849
+#define OP_MISC6_C 34897
+#define OP_MISC6_E 36945
+#define OP_MISC6_EC 38993
+#define OP_MISC6_EC16 34898
+#define OP_MISC6_E16 36946
+#define OP_MISC7 32851
+#define OP_MISC7_C 34899
+#define OP_MISC7_E 36947
+#define OP_MISC7_EC 38995
+#define OP_MISC7_EC16 34900
+#define OP_MISC7_E16 36948
+#define OP_ARRIVED 32853
+#define OP_ARRIVED_C 34901
+#define OP_ARRIVED_E 36949
+#define OP_ARRIVED_EC 38997
+#define OP_DEPARTED 32854
+#define OP_DEPARTED_C 34902
+#define OP_DEPARTED_E 36950
+#define OP_DEPARTED_EC 38998
+#define OP_ARRIVALS 32855
+#define OP_ARRIVALS_C 34903
+#define OP_ARRIVALS_E 36951
+#define OP_ARRIVALS_EC 38999
+#define OP_DEPARTURES 32856
+#define OP_DEPARTURES_C 34904
+#define OP_DEPARTURES_E 36952
+#define OP_DEPARTURES_EC 39000
+#define OP_BUSY 32857
+#define OP_BUSY_C 34905
+#define OP_BUSY_E 36953
+#define OP_BUSY_EC 39001
+#define OP_INVISIBLE 32858
+#define OP_INVISIBLE_C 34906
+#define OP_INVISIBLE_E 36954
+#define OP_INVISIBLE_EC 39002
+#define OP_KEYCLEARED 32859
+#define OP_KEYCLEARED_C 34907
+#define OP_KEYCLEARED_E 36955
+#define OP_KEYCLEARED_EC 39003
+#define OP_USERSIGNAL 32860
+#define OP_USERSIGNAL_C 34908
+#define OP_USERSIGNAL_E 36956
+#define OP_USERSIGNAL_EC 39004
+#define OP_VISUALONLY 32861
+#define OP_VISUALONLY_C 34909
+#define OP_VISUALONLY_E 36957
+#define OP_VISUALONLY_EC 39005
+#define OP_STEALTHY 32862
+#define OP_STEALTHY_C 34910
+#define OP_STEALTHY_E 36958
+#define OP_STEALTHY_EC 39006
+#define OP_MOVED 32863
+#define OP_MOVED_C 34911
+#define OP_MOVED_E 36959
+#define OP_MOVED_EC 39007
+#define OP_ISPLAYER 32864
+#define OP_ISPLAYER_C 34912
+#define OP_COMPATIBLE 32865
+#define OP_COMPATIBLE_C 34913
+#define OP_SELF 32866
+#define OP_MSG 32867
+#define OP_FROM 32868
+#define OP_ARG1 32869
+#define OP_ARG1_E 36965
+#define OP_ARG2 32870
+#define OP_ARG2_E 36966
+#define OP_ARG3 32871
+#define OP_ARG3_E 36967
+#define OP_MOVENUMBER 32872
+#define OP_LEVEL 32873
+#define OP_KEY 32874
+#define OP_QUIZ 32875
+#define OP_INPLACE 32876
+#define OP_DEFAULTIMAGE 32877
+#define OP_HELP 32878
+#define OP_EDITORHELP 32879
+#define OP_SUBS 32880
+#define OP_ANIMATE 32881
+#define OP_ASSASSINATE 32882
+#define OP_ASSASSINATE_C 34930
+#define OP_BROADCAST 32883
+#define OP_BROADCAST_D 41075
+#define OP_BROADCASTCLASS 32884
+#define OP_BROADCASTEX 32885
+#define OP_BROADCASTEX_D 41077
+#define OP_BROADCASTSUM 32886
+#define OP_BROADCASTSUMEX 32887
+#define OP_CREATE 32888
+#define OP_CREATE_D 41080
+#define OP_DELINVENTORY 32889
+#define OP_DELTA 32890
+#define OP_DESTROY 32891
+#define OP_DESTROY_C 34939
+#define OP_DESTROY_D 41083
+#define OP_DESTROY_CD 43131
+#define OP_FLUSHCLASS 32892
+#define OP_FLUSHOBJ 32893
+#define OP_GETINVENTORY 32894
+#define OP_HEIGHTAT 32895
+#define OP_IGNOREKEY 32896
+#define OP_INTMOVE 32897
+#define OP_INTMOVE_C 34945
+#define OP_INTMOVE_D 41089
+#define OP_INTMOVE_CD 43137
+#define OP_JUMPTO 32898
+#define OP_JUMPTO_C 34946
+#define OP_LOC 32899
+#define OP_LOC_C 34947
+#define OP_LOCATEME 32900
+#define OP_LOSELEVEL 32901
+#define OP_MAXINVENTORY 32902
+#define OP_MOVE 32903
+#define OP_MOVE_C 34951
+#define OP_MOVE_D 41095
+#define OP_MOVE_CD 43143
+#define OP_MOVEPLUS 32904
+#define OP_MOVEPLUS_C 34952
+#define OP_MOVEPLUS_D 41096
+#define OP_MOVEPLUS_CD 43144
+#define OP_MOVETO 32905
+#define OP_MOVETO_C 34953
+#define OP_MOVETO_D 41097
+#define OP_MOVETO_CD 43145
+#define OP_NEWX 32906
+#define OP_NEWY 32907
+#define OP_OBJABOVE 32908
+#define OP_OBJABOVE_C 34956
+#define OP_OBJCLASSAT 32909
+#define OP_OBJBELOW 32910
+#define OP_OBJBELOW_C 34958
+#define OP_OBJDIR 32911
+#define OP_OBJDIR_C 34959
+#define OP_POPUP 32912
+#define OP_POPUPARGS 32913
+#define OP_SEND 32914
+#define OP_SEND_C 34962
+#define OP_SEND_D 41106
+#define OP_SEND_CD 43154
+#define OP_SENDEX 32915
+#define OP_SENDEX_C 34963
+#define OP_SENDEX_D 41107
+#define OP_SENDEX_CD 43155
+#define OP_SETINVENTORY 32916
+#define OP_SOUND 32917
+#define OP_TRACE 32918
+#define OP_VOLUMEAT 32919
+#define OP_WINLEVEL 32920
+#define OP_XDIR 32921
+#define OP_XDIR_C 34969
+#define OP_YDIR 32922
+#define OP_YDIR_C 34970
+#define OP_FUNCTION 32923
+#define OP_LOCAL 32924
+#define OP_LABEL 32925
+#define OP_STRING 32926
 static const Op_Names op_names[]={
-#define N_OP_NAMES 211
+#define N_OP_NAMES 261

Index: instruc.js
--- instruc.js
+++ instruc.js
@@ -21,18 +21,19 @@
 names_file.forEach(x=>f(x)); // not .forEach(f); the function to use varies
 let curnum=0;
 const names=Object.create(null);
-  const reg=/^[ \t]*([-,=!+*#]*)[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)?[ \t]*(?:"([^" \t]+)")?[ \t]*(?:\(([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\))?[ \t]*(?:;.*)?$/.exec(line);
+  const reg=/^[ \t]*([-,=!+*#.]*)[ \t]*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)?[ \t]*(?:"([^" \t]+)")?[ \t]*(?:\(([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\))?[ \t]*(?:;.*)?$/.exec(line);
   if(!reg) throw "Syntax error on line "+(linenum+1);
-  let flags=0;
+  let flags=128;
   if(reg[1].includes(",")) flags|=1;
   if(reg[1].includes("=")) flags|=2;
   if(reg[1].includes("-")) flags|=4;
   if(reg[1].includes("!")) flags|=8;
   if(reg[1].includes("+")) flags|=16;
+  if(reg[1].includes(".")) flags|=32;
   if(reg[4]) curnum=parseInt(reg[4],16);
   if(reg[2] && !reg[1].includes("#")) {
     console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+" "+curnum);
     if(flags&1) console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+"_C "+(curnum+0x0800));
     if(flags&2) console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+"_E "+(curnum+0x1000));
@@ -39,13 +40,17 @@
     if(3==(flags&3)) console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+"_EC "+(curnum+0x1800));
     if(10==(flags&10)) {
       if(flags&1) console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+"_EC16 "+(curnum+0x0801));
       console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+"_E16 "+(curnum+0x1001));
+    if(flags&32) {
+      console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+"_D "+(curnum+0x2000));
+      if(flags&1) console.log("#define OP_"+reg[2].toUpperCase()+"_CD "+(curnum+0x2800));
+    }
   if(reg[2] && !reg[1].includes("*")) names[reg[3]||reg[2]]=curnum|(flags<<16);
   if(reg[2]) ++curnum;
   if(flags&8) ++curnum;
 console.log("#ifdef HEROMESH_CLASS\nstatic const Op_Names op_names[]={");
 console.log("};\n#define N_OP_NAMES "+Object.keys(names).length+"\n#endif");

Index: mbtofhm.c
--- mbtofhm.c
+++ mbtofhm.c
@@ -619,11 +619,11 @@
       case 67:
         fprintf(fp," Broadcast");
       case 68:
         if(*op==255) fprintf(fp," Move");
-        else fprintf(fp," (Move %s)",direction[*op]);
+        else fprintf(fp," %s Move+",direction[*op]);
       case 69:
         if(*op==255) fprintf(fp," ,Move");
         else fprintf(fp," %s ,Move",direction[*op]);
@@ -654,11 +654,11 @@
       case 83:
         fprintf(fp," Broadcast .");
         st=0; break;
       case 84:
         if(*op==255) fprintf(fp," Move .");
-        else fprintf(fp," (Move %s) .",direction[*op]);
+        else fprintf(fp," %s Move+ .",direction[*op]);
         st=0; break;
       case 85:
         if(*op==255) fprintf(fp," ,Move .");
         else fprintf(fp," %s ,Move .",direction[*op]);
         st=0; break;