D 2018-08-19T20:57:50.656 L formatting\scontrols U zzo38 W 1682 Formatting controls: * \0 (1): Make further text black. * \1 (2): Make further text blue. * \2 (3): Make further text green. * \3 (4): Make further text cyan. * \4 (5): Make further text red. * \5 (6): Make further text purple. * \6 (7): Make further text yellow. * \7 (8): Make further text white. * \b (15): Draw a horizontal line. * \c (12): Center text. * \i (14): Draw a picture. Follow by the class name (without $ at first), a colon, the zero-based image number in that class, and then a backslash. The final backslash is a single backslash in both the escaped and unescaped representations. * \l (11): Left align text (default). * \n (10): Line break. * \q (16): Quiz button; follow by one byte giving the [Hero Mesh key name|Hero Mesh key code] (normally an ASCII character 0-9 or A-Z). If clicked, plays a move using that key code. * \x (31): In the escaped representation, followed by two hex digits, which represent a character code in the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437|PC character set] (\x00 is not allowed though; use \xFF instead, which has the same appearance). In unescaped representation, the byte 31 is followed directly by the next byte, rather than the hex codes. The numbers in parentheses are the numbers used to represent these codes in the unescaped representation (used in binary files); the codes with backslash are escaped representations used in the class definition file. In the escaped representation, double a backslash to represent a backslash (and you also need a backslash before a quotation mark if you want a quotation mark in the text). Z 9d1450587cd959adddd1d593a0217489