#if 0 gcc -s -O2 -o ./readpicture -Wno-unused-result readpicture.c exit #endif // This program is part of Free Hero Mesh and is public domain. #include #include #include typedef struct { unsigned char x[8]; } Color; static unsigned char buf[32]; static int size,num,meth; static Color pal[256]; static unsigned char*pic; static inline void load_palette(void) { int i; FILE*fp=fopen("colorpalette","r"); if(!fp) exit(1); for(i=0;i<256;i++) { fscanf(fp,"%2hhx%2hhx%2hhx",pal[i].x+0,pal[i].x+2,pal[i].x+4); pal[i].x[1]=pal[i].x[0]; pal[i].x[3]=pal[i].x[2]; pal[i].x[5]=pal[i].x[4]; pal[i].x[7]=pal[i].x[6]=i?255:0; } fclose(fp); } static void load_picture(int id) { int c,n,t,x,y; unsigned char*p; meth=(id?buf[(*buf&15)+1+((id-1)>>1)]>>(id&1?0:4):*buf>>4)&15; size=buf[id+1]; pic=realloc(pic,size*size); if(!pic) { fprintf(stderr,"Allocation failed\n"); exit(1); } if(meth==15) { fread(pic,size,size,stdin); return; } p=pic; n=t=0; y=size*size; while(y--) { if(!n) { n=fgetc(stdin); if(n<85) { // Homogeneous run n++; x=fgetc(stdin); if(t==1 && x==c) n*=85; else n++; c=x; t=1; } else if(n<170) { // Heterogeneous run n-=84; t=2; } else { // Copy-above run n-=169; if(t==3) n*=85; t=3; } } n--; if(t==2) c=fgetc(stdin); if(t==3) c=p-pic>=size?p[-size]:0; *p++=c; } } static inline void out_picture(void) { int x,y; //fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",meth); if(meth==5 || meth==6) meth^=3; for(y=0;y>1),stdin); for(i=0;i<=num;i++) load_picture(i); fwrite("farbfeld",1,8,stdout); putchar(0); putchar(0); putchar(size>>8); putchar(size); putchar(0); putchar(0); putchar(size>>8); putchar(size); out_picture(); return 0; }