Update of "WST-Skin1"
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Artifact ID: bf20bb2b993937b1a8fc37a91dc7c894b2d66a22
Page Name:WST-Skin1
Date: 2010-08-02 16:14:46
Original User: wst
Parent: 71ab18eb679610fdbbbf15d6f25a65b249fff47a (diff)

Skin 1

just a sample page to show the skin! css header and footer are changed! The css has different definitions for SCREEN and PRINTER!

feel free to use the skin, or add tickets/append wiki texts for your comments ;-) The fossil config exp skin file is available under files!

The display bug for the info table on the branch page is fixed (see the diffs in the skin.txt file).

Maybe you want to have a look at the Index, generated by some scripts in Scripte (needed unix tools are not there, but can be found at sourceforge).

Header 2


Header 3

nothing going

header 4

nothing going on
header 5
nothing going on here, but see the other page

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