D 2012-02-19T14:44:38.532 L IPv6 P 84b34e645aa24b5f428d5c28ace5bf9ae4b41f1f U davidevans W 1471 My ageing Netgear and Zyxel ADSL routers were suffering from [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_rot|bitrot] (described [router problems|here]) so it was time for a replacement. My requirements were: * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6|IPv6] (Internet Protocol version 6) support so it would be future-proofed. * Reliable ADSL performance on my phone line as I am rather a long distance (2.5 miles) from the exchange. * Good diagnostics in case of problems. * In hindsight it did not necessarily have to be from one of the big names. * Wireless N and Gigabit Ethernet. * Reasonably easy to set-up, but hey, I'm a geek, soI can cope with a bit of complexity. After some research on various manufacturers websites I failed to find anything that supported IPv6 at a reasonable price. They all seemed to be rather coy about describing their IPv6 features in their manuals. Eventually I noticed a blog posting which said good things about Mikrotik routers. I had never heard of Mikrotik so I looked at their [http://www.mikrotik.com/|website]. They seemed to specialise in routers running their own customised version of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux|Linux] named RouterOS. They offered a try before you buy facility to run RouterOS on a spare PC. I do not have a spare PC, but I do have a [http://www.parallels.com/|Parallels] virtual machine. I downloaded the demonstration ISO and loaded it into a new virtual machine. Z b2286c6d3a9078c58ff8b61b311fbe6e