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11 check-ins
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02:54 | + new module THREADS for working with threads + THREAD-INIT and THREAD-DONE for initializing/terminating library + MAIN-SEND and MAIN-LOOP for sending/receiving messages + EXECUTE-ON-MAIN for executing method on MAIN thread + EXECUTE-IN-BACKGROUND for executing method in a new BACKGROUND thread Leaf check-in: 91b76b986d user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
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18:27 | $ bug fixing + SCREEN-READY function (for verifiing initialization) + ASSERTs within SCREEN and CONTEXT functions * GOTOXY renamed to CURSOR-MOVE check-in: 61487324aa user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
15:56 | * RECT is wrapper around internal structure _RECT_ + using ASSERT for checking input parameters at *RECT* methods * make-rect function can receives two (ORIGIN SIZE) and fourth (origin: ORIGIN size: SIZE) parameters check-in: 9c8d6683b7 user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
05:32 | * SIZE is wrapper around internal structure _SIZE_ + using ASSERT for checking input parameters at *SIZE* methods * make-size function can receives two (WIDTH HEIGHT) and fourth (width: WIDTH height: HEIGHT) parameters check-in: 142edc1744 user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
04:50 | + POINT is wrapper aroung internal structure _POINT_ + using ASSERT for checking input parameters * make-point function can work with two parameters (X Y) and fourth (x: X y: Y) check-in: cfa2ad8a2f user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
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07:21 | + CONTEXT - stub for drawing methods + simple test of NCURSES library + initialization/termination NCURSES + starting/finishing drawing + changing cursor position + overriding 'display' for printing to a current position + some SCREEN constants (such as WIDTH, HEIGHT, RECT) check-in: 2c644b7544 user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
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19:50 | + POINT structure and tests + SIZE structure and tests + RECT structure and tests check-in: f16685f30e user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
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04:09 | + TUI - Text User Interface library check-in: 8373814f7a user: vasalvit tags: tui | |
03:52 | + LIBRARIES - source folder for all libraries Leaf check-in: 7c5b061570 user: vasalvit tags: trunk | |
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04:17 | + stub for documentation check-in: dfca5beb15 user: vasalvit tags: trunk | |
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04:00 | initial empty check-in check-in: 43aa894c22 user: vasalvit tags: trunk | |