Top-level Files of trunk
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Files in the top-level directory from the latest check-in of branch trunk

  • doc
  • scripts
  • database.rb
  • deposit_slip.rb
  • drop-old-data
  • enhanced_text.rb
  • envelope-offerings
  • envelope_list.rb
  • envelsum.gif
  • envelsum.ico
  • envelsum.rb
  • erroricon.gif
  • file_dialog.rb
  • mail_database.rb
  • mail_dialog.rb
  • member_labels.rb
  • NEWS
  • print_dialog.rb
  • quarterly_reports.rb
  • questionicon.gif
  • Rakefile
  • recepsum.gif
  • recepsum.ico
  • recepsum.rb
  • set-icon-path
  • summary_sheet.rb

The Recepsum program is used to enter offerings for each week for Messiah
Evangelical Lutheran Church, South Windsor, Connecticut.

It also can print a list of items for deposit (currency, coin, & cheques)
for inclusion with the bank deposit slip.  For the Windows platform, this is
achieved by creating a PDF file and relying on the program associated with
the ".pdf" extension to perform the actual printing (typically, Acroread).

Also included in this package is a separate program Envelsum, which works off
the same database used by Recepsum, but is used to maintain the list of
envelope assignments to members and to generate quarterly reports of donations
for each member.

Data is stored in an SQLite database with the following structure:


   date (text, in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD')
   name1 (text)
   name2 (text)

   id (integer primary key)
   description (text, empty string [i.e., ''] represents "regular envelope")
   type (text, ['B', 'N', 'F', or 'T'; see below])
   state (null = active, 'x' = inactive)

   number (integer)
   year (integer)
   member (text, id field in Members table)

   _id (integer primary key)
   date (text, in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD')
   amount (integer, in cents)
   desc_id (id field in Descriptions table)
   envelope (integer)
   medium (text, '$' = cash, '*' = coin, 'x' = cheque)
   cheque_number (text, even though it will consist of digits only)

   id (text unique)
   name (text unique)
   address (text)
   print_label ('*' = print, null = don't print)

   date (text, in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD')
   contents (text)


Cheques (a view of selected data from Items table)
   id (integer, the rowid of the Items table)
   date (text, in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD')
   number (text, even though it will consist of digits only)
   amount (integer, in cents)
   desc_id (id field in Descriptions table)
   envelope (integer)

The "type" field of the Descriptions table can have one of four values:
   'B' indicates "Budgeted giving"
   'N' indicates "Non budgeted giving"
   'F' indicates "Fund giving"
   'T' indicates "Transfers"

The "state" field of the Descriptions table can have one of two values:

   null indicates that the category is active, i.e., it will appear as a line
        item in the summary table and list of categories even if there is no
        amount entered for it on the current date.

   'x'  indicates that the category is inactive, i.e., it will not appear as
        a line item in the summary table or list of categories unless there
        is a non-zero amount entered for it on the current date.