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Wiki page [compillingOnWindows] by anonymous 2012-12-17 17:56:20.
D 2012-12-17T17:56:20.215
L compillingOnWindows
P c1b1ba01b67c9598c526db158d36afb3a4756421
U anonymous
W 6952
<h3>Compiling under windows <big>XP</big> with sdk compiler.</h3>
  *  download [|Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1]. Install and configure.
  *  download [| openssl source]
  *  download [|nasm]
  *  download [|perl]
  *  install sdk
  *  install nasm
  *  install perl
  *  mkdir c:\msc\extra\lib, c:\msc\extra\include
  *  unpack ssl source. I assume c:\src\openssl
  *  open VIA START MENU "SDK..." > cmd shell
  *  make sure nasm is in the path
  *  cd into c:\src\openssl
  *  perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=c:\msc\extra
  *  ms\do_nasm
  *  nmake -f ms\nt.mak
  *  nmake -f ms\nt.mak install
  *  checkout fossil. assume c:\src\fossil
  *  cd \src\fossil
  *  mkdir msc\
  *  cd msc
  *  edit ..\win\Makefile.msc to enable SSL and uncomment the SSL LIBS
  *  nmake -f ..\win\Makefile.msc
<h3>Compiling under windows with Digital Mars C compiler</h3>
  *  download [|Digital Mars c-ompiler]. unzip to c:\
  *  download the [|zlib source].
  *  unzip it and compile
  *  open dosbox
  *  mkdir c:\DM\extra\lib, c:\DM\extra\include
  *  copy zlib.lib c:\DM\extra\lib
  *  copy zlib.h and zconf.h to c:\DM\extra\include
  *  checkout fossil. assume c:\src\fossil
  *  cd \src\fossil
  *  mkdir dmc\
  *  cd dmc
  *  c:\DM\bin\make -f ..\win\Makefile.dmc

<h4>Updating windows sdk dmc</h4>
With the advent of fossil having a windows service interface compiling fossil will not work. The simplest option is to replace dm/include/win32/winsvc.h.
The downside is that your headers are from 2 different versions and possible from 2 different sources. I used the files from to update the sdk.
The recipe for the upgrade can be found on the digital mars news server. 

<h3>Compiling under Wine with Digital Mars C compiler</h3>
  *  download [|Digital Mars c-ompiler]. unzip to c:\
  *  download the [|zlib source].
  *  unzip it
  *  open dosbox "wineconsole cmd"
  *  compile zlib
  *  mkdir c:\DM\extra\lib, c:\DM\extra\include
  *  copy zlib.lib c:\DM\extra\lib
  *  copy zlib.h and zconf.h to c:\DM\extra\include
  *  checkout fossil. assume c:\src\fossil
  *  cd \src\fossil
  *  mkdir dmc\
  *  cd dmc
  *  c:\DM\bin\make -f ..\win\Makefile.dmc

<h3>Compiling under windows with Mingw</h3>
<h4>Installing the tools.</h4>
  *  download [|mingw-get-inst-xx.exe]. Install it using the default <strong>c:\MingW</strong>. Make sure you tell the installer to include MSYS by checking the relevant option.
  *  Either build a user logon script, or change Windows' system PATH so MinGW finds its programs: C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\MSYS\1.0\bin, and reboot
  *  If you want <strong>https</strong> support download [|openssl] the binary and developer files. Extract to <strong>c:\MingW</strong>

<h4>Getting fossil source code</h4>
Log on as Anonymous, go to the Timeline section, and download the latest development source code. Just unzip the Fossil file anywhere you want (c:\src\fossil is assumed).

<h4>Compiling fossil source code</h4>
  *  If you want <strong>https</strong> supports
     <ul><li>make -f Makefile.w32 FOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL=1 LIB="-lssl -lcrypto -lgdi32 -lmingwex -lz -lws2_32"</li> </ul>
  *  else, cd c:\src\fossil, and run make -f win/Makefile.mingw. The compiled fossil.exe will be available at the root in c:\src\fossil.
<h3>Compiling under windows with PellesC</h3>
  *  download and install [|PellesC] C-compiler
  *  download a windows version of gnu-make([])
  *  download the zlib source and unzip
  *  checkout fossil
  *  edit Makefile.PellesCGMake and check paths
  *  open dosbox
  *  change directory to fossil project tree
  *  mkdir PellesC
  *  cd PellesC
  *  <i>unxutils-path</i>\make -f ..\win\Makefile.PellesCGMake

This is tested under Windows XP with PellesC 5 and Window 7 with PellesC 6(32 & 64 bit)

<h3>Compiling under linux for windows with Mingw</h3>
This is called cross compiling. I'm using [|Arch linux] distribution which
uses the package manager pacman to install packages. If you have a differen linux distribution the packages might be called different. I assume a login name of renez substitute yours were apropiate.

<h4>Installing the tools.</h4>
  *  Install mingw32-gccs. With Arch linux you do Pacman -S mingw32-gcc (As root!). This will be installed in <strong>/usr/i486-mingw32</strong>
  *  download [|zlib] the binary and developer files.
  *  If you want <strong>https</strong> support download [|openssl] the binary and developer files.
  *  Extract to <strong>/usr/i486-mingw32</strong> by: su to root
  *  cd <strong>/usr/i486-mingw32</strong>
  *  unzip  ~renez/Downloads/
  *  unzip  ~renez/Downloads/
  *  unzip  ~renez/Downloads/
  *  unzip  ~renez/Downloads/
  *  exit root
  *  download [|fossil] for linux, and copy fossil to some where in your PATH directories maybe $HOME/bin.

<h4>Getting fossil source code</h4>
  *  cd ; mkdir fossil; cd fossil
  *  clone fossil repository. e.g. fossil clone myclone.fossil
  *  mkdir src; cd src
  *  fossil  open ../myclone.fossil

<h4>Compiling fossil source code</h4>
  *  If you want <strong>https</strong> supports
     <ul><li>make -f Makefile.w32 TCC="i486-mingw32-gcc -Os -Wall  -DFOSSIL_I18N=0  -L/usr/i486-mingw32/lib -I/usr/i486-mingw32/include -DFOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL=1 LIB="-lssl -lcrypto -lgdi32 -lmingwex -lz -lws2_32"</li> </ul>
  *   else make -f Makefile.w32 TCC="i486-mingw32-gcc -Os -Wall  -DFOSSIL_I18N=0  -L/usr/i486-mingw32/lib -I/usr/i486-mingw32/include "

<h4>Distribution of cross compiled fossil.exe</h4>
Because you have linked against zlib and maybe ssl you need to include from <strong>/usr/i486-mingw32/bin</strong> zlib1.dll and, optional, libssl32.dll (and maybe also libeay32.dll)

<h4>testing the cross compiled fossil.exe</h4>
  *  copy fossil.exe and the dll's to a windows system. For testing purpose all in one directory. For production use a directory in your PATH
  *  fossil clone http.fossil
  *  If it has <strong>https</strong> support then fossil clone https.fossil

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