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History Of Ticket 3733300eb357a22e4bcdc481ffdaa621edadcc0f

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 3733300eb357a22e4bcdc481ffdaa621edadcc0f

  1. Ticket change [463a126c39] (rid 123) by treeofsephiroth on 2011-02-26 18:23:26:

    1. comment initialized to:
      If you would like to add a comment to any of these tickets, login as "anonymous" at the top.
      This is to prevent spambots from flooding the repository.
    2. foundin initialized to: "v.0.0.6"
    3. private_contact initialized to: "a3cdeac0f2f9f6bb37bc63b5cebb29d223f8d632"
    4. severity initialized to: "Critical"
    5. status initialized to: "Open"
    6. title initialized to:
      If you would like to add a comment to any of these tickets, login as "anonymous" at the top
    7. type initialized to: "Documentation"