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# nmspd - A Coordinate and Portal Decoder for No Man's Sky #
This is a Qt program created to convert coordinates to a portal address, and vice versa offline. There are several websites out there 
that will do this conversion for you. This program is for those who, for whatever reason, cannot use those sites.

## Requirements ##
  * Dependencies: Qt5
  * Make dependencies:
    * Qt5 headers
    * qmake (it is possible to compile without the help of qmake but is not recommended)
    * CC compiler
  * Optional:
    * [Fossil]( (to clone the repo)
    * Doxygen (to build documentation)

Successfully tested with:<br />

  * Linux kernel: 4.14.55-lts, 4.18, 4.19
  * Qt: 5.9, 5.11.1, 5.11.3
  * CC compiler: gcc 8.2.0, clang 7.0.1

Please let me know if it works on other operating systems/configurations.

### Download and Compile ###
Clone this repo:
<pre>$ fossil clone nmspd.fossil
$ fossil open nmspd.fossil</pre>

 or<br /><br />
Download the latest release from [here](/wiki/release_notes) or [a mirror]( and then extract the tarball.

Now that you have the source code...<br />

Build it:
<pre>$ qmake -o Makefile
$ make</pre>

Optionally build and run the tests:
<pre><code>$ qmake -o Makefile nmspd\
$ make
$ ./nmspd\_tests</code></pre>

Build the documentation:
<pre>$ cd doc
$ doxygen Doxyfile</pre>

Run the GUI:
<pre>$ ./nmspd</pre>
If you prefer to use a specific style already installed on your system:<br />
<pre>$ ./nmspd -style "NAME OF STYLE"</pre>

For information about the CLI:
<pre>$ ./nmspd -h</pre>

## Usage ##

It is fairly self-explanatory.

Enter the coordinates or glyph code into the appropriate field, then click the button to either 
convert to a glyph code or to a coordinate respectively. Optionally select a portal number when converting a coordinate. If you are unsure what this should be, then leave it at 1.

You can obtain coordinates from other players or in-game. Coordinates can be obtained in-game by building a signal booster on any planet or moon. Interact with the signal booster and look for an alphanumeric sequence in the lower left corner of the form:<br >
The actual values will differ. Only the last 16 digits are important and are what you enter into the program. In this example, the coordinates you enter would be 12AB:34CD:EF56:7890, ignoring the XXXX that preceeds it.

## Credits ##
I am not and will never be smart enough to decode star system coordinates and portal sequences 
on my own. What others have discovered and shared I have merely adapted to for use offline.

  * [conversion formula]( - on reddit
  * [pilgrim star path]( - the great original
  * [inspiration]( taken from this awesome NMS Portals site