ADDED tcl053.js Index: tcl053.js ================================================================== --- tcl053.js +++ tcl053.js @@ -0,0 +1,1300 @@ +/* =================================================== -*- C++ -*- + * tcl.js "A Tcl implementation in Javascript" + * + * Released under the same terms as Tcl itself. + * (BSD license found at ) + * + * Based on Picol by Salvatore Sanfilippo () + * (c) Stéphane Arnold 2007 + * Richard Suchenwirth 2007, 2013: cleanup, additions + * vim: syntax=javascript autoindent softtabwidth=4 + */ +_step = 0; // set to 1 for debugging +var fs = require('fs'); +puts = console.log; + +function TclInterp () { + this.patchlevel = "0.5.3"; + this.callframe = [{}]; + this.level = 0; + this.levelcall = []; + this.commands = {}; + this.procs = []; + this.script = ""; + this.OK = 0; + this.RET = 1; + this.BRK = 2; + this.CNT = 3; + this.getVar = function(name) { + var nm = name.toString(); + if (nm.match("^::env[(]")) nm=nm.substr(2); + if (nm.match("^env[(]")) { + var key = nm.substr(4,nm.length-5); + var val = process.env[key]; + } else if (nm.match("^::")) { + var val = this.callframe[0][nm.substr(2)]; // global + } else { + var val = this.callframe[this.level][name]; + } + if (val == null) throw 'can\'t read "'+name+'": no such variable'; + return val; + } + this.setVar = function(name, val) { + var nm = name.toString(); + if (nm.match("^::")) { + this.callframe[0][nm.substr(2)] = val; + } else {this.callframe[this.level][name] = val;} + return val; + } + this.setVar("argc", process.argv.length-2); + this.setVar("argv0", process.argv[1]); + this.setVar("argv", process.argv.slice(2)); + this.setVar("errorInfo", ""); + + this.incrLevel = function() { + this.callframe[++this.level] = {}; + return this.level; + } + this.decrLevel = function() { + this.callframe[this.level] = null; + this.level--; + if (this.level<0) throw "Exit application"; + this.result = null; + } + this.getCommand = function(name) { + try { + return this.commands[name]; + } catch (e) {throw "No such command '"+name+"'";} + } + this.registerCommand = function(name, func, privdata) { + if (func == null) throw "No such function: "+name; + this.commands[name] = new TclCommand(func, privdata); + } + this.registerSubCommand = function(name, subcmd, func, privdata) { + if (func == null) throw "No such subcommand: "+ name +" " + subcmd; + var path = name.split(" "); + var ens; + name = path.shift(); + var cmd = this.commands[name]; + if (cmd == null) { + ens = {}; + // ens["subcommands"] = new TclCommand(Tcl.InfoSubcommands, null); + this.commands[name] = new TclCommand(Tcl.EnsembleCommand, null, ens); + } + ens = this.commands[name].ensemble; + if (ens == null) throw "Not an ensemble command: '"+name+"'"; + // walks deeply into the subcommands tree + while (path.length > 0) { + name = path.shift(); + cmd = ens[name]; + if (cmd == null) { + cmd = new TclCommand(Tcl.EnsembleCommand, null, {}); + ens[name] = cmd; + ens = cmd.ensemble; + // ens["subcommands"] = new TclCommand(Tcl.InfoSubcommands, null); + } + } + ens[subcmd] = new TclCommand(func, privdata); + } + this.eval = function (code) { + try { + return this.eval2(code); + } catch (e) { + var msg = code.substr(0,128); + if(msg.length >= 125) msg += "..."; + puts(e); + var msg = e+'\n while executing\n"'+msg+'"'; + for(var i = this.level; i > 0; i--) + msg += '\n invoked from within\n"'+this.levelcall[i]+'"' + this.setVar("::errorInfo", msg); + } + } + this.eval2 = function(code) { + this.code = this.OK; + var parser = new TclParser(code); + var args = []; + var first = true; + var text, prevtype, result; + result = ""; + while (true) { + prevtype = parser.type; + try { + parser.getToken(); + } catch (e) {break;} + if (parser.type == (parser.EOF)) break; + text = parser.getText(); + if (parser.type == (parser.VAR)) { + text = this.getVar(text); + } else if (parser.type == (parser.CMD)) { + try { + text = this.eval2(text); + } catch (e) {throw (e + "\nwhile parsing \"" + text + "\"");} + } else if (parser.type == (parser.ESC)) { + // escape handling missing! + } else if (parser.type == (parser.SEP)) { + prevtype = parser.type; + continue; + } + text = this.objectify(text); + if (parser.type ==parser.EOL || parser.type == parser.EOF) { + prevtype = parser.type; + if (args.length > 0) { + try { + result =; + } catch(e) { + if(e.toString().match("Cannot call method")) + throw 'invalid command name "'+args[0].toString()+'"'; + throw e; + } + if (this.code != this.OK) return this.objectify(result); + } + args = []; + continue; + } + if (prevtype == parser.SEP || prevtype == parser.EOL) { + args.push(text); + } else { + args[args.length-1] = args[args.length-1].toString() + text.toString(); + } + } + if (args.length > 0) result =; + return this.objectify(result); + } + //---------------------------------- Commands in alphabetical order + this.registerCommand("append", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, Infinity); + var vname = args[1].toString(); + try {var str = interp.getVar(vname);} catch(e) {var str = "";} + for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) str += args[i].toString(); + interp.setVar(vname, str); + return str; + }); + this.registerCommand("break", function (interp, args) { + interp.code = interp.BRK; + return; + }); + this.registerCommand("cd", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 1, 2); + var dir = process.env.HOME; + if (args.length == 2) dir = args[1].toString(); + process.chdir(dir); + return; + }); + this.registerCommand("continue", function (interp, args) { + interp.code = interp.CNT; + return; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("clock", "format", function (interp, args) { + var now = new Date(); + now.setTime(args[1]); + return now.toString(); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("clock", "milliseconds", function (interp, args) { + var t = new Date(); + return t.valueOf(); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("clock", "scan", function (interp, args) { + return Date.parse(args[1]); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("clock", "seconds", function (interp, args) { + return Math.floor((new Date()).valueOf()/1000); + }); + + this.registerSubCommand("dict", "create", function (interp, args) { + if(args.length % 2 == 0) + throw 'wrong # args: should be "dict create ?key value ...?"'; + return new TclObject(args.slice(1)); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("dict", "get", function (interp, args) { + if(args.length < 2) + throw 'wrong # args: should be "dict get ?key ...?"'; + var dict = args[1].toList(); + var key = args[2].toString(); + for (var i=0;i < dict.length;i+=2) { + if(dict[i].toString() == key) return dict[i+1]; + } + throw 'key "'+key+'" not known in dictionary'; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("dict", "set", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 4); + var name = args[1]; + var dict = interp.getVar(name); + var key = args[2].toString(); + var val = args[3].toString(); + var found = false; + var list = dict.toList(); + for (var i=0;i < list.length;i+=2) { + if(list[i].toString() == key) { + list[i+1] = val; + found = true; + break; + } + } + if (!found) { + list.push(interp.objectify(key)); + list.push(interp.objectify(val)); + } + interp.setVar(name, dict); + return dict; + }); + /* + if(typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined') { + this.registerCommand("dom", function (interp, args) { + var selector = args[1].toString(); + var fn = args[2].toString(); + args = args.slice(3); + for (var i in args) args[i] = args[i].toString(); + var q = $(selector); + q[fn].apply(q,args); + return "dom " + selector; + }); + }*/ + this.registerCommand("eval",function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2,Infinity); + for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = args[i].toString(); + if (args.length == 2) var code = args[1]; + else var code = args.slice(1).join(" "); + return interp.eval(code); + }); + /* + this.registerCommand("exec",function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, Infinity); + var exec = require('child_process').exec, + child; + puts("exec "+args.slice(1).join(" ")); + child = exec(args.slice(1).join(" "), + function (error, stdout, stderr) { + var res = stdout.toString(); + //console.log('stdout: ' + stdout.toString()); + if (error !== null) { + throw('exec error: ' + error); + } + return res; + }); + return this.execres; + }); + */ + this.registerCommand("exit",function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 1,2); + var rc = 0; + if (args.length == 2) rc = args[1]; + process.exit(rc); + }); + acos = Math.acos; + exp = Math.exp; + sqrt = Math.sqrt; // "publish" other Math.* functions as needed + + this.registerCommand("expr", function (interp, args) { + var expression = args.slice(1).join(" "); + return interp.expr(interp, expression); + }); + this.expr = function ($interp, $expression) { // also used in for, if, while + try { + var $mx = $expression.match(/(\[.*\])/g); + for ($i in $mx) + puts("have to deal with "+$mx[i].toString()); + } catch(e) {puts(i+". exception: "+e);} + $mx = $expression.match(/(\$[A-Za-z0-9_:]+)/g); + for ($i in $mx) + eval("var "+$mx[$i]+" = "+$interp.getVar($mx[$i].slice(1))); + var res = eval($expression); + if(res == false) res = 0; else if(res == true) res = 1; + return res; + }; + this.registerSubCommand("file", "dirname", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + var path = args[1].toString().split("/"); + path.pop(); + return path.join("/"); + }); + this.registerCommand("for", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 5); + interp.eval(args[1].toString()); + if(interp.code != interp.OK) return; + var cond = args[2].toString(); + var step = args[3].toString(); + var body = args[4].toString(); + interp.inLoop = true; + interp.code = interp.OK; + while (true) { + test = interp.objectify(interp.expr(interp, cond)); + if (!test.toBoolean()) break; + interp.eval(body); + var ic = interp.code; // tested after step command + interp.eval(step); + if(ic == interp.BRK) break; + if(ic == interp.CNT) continue; + } + interp.inLoop = false; + if(interp.code == interp.BRK || interp.code == interp.CNT) + interp.code = interp.OK; + return ""; + }); + this.registerCommand("foreach", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 4); + var list = args[2].toList(); + var body = args[3].toString(); + var res = ""; + interp.inLoop = true; + interp.code = interp.OK; + for(i in list) { + interp.setVar(args[1],interp.objectify(list[i])); + interp.eval(body); + if(interp.code == interp.BRK) break; + if(interp.code == interp.CNT) continue; + } + interp.inLoop = false; + if(interp.code == interp.BRK || interp.code == interp.CNT) + interp.code=interp.OK; + return ""; + }); + /* this.registerCommand("gets", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, 3); + var reply; // = prompt(args[1],""); + process.stdin.resume(); + process.stdin.on('data', function(str) { + reply = str; + }); + if(args[2] != null) { + interp.setVar(args[2],interp.objectify(reply)); + return reply.length; + } else return reply; + }); */ + this.registerCommand("if", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3, Infinity); + var cond = args[1].toString(); + var test = interp.objectify(interp.expr(interp, cond)); + if (test.toBoolean()) return interp.eval(args[2].toString()); + if (args.length == 3) return; + for (var i = 3; i < args.length; ) { + switch (args[i].toString()) { + case "else": + this.arity(args, i + 2); + return interp.eval(args[i+1].toString()); + case "elseif": + this.arity(args, i + 3); + test = interp.objectify(interp.expr(interp, args[i+1].toString())); + if (test.toBoolean()) + return interp.eval(args[i+2].toString()); + i += 3; + break; + default: + throw "Expected 'else' or 'elseif', got "+ args[i]; + } + } + }); + this.registerCommand("incr", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, 3); + var name = args[1]; + if (args.length == 2) var incr = 1; + else var incr = interp.objectify(args[2]).toInteger(); + incr += interp.getVar(name).toInteger(); + return interp.setVar(name, new TclObject(incr, "INTEGER")); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "args", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + var name = args[1].toString(); + if (!interp.procs[name]) throw '"'+name+'" isn\'t a procedure'; + return interp.getCommand(name).privdata[0]; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "body", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + var name = args[1].toString(); + if (!interp.procs[name]) throw '"'+name+'" isn\'t a procedure'; + return interp.getCommand(name).privdata[1]; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "commands", function (interp, args) { + return interp.mkList(interp.commands); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "exists", function (interp, args) { + var name = args[1]; + try {interp.getVar(name); return 1;} catch(e) {return 0;} + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "globals", function (interp, args) { + return interp.mkList(interp.callframe[0]); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "isensemble", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + var name = args[1].toString(); + return (interp.getCommand(name).ensemble != null); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "level", function (interp, args) { + if(args.length == 1) + return interp.level; + var delta = args[1]; + return interp.levelcall[interp.level - delta]; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "na", function (interp, args) { + return process.execPath; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "patchlevel", function (interp, args) { + return interp.patchlevel.toString(); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "procs", function (interp, args) { + return interp.mkList(interp.procs); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "script", function (interp, args) { + return interp.script; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("info", "vars", function (interp, args) { + return interp.mkList(interp.callframe[interp.level]); + }); + this.registerCommand("join", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, 3); + var lst = args[1].toList(); + var sep = " "; + if(args.length == 3) sep = args[2].toString(); + var res = []; + var re = /^{.*}$/; + for (i in lst) { + var word = lst[i].toString(); + if (re.test(word)) word = word.substring(1,word.length-1); + res.push(word); + } + return res.join(sep); + }); + this.registerCommand("jseval", function (interp, args) { + return eval(args[1].toString()); + }); + this.registerCommand("lappend", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, Infinity); + var vname = args[1].toString(); + try { + var list = interp.getVar(vname); + } catch(e) {var list = new TclObject([]);} + list.toList(); + for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { + list.content.push(interp.objectify(args[i])); + } + interp.setVar(vname, list); + return list; + }); + this.registerCommand("lindex", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3, Infinity); + var list = interp.objectify(args[1]); + for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { + try { + var index = list.listIndex(args[i]); + } catch (e) { + if (e == "Index out of bounds") return ""; + throw e; + } + list = list.content[index]; + } + return interp.objectify(list); + }); + this.registerCommand("list", function (interp, args) { + args.shift(); + return new TclObject(args); + }); + this.registerCommand("llength", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + return args[1].toList().length; + }); + this.registerCommand("lrange", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 4); + var list = interp.objectify(args[1]); + var start = list.listIndex(args[2]); + var end = list.listIndex(args[3])+1; + try { + return list.content.slice(start, end); + } catch (e) {return [];} + }); + this.registerCommand("lset", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 4, Infinity); + var list = interp.getVar(args[1].toString()); + var elt = list; + for (var i = 2; i < args.length-2; i++) { + elt.toList(); + elt = interp.objectify(elt.content[elt.listIndex(args[i])]); + } + elt.toList(); + i = args.length - 2; + elt.content[elt.listIndex(args[i])] = interp.objectify(args[i+1]); + return list; + }); + this.registerCommand("lsearch", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + var lst = args[1].toList(); + for(i in lst) if(lst[i] == args[2].toString()) return i; + return -1; + }); + this.registerCommand("lsort", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + return args[1].toList().sort(); + }); + this.registerCommand("pid", function (interp, args) { + return; + }); + this.registerCommand("puts", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + puts(args[1].toString()); + }); + this.registerCommand("pwd", function (interp, args) { + return process.cwd(); + }); + this.registerCommand("proc", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 4); + var name = args[1].toString(); + var argl = interp.parseList(args[2]); + var body = args[3].toString(); + var priv = [argl, body]; + interp.commands[name] = new TclCommand(Tcl.Proc, priv); + interp.procs[name] = true; + }); + this.registerCommand("regexp", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + var re = new RegExp(args[1].toString()); + var str = args[2].toString(); + return ( > -1? "1":"0"); + }); + this.registerCommand("regsub", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 4); + var re = new RegExp(args[1].toString()); + var str = args[2].toString(); + var trg = args[3].toString(); + return (str.replace(re,trg)); + }); + this.registerCommand("rename", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + var name = args[1]; + var newname = args[2]; + interp.commands[newname] = interp.commands[name]; + if (interp.procs[name]) { + interp.procs[name] = null; + interp.procs[newname] = true; + } + interp.commands[name] = null; + }); + this.registerCommand("return", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 1, 2); + var r = args[1]; + interp.code = interp.RET; + return r; + }); + this.registerCommand("set", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, 3); + var name = args[1]; + if (args.length == 3) interp.setVar(name, args[2]); + return interp.getVar(name); + }); + this.registerCommand("source", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + interp.script = args[1].toString(); + try { + var data = fs.readFileSync(interp.script).toString(); + } catch(e) { + throw 'couldn\' read file "'+interp.script+'": no such file or directory';} + var res = interp.eval(data); + interp.script = ""; + return res; + }); + this.registerCommand("split", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, 3); + var str = args[1].toString(); + var sep = " "; + if (args.length == 3) sep = args[2].toString(); + var res = [], e; + var tmp = str.split(sep); + for(i in tmp) { + e = tmp[i]; + if(e == "") e = "{}"; + res.push(e); + } + return res.join(" "); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("string", "equal", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + return (args[1].toString() == args[2].toString())? "1": "0"; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("string", "index", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + var s = args[1].toString(); + try { + return s.charAt(args[1].stringIndex(args[2])); + } catch (e) {return "";} + }); + this.registerSubCommand("string", "length", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + return args[1].toString().length; + }); + this.registerSubCommand("string", "range", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 4); + var s = args[1]; + try { + var b = s.stringIndex(args[2]); + var e = s.stringIndex(args[3]); + if (b > e) return ""; + return s.toString().substring(b, e + 1); + } catch (e) {return "";} + }); + this.registerSubCommand("string", "tolower", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + return args[1].toString().toLowerCase(); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("string", "toupper", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + return args[1].toString().toUpperCase(); + }); + this.registerSubCommand("string", "trim", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2); + return args[1].toString().trim(); + }); + function sec_msec () { + var t = new Date(); + return t.getSeconds()*1000 + t.getMilliseconds(); + } + this.registerCommand("time", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, 3); + var body = args[1].toString(); + var n = (args.length == 3)? args[2] : 1; + var t0 = sec_msec(); + for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) interp.eval(body); + return (sec_msec()-t0)*1000/n + " microseconds per iteration"; + }); + this.registerCommand("unset", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 2, Infinity); + for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) + interp.setVar(args[i], null); + }); + this.registerCommand("uplevel",function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3, Infinity); + var delta = args[1].toInteger(); + interp.level -= delta; + if(interp.level < 0) { + interp.level += delta; + throw 'bad level "'+delta+'"'; + } + for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = args[i].toString(); + if (args.length == 3) { + var code = args[2]; + } else var code = args.slice(2).join(" "); + var res = interp.eval(code); + interp.level += delta; + return res; + }); + this.registerCommand("while", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + var cond = args[1].toString(); + var body = args[2].toString(); + var res = ""; + interp.inLoop = true; + interp.code = interp.OK; + while (true) { + test = interp.objectify(interp.expr(interp, cond)); + if (!test.toBoolean()) break; + res = interp.eval(body); + if(interp.code == interp.CNT) continue; + if(interp.code != interp.OK) break; + } + interp.inLoop = false; + if(interp.code == interp.BRK || interp.code == interp.CNT) + interp.code=interp.OK; + return interp.objectify(res); + }); + // native cmdname {function(interp, args) {...}} + this.registerCommand("native", function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + var cmd = args[1].toList(); + var func = eval(args[2].toString()); + //alert("in: "+args[2].toString()+", func: "+ func); + if (cmd.length == 1) { + interp.registerCommand(cmd[0].toString(), func); + return; + } + base = cmd[0].toString(); + cmd.shift(); + interp.registerSubCommand(base, cmd.join(" "), eval(args[2].toString())); + return; + }); + this.math = function (name, a, b) { + switch (name) { + case "+": return a + b; + case "-": return a - b; + case "*": return a * b; + case "/": return a / b; + case "%": return a % b; + case "<": return a < b? "1":"0"; + case ">": return a > b? "1":"0"; + case "==": return a == b? "1":"0"; + case "!=": return a != b? "1":"0"; + default: throw "Unknown operator: '"+name+"'"; + } + } + var ops = ["+","-","*","/","%","<",">","==","!="]; + for (i in ops) + this.registerCommand(ops[i],function (interp, args) { + this.arity(args, 3); + var name = args[0].toString(); + var a = interp.objectify(args[1]); + var b = interp.objectify(args[2]); + if (name == '==') + return new TclObject(a.toString() == b.toString()?"1":"0","BOOL"); + if (name == '!=') + return new TclObject(a.toString() != b.toString()?"1":"0","BOOL"); + + var x = a.getNumber(); + var y = b.getNumber(); + if (a.isInteger() && b.isInteger()) + return new TclObject(interp.math(name, x, y),"INTEGER"); + if (a.isReal() && b.isReal()) + return new TclObject(interp.math(name, x, y),"REAL"); + return new TclObject(interp.math(name, args[1].toString(), + args[2].toString())); + }); + this.mkList = function(x) { + var list = []; + for (var name in x) {list.push(name);} + return list; + } + this.objectify = function (text) { + if (text == null) text = ""; + else if (text instanceof TclObject) return text; + return new TclObject(text); + } + this.parseString = function (text) { + text = text.toString(); + switch (text.charAt(0)+text.substr(text.length-1)) { + case "{}": + case '""': + text = text.substr(1,text.length-2); + break; + } + return this.objectify(text); + } + this.parseList = function (text) { + text = text.toString(); + switch (text.charAt(0)+text.substr(text.length-1)) { + case "{}": + case '""': + text = [text]; + break; + } + return this.objectify(text); + } + = function(args) { + if(_step) puts(" "+args); + var func = this.getCommand(args[0].toString()); + var res =,args); + switch (this.code) { + case this.OK: case this.RET: return res; + case this.BRK: + if (!this.inLoop) throw "Invoked break outside of a loop"; + break; + case this.CNT: + if (!this.inLoop) throw "Invoked continue outside of a loop"; + break; + default: throw "Unknown return code " + this.code; + } + return res; + } +} + +var Tcl = {}; +Tcl.isReal = new RegExp("^[+\\-]?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*([eE][+\\-]?[0-9]+)?$"); +Tcl.isDecimal = new RegExp("^[+\\-]?[1-9][0-9]*$"); +Tcl.isHex = new RegExp("^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$"); +Tcl.isOctal = new RegExp("^[+\\-]?0[0-7]*$"); +Tcl.isHexSeq = new RegExp("[0-9a-fA-F]*"); +Tcl.isOctalSeq = new RegExp("[0-7]*"); +Tcl.isList = new RegExp("[\\{\\} ]"); +Tcl.isNested = new RegExp("^\\{.*\\}$"); +Tcl.getVar = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+", "g"); + +Tcl.Proc = function (interp, args) { + var priv = this.privdata; + interp.incrLevel(); + var arglist = priv[0].toList(); + var body = priv[1]; + var call = []; + for(var i in args) { + var elt = args[i].toString(); + if(elt.match(/ /)) elt = "{"+elt+"}"; + call.push(elt); + } + interp.levelcall[interp.level] = call.join(" "); + args.shift(); + for (var i = 0; i < arglist.length; i++) { + var name = arglist[i].toString(); + if (i >= args.length) { + if (name == "args") { + interp.setVar("args", Tcl.empty); + break; + } + } + if (Tcl.isList.test(name)) { + name = interp.parseString(name).toList(); + if (name[0] == "args") throw "'args' defaults to the empty string"; + if (i >= args.length) + interp.setVar(name.shift(), interp.parseString(name.join(" "))); + else interp.setVar(name[0], interp.objectify(args[i])); + } else if (name == "args") { + interp.setVar("args", new TclObject(args.slice(i, args.length))); + break; + } + interp.setVar(name, interp.objectify(args[i])); + } + if (name == "args" && i+1 < arglist.length) + throw "'args' should be the last argument"; + try { + var res = interp.eval(body); + interp.code = interp.OK; + interp.decrLevel(); + return res; + } catch (e) { + interp.decrLevel(); + throw "Tcl.Proc exception "+e; + } +} +/** Manage subcommands */ +Tcl.EnsembleCommand = function (interp, args) { + var sub = args[1].toString(); + var main = args.shift().toString()+" "+sub; + args[0] = main; + var ens = this.ensemble; + if (ens == null) { + throw "Not an ensemble command: "+main; + } else if( ens[sub] == null) { + var r = []; + for (var i in ens) r.push(i); + r[r.length-1] = "or "+r[r.length-1]; + throw 'unknown or ambiguous subcommand "'+sub+'": must be '+ + r.join(", "); + } + return ens[sub].call(interp, args); +} +/** Get subcommands of the current ensemble command. */ +/* +Tcl.InfoSubcommands = function(interp, args) { + var r = []; + for (var i in this.ensemble) r.push(i); + return interp.objectify(r); +} +*/ +function TclObject(text) { + this.TEXT = 0; + this.LIST = 1; + this.INTEGER = 2; + this.REAL = 3; + this.BOOL = 4; + switch (arguments[0]) { + case "LIST": + case "INTEGER": + case "REAL": + case "BOOL": + this.type = this[arguments[0]]; + break; + default: + this.type = this.TEXT; + if (text instanceof Array) this.type = this.LIST; + else text = text.toString(); + break; + } + this.content = text; + this.stringIndex = function (i) { + this.toString(); + return this.index(i, this.content.length); + } + this.listIndex = function (i) { + this.toList(); + return this.index(i, this.content.length); + } + this.index = function (i, len) { + var index = i.toString(); + if (index.substring(0,4) == "end-") + index = len - parseInt(index.substring(4)) - 1; + else if (index == "end") index = len-1; + else index = parseInt(index); + if (isNaN(index)) throw "Bad index "+i; + if (index < 0 || index >= len) throw "Index out of bounds"; + return index; + } + this.isInteger = function () {return (this.type == this.INTEGER);} + this.isReal = function () {return (this.type == this.REAL);} + this.getString = function (list, nested) { + var res = []; + for (var i in list) { + res[i] = list[i].toString(); + if (Tcl.isList.test(res[i]) && !Tcl.isNested.test(res[i])) + res[i] = "{" + res[i] + "}"; + } + if (res.length == 1) return res[0]; + return res.join(" "); + } + this.toString = function () { + if (this.type != this.TEXT) { + if (this.type == this.LIST) + this.content = this.getString(this.content); + else this.content = this.content.toString(); + this.type = this.TEXT; + } + return this.content; + } + this.toList = function () { + if (this.type != this.LIST) { + if (this.type != this.TEXT) + this.content[0] = this.content; + else { + + var text = this.content; + if (text.charAt(0) == "{" && text.charAt(text.length-1) == "}") + text = text.substring(1, text.length-1); + if (text == "") + return []; + + var parser = new TclParser(text.toString()); + this.content = []; + for(;;) { + parser.parseList(); + this.content.push(new TclObject(parser.getText())); + if (parser.type == parser.EOL || parser.type == parser.ESC) + break; + } + } + + this.type = this.LIST; + } + return this.content; + } + this.toInteger = function () { + if (this.type == this.INTEGER) return this.content; + this.toString(); + if (this.content.match(Tcl.isHex)) + this.content = parseInt(this.content.substring(2), 16); + else if (this.content.match(Tcl.isOctal)) + this.content = parseInt(this.content, 8); + else if (this.content.match(Tcl.isDecimal)) + this.content = parseInt(this.content); + else throw "Not an integer: '"+this.content+"'"; + if (isNaN(this.content)) throw "Not an integer: '"+this.content+"'"; + this.type = this.INTEGER; + return this.content; + } + this.getFloat = function (text) { + if (!text.toString().match(Tcl.isReal)) + throw "Not a real: '"+text+"'"; + return parseFloat(text); + } + this.toReal = function () { + if (this.type == this.REAL) + return this.content; + this.toString(); + // parseFloat doesn't control all the string, so need to check it + this.content = this.getFloat(this.content); + if (isNaN(this.content)) throw "Not a real: '"+this.content+"'"; + this.type = this.REAL; + return this.content; + } + this.getNumber = function () { + try { + return this.toInteger(); + } catch (e) {return this.toReal();} + } + this.toBoolean = function () { + if (this.type == this.BOOL) return this.content; + try { + this.content = (this.toInteger() != 0); + } catch (e) { + var t = this.content; + if (t instanceof Boolean) return t; + switch (t.toString().toLowerCase()) { + case "yes":case "true":case "on": + this.content = true; + break; + case "false":case "off":case "no": + this.content = false; + break; + default: + throw "Boolean expected, got: '"+this.content+"'"; + } + } + this.type = this.BOOL; + return this.content; + } +} +function TclCommand(func, privdata) { + if (func == null) throw "No such function"; + this.func = func; + this.privdata = privdata; + this.ensemble = arguments[2]; + + = function(interp, args) { + var r = (this.func)(interp, args); + r = interp.objectify(r); + return r; + } + this.arity = function (args, min, max) { + if(max == undefined) max = min; + if (args.length < min || args.length > max) { + throw min + ".."+max + " words expected, got "+args.length; + } + } +} +function TclParser(text) { + this.OK = 0; + this.SEP = 0; + this.STR = 1; + this.EOL = 2; + this.EOF = 3; + this.ESC = 4; + this.CMD = 5; + this.VAR = 6; + this.text = text; + this.start = 0; + this.end = 0; + this.insidequote = false; + this.index = 0; + this.len = text.length; + this.type = this.EOL; + this.cur = this.text.charAt(0); + this.getText = function () { + return this.text.substring(this.start,this.end+1); + } + this.parseString = function () { + var newword = (this.type==this.SEP || + this.type == this.EOL || this.type == this.STR); + if (newword && this.cur == "{") return this.parseBrace(); + else if (newword && this.cur == '"') { + this.insidequote = true; + this.feedchar(); + } + this.start = this.index; + while (true) { + if (this.len == 0) { + this.end = this.index-1; + this.type = this.ESC; + return this.OK; + } + if (this.cur == "\\") { + if (this.len >= 2) this.feedSequence(); + } + else if ("$[ \t\n\r;".indexOf(this.cur)>=0) { + if ("$[".indexOf(this.cur)>=0 || !this.insidequote) { + this.end = this.index-1; + this.type = this.ESC; + return this.OK; + } + } + else if (this.cur == '"' && this.insidequote) { + this.end = this.index-1; + this.type = this.ESC; + this.feedchar(); + this.insidequote = false; + return this.OK; + } + this.feedchar(); + } + return this.OK; + } + this.parseList = function () { + level = 0; + this.start = this.index; + while (true) { + if (this.len == 0) { + this.end = this.index; + this.type = this.EOL; + return; + } + switch (this.cur) { + case "\\": + if (this.len >= 2) this.feedSequence(); + break; + case " ": case "\t": case "\n": case "\r": + if (level > 0) break; + this.end = this.index - 1; + this.type = this.SEP; + this.feedchar(); + return; + case '{': level++; break; + case '}': level--; break; + } + this.feedchar(); + } + if (level != 0) throw "Not a list"; + this.end = this.index; + return; + } + this.parseSep = function () { + this.start = this.index; + while (" \t\r\n".indexOf(this.cur)>=0) this.feedchar(); + this.end = this.index - 1; + this.type = this.SEP; + return this.OK; + } + this.parseEol = function () { + this.start = this.index; + while(" \t\n\r;".indexOf(this.cur)>=0) this.feedchar(); + this.end = this.index - 1; + this.type = this.EOL; + return this.OK; + } + this.parseCommand = function () { + var level = 1; + var blevel = 0; + this.feedcharstart(); + while (true) { + if (this.len == 0) break; + if (this.cur == "[" && blevel == 0) + level++; + else if (this.cur == "]" && blevel == 0) { + level--; + if (level == 0) break; + } else if (this.cur == "\\") { + this.feedSequence(); + } else if (this.cur == "{") { + blevel++; + } else if (this.cur == "}") { + if (blevel != 0) blevel--; + } + this.feedchar(); + } + this.end = this.index-1; + this.type = this.CMD; + if (this.cur == "]") this.feedchar(); + return this.OK; + } + this.parseVar = function () { + this.feedcharstart(); + this.end = this.index + + this.text.substring(this.index).match(Tcl.getVar).toString().length-1; + if (this.end == this.index-1) { + this.end = --this.index; + this.type = this.STR; + } else this.type = this.VAR; + this.setPos(this.end+1); + return this.OK; + } + this.parseBrace = function () { + var level = 1; + this.feedcharstart(); + while (true) { + if (this.len > 1 && this.cur == "\\") { + this.feedSequence(); + } else if (this.len == 0 || this.cur == "}") { + level--; + if (level == 0 || this.len == 0) { + this.end = this.index-1; + if (this.len > 0) this.feedchar(); + this.type = this.STR; + return this.OK; + } + } else if (this.cur == "{") level++; + this.feedchar(); + } + return this.OK; // unreached + } + this.parseComment = function () { + while (this.cur != "\n" && this.cur != "\r") this.feedchar(); + } + this.getToken = function () { + while (true) { + if (this.len == 0) { + if (this.type == this.EOL) this.type = this.EOF; + if (this.type != this.EOF) this.type = this.EOL; + return this.OK; + } + switch (this.cur) { + case ' ': + case '\t': + if (this.insidequote) return this.parseString(); + return this.parseSep(); + case '\n': + case '\r': + case ';': + if (this.insidequote) return this.parseString(); + return this.parseEol(); + case '[': return this.parseCommand(); + case '$': return this.parseVar(); + } + if (this.cur == "#" && this.type == this.EOL) { + this.parseComment(); + continue; + } + return this.parseString(); + } + return this.OK; // unreached + } + this.feedSequence = function () { + if (this.cur != "\\") throw "Invalid escape sequence"; + var cur = this.steal(1); + var specials = {}; + specials.a = "\a"; + specials.b = "\b"; + specials.f = "\f"; + specials.n = "\n"; + specials.r = "\r"; + specials.t = "\t"; + specials.v = "\v"; + switch (cur) { + case 'u': + var hex = this.steal(4); + if (hex != Tcl.isHexSeq.exec(hex)) + throw "Invalid unicode escape sequence: "+hex; + cur = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex,16)); + break; + case 'x': + var hex = this.steal(2); + if (hex != Tcl.isHexSeq.exec(hex)) + throw "Invalid unicode escape sequence: "+hex; + cur = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex,16)); + break; + case "a": case "b": case "f": case "n": + case "r": case "t": case "v": + cur = specials[cur]; + break; + default: + if ("0123456789".indexOf(cur) >= 0) { + cur = cur + this.steal(2); + if (cur != Tcl.isOctalSeq.exec(cur)) + throw "Invalid octal escape sequence: "+cur; + cur = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(cur, 8)); + } + break; + } + this.text[index] = cur; + this.feedchar(); + } + this.steal = function (n) { + var tail = this.text.substring(this.index+1); + var word = tail.substr(0, n); + this.text = this.text.substring(0, this.index-1) + tail.substring(n); + return word; + } + this.feedcharstart = function () { + this.feedchar(); + this.start = this.index; + } + this.setPos = function (index) { + var d = index-this.index; + this.index = index; + this.len -= d; + this.cur = this.text.charAt(this.index); + } + this.feedchar = function () { + this.index++; + this.len--; + if (this.len < 0) + throw "End of file reached"; + this.cur = this.text.charAt(this.index); + } +} +//------------------------------------- main Read-Eval-Print loop +var itp = new TclInterp(); +var res; +process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function(cmd,index,array) { + itp.eval(cmd); + }); +var readline = require('readline'); +var rl = readline.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout); +rl.setPrompt('% '); +rl.prompt(); +rl.on('line', function(line) { + try { + res = itp.eval(line.trim()); + } catch(e) {res = e;} + if(res != null && res.toString() != "" && res.toString().length) + console.log(res.toString()); + rl.prompt(); + }).on('close',function() { + process.exit(0); + }); ADDED test_tcljs.tcl Index: test_tcljs.tcl ================================================================== --- test_tcljs.tcl +++ test_tcljs.tcl @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# test suite for TclJS +# This file is designed so it can also run in a tclsh. Some JavaScript goodies, +# like 1/0, sqrt(-1) were excluded from the tests. +# [clock format 0] was excluded because the timezone string differed. + +set version 0.5.3 +set total 0 +set passed 0 +set fail 0 +puts "------------------------ [info script]" + +proc e.g. {cmd -> expected} { + incr ::total + incr ::fail ;# to also count exceptions + set mres [uplevel 1 $cmd] + if [!= $mres $expected] { + puts "**** $cmd -> $mres, expected $expected" + } else {incr ::passed; incr ::fail -1} +} +#------------------------------- commands not in real Tcl +if [info exists auto_path] { + proc func {name argl body} {proc $name $argl [list expr $body]} + func + {a b} {$a + $b} + func != {a b} {$a != $b} + func * {a b} {$a * $b} + func == {a b} {$a == $b} + func < {a b} {$a < $b} + set noTcl 0 +} else {set noTcl 1} + + +# e.g. {exec echo hello} -> hello + +e.g. {append new hello} -> hello +e.g. {set x foo} -> foo +e.g. {append x bar} -> foobar + +e.g. {set d [dict create a 1 b 2 c 3]} -> {a 1 b 2 c 3} +e.g. {dict get $d b} -> 2 +e.g. {dict set d b 5} -> {a 1 b 5 c 3} +e.g. {dict set d x 7} -> {a 1 b 5 c 3 x 7} + +e.g. {set home [file dirname [pwd]]; list} -> {} +e.g. {string equal [set env(HOME)] $home} -> 1 +e.g. {string equal [set ::env(HOME)] $home} -> 1 + +e.g. {expr 6*7} -> 42 +e.g. {expr {6 * 7 + 1}} -> 43 +e.g. {set x 43} -> 43 +e.g. {expr {$x-1}} -> 42 +e.g. {expr $x-1} -> 42 +if $noTcl { + e.g. {clock format 0} -> {Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)} + e.g. {set i [expr 1/0]} -> Infinity + e.g. {expr $i==$i+42} -> 1 + e.g. {set n [expr sqrt(-1)]} -> NaN + e.g. {expr $n == $n} -> 0 + e.g. {expr $n==$n} -> 0 + e.g. {expr $n!=$n} -> 1 +} +e.g. {expr 0xFF} -> 255 +e.g. {expr 0376} -> 254 +e.g. {expr 6 * 7} -> 42 + +e.g. {expr 1 == 2} -> 0 +e.g. {expr 1 < 2} -> 1 + +set forres "" +e.g. {for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {append forres $i}; set forres} -> 01234 + +e.g. {set x 41} -> 41 +e.g. {incr x} -> 42 +e.g. {incr x 2} -> 44 +e.g. {incr x -3} -> 41 + +e.g. {info args e.g.} -> {cmd -> expected} +e.g. {unset -nocomplain foo} -> {} +e.g. {info exists foo} -> 0 +e.g. {set foo 42} -> 42 +e.g. {info exists foo} -> 1 +e.g. {info level} -> 0 ;# e.g. runs the command one level up +e.g. {info patchlevel} -> $version + +e.g. {join {a b c}} -> {a b c} +e.g. {join {a b c} +} -> {a+b+c} +e.g. {join {a {b c} d}} -> {a b c d} + +e.g. {expr !0} -> 1 +e.g. {expr !42} -> 0 + +e.g. {regexp {X[ABC]Y} XAY} -> 1 +e.g. {regexp {X[ABC]Y} XDY} -> 0 +e.g. {regsub {[A-C]+} uBAAD x} -> uxD + +e.g. {split "a b c d"} -> {a b {} c d} +e.g. {split " a b c d"} -> {{} a b {} c d} +e.g. {split "a b c d "} -> {a b {} c d {}} +e.g. {split usr/local/bin /} -> {usr local bin} + +e.g. {string equal foo foo} -> 1 +e.g. {string equal foo bar} -> 0 +e.g. {string index abcde 2} -> c +e.g. {string length ""} -> 0 +e.g. {string length foo} -> 3 +e.g. {string range hello 1 3} -> ell +e.g. {string tolower TCL} -> tcl +e.g. {string toupper tcl} -> TCL +e.g. {string trim " foo "} -> foo + +e.g. {set x {a b c}} -> {a b c} +e.g. {lappend x d} -> {a b c d} +e.g. {set x} -> {a b c d} +e.g. {lset x 3 e} -> {a b c e} +e.g. {llength $x} -> 4 +e.g. {lindex $x 2} -> c +e.g. {lrange $x 1 2} -> {b c} +e.g. {lsearch $x b} -> 1 +e.g. {lsearch $x y} -> -1 +e.g. {lsort {z x y}} -> {x y z} + +e.g. {proc f x {set y 0; info vars}} -> "" +e.g. {f 41} -> {x y} ;# must fix proc call in uplevel issue +set tmp [f 41]; e.g. {set tmp} -> {x y} +e.g. {info args f} -> x +e.g. {info body f} -> {set y 0; info vars} +#e.g. {f 42} -> {x y} ;# must fix proc call in uplevel issue + +puts "total $total tests, passed $passed, failed $fail"