
Artifact [ca3bb46446]

Artifact [ca3bb46446]

Artifact ca3bb464466f90d52d3afbfbf6ed1eb9c923bbc6:

; ************************************************************************
; ACCCI:      40_03_1.ORC
; synthesis:  Waveshaping(40)
;             Waveshaper Using Ring Modulation(03)
; source:     Dodge (p.145, 1985)
; coded:      jpg 8/93

sr = 44100
kr  =  441
ksmps= 100
nchnls =2 

instr 1; *****************************************************************
idur  =  p3
iamp  =  p4
ifq   =  cpspch(p5)

   a1    oscili    iamp, 1/idur, 1            ; envelope
   a2    oscili    a1, ifq, 1                  ; sinus of ring modulation

   a3    linseg    1, .04, 0, idur-.04, 0      ; very short envelope
   a4    oscili    a3, ifq*.7071, 1            ; sinus for waveshaper

   ; inline code for transfer function:
   ; f(x) = 1 + .841x - .707x**2 - .595x**3 + .5x**4 + .42x**5 -
   ;                      .354x**6 - .279x**7 + .25x**8 + .21x**9

   a5    =         a4*a4
   a6    =         a5*a4
   a7    =         a5*a5
   a8    =         a7*a4
   a9    =         a6*a6
   a10   =         a9*a4
   a11   =         a10*a4
   a12   =         a11*a4

   ; This is the polynomial representation of the transfer function


   a14   =         a13*a2         ; ring modulation
         outs       a14,a14
