
README at trunk

README at trunk

File README artifact 6434318c11 on branch trunk


To start web2py there is NO NEED to install it. Just unzip and do:

> python

Thats is it!!!

## web2py file structure

start web2py with:

        Makefile                   ## make all and make app                  ## the startup script (*)              ## created at startup 
        admin.tar                  ## the admin app (*)
        examples.tar               ## examples and documentation app (*)
        welcome.tar                ## the welcome app (entry point) (*)
	\gluon                     ## the core libraries (*)
        \deposit                   ## used for zip and install apps               ## used by py2app to make OSX executable               ## used by py2app to make Winows executble             ## to use Gluon with mod_wsgi
        \dist                      ## used by py2app, py2exe
        \build                     ## used by py2app, py2exe
        \tests                     ## under development stuff
        \docs                      ## in progress documentation
	\applications              ## are the apps
		\welcome           ## application welcome, for example

## EWF v1.5 -> v1.6 
- load and save .py in ascii, avoids problem with LF+CR on windows
- added path.join in compileapp, fixed problem with Windows compileapp

## EWF v1.6 -> v1.7
- in paths replace '\' with '/' to fix problem with windows paths
- using limitby in database administration
- replaced mime/miltupart with multipart/form-data to fix a windows problem

## EWF v1.7 -> Gluon v1.0
- Name change 
- Improved layout.html

## Gluon v1.0 -> v1.1
- bug in sqlhtml with JOINS queries

## Gluon v1.1 -> v1.2
- fixed some typos in examples
- IS_IN_SET now supports labels
- cleanup in does not cleanup, just checks valid field and table names

## Gluon v1.3
- added IS_IN_DB, IS_NOT_IN_DB and updated examples accordingly

## Gluon v1.4
- fixed problem with IS_INT_IN_RANGE and IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE. Now an error in a validator is reported as a ticket. Good validators should not raise Exceptions.
- IS_IN_DB displays "label (id)"
- it can upload files without extension
- migration is now optional (define_table has migrate=False option)

## Gluon v1.5
- <form> -> <form method="post"> in errors.html
- replace('//','////') in sub in

## Gluon v1.8
- no more chdir (thread unsafe)
- no more sys.stdout (thread unsafe)
- response.body is StringIO()
- admin/default/site informs about upgrade
- (optional)

## Gluon v1.9
- allow "count(*)" in select
- db.execute()
- fixed problem with continue and return in template
- removed try: ... except in
- fixed '\t'

## Gluon v1.10
- fixed concurrency problems with SQLDB._instances and SQLDB._folders, now use lock
- now, by default, edit SQLFORMs retain uploaded files

## Gluon v1.11
- appadmin allows to keep or delete uploaded files

## Gluon v1.12
- in 
- handles NULL values properly
- unicode support (data always stored in utf-8)
- 'date' -> ,'time' -> datetime.time, 'datetime' -> datetime.datetime, 'boolean' -> True/False
- most types have default validators
- SQLField(...,required=True) option.
- SQLRows has __str__ that serializes in CSV and xml() that serializes in HTML
- SQLTable has import_from_csv_file(...)
- gluon.simplejson for AJAX
- in
- IS_IN_DB(db,..) -  db can be an SQLSet or an SQLDB
- better error messages
- in admin
- new import/export in csv, update and delete interface.
- in appadmin
- edit form allows to keep stored encrypted password
- in
- http://host not defaults to http://host/init/default/index
- New third party modules
- gluon.simplejson(.dumps, .loads)
- gluon.pyrtf(.dumps)
- gluon.rss2(.dumps)

## Gluon v1.13
- (this is one of the biggest revisions ever)
- Improved has support MySQL, cxOracle (experimental), extract, like and better testing
- SQLDB.tables and SQLTable.fields are now SQLCalableList objects
- Fixed bug with editing integer fields storing zero
- Admin interface now says "insert new [tablename]" and display insert, select or update properly in the title.
- Added a cache mechamism. Works for data, controllers, views and SQLRows.
- now uses a request.folder absolute path when not in ['nt','posix']. Seems to work on windowsce devices, except no file locking has consequences.
- Now you can put modules in applications/[anyapp]/modules and import them with
- import applications.[anyapp].modules.[module] as [module]
- Fixed problem with init
- New applications/examples/controller/ controller for docs.

## Gluon v1.14
- Fixed a bug fix in URLs

## Gluon v1.15
- New try:... except. in gluon/ for when sessions cannot be saved
- Now validator/formatter method allows IS_DATE('%d/%m/%Y')

## web2py v1.16
- yes we changed the name! Turns out Gluon was trademarked by somebody else.
- Although we are not infringing the trademark since this is a non-commercial
- product we could have run into some issues. So we have been professional
- and changed the name to web2py.
- Now SQLFORMs and FORM can have a formname and multiple forms are allowed 
- per page.
- A new examples/default/index page.
- instead of
- mysql sets utf8 encoding.
- input integer field values are automatically converted int().

## web2py v1.17
- I posted v1.16 too soon. v1.17 was released after 1h to fix some bugs.

## web2py v1.18
- removed vulnerability in accept_languages and session_id
- Minor bug fixes. Typos and cleanup cache. Textarea now clears.
- Support for PyAMF.
- T returns a class, not a string
- new template parser (faster?)
- got rid of sintaxhighlighter in favor of server side CODE
- fix problem with cacheondisk locking
- fix 'None' instead of NULL in IS_NOT_IN_DB (I think)
- gluon.contrib.markdown
- notnull and unique in SQLField now supported (tested on sqlite mysql and postgresql)
- Storage now has __getstate__ and __setstate__ needed for pickling.
- session files are now locked to make it work better with asynchronous requests
- cxoracle should work, apart for limitby
- .../examples is now mapped to .../examples/default/index etc.
- .../init is now mapped to .../welcome if init is not present

## web2py 1.19
- minor typos

## web2py 1.20
- new IFRAME, LABEL, FIELDSET validators 
- P(..cr2br=True) option
- FORM and SQLFORM have hidden=dict(...) option for REST
- testing framework.
- improved examples pages

## web2py 1.21
- replaced paste.httpserver with cherrypy.wsgi server
- temporary sessions are no longer saved
- widget has [stop] button and graph
- logging is done by main by appfactory
- fixed a bug in sql belongs

## web2py 1.22-1.25
- fixed minor bugs, added IS_NULL_OR

## web2py 1.26
- added (thanks Limodou!)
- added memcache support

## web2py 1.27
- IS_NULL_OR now works will all fields
- admin creates paths to static files
- wsgiserver options are passed to HttpServer
- faking limitby for oracle to make appadmin work
- all objects inherit from object
- fixed bug in app names with .
- fixed bug in created RestrictedError object on windows
- shell is now in gluon and accessible via

## web2py 1.28
- fixed bug with belongs, faster
- included jquery.js
- minor aestetical fixes
- sortable.js is gone

## web2py 1.29
- Now selet mutliple works with get, so does is IS_LENGTH
- Added IS_LIST_OF
- fixed problem with admin from windows and localhost

## web2py 1.30
- added flv to contenttype
- added support for appengine

## web2py 1.31-1.41
- some bug fixes, mostly better appengine support
- mssql support
- firebird support
- widgets support
- connection pools

## 1.42
- fixed security issue by removing slash escape in mysql
- removed random everywhere
- use uuid for session and tickets
- use http_x_forward_for to figure out the client causing a ticket
- use longtext and longblob for mysql
- main now really catches all exceptions
- no more warnings on GAE

## 1.43-1.48
- rewrite (better support for custom forms) (Bill Ferrett)
- new stickers in examples (thanks Mateusz)
- on windows can run in taskbar (Mark Larsen)
- in admin|edit page link to edit|controller (Nathan Freeze)
- better error codes and routes_onerror (Timothy Farrell)
- DAL support for groupy and having
- DAL support for expressions instead of values
- DAL has experimental Informix support
- fixed bug with non-printable chars in DAL
- 'text' fields limited to 2**16 (to avoid mysql problems)
- widget has -quiet and -debug (Attila Csipa)
- web2py_session uses BLOB instead of TEXT
- improved IS_URL
- Runs with python 2.6 (Tim)
- On GAE uses GAE for static files (Robin)

## 1.49
- fixed a bug with taskbar widget, thanks Mark
- fixed a bug with form.latest
- made many DIV methods private (_)

## 1.50
- Fixed some bugs introduced in 1.49

## 1.51
- Fixed more bugs introduced in 1.49 (sql _extra and html select)
- support for sqlite:memory:

## 1.52
- Fixed a minor bug with _extra[key] and key not str.
- check for upgrade via ajax

## 1.53
- On GAE upload data goes automatically in datastore (blob created automatically)
- New appadmin runs on GAE (most of it, not all)
- Martin Hufsky patch allow slicing of fields in DAL expressions

## 1.54
- fixed minor bugs

## 1.55?
- rowcount
- fixed bug when IS_IN_DB involved multiple fields on GAE
- T.set_current_languages
- better unittests
- response.custom_commit and response.custom_rollback
- you can next cache calls (like cache a controller that caches a select). Thanks Iceberg
- db( no longer returns an error but an empty SQLRows on GAE
- db(...).delete(delete_uploads=True) and SQLFORM.accepts(....delete_uploads=True) will delete all referenced uploaded files
- DIV.element and DIV.update
- sqlrows.json()
- SQLFORM.widgets
- URL(r=request,args=0)
- IS_IN_DB(...,multiple=True) for Many2Many (sort of)
- In URL(...,f) f is url encoded
- In routes_in=[['a/b/c/','a/b/c/?var=value']]
- simplejson 2.0.7

## 1.56
- Consider the following table:

- db.define_table('cirlce',
-    db.Field('radius','double'),
-    db.Field('area','double'),
-    db.Field('modified_on','datetime'))

- now you can do:

##  add a comment in the forms
-"(this is a comment)"

##  do not show area in create/edit forms

-  ##  do not show now in display forms

##  automatically timestamp when record cretaed

##  automatically timestamp when record is modified

##  make the radius appear in bold in display and table
- value: B(value)

##  make a form that automatically computes area
- pi=3.1415
- form=SQLFOM(
- if form.accepts(request.vars,
- onvalidation=lambda form: form.vars.area=pi*form.vars.radius**2): ...

##  make a create form in two possible ways:
- form=SQLFORM(
- form=SQLFORM(,0)

##  make an update form in two possible ways:
- form=SQLFORM(,record)
- form=SQLFORM(,record_id)

##  make a display form in two possible ways:
- form=SQLFORM(,record,readonly=True)
- form=SQLFORM(,record_id,readonly=True)

##  so now you can do...

- form=SQLFORM(,request.args[-1])

- and you get a create form if the URL ends in /0, you get an update
- form if the URL ends in /[valid_record_id]

## you can also define once for all

- timestamp=SQLTable(None,'timestamp',
-             SQLField('created_on','datetime',
-                           writable=False,
-                 ,
-             SQLField('modified_on','datetime',
-                           writable=False,
-                 ,

## and use it in all your tables

- db.define_table('mytable',db.Field('somefield'),timestamp) 

## ## ## 

- One more feature in trunk....

-     db.define_table('image',SQLField('file','upload'))

-     db.image.file.authorize=lambda row: True or False

- then controller
-     def download(): return,db)
- id' is now a hidden field sqlform
- gql references converted to long
- admin login has autofocus
- new notation proposed by Robin, db.table[id]
- new UploadWidget shows images
- new generic.html shows request, response, session
- new LEGEND helper (thanks Marcus)
- fixed doctests in sql (thanks Robin)
- new notation for DB

- record=db.table[id]
- db.table[id]=dict(...)
- del db.table[id]

- request.env.web2py_version
- new class has lock_keys, lock_values
- jquery 1.3.1
- PEP8 compliance
- new examples application
- runs on jython (no database drivers yet, thanks Phyo)
- fixed bugs in tests
- passes all unittest but test_rewite (not sure it should pass that one)

- Lots of patches from Fran Boone (about tools) and Dougla Soares de Andarde (Python 2.6 compliance, user use of hashlib instead of md5, new

## 1.56.1-1.56.4
- fixing lots of small bugs with tool and languages
- jquery.1.3.2

## 1.57
- New ajax edit with keepalive (no longer logged out when editing code)
- Fixed conflict resolution page.
- Removed /user/bin/python from models/controllers

## 1.58
- Fixed some CRON bugs
- Fixed a bug with new ajax edit
- Experimental DB2 support in DAL
- Customizable font size in admin edit page
- New welcome/models/ shows how to memcache sessions on GAE with MEMDB
- More expressive titles in admin
- DB2 support. Thanks Denes!

## 1.59-1.60
- fixed lots of small bugs
- routes_in can filter by http_host

## 1.61
- fixed some typos
- auth.add_permissions(0,....) 0 indicates group of current user
- crud.update has deletable=True or False
- fixed issue with GAE detection -> gluon.settings.web2py_runtime -> request

## 1.62
- SQLFORMS and crud now show readble fields
- Better WingIDE support
- Languages are automatically translated
- T.force and lazyT works better, optional T.lazy=False
- are now translated without T
- if then request.env.web2py_original_uri
- db.table.field.isattachment = True
- internationalizaiton of admin by Yair
- by Alvaro
- new MENU helper
- new w2p file format
- new welcome app with auth, service and crud turned on

## 1.63-1.63.4
- no more import gluon.
- support for
- simplejson can handle datetime date and time

## 1.63.5
- You can do jQuery.noConflict() without breaking web2py_ajax
- Wigets can have attributes (thanks Hans)
- Lots of internal cleanup and better code reusage (thanks Hans)

## 1.64
- Models 2-3 times faster (thanks Alexey)
- Better LDAP support
- Works with Jython (including sqlite and postgresql with zxJDBC):

-   download jython-2.5rc3.jar
-   download qlite-jdbc-
-   java -jar jython-xxx.jar
-   export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/Users/mdipierro/jython2.5rc3/sqlite-jdbc-
-   cd web2py
-   ../jython2.5rc3/jython

## 1.64.2
- New IS_COMPLEX validator, thank Mr. Freeze
- Experimental Informix support
- Autologin on registration

## 1.64.3
- Some bug fixes

## 1.64.4
- Som bug fixes
- Informix Support
- response.render(stream)
- SQLFORM.factory
- and SQLFORM.widgets.checkboxes

## 1.65
- reST docstrings for Sphinx, thanks Hans
- gluon/conrtib/login_methods/ for google CAS login on GAE, thanks Hans
- fixed problem with Auth and Firebird 'password' issue
- new auth.settings.create_user_groups
- tickets stored on datastore on GAE and also logged, thanks Hans
- imporved IS_LENGTH with max and min, thanks Mateusz
- improved IS_EMAIL with filters, thanks Mateusz
- new IS_IMAGE checks for format and size, thanks Mateusz
- new IS_IPV4, thanks Mateusz

## 1.65.1
- spreadsheet
- shell history, thanks sherdim
- crontab editor, thanks Angelo
- gluon/contrib/login_methods/ (thanks Hans)
- DAL(...) instead of SQLDB(...)
- DAL('gae') instead of GQLDB()
- Field instead of SQLField
- (the old syntax still works)

## 1.65.2
- Fixed some small auth bugs

## 1.65.3-10
- Fixed some small bugs and typos in the docstrings
- Fixed AMF3 support

## 1.65.11
- Fixed a sqlhtml bug with image upload

## 1.65.12
- lables in auth auto-translate (thanks Alvaro)
- better ldap_auth (thanks Fran)
- auth chacks locally for blocked accounts even for alternate login methods (thanks Fran)

## 1.65.13
- request.url (thanks Jonathan)
- restored uploadfield_newfilename
- new examples layout nad logo (thanks Mateusz)

## 1.66
- new doctypes
- form.vars.newfilename
- new HTML and XHTML helpers
- better IS_LENGTH

## 1.67.0
- Python 2.4 support (again)
- New layout for welcome
- changed defauld field sizes to 512
- Field(uploadfolder="...")
- appadmin works on GAE (again, somehting got broken at some point)
- new wsgiserver 3.2.0 should fix recurrent broken download problems

## 1.67.1
- Bux fixed

## 1.67.2
- Security fix in markdown

## 1.68.1
- New official markdown with security fix
- rows.first()
- rows.last()
- New cron
- New hindi and spanish translation
- cached uploads allow for progress bars (thanks AndCycle)
- ingres support (thanks Chris)
- legacy database support for db2, mssql with non-int primary keys (thanks Denes)
- default setting of content-type (this may cause strange behavior in old apps when downloading images)
- IS_UPPER and IS_LOWER works with unicode
- CLENUP not takes regex of allowed/now allowed chartares
- New allows dynamic routes
- Better error messages for IS_INT_* and IS_FLOAT_*

## 1.68.2
- Fixing bug with admin and missing crontab
- Fixing bug with rewrite.load on GAE (thanks Willian Wang)

## 1.69.1
- Fixed a bug introduced in 1.68 about inserting unicode in DAL
- Fixed other small bugs
- Better support for legacy databases (thank Denes)
- response.meta replaces, response.keywords, response.description
- response.files stets dependes in plugins
- better admin for packing/unpacking plugins
- reference fiels nor evaluate to DALRef with lazy evaluation (cool, thanks Mr Freeze)
- can insert a record in place of a reference
- record[e] instead of record._extra[e] (tentatively!)
- record.update_record() with no args
- rows.find()  (thanks Mr Freeze)
- rows.exclude()
- rows.sort()
- rows[:]

## 1.70.1
- Fixed bug with Rows.as_list and DALRef
- Added Rows.as_dict (thanks Mr Freeze and Thedeus)
- Added request.wsgi (thanks hcvst) allows running wsgi apps under web2py and applying wegi middleware to regular web2py actions that return strings.
- Experimental distributed transactions between postgresql, mysql and firebird
- Finally local_import is here!

## 1.71.1
- Complete rewrite of Rows
- renamed DALStorage->Rows, DALRef->Reference
- Experimental serializarion of Row and Rows (get serialized to dict and list of dict)
- DAL(...,folder) and template.render(content=, context=) make it more modular

## 1.72.1 - 1.72.3
- Better support for legacy databases

## 1.73.1
- Fixed problem with storage and comparison of Row objects
- Fixed problem with mail on GAE
- Fixed problem with T in IS_DATE(TIME) error_message and format
- Rows[i].delete_record()
- Even better support for legacy databases
- Experimantal support for non UTF8 encoding in DB
- Better IPV4 (thanks Thandeus)
- T.current_languages default to 'en' and new T.set_current_languages(...) (thanks Yarko)
- INPUT(...,hideerror=False) used to fix rare chechbox widget problem
- Admin allows change of admin password
- New gluon/contrib/
- Size of input/textarea set by CSS no more by jQuery  (thanks Iceberg)
- Customizable CSV  (thanks Thandeus)
- More bug fixed (thanks Thandeus)
- Better regex for template fixed Jython problem (thank Jonathan)

## 1.74.1
- Moved to mercurial
- Default validators use the new define_table(....,format='...')
- New get_vars and post_vars compatible in 2.5 and 2.6 (thanks Tim)
- Major rewrite of extends DAL syntax on GAE
- No more *.w2p, welcome.w2p is create automatically, base apps are always upgraded
- export_to_csv(delimiter = ',', quotechar = '"', quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL), thanks Thadeus 

## 1.74.2-4
- Fix bugs including including unicode in emails and blobs on GAE

## 1.74.5
- bug fixes
- restored python 2.4 support,thanks ont.rif
- support for native types on Google App Engine
- cache.ram usage statictics, thanks Thadus
- no more auth manu in scaffolding
- no more spash screen with -Q
- fixed doctest in, thanks Anand Vaidya
- export_to_csv_file has represent, thanks Thadeus

## 1.74.6
- bug fixes
- IS_IN_DB(...,_and=IS_NOT_IN_DB)
- Smaller populate, thanks Piotr
- better slicing of fields, thanks Michael Fig
- Cache stats, thanks Thadeus
- Better
- IS_IN_DB and IS_IN_SET default to zero='', no longer zero=None

## 1.74.7
- request_password_reset and password reset verification
- python -S app -M -R -A arg1 arg2 arg3
- T("%(a)s") % dict(a="hello")

## 1.74.8
- IS_SLUG, thanks Gustavo and Jonathan
- -nogui, thanks Jeff Bauer
- solved a problem with jython, thanks Tim Farrel
- login has "remember be option", thanks Piotr Banasziewicz
- fixed problem with keepvalue in update forms, thanks Miguel Lopez

## 1.74.9
- IS_IN_SET(((0,'label0'),(1,'label1'))), thanks Falko Krause
- SQLFORM(...).accpets stores True or False in boolean types no None, thanks Frederik Wagner
- SQLFORM.factory(...,table_name='no_table'), thanks Thedeus
- jQuery 1.4.1
- Fixed major problem with internationalization of multiple languages.
- Fixed a serius security issue with login
- Possibly fixed some issues with cron

## 1.75.1
- better cron
- better fetch
- logging of email failures
- new
- new
- experimental autocomplete
- menus work on IE6

## 1.75.2
- fetch supports cache
- curd.update(....,onaccept=crud.archive) magic
- new UUID mechnism fixes session conflicts with cloned machine in cloud
- allow to upload app and overwrite existing old ones, thanks Jonathan
- print,T), thanks Richard

## 1.75.3
- added support for PAM authentican for apps and for admin

## 1.75.4
- customizable BEAUTIFY, thanks John

## 1.75.5
- fixed behaviour with, thanks Iceberg
- added chinese (thanks Iceberg) and Hungarian (thanks Gyuris)
- fixed problem with GAE deleted by id (thanks what_ho)
- fixed bug in LOAD with custom views, thanks vhang
- improved IS_IN_SET takes iterator, dict, list and list of tuples, thanks Iceberg
- Auth(...,controller='default')
- Fixed major bug in parsing repeated request.vars, thanks Ben
- IS_DATE and IS_DATETIME can now handle any 0<year
- allow to disable editarea onload, thanks Alex

## 1.76.1
- editarea 0.8.2 + zencoding
- new (better) cron locking meachnism
- no storing session cookies on session.forget(), thank you Alvaro
- routes_apps_raw allows disabling of request.args validation, thanks Jonathan and Denes
- fixed problem with edit_languages ad multiple tabs, thanks Iceberg
- crud captcha, thanks you Nathan
- softcron disabled by default in wsgihandler and fcgihandler

## 1.76.2-1.76.3
- major fix in cron (will I ever get this 100% right?)
- fix in delete for GAE
- auth.settings.login_captcha and auth.settings.register_captcha
- crud.settings.create_captcha and  crud.settings.update_captcha
- automatic update button in admin 

## 1.76.4
- SQLTABLE(db(>0).select(),headers='fieldname:capitalize')
- Oracle limitby improved (thanks Sergey)
- fixed migrations in Firebird, thanks Jose Jachuf
- gluon/contrib/login_methods/ (to be tested)

## 1.76.5
- Fixed a typo in auth that created some registration problems

## 1.77.1
- Replaced CherryPy with Rocket web server, thanks Tim
- CacheOnDisk allows to specify a folder
- IS_DATE/DATETIME can handle any year since 0
- SQLTABLE(...,headers='fieldname:capitalize')
- Field().with_alias, thanks Nathan and Mengu
- has_membership(group=...,role=...), thank Jonathan
- db.define_table(username=True), thanks Jonathan
- can specify hostname in routes_out (same syntax as routes in), thanks Martin
- db.table.bulk_insert([...records...]) now works on GAE, thanks Jon
- IS_EMAIL validates on 'localhost', thanks Jonathan
- welcome/views/layout.html uses ez.css, thanks Yarko
- mail attachments support utf8, thanks szimszon
- works with PyPy, thanks Joe
- better Firebird support, thanks Jose
- better Oracle support, thanks Gabriele
- cron supports days of week
- SQLFORM(...,formstyle="table3cols") or "table2cols" or "divs" or "ul"
- crud.settings.formstyle
- -f folder allows to specify locations of applications, thanks Iceberg
- better/faster regex in template works in Jython
- fixed lots of small bugs

## 1.77.2
- fixed x-index in calendar
## 1.77.3
- some cleanup of code in compileapp

## 1.78.1
- new template system allows {{block name}}{{end}}, thanks Thadeus
- fixed mime headers in emails, included PGP in emails, thanks Gyuris
- automatic database retry connect when pooling and lost connections
- OPTGROUP helper, thanks Iceberg
- web2py_ajax_trap captures all form submissions, thank you Skiros
- multicolumn checkwidget and arbitrary chars in multiple is_in_set, thanks hy 
- Québécois for welcome, thanks Chris
-, thanks Mr Freeze
- DAL(...migrate,fake_migrate), thanks Thadeus

## 1.78.3
- reverted temporarily to old template system because of backward compatibility issues

## 1.79.1
- x509 emails, thanks Gyuris
- attachment and html in Mail on GAE, thanks PanosJee
- fixed docstring in SQLTABLE, thanks aabelyakov
- TAG(html) parese html into helpers (experimental, still some problems with unicode, , thanks RobertVa for unicode help)
- DIV.elements(find=re.compile(....))
- DIV.flatten()
- DIV.elements('....') supports jQuery syntax in '....'
- better and, thanks Marcello Della Longa
- Many Bug fixes:
- improved support for DAL and joins in postgresql/oracle, thanks Nico de Groot
- bux fixex in, thanks Ian
- fixed an issue with registration_key==None, thanks Jay Kelkar
- fixed bug in, thanks NoNoNo
- fixed problem with multiple and checkboxes, thanks MIchael Howden
- fixed bug in gae, thanks NoNoNo
- restored 2.4 compatibility, thanks Paolo Gasparello
- auth.update() when pictures in profile
- formstyle can be a function, thanks Howden
- escape in sanitizer, thanks Howes
- add missing settings, thanks Hamdy
- find and exclude return empty Rows instead of [], thanks iceberg
- simplejson 2.1.1 should fix compatibility problems
- added sms_utils and in contrib

## 1.79.2
- solved simplejson imcompatibility problem

## 1.80.1
- MARKMIN helper (no backward compatibility promise yet)
- self._last_reference, thanks Dave (no backward compatibility promise yet)
- zh-tw and better internationalization page, thanks Daniel Lin and Iceberg
- better, thanks MrFreeze
- Rocket interfaces, thanks Nik Klever
- db.table.field.uploadseparate=True, thanks Gyuris
- SCOPE_IDENITY for MSSQL, thanks Jose
- fixed email attachment issue, thanks Bob_in_Comox
- fixed problem with groupby and IS_IN_DB
- other bug fixes
- new implementation for local_import
- ajax(..,...,null)
- fixed Chrome bug in calendar.js, thanks Iceberg
- experimental scrips/
- generic.load, thanks Iceberg

## 1.81.1
- rpx (janrain) support out of the box, allows login with Facebook, MySpace, etc. Thanks Mr Freeze
- Increased security (escape  single and double quotes, thanks Craig"
- Fixed a bug with db.table.field.uploadseparate=True and autodelete
- New welcome app with superfish and jQuery 1.4.2
- Deleted openwysiwyg from admin
- In XML and xmlescape quote defaults to True. Both ' and " are escaped. Thanks Craig Younkins

## 1.81.2
- fixed bug in Auth

## 1.81.3
- fixed bug in label names in formstyle
- fixed id names in admin test.html page

## 1.81.4
- Fixed to work work with load and base.css to nowrap labels

## 1.81.5
- Fixed a few bugs. The most important bugs we fixed are in memcache (thanks Scott) and in a process starvation issue with Rocket (thanks Mike Ellis and Tim).

## 1.82.1
- request.ajax to detect if action is called via ajax, tahnks Jonathan and David Mako
- more captcha options, thanks Vidul
- openid and oauth2 thanks Michele and Keith
- better PluginManager and load components
- new template system, thanks Thadeus
- new db.table(id,[field=value]) and db.table(query) syntax
- URL('index') (no more r=request), thanks Thadeus
- mail.send(message='<html>...</html>', ....)
- DAL([....]) for load balancing
- @service.soap(...) with mysimplesoap, thanks Mariano
- hideerror

## 1.83.1
- New error reporting mechanism (thanks Mariano)
- New routing system with app level routing (thanks Jonathan)
- Integrated GAE appstat and GAE precompilation (thanks Scott)
- New Field types "list:string", "list:integer", "list:reference"
- request.cid, request.ajax, A(cid=request.cid), response.js

## 1.83.2
- mostly cleanup

## 1.84.1-4
- flash now stays put in the top right corner
- improved behavior for URL and T objects
- new app level logging with logging.conf (thanks Jonathan)
- improved OpenID (thanks Michele)
- web2py_ajax handles prepend, append, hide (thanks Juris)
- web2py_ajax also handels pre-validation of decimal fields
- ru-ru translation (thanks Michele)
- sk-sk translation (thanks Julius)
- migrations save .table only if changed and after each ALTER TABLE (no more mysql inconsistencies)
- fixed bugs in SQLCustomField, Field(default=...), IS_IMAGE, IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE and a few more.
- Better validators (IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE, IS_INT_IN_RANGE, etc) thanks Jonatham
- Polymmodel support on GAE
- Experimental ListWidget
- moved DAL and routes to thread.local (thanks Jonathan, again)
- scripts/, thanks Falko Krause and Ron McOuat 
- scripts/, thanks Scott

## 1.85.1-3
- fixed some bugs
- added pyfpdf, thank Mariano

## 1.86.1-1.86.3
- markmin2latex 
- markmin2pdf
- fixed some bugs
- Storage getfirst, getlast, getall by Kevin and Nathan
- db(db.table), db( both suported and equivalent to db(>0)
- postresql ssl support
- less un-necessary logging and warnings on GAE
- IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE and IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE support dot="," (dot="." is default)
- on_failed_authorization can be a function, thanks Niphold
- gluon/contrib/login_methods/ for integration between CAS and Auth.

## 1.86.3
- Error reporting on save, thanks Mariano

## 1.87.1-2
- new layout for examples, thanks Bruno and Martin
- admin allow ``DEMO_MODE=True`` and ``FILTER_APPS=['welcome']``
- fixed a possible problem with CRON and paths

## 1.87.3
- fixed a major bug introduced in 1.87.1 that prevents appadmin from working for new apps created with 1.87.1-2.
- upgraded to clockpick 1.28, thanks villas

## 1.88.1-2
- better list: string support, thanks Bob
- jquery 1.4.3
- scripts/
- new admin wizard
- added retrieve_username to navbar (if username)
- internal rewrite for arbitrary paths (abspath), thanks Jonathan
- populate support for list: and decimal, thanks Chirstian
- markmin2latex has extra attribute
- better mercual admin allows list of files, versions and retrieve
- new error report system, thanks Thadeus and Selecta
- SQLFORM.accepts(detect_record_change).record_changed
- fixed cron for bytecode compiled apps, thanks Álvaro J. Iradier Muro
- other bugs fixes and pep8 compliant fixes

## 1.89.1-.5
- new admin layout (thanks Branko Vukelic)
- new admin search
- new admin language selector (thanks Yair)
- new Welcome app (thanks Martin Mulone)
- better wizard
- admin support for DEMO_MODE=True
- admin exposes GAE deployment button (always)
- MENU support None links (thanks Michael Wolfe)
- -J for running cron (thanks Jonathan Lundell)
- fixed on GAE (thanks MicLee)
- service.jsonrpc supports service.JsonRpcException (thanks Matt)
- bug fixes

## 1.90.1
- new DAL (complete rewrite of the web2py DAL is more modular)
- rewrite has fail safe reload, thanks Jonathan
- better CAS with v2 support, thanks Olivier ROCH VILATO
- better markmin2latex
- session.connect(separate=True) to handle many session files, thanks huaiyu wang
- changed bahvior of impersonate (more secure, can generate form or used as API)
- new rocket, thanks Tim
- new pyfpdf
- no more old style classes
- experimental couchdb support in new dal (only insert, select, update by id)
- mysql support out of the box via pymysql
- SQLITABLE(...,headers='labels') thanks Bruno
- optional: digitally signed URLs, thanks Brian Meredyk
- minor bug fixes

## 1.90.2-4
- pymysql no longer requires ssl (if not used)
- fixed bug with virtualfields
- fixed bug in truncate (new dal)
- fixed bug in select with alternate primary key (new dal)
- fixed bug with IS_IN_DB and self refences (also new dal)

## 1.90.5
- set poll = False in rocket because of poll python thread bug often unfixed, thanks Jonathan
- fixes issue with crud and reCaptcha

## 1.90.6
- fix issue with pickling new dal Row and Rows.

## 1.91.1
- URL(...,hash_vars=...) allows to specify which vars need to be signed
- fixed bug with aliasing in new DAL

## 1.91.2-1.91.5
- fixed a problem with deplyment on GAE
- other new dal bug fixes

## 1.91.6
- web2py comet via gluon/contrib/ (html5 websockets) experimental
- fixed problem with services (broken in 1.91.5), thanks Vollrath
- customizable uploadwidget, thanks Fran
- fixed problem with mail unicode support, thanks Richard
- fixed problem with linkto=None and references fields in SQLTABLE, thanks villas
- no more upgrade button on windows since does not work
- better remember-me login, thanks Martin Weissenboeck
- support for recatcha options
- support for GAE namespaces via DAL('gae://namespace')
- new rocket (1.2.2), thanks Tim
- many other bug fixes and improvements (thanks Jonathan)

## 1.92.1
- much improved routing (thanks Jonathan)
- Expression.__mod__ (thanks Denes)
- admin has MULTI_USER_MODE (admin/models/
- support for count(distinct=...)
- has_permissions(...,group_id)
- IS_MATCH(...,strict=True)
- URL(...,scheme=,host=,port=), thanks Jonathan
- admin in Afrikaans, thanks Caleb
- auth.signature (experimental)
- many other bug fixes

## 1.93.1-2
- support for multiple interfaces, thanks Jonathan
- jquery 1.5.1
- simplejson 2.1.3
- customizable simplejson
- leaner app.yaml
- css3 buttons in welcome
- android support (experimental)
- Field(':hidden'), Field('.readonly'), Field('name=value')
- combined expressions print
- wizard can download plugins
- better json serilization (object.custom_json)
- better xml serialization (object.custom_xml)
- better formstyle support
- better (needs more testing)
- many bug fixes

## 1.94.1
- moderniz 1.17
- web2py no longer saves session if no change, this makes it up up to 10x faster for simple actions
- experimental REST API
- better support for MSSQL NOT NULL
- small bug fixes

## 1.94.2
- reverted wrong behavior of auth.requires(condition) in 1.94.1

## 1.94.3
- fixed major bug in auth redirection

## 1.94.4
- removed debug print statement that caused problems on GAE and mod_wsgi

## 1.94.5
- fixed a major bug with session introdued in 1.94.1

## 1.94.6
- fixed a number of minor bugs including adding some missing files
- better session handling on session._unlock(..), thanks Jonathan
- added experimental pip support, thanks Lifeeth
- added experimental SAP DB support

## 1.95.1
- Google MySQL support (experimental)
- pip support, thanks lifeeth
- better, thanks meredyk
- importved pyfpdf
- domain check in, thanks Gyuris
- added change_password_onvalidation and change_password_onaccept
- DAL(...,migrate_enabled=True)
- login_methods/, thanks Vladimir
- bpython shell support, thanks Arun
- request.uuid and response.uuid (for a future toolbar)
- db._timings contains database query timing info
- efficient db(...).isempty()
- Many bug fixes, thanks Jonathan

## 1.96.1

- "from gluon import *" imports in every python module a web2py environment (A, DIV,..SQLFORM, DAL, Field,...) including current.request, current.response, current.session, current.T, current.cache, thanks Jonathan.
- conditional models in 
  models/<controller>/ and models/<controller>/<function>/
- from mymodule import *, looks for mymodule in applications/thisapp/modules first and then in sys.path. No more need for local_import. Thanks Pierre.
- usage of generic.* views is - by default - restricted to localhost for security. This can be changed in a granular way with: response.generic_patterns=['*']. This is a slight change of behavior for new app but a major security fix.

- all applications have cas 2.0 provider at http://.../user/cas/login
- all applications can delegate to login to external provider Auth(...,cas_provider='http://.../other_app/default/user/cas')
- A(...,callback=URL(...),larget='id') does Ajax
- URL(...,user_signature=True), LOAD(...,user_signature=True) can sign urls and @auth.requires_signature() will check the signature for any decorated action.

- DAL(...,migrate_enabled=False) to disable all migrations
- DAL(...,fake_migrate_all=True) to rebuild all corrupted metadata
- new DAL metadata format (databases/*.table)
- DAL(...,adapter_arg={}) allows support for alternate drivers
- DAL now allows circular table defintions
- DAL(..,auto_import=True) automatically imports tables from metadata without need to db.define_table(...)s.
- new alterante syntax for inner joins: db(...).select(join=...)
- experimental cubrid database support
- DAL 'request_tenant' fields are special, the altomatically filer all records based on their default value.
- db._common_fields.append(Field('owner')) allows to add fields to ALL tables
- DAL ignores repeated fields with same names

- web2py_ajax.html is more modular, thanks Anthony
- request.is_local
- request.is_http
- new thanks Jim Karsten
- corrupted cache files are automatically deleted
- new simpler API gluon.contrib.AuthorizeNet.procss(...)
- fixed recaptcha (as they released new API)
- messages in validators have default internationalization
- No more Auth(globals(),db), just Auth(db). Same for Crud and Service.
- scripts/access.wsgi allows apache+mod_wsgi to delegate authentication of any URL to any web2py app
- json now supports T(...) 
- scripts/
- web2py HTTP responses now set: "X-Powered-By: web2py", thanks Bruno
- mostly fixed generic.pdf. You can view any page in PDF if you have pdflatex installed or if your html follows the pyfpdf convention.
- auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'].append(Field('country')) allows to extend auth_* tables without need of definiting a custom auth_* table. Must be placed before auth.define_tables()
- {{=response.toolbar()}} to help you debug applications
- web based shell now supports object modifications (but no redefinitions of non-serializable types)
- jQuery 1.6.1
- Lots of bug fixes

# 1.96.2-1.96.4
- bug fixes

# 1.97.1
- validate_and_update, thanks Bruno
- fixed problem with new custom import, thanks Mart
- fixed pyamf 0.6, thanks Alexei and Nickd
- fixed "+ =" bug in wizard
- fixed problem with allowed_patterns
- fixed problems with LOAD and vars and ajax
- closed lots of google code tickets
- checkboxes should now work with list:string
- web2py works on Android, thanks Corne Dickens
- new, thanks Mart
- improved translation (frech in particuler), thanks Pierre
- improved, thanks Sergio
- IS_DATE and IS_DATETIME validators now work with native types
- better description of --shell, thanks Anthony
- extra SQLTABLE columns, thanks Martin
- fixed toolbar conflics, thanks Simon
- GAE password shows with ****

# 1.98.1-1.98.2
- fixed some problems with LOAD(ajax=False), thanks Anthony
- jquery 1.6.2
- gevent.pywsgi adds ssl support, thanks Vasile
- import/export of blobs are base64 encoded
- max number of login attemts in admin, thanks Ross
- fixed joins with alias tables
- new field.custom_delete attribute
- removed resctions on large 'text fields, thanks Martin
- field.represent = lambda value,record: .... (record is optional)
- FORM.validate() and FORM.process(), thanks Bruno
- faster visrtualfields, thanks Howsec
- mail has ssl support separate from tls, thanks Eric
- TAG objects are now pickable
- new CAT tag for no tags
- request.user_agent(), thanks Ross
- fixed fawps support
- SQLFORM(...,separator=': ') now customizable
- many small bug fixes

## 1.99.1
- gluon/contrib/
- gluon/contrib/
- support for A(name,callback=url,target='id',delete='tr')
- support for A(name,component=url,target='id',delete='tr')
- new pip installer, thanks Chris Steel
- dal expression.coalesce(*options)
- gluon/contrib/, thanks Mariano
- respects expiration time, thanks iceberg
- addressed this issue:
- x509 support (thanks Michele)
- form.process() and for.validate()
- rocket upgrade (1.2.4)
- jQuery upgrade (1.6.3)
- new syntax rows[i]('tablename.fieldname')
- new query syntax field.contains(list,all=True or False)
- new SQLFORM.grid and SQLFORM.smartgrid (should replace and
- support for natural language queries (english only) in SQLFORM.grid
- support for computed columns and additional links in SQLFORM.grid
- new style virtual fields (experimental): db.table.field=Field.Lazy(...)
- request.utcnow
- cleaner/simpler welcome/models/ and welcome layout.html
- response.include_meta() and response.include_files(), thanks Denes
- dal auto-reconnect on time-out connections
- COL and COLGROUP helpers
- addresed OWASP #10, thanks Anthony and Eric
- auth.settings.login_after_registration=True
- detection of mobile devices and @mobilize helper (, thanks Angelo
- experimental gluon/
- scripts/
- has more options, thanks Denes
- many bug fixes (thanks Jonathan, Michele, Fran and others)