MobileBlur at [e23a2d0023]
Login at [e23a2d0023]

File applications/admin/languages/ artifact f5e338d3a7 part of check-in e23a2d0023

# coding: utf8
'"browse"': '游览',
'"save"': '"保存"',
'"submit"': '"提交"',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"更新"是可配置项 如 "field1=\'newvalue\'",你无法在JOIN 中更新或删除',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'%s rows deleted': '%s 行已删',
'%s rows updated': '%s 行更新',
'(requires internet access)': '(requires internet access)',
'(something like "it-it")': '(就酱 "it-it")',
'A new version of web2py is available': '新版本web2py已经可用',
'A new version of web2py is available: %s': '新版本web2py已经可用: %s',
'ATTENTION: Login requires a secure (HTTPS) connection or running on localhost.': '',
'ATTENTION: you cannot edit the running application!': '注意: 不能修改正在运行中的应用!',
'About': '关于',
'About application': '关于这个应用',
'Admin is disabled because insecure channel': '管理因不安全通道而关闭',
'Admin is disabled because unsecure channel': '管理因不稳定通道而关闭',
'Admin language': 'Admin language',
'Administrator Password:': '管理员密码:',
'Application name:': 'Application name:',
'Are you sure you want to delete file "%s"?': '你真想删除文件"%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to delete plugin "%s"?': 'Are you sure you want to delete plugin "%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"': '你真确定要卸载应用 "%s"',
'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"?': '你真确定要卸载应用 "%s" ?',
'Are you sure you want to upgrade web2py now?': 'Are you sure you want to upgrade web2py now?',
'Available databases and tables': '可用数据库/表',
'Cannot be empty': '不能不填',
'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app.        Debug it, correct errors and try again.': '无法编译: 应用中有错误,请修订后再试.',
'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app:': 'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app:',
'Change Password': '修改密码',
'Check to delete': '检验删除',
'Checking for upgrades...': '是否有升级版本检查ing...',
'Client IP': '客户端IP',
'Controllers': '控制器s',
'Create new simple application': '创建一个新应用',
'Current request': '当前请求',
'Current response': '当前返回',
'Current session': '当前会话',
'DESIGN': '设计',
'Date and Time': '时间日期',
'Delete': '删除',
'Delete:': '删除:',
'Deploy on Google App Engine': '部署到GAE',
'Description': '描述',
'Design for': '设计:',
'E-mail': '邮箱:',
'EDIT': '编辑',
'Edit Profile': '修订配置',
'Edit application': '修订应用',
'Edit current record': '修订当前记录',
'Editing Language file': '修订语言文件',
'Editing file': '修订文件',
'Editing file "%s"': '修订文件 %s',
'Enterprise Web Framework': '强悍的网络开发框架',
'Error logs for "%(app)s"': '"%(app)s" 的错误日志',
'Exception instance attributes': 'Exception instance attributes',
'First name': '姓',
'Functions with no doctests will result in [passed] tests.': '',
'Group ID': '组ID',
'Hello World': '道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名',
'If the report above contains a ticket number it indicates a failure in executing the controller, before any attempt to execute the doctests. This is usually due to an indentation error or an error outside function code.\nA green title indicates that all tests (if defined) passed. In this case test results are not shown.': 'If the report above contains a ticket number it indicates a failure in executing the controller, before any attempt to execute the doctests. This is usually due to an indentation error or an error outside function code.\nA green title indicates that all tests (if defined) passed. In this case test results are not shown.',
'Import/Export': '导入/导出',
'Installed applications': '已安装的应用',
'Internal State': '内部状态',
'Invalid Query': '无效查询',
'Invalid action': '无效动作',
'Invalid email': '无效的email',
'Language files (static strings) updated': '语言文件(静态部分)已更新',
'Languages': '语言',
'Last name': '名',
'Last saved on:': '最后保存于:',
'License for': '许可证',
'Login': '登录',
'Login to the Administrative Interface': '登录到管理员界面',
'Logout': '注销',
'Lost Password': '忘记密码',
'Models': '模型s',
'Modules': '模块s',
'NO': '不',
'Name': '姓名',
'New Record': '新记录',
'New application wizard': 'New application wizard',
'New simple application': 'New simple application',
'No databases in this application': '这应用没有数据库',
'Origin': '起源',
'Original/Translation': '原始文件/翻译文件',
'PAM authenticated user, cannot change password here': 'PAM authenticated user, cannot change password here',
'Password': '密码',
'Peeking at file': '选个文件',
'Plugin "%s" in application': 'Plugin "%s" in application',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': '',
'Query:': '查询',
'Record ID': '记录ID',
'Register': '注册',
'Registration key': '注册密匙',
'Resolve Conflict file': '解决冲突文件',
'Role': '角色',
'Rows in table': '表行',
'Rows selected': '行选择',
'Saved file hash:': '已存文件Hash:',
'Static files': '静态文件',
'Sure you want to delete this object?': '真的要删除这个对象?',
'TM': '',
'Table name': '表名',
'Testing application': '应用测试',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '',
'There are no controllers': '冇控制器',
'There are no models': '冇模型s',
'There are no modules': '冇模块s',
'There are no static files': '冇静态文件',
'There are no translators, only default language is supported': '没有找到相应翻译,只能使用默认语言',
'There are no views': '冇视图',
'This is the %(filename)s template': '这是 %(filename)s 模板',
'Ticket': '传票',
'Timestamp': '时间戳',
'To create a plugin, name a file/folder plugin_[name]': 'To create a plugin, name a file/folder plugin_[name]',
'Unable to check for upgrades': '无法检查是否需要升级',
'Unable to download': '无法下载',
'Unable to download app': '无法下载应用',
'Unable to download app because:': 'Unable to download app because:',
'Unable to download because': 'Unable to download because',
'Update:': '更新:',
'Upload & install packed application': 'Upload & install packed application',
'Upload a package:': 'Upload a package:',
'Upload existing application': '上传已有应用',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...)  for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...)  for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...)  for NOT to build more complex queries.': '',
'Use an url:': 'Use an url:',
'User ID': '用户ID',
'Version': '版本',
'Views': '视图',
'Welcome to web2py': '欢迎使用web2py',
'YES': '是',
'About': '关于',
'additional code for your application': '给你的应用附加代码',
'admin disabled because no admin password': '管理员需要设定密码,否则无法管理',
'admin disabled because not supported on google app engine': '未支持GAE,无法管理',
'admin disabled because unable to access password file': '需要可以操作密码文件,否则无法进行管理',
'administrative interface': 'administrative interface',
'and rename it (required):': '重命名为 (必须):',
'and rename it:': ' 重命名为:',
'appadmin': '应用管理',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': '应用管理因非法通道失效',
'application "%s" uninstalled': '应用"%s" 已被卸载',
'application compiled': '应用已编译完',
'application is compiled and cannot be designed': '应用已编译完无法设计',
'arguments': 'arguments',
'back': 'back',
'cache': 'cache',
'cache, errors and sessions cleaned': '缓存、错误、sesiones已被清空',
'cannot create file': '无法创建文件',
'cannot upload file "%(filename)s"': '无法上传文件 "%(filename)s"',
'Change admin password': 'change admin password',
'check all': '检查所有',
'Check for upgrades': 'check for upgrades',
'Clean': '清除',
'click here for online examples': '猛击此处,查看在线实例',
'click here for the administrative interface': '猛击此处,进入管理界面',
'click to check for upgrades': '猛击查看是否有升级版本',
'code': 'code',
'Compile': '编译',
'compiled application removed': '已编译应用已移走',
'controllers': '控制器',
'Create': 'create',
'create file with filename:': '创建文件用这名:',
'create new application:': '创建新应用:',
'created by': '创建自',
'crontab': '定期事务',
'currently running': 'currently running',
'currently saved or': '保存当前的或',
'customize me!': '定制俺!',
'data uploaded': '数据已上传',
'database': '数据库',
'database %s select': '数据库 %s 选择',
'database administration': '数据库管理',
'db': '',
'defines tables': '已定义表',
'delete': '删除',
'delete all checked': '删除所有选择的',
'delete plugin': 'delete plugin',
'Deploy': 'deploy',
'design': '设计',
'direction: ltr': 'direction: ltr',
'done!': '搞定!',
'Edit': '修改',
'edit controller': '修订控制器',
'edit views:': 'edit views:',
'Errors': '错误',
'export as csv file': '导出为CSV文件',
'exposes': '暴露',
'extends': '扩展',
'failed to reload module': '重新加载模块失败',
'failed to reload module because:': 'failed to reload module because:',
'file "%(filename)s" created': '文件 "%(filename)s" 已创建',
'file "%(filename)s" deleted': '文件 "%(filename)s" 已删除',
'file "%(filename)s" uploaded': '文件 "%(filename)s" 已上传',
'file "%(filename)s" was not deleted': '文件 "%(filename)s" 没删除',
'file "%s" of %s restored': '文件"%s" 有关 %s 已重存',
'file changed on disk': '硬盘上的文件已经修改',
'file does not exist': '文件并不存在',
'file saved on %(time)s': '文件保存于 %(time)s',
'file saved on %s': '文件保存在 %s',
'Help': '帮助',
'htmledit': 'html编辑',
'includes': '包含',
'insert new': '新插入',
'insert new %s': '新插入 %s',
'Install': 'install',
'internal error': '内部错误',
'invalid password': '无效密码',
'invalid request': '无效请求',
'invalid ticket': '无效传票',
'language file "%(filename)s" created/updated': '语言文件 "%(filename)s"被创建/更新',
'languages': '语言',
'languages updated': '语言已被刷新',
'loading...': '载入中...',
'login': '登录',
'Logout': '注销',
'merge': '合并',
'models': '模型s',
'modules': '模块s',
'new application "%s" created': '新应用 "%s"已被创建',
'new plugin installed': 'new plugin installed',
'new record inserted': '新记录被插入',
'next 100 rows': '后100行',
'no match': 'no match',
'or import from csv file': '或者,从csv文件导入',
'or provide app url:': 'or provide app url:',
'or provide application url:': '或者,提供应用所在地址链接:',
'Overwrite installed app': 'overwrite installed app',
'Pack all': '全部打包',
'Pack compiled': '包编译完',
'pack plugin': 'pack plugin',
'password changed': 'password changed',
'plugin "%(plugin)s" deleted': 'plugin "%(plugin)s" deleted',
'previous 100 rows': '前100行',
'record': 'record',
'record does not exist': '记录并不存在',
'record id': '记录ID',
'Remove compiled': '已移除',
'restore': '重存',
'revert': '恢复',
'save': '保存',
'selected': '已选',
'session expired': '会话过期',
'shell': '',
'Site': '总站',
'some files could not be removed': '有些文件无法被移除',
'Start wizard': 'start wizard',
'state': '状态',
'static': '静态文件',
'submit': '提交',
'table': '表',
'test': '测试',
'the application logic, each URL path is mapped in one exposed function in the controller': '应用逻辑:每个URL由控制器暴露的函式完成映射',
'the data representation, define database tables and sets': '数据表达式,定义数据库/表',
'the presentations layer, views are also known as templates': '提交层/视图都在模板中可知',
'these files are served without processing, your images go here': '',
'to  previous version.': 'to  previous version.',
'to  previous version.': '退回前一版本',
'translation strings for the application': '应用的翻译字串',
'try': '尝试',
'try something like': '尝试',
'unable to create application "%s"': '无法创建应用 "%s"',
'unable to delete file "%(filename)s"': '无法删除文件 "%(filename)s"',
'unable to delete file plugin "%(plugin)s"': 'unable to delete file plugin "%(plugin)s"',
'unable to parse csv file': '无法生成 cvs',
'unable to uninstall "%s"': '无法卸载 "%s"',
'unable to upgrade because "%s"': 'unable to upgrade because "%s"',
'uncheck all': '反选全部',
'Uninstall': '卸载',
'update': '更新',
'update all languages': '更新所有语言',
'upgrade web2py now': 'upgrade web2py now',
'upload application:': '提交已有的应用:',
'upload file:': '提交文件:',
'upload plugin file:': 'upload plugin file:',
'variables': 'variables',
'versioning': '版本',
'view': '视图',
'views': '视图s',
'web2py Recent Tweets': 'twitter上的web2py进展实播',
'web2py is up to date': 'web2py现在已经是最新的版本了',
'web2py upgraded; please restart it': 'web2py upgraded; please restart it',