# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
"Simple SOAP Server implementation"
__author__ = "Mariano Reingart (reingart@gmail.com)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010 Mariano Reingart"
__license__ = "LGPL 3.0"
__version__ = "1.02c"
from simplexml import SimpleXMLElement, TYPE_MAP, DateTime, Date, Decimal
DEBUG = False
class SoapDispatcher(object):
"Simple Dispatcher for SOAP Server"
def __init__(self, name, documentation='', action='', location='',
namespace=None, prefix=False,
self.methods = {}
self.name = name
self.documentation = documentation
self.action = action # base SoapAction
self.location = location
self.namespace = namespace # targetNamespace
self.prefix = prefix
self.soap_ns = soap_ns
self.soap_uri = soap_uri
def register_function(self, name, fn, returns=None, args=None, doc=None):
self.methods[name] = fn, returns, args, doc or getattr(fn,"__doc__","")
def dispatch(self, xml, action=None):
"Receive and proccess SOAP call"
# default values:
prefix = self.prefix
ret = fault = None
soap_ns, soap_uri = self.soap_ns, self.soap_uri
soap_fault_code = 'VersionMismatch'
request = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=self.namespace)
# detect soap prefix and uri (xmlns attributes of Envelope)
for k, v in request[:]:
if v in ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
soap_ns = request.attributes()[k].localName
soap_uri = request.attributes()[k].value
soap_fault_code = 'Client'
# parse request message and get local method
method = request('Body', ns=soap_uri).children()(0)
if action:
# method name = action
name = action[len(self.action)+1:-1]
prefix = self.prefix
if not action or not name:
# method name = input message name
name = method.get_local_name()
prefix = method.get_prefix()
if DEBUG: print "dispatch method", name
function, returns_types, args_types, doc = self.methods[name]
# de-serialize parameters (if type definitions given)
if args_types:
args = method.children().unmarshall(args_types)
elif args_types is None:
args = {'request':method} # send raw request
args = {} # no parameters
soap_fault_code = 'Server'
# execute function
ret = function(**args)
if DEBUG: print ret
except Exception, e:
import sys
etype, evalue, etb = sys.exc_info()
import traceback
detail = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb))
detail += '\n\nXML REQUEST\n\n' + xml
detail = None
fault = {'faultcode': "%s.%s" % (soap_fault_code, etype.__name__),
'faultstring': unicode(evalue),
'detail': detail}
# build response message
if not prefix:
xml = """<%(soap_ns)s:Envelope xmlns:%(soap_ns)s="%(soap_uri)s"/>"""
xml = """<%(soap_ns)s:Envelope xmlns:%(soap_ns)s="%(soap_uri)s"
xml = xml % {'namespace': self.namespace, 'prefix': prefix,
'soap_ns': soap_ns, 'soap_uri': soap_uri}
response = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=self.namespace,
response['xmlns:xsi'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
response['xmlns:xsd'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
body = response.add_child("%s:Body" % soap_ns, ns=False)
if fault:
# generate a Soap Fault (with the python exception)
body.marshall("%s:Fault" % soap_ns, fault, ns=False)
# return normal value
res = body.add_child("%sResponse" % name, ns=prefix)
if not prefix:
res['xmlns'] = self.namespace # add target namespace
# serialize returned values (response) if type definition available
if returns_types:
if not isinstance(ret, dict):
res.marshall(returns_types.keys()[0], ret, )
for k,v in ret.items():
res.marshall(k, v)
elif returns_types is None:
# merge xmlelement returned
return response.as_xml()
# Introspection functions:
def list_methods(self):
"Return a list of aregistered operations"
return [(method, doc) for method, (function, returns, args, doc) in self.methods.items()]
def help(self, method=None):
"Generate sample request and response messages"
(function, returns, args, doc) = self.methods[method]
xml = """
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<soap:Body><%(method)s xmlns="%(namespace)s"/></soap:Body>
</soap:Envelope>""" % {'method':method, 'namespace':self.namespace}
request = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=self.namespace, prefix=self.prefix)
if args:
items = args.items()
elif args is None:
items = [('value', None)]
items = []
for k,v in items:
request(method).marshall(k, v, add_comments=True, ns=False)
xml = """
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<soap:Body><%(method)sResponse xmlns="%(namespace)s"/></soap:Body>
</soap:Envelope>""" % {'method':method, 'namespace':self.namespace}
response = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=self.namespace, prefix=self.prefix)
if returns:
items = returns.items()
elif args is None:
items = [('value', None)]
items = []
for k,v in items:
response('%sResponse'%method).marshall(k, v, add_comments=True, ns=False)
return request.as_xml(pretty=True), response.as_xml(pretty=True), doc
def wsdl(self):
"Generate Web Service Description v1.1"
xml = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsdl:definitions name="%(name)s"
<wsdl:documentation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">%(documentation)s</wsdl:documentation>
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="%(namespace)s"
""" % {'namespace': self.namespace, 'name': self.name, 'documentation': self.documentation}
wsdl = SimpleXMLElement(xml)
for method, (function, returns, args, doc) in self.methods.items():
# create elements:
def parse_element(name, values, array=False, complex=False):
if not complex:
element = wsdl('wsdl:types')('xsd:schema').add_child('xsd:element')
complex = element.add_child("xsd:complexType")
complex = wsdl('wsdl:types')('xsd:schema').add_child('xsd:complexType')
element = complex
element['name'] = name
if values:
items = values
elif values is None:
items = [('value', None)]
items = []
if not array and items:
all = complex.add_child("xsd:all")
elif items:
all = complex.add_child("xsd:sequence")
for k,v in items:
e = all.add_child("xsd:element")
e['name'] = k
if array:
e[:]={'minOccurs': "0", 'maxOccurs': "unbounded"}
if v in TYPE_MAP.keys():
t='xsd:%s' % TYPE_MAP[v]
elif v is None:
elif isinstance(v, list):
n="ArrayOf%s%s" % (name, k)
l = []
for d in v:
parse_element(n, l, array=True, complex=True)
t = "tns:%s" % n
elif isinstance(v, dict):
n="%s%s" % (name, k)
parse_element(n, v.items(), complex=True)
t = "tns:%s" % n
e.add_attribute('type', t)
parse_element("%s" % method, args and args.items())
parse_element("%sResponse" % method, returns and returns.items())
# create messages:
for m,e in ('Input',''), ('Output','Response'):
message = wsdl.add_child('wsdl:message')
message['name'] = "%s%s" % (method, m)
part = message.add_child("wsdl:part")
part[:] = {'name': 'parameters',
'element': 'tns:%s%s' % (method,e)}
# create ports
portType = wsdl.add_child('wsdl:portType')
portType['name'] = "%sPortType" % self.name
for method, (function, returns, args, doc) in self.methods.items():
op = portType.add_child('wsdl:operation')
op['name'] = method
if doc:
op.add_child("wsdl:documentation", doc)
input = op.add_child("wsdl:input")
input['message'] = "tns:%sInput" % method
output = op.add_child("wsdl:output")
output['message'] = "tns:%sOutput" % method
# create bindings
binding = wsdl.add_child('wsdl:binding')
binding['name'] = "%sBinding" % self.name
binding['type'] = "tns:%sPortType" % self.name
soapbinding = binding.add_child('soap:binding')
soapbinding['style'] = "document"
soapbinding['transport'] = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
for method in self.methods.keys():
op = binding.add_child('wsdl:operation')
op['name'] = method
soapop = op.add_child('soap:operation')
soapop['soapAction'] = self.action + method
soapop['style'] = 'document'
input = op.add_child("wsdl:input")
##input.add_attribute('name', "%sInput" % method)
soapbody = input.add_child("soap:body")
soapbody["use"] = "literal"
output = op.add_child("wsdl:output")
##output.add_attribute('name', "%sOutput" % method)
soapbody = output.add_child("soap:body")
soapbody["use"] = "literal"
service = wsdl.add_child('wsdl:service')
service["name"] = "%sService" % self.name
service.add_child('wsdl:documentation', text=self.documentation)
port["name"] = "%s" % self.name
port["binding"] = "tns:%sBinding" % self.name
soapaddress = port.add_child('soap:address')
soapaddress["location"] = self.location
return wsdl.as_xml(pretty=True)
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
class SOAPHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
"User viewable help information and wsdl"
args = self.path[1:].split("?")
print "serving", args
if self.path != "/" and args[0] not in self.server.dispatcher.methods.keys():
self.send_error(404, "Method not found: %s" % args[0])
if self.path == "/":
# return wsdl if no method supplied
response = self.server.dispatcher.wsdl()
# return supplied method help (?request or ?response messages)
req, res, doc = self.server.dispatcher.help(args[0])
if len(args)==1 or args[1]=="request":
response = req
response = res
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/xml")
def do_POST(self):
"SOAP POST gateway"
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/xml")
request = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')))
response = self.server.dispatcher.dispatch(request)
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
dispatcher = SoapDispatcher(
name = "PySimpleSoapSample",
location = "http://localhost:8008/",
action = 'http://localhost:8008/', # SOAPAction
namespace = "http://example.com/pysimplesoapsamle/", prefix="ns0",
documentation = 'Example soap service using PySimpleSoap',
trace = True,
ns = True)
def adder(p,c, dt=None):
"Add several values"
print c[0]['d'],c[1]['d'],
import datetime
dt = dt + datetime.timedelta(365)
return {'ab': p['a']+p['b'], 'dd': c[0]['d']+c[1]['d'], 'dt': dt}
def dummy(in0):
"Just return input"
return in0
def echo(request):
"Copy request->response (generic, any type)"
return request.value
dispatcher.register_function('Adder', adder,
returns={'AddResult': {'ab': int, 'dd': str } },
args={'p': {'a': int,'b': int}, 'dt': Date, 'c': [{'d': Decimal}]})
dispatcher.register_function('Dummy', dummy,
returns={'out0': str},
args={'in0': str})
dispatcher.register_function('Echo', echo)
if '--local' in sys.argv:
print wsdl
testfile = open("C:/test.wsdl","w")
# dummy local test (clasic soap dialect)
xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<Adder xmlns="http://example.com/sample.wsdl">
print dispatcher.dispatch(xml)
# dummy local test (modern soap dialect, SoapUI)
xml = """
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pys="http://example.com/pysimplesoapsamle/">
print dispatcher.dispatch(xml)
# echo local test (generic soap service)
xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<Echo xmlns="http://example.com/sample.wsdl">
<value xsi:type="xsd:string">Hello world</value>
print dispatcher.dispatch(xml)
for method, doc in dispatcher.list_methods():
request, response, doc = dispatcher.help(method)
##print request
##print response
if '--serve' in sys.argv:
print "Starting server..."
httpd = HTTPServer(("", 8008), SOAPHandler)
httpd.dispatcher = dispatcher
if '--consume' in sys.argv:
from client import SoapClient
client = SoapClient(
location = "http://localhost:8008/",
action = 'http://localhost:8008/', # SOAPAction
namespace = "http://example.com/sample.wsdl",
trace = True,
ns = False)
response = client.Adder(p={'a':1,'b':2},dt='20100724',c=[{'d':'1.20'},{'d':'2.01'}])
result = response.AddResult
print int(result.ab)
print str(result.dd)