# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
"Pythonic simple SOAP Client implementation"
__author__ = "Mariano Reingart (reingart@gmail.com)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2008 Mariano Reingart"
__license__ = "LGPL 3.0"
__version__ = "1.02c"
import urllib
import httplib2
Http = httplib2.Http
except ImportError:
import urllib2
class Http(): # wrapper to use when httplib2 not available
def request(self, url, method, body, headers):
f = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, body, headers))
return f.info(), f.read()
from simplexml import SimpleXMLElement, TYPE_MAP, OrderedDict
class SoapFault(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self,faultcode,faultstring):
self.faultcode = faultcode
self.faultstring = faultstring
# soap protocol specification & namespace
soap_namespaces = dict(
class SoapClient(object):
"Simple SOAP Client (s�mil PHP)"
def __init__(self, location = None, action = None, namespace = None,
cert = None, trace = False, exceptions = True, proxy = None, ns=False,
soap_ns=None, wsdl = None, cache = False):
self.certssl = cert
self.keyssl = None
self.location = location # server location (url)
self.action = action # SOAP base action
self.namespace = namespace # message
self.trace = trace # show debug messages
self.exceptions = exceptions # lanzar execpiones? (Soap Faults)
self.xml_request = self.xml_response = ''
if not soap_ns and not ns:
self.__soap_ns = 'soap' # 1.1
elif not soap_ns and ns:
self.__soap_ns = 'soapenv' # 1.2
self.__soap_ns = soap_ns
# parse wsdl url
self.services = wsdl and self.wsdl(wsdl, debug=trace, cache=cache)
self.service_port = None # service port for late binding
if not proxy:
self.http = Http()
import socks
self.http = httplib2.Http(proxy_info = httplib2.ProxyInfo(
proxy_type=socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP, **proxy))
#if self.certssl: # esto funciona para validar al server?
# self.http.add_certificate(self.keyssl, self.keyssl, self.certssl)
self.__ns = ns # namespace prefix or False to not use it
if not ns:
self.__xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<%(soap_ns)s:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<%(method)s xmlns="%(namespace)s">
self.__xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<%(soap_ns)s:Envelope xmlns:%(soap_ns)s="%(soap_uri)s" xmlns:%(ns)s="%(namespace)s">
def __getattr__(self, attr):
"Return a pseudo-method that can be called"
if not self.services: # not using WSDL?
return lambda self=self, *args, **kwargs: self.call(attr,*args,**kwargs)
else: # using WSDL:
return lambda self=self, *args, **kwargs: self.wsdl_call(attr,*args,**kwargs)
def call(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
"Prepare xml request and make SOAP call, returning a SimpleXMLElement"
#TODO: method != input_message
# Basic SOAP request:
xml = self.__xml % dict(method=method, namespace=self.namespace, ns=self.__ns,
soap_ns=self.__soap_ns, soap_uri=soap_namespaces[self.__soap_ns])
request = SimpleXMLElement(xml,namespace=self.__ns and self.namespace, prefix=self.__ns)
# serialize parameters
if kwargs:
parameters = kwargs.items()
parameters = args
if parameters and isinstance(parameters[0], SimpleXMLElement):
# merge xmlelement parameter ("raw" - already marshalled)
for param in parameters[0].children():
# marshall parameters:
for k,v in parameters: # dict: tag=valor
self.xml_request = request.as_xml()
self.xml_response = self.send(method, self.xml_request)
response = SimpleXMLElement(self.xml_response, namespace=self.namespace)
if self.exceptions and response("Fault", ns=soap_namespaces.values(), error=False):
raise SoapFault(unicode(response.faultcode), unicode(response.faultstring))
return response
def send(self, method, xml):
"Send SOAP request using HTTP"
if self.location == 'test': return
location = "%s" % self.location #?op=%s" % (self.location, method)
if self.services:
soap_action = self.action
soap_action = self.action+method
'Content-type': 'text/xml; charset="UTF-8"',
'Content-length': str(len(xml)),
"SOAPAction": "\"%s\"" % (soap_action)
if self.trace:
print "-"*80
print "POST %s" % location
print '\n'.join(["%s: %s" % (k,v) for k,v in headers.items()])
print u"\n%s" % xml.decode("utf8","ignore")
response, content = self.http.request(
location,"POST", body=xml, headers=headers )
self.response = response
self.content = content
if self.trace:
print '\n'.join(["%s: %s" % (k,v) for k,v in response.items()])
print content#.decode("utf8","ignore")
print "="*80
return content
def get_operation(self, method):
# try to find operation in wsdl file
soap_ver = self.__soap_ns == 'soap12' and 'soap12' or 'soap11'
if not self.service_port:
for service_name, service in self.services.items():
for port_name, port in [port for port in service['ports'].items()]:
if port['soap_ver'] == soap_ver:
self.service_port = service_name, port_name
raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine service in WSDL: "
"SOAP version: %s" % soap_ver)
port = self.services[self.service_port[0]]['ports'][self.service_port[1]]
self.location = port['location']
operation = port['operations'].get(unicode(method))
if not operation:
raise RuntimeError("Operation %s not found in WSDL: "
"Service/Port Type: %s" %
(method, self.service_port))
return operation
def wsdl_call(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
"Pre and post process SOAP call, input and output parameters using WSDL"
soap_uri = soap_namespaces[self.__soap_ns]
operation = self.get_operation(method)
# get i/o type declarations:
input = operation['input']
output = operation['output']
if 'action' in operation:
self.action = operation['action']
# sort parameters (same order as xsd:sequence)
def sort_dict(od, d):
if isinstance(od, dict):
ret = OrderedDict()
for k in od.keys():
v = d.get(k)
if v:
if isinstance(v, dict):
v = sort_dict(od[k], v)
elif isinstance(v, list):
v = [sort_dict(od[k][0], v1)
for v1 in v]
ret[str(k)] = v
return ret
return d
if input and kwargs:
params = sort_dict(input.values()[0], kwargs).items()
method = input.keys()[0]
#elif not input:
#TODO: no message! (see wsmtxca.dummy)
params = kwargs and kwargs.items()
# call remote procedure
response = self.call(method, *params)
# parse results:
resp = response('Body',ns=soap_uri).children().unmarshall(output)
return resp and resp.values()[0] # pass Response tag children
def help(self, method):
"Return operation documentation and invocation/returned value example"
operation = self.get_operation(method)
input = operation['input'].values()
input = input and input[0]
output = operation['output'].values()[0]
return u"%s(%s)\n -> %s:\n\n%s" % (
input and ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k,repr(v)) for k,v
in input.items()) or "",
output and output or "",
def wsdl(self, url, debug=False, cache=False):
"Parse Web Service Description v1.1"
soap_ns = {
"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/": 'soap11',
"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/": 'soap12',
get_local_name = lambda s: str((':' in s) and s.split(':')[1] or s)
REVERSE_TYPE_MAP = dict([(v,k) for k,v in TYPE_MAP.items()])
def fetch(url):
"Fetch a document from a URL, save it locally if cache enabled"
import os, hashlib
# make md5 hash of the url for caching...
filename = "%s.xml" % hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
if isinstance(cache, basestring):
filename = os.path.join(cache, filename)
if cache and os.path.exists(filename):
if debug: print "Reading file %s" % (filename, )
f = open(filename, "r")
xml = f.read()
if debug: print "Fetching url %s" % (url, )
f = urllib.urlopen(url)
xml = f.read()
if cache:
if debug: print "Writing file %s" % (filename, )
f = open(filename, "w")
return xml
# Open uri and read xml:
xml = fetch(url)
# Parse WSDL XML:
wsdl = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=wsdl_uri)
# detect soap prefix and uri (xmlns attributes of <definitions>)
xsd_ns = None
soap_uris = {}
for k, v in wsdl[:]:
if v in soap_ns and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
soap_uris[get_local_name(k)] = v
if v== xsd_uri and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
xsd_ns = get_local_name(k)
# Extract useful data:
self.namespace = wsdl['targetNamespace']
self.documentation = unicode(wsdl('documentation', error=False) or '')
services = {}
bindings = {} # binding_name: binding
operations = {} # operation_name: operation
port_type_bindings = {} # port_type_name: binding
messages = {} # message: element
elements = {} # element: type def
for service in wsdl.service:
if not service_name:
continue # empty service?
if debug: print "Processing service", service_name
serv = services.setdefault(service_name, {'ports': {}})
serv['documentation']=service['documentation'] or ''
for port in service.port:
binding_name = get_local_name(port['binding'])
address = port('address', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
location = address and address['location'] or None
soap_uri = address and soap_uris.get(address.get_prefix())
soap_ver = soap_uri and soap_ns.get(soap_uri)
bindings[binding_name] = {'service_name': service_name,
'location': location,
'soap_uri': soap_uri, 'soap_ver': soap_ver,
serv['ports'][port['name']] = bindings[binding_name]
for binding in wsdl.binding:
binding_name = binding['name']
if debug: print "Processing binding", service_name
soap_binding = binding('binding', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
transport = soap_binding and soap_binding['transport'] or None
port_type_name = get_local_name(binding['type'])
'port_type_name': port_type_name,
'transport': transport, 'operations': {},
port_type_bindings[port_type_name] = bindings[binding_name]
for operation in binding.operation:
op_name = operation['name']
op = operation('operation',ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
action = op and op['soapAction']
d = operations.setdefault(op_name, {})
bindings[binding_name]['operations'][op_name] = d
d.update({'name': op_name})
#if action: #TODO: separe operation_binding from operation
if action:
d["action"] = action
#TODO: cleanup element/schema/types parsing:
def process_element(element_name, node):
"Parse and define simple element types"
if debug: print "Processing element", element_name
for tag in node:
if tag.get_local_name() in ("annotation", "documentation"):
elif tag.get_local_name() in ('element', 'restriction'):
if debug: print element_name,"has not children!",tag
children = tag # element "alias"?
alias = True
elif tag.children():
children = tag.children()
alias = False
if debug: print element_name,"has not children!",tag
continue #TODO: abstract?
d = OrderedDict()
for e in children:
t = e['type']
if not t:
t = e['base'] # complexContent (extension)!
if not t:
t = 'anyType' # no type given!
t = t.split(":")
if len(t)>1:
ns, type_name = t
ns, type_name = None, t[0]
if element_name == type_name:
continue # prevent infinite recursion
uri = ns and e.get_namespace_uri(ns) or xsd_uri
if uri==xsd_uri:
# look for the type, None == any
fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(type_name), None)
# complex type, postprocess later
fn = elements.setdefault(unicode(type_name), OrderedDict())
if e['name'] is not None and not alias:
e_name = unicode(e['name'])
d[e_name] = fn
if debug: print "complexConent/simpleType/element", element_name, "=", type_name
d[None] = fn
if e['maxOccurs']=="unbounded":
# it's an array... TODO: compound arrays?
d.array = True
if e is not None and e.get_local_name() == 'extension' and e.children():
# extend base element:
process_element(element_name, e.children())
elements.setdefault(element_name, OrderedDict()).update(d)
# check axis2 namespace at schema types attributes
self.namespace = dict(wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri)[:]).get('targetNamespace', self.namespace)
imported_schemas = {}
def preprocess_schema(schema):
"Find schema elements and complex types"
for element in schema.children():
if element.get_local_name() in ('import', ):
schema_namespace = element['namespace']
schema_location = element['schemaLocation']
if schema_location is None:
if debug: print "Schema location not provided for %s!" % (schema_namespace, )
if schema_location in imported_schemas:
if debug: print "Schema %s already imported!" % (schema_location, )
imported_schemas[schema_location] = schema_namespace
if debug: print "Importing schema %s from %s" % (schema_namespace, schema_location)
# Open uri and read xml:
xml = fetch(schema_location)
# Parse imported XML schema (recursively):
imported_schema = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=xsd_uri)
if element.get_local_name() in ('element', 'complexType', "simpleType"):
element_name = unicode(element['name'])
if debug: print "Parsing Element %s: %s" % (element.get_local_name(),element_name)
if element.get_local_name() == 'complexType':
children = element.children()
elif element.get_local_name() == 'simpleType':
children = element("restriction", ns=xsd_uri)
elif element.get_local_name() == 'element' and element['type']:
children = element
children = element.children()
if children:
children = children.children()
elif element.get_local_name() == 'element':
children = element
if children:
process_element(element_name, children)
def postprocess_element(elements):
"Fix unresolved references (elements referenced before its definition, thanks .net)"
for k,v in elements.items():
if isinstance(v, OrderedDict):
if v.array:
elements[k] = [v] # convert arrays to python lists
if v!=elements: #TODO: fix recursive elements
if None in v and v[None]: # extension base?
if isinstance(v[None], dict):
for i, kk in enumerate(v[None]):
# extend base -keep orginal order-
elements[k].insert(kk, v[None][kk], i)
del v[None]
else: # "alias", just replace
if debug: print "Replacing ", k , " = ", v[None]
elements[k] = v[None]
if isinstance(v, list):
for n in v: # recurse list
# process current wsdl schema:
for schema in wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri):
for message in wsdl.message:
if debug: print "Processing message", message['name']
part = message('part', error=False)
element = {}
if part:
element_name = part['element']
if not element_name:
element_name = part['type'] # some uses type instead
element_name = get_local_name(element_name)
element = {element_name: elements.get(element_name)}
messages[message['name']] = element
for port_type in wsdl.portType:
port_type_name = port_type['name']
if debug: print "Processing port type", port_type_name
binding = port_type_bindings[port_type_name]
for operation in port_type.operation:
op_name = operation['name']
op = operations[op_name]
op['documentation'] = unicode(operation('documentation', error=False) or '')
if binding['soap_ver']:
#TODO: separe operation_binding from operation (non SOAP?)
input = get_local_name(operation.input['message'])
output = get_local_name(operation.output['message'])
op['input'] = messages[input]
op['output'] = messages[output]
if debug:
import pprint
return services
def parse_proxy(proxy_str):
"Parses proxy address user:pass@host:port into a dict suitable for httplib2"
proxy_dict = {}
if proxy_str is None:
if "@" in proxy_str:
user_pass, host_port = proxy_str.split("@")
user_pass, host_port = "", proxy_str
if ":" in host_port:
host, port = host_port.split(":")
proxy_dict['proxy_host'], proxy_dict['proxy_port'] = host, int(port)
if ":" in user_pass:
proxy_dict['proxy_user'], proxy_dict['proxy_pass'] = user_pass.split(":")
return proxy_dict
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
if '--web2py' in sys.argv:
# test local sample webservice exposed by web2py
from client import SoapClient
if not '--wsdl' in sys.argv:
client = SoapClient(
location = "",
action = '', # SOAPAction
namespace = "",
soap_ns='soap', trace = True, ns = False, exceptions=True)
client = SoapClient(wsdl="",trace=True)
response = client.Dummy()
print 'dummy', response
response = client.Echo(value='hola')
print 'echo', repr(response)
response = client.AddIntegers(a=1,b=2)
if not '--wsdl' in sys.argv:
result = response.AddResult # manully convert returned type
print int(result)
result = response['AddResult']
print result, type(result), "auto-unmarshalled"
if '--raw' in sys.argv:
# raw (unmarshalled parameter) local sample webservice exposed by web2py
from client import SoapClient
client = SoapClient(
location = "",
action = '', # SOAPAction
namespace = "",
soap_ns='soap', trace = True, ns = False)
params = SimpleXMLElement("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><AddIntegers><a>3</a><b>2</b></AddIntegers>""") # manully convert returned type
response = client.call('AddIntegers',params)
result = response.AddResult
print int(result) # manully convert returned type
if '--ctg' in sys.argv:
# test AFIP Agriculture webservice
client = SoapClient(
location = "https://fwshomo.afip.gov.ar/wsctg/services/CTGService",
action = 'http://impl.service.wsctg.afip.gov.ar/CTGService/', # SOAPAction
namespace = "http://impl.service.wsctg.afip.gov.ar/CTGService/",
trace = True,
ns = True)
response = client.dummy()
result = response.dummyResponse
print str(result.appserver)
print str(result.dbserver)
print str(result.authserver)
if '--wsfe' in sys.argv:
# Demo & Test (AFIP Electronic Invoice):
ta_file = open("TA.xml")
ta_string = ta_file.read() # read access ticket (wsaa.py)
ta = SimpleXMLElement(ta_string)
token = str(ta.credentials.token)
sign = str(ta.credentials.sign)
cuit = long(20267565393)
id = 1234
cbte =199
client = SoapClient(
location = "https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfe/service.asmx",
action = 'http://ar.gov.afip.dif.facturaelectronica/', # SOAPAction
namespace = "http://ar.gov.afip.dif.facturaelectronica/",
trace = True)
results = client.FERecuperaQTYRequest(
argAuth= {"Token": token, "Sign": sign, "cuit":long(cuit)}
if int(results.FERecuperaQTYRequestResult.RError.percode) != 0:
print "Percode: %s" % results.FERecuperaQTYRequestResult.RError.percode
print "MSGerror: %s" % results.FERecuperaQTYRequestResult.RError.perrmsg
print int(results.FERecuperaQTYRequestResult.qty.value)
if '--feriados' in sys.argv:
# Demo & Test: Argentina Holidays (Ministerio del Interior):
# this webservice seems disabled
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
client = SoapClient(
location = "http://webservices.mininterior.gov.ar/Feriados/Service.svc",
action = 'http://tempuri.org/IMyService/', # SOAPAction
namespace = "http://tempuri.org/FeriadoDS.xsd",
trace = True)
dt1 = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=60)
dt2 = datetime.today() + timedelta(days=60)
feriadosXML = client.FeriadosEntreFechasas_xml(dt1=dt1.isoformat(), dt2=dt2.isoformat());
print feriadosXML
if '--wsdl-parse' in sys.argv:
client = SoapClient()
# Test PySimpleSOAP WSDL
client.wsdl("file:C:/test.wsdl", debug=True)
# Test Java Axis WSDL:
# Test .NET 2.0 WSDL:
# Test JBoss WSDL:
if '--wsdl-client' in sys.argv:
client = SoapClient(wsdl='https://wswhomo.afip.gov.ar/wsfex/service.asmx?WSDL',trace=True)
results = client.FEXDummy()
print results['FEXDummyResult']['AppServer']
print results['FEXDummyResult']['DbServer']
print results['FEXDummyResult']['AuthServer']
ta_file = open("TA.xml")
ta_string = ta_file.read() # read access ticket (wsaa.py)
ta = SimpleXMLElement(ta_string)
token = str(ta.credentials.token)
sign = str(ta.credentials.sign)
response = client.FEXGetCMP(
Auth={"Token": token, "Sign": sign, "Cuit": 20267565393},
Cmp={"Tipo_cbte": 19, "Punto_vta": 1, "Cbte_nro": 1})
result = response['FEXGetCMPResult']
if False: print result
if 'FEXErr' in result:
print "FEXError:", result['FEXErr']['ErrCode'], result['FEXErr']['ErrCode']
cbt = result['FEXResultGet']
print cbt['Cae']
FEX_event = result['FEXEvents']
print FEX_event['EventCode'], FEX_event['EventMsg']
if '--wsdl-ctg' in sys.argv:
client = SoapClient(wsdl='https://fwshomo.afip.gov.ar/wsctg/services/CTGService?wsdl',
trace=True, ns = "ctg")
results = client.dummy()
print results
print results['DummyResponse']['appserver']
print results['DummyResponse']['dbserver']
print results['DummyResponse']['authserver']
ta_file = open("TA.xml")
ta_string = ta_file.read() # read access ticket (wsaa.py)
ta = SimpleXMLElement(ta_string)
token = str(ta.credentials.token)
sign = str(ta.credentials.sign)
print client.help("obtenerProvincias")
response = client.obtenerProvincias(auth={"token":token, "sign":sign, "cuitRepresentado":20267565393})
print "response=",response
for ret in response:
print ret['return']['codigoProvincia'], ret['return']['descripcionProvincia'].encode("latin1")
prueba = dict(numeroCartaDePorte=512345678, codigoEspecie=23,
cuitRemitenteComercial=20267565393, cuitDestino=20267565393, cuitDestinatario=20267565393,
codigoLocalidadOrigen=3058, codigoLocalidadDestino=3059,
codigoCosecha='0910', pesoNetoCarga=1000, cantHoras=1,
patenteVehiculo='CZO985', cuitTransportista=20267565393,
numeroCTG="43816783", transaccion='10000001681', observaciones='',
response = client.solicitarCTG(
auth={"token": token, "sign": sign, "cuitRepresentado": 20267565393},
solicitarCTGRequest= prueba)
print response['return']['numeroCTG']
##print parse_proxy(None)
##print parse_proxy("host:1234")
##print parse_proxy("user:pass@host:1234")