from types import StringType, ListType, TupleType
from copy import deepcopy
from Elements import *
ParagraphAlignmentMap = { ParagraphPropertySet.LEFT : 'ql',
ParagraphPropertySet.RIGHT : 'qr',
ParagraphPropertySet.CENTER : 'qc',
ParagraphPropertySet.JUSTIFY : 'qj',
ParagraphPropertySet.DISTRIBUTE : 'qd' }
TabAlignmentMap = { TabPropertySet.LEFT : '',
TabPropertySet.RIGHT : 'tqr',
TabPropertySet.CENTER : 'tqc',
TabPropertySet.DECIMAL : 'tqdec' }
TableAlignmentMap = { Table.LEFT : 'trql',
Table.RIGHT : 'trqr',
Table.CENTER : 'trqc' }
CellAlignmentMap = { Cell.ALIGN_TOP : '', # clvertalt
Cell.ALIGN_CENTER : 'clvertalc',
Cell.ALIGN_BOTTOM : 'clvertalb' }
CellFlowMap = { Cell.FLOW_LR_TB : '', # cltxlrtb, Text in a cell flows from left to right and top to bottom (default)
Cell.FLOW_RL_TB : 'cltxtbrl', # Text in a cell flows right to left and top to bottom
Cell.FLOW_LR_BT : 'cltxbtlr', # Text in a cell flows left to right and bottom to top
Cell.FLOW_VERTICAL_LR_TB : 'cltxlrtbv', # Text in a cell flows left to right and top to bottom, vertical
Cell.FLOW_VERTICAL_TB_RL : 'cltxtbrlv' } # Text in a cell flows top to bottom and right to left, vertical
ShadingPatternMap = { ShadingPropertySet.HORIZONTAL : 'bghoriz',
ShadingPropertySet.VERTICAL : 'bgvert',
ShadingPropertySet.FORWARD_DIAGONAL : 'bgfdiag',
ShadingPropertySet.BACKWARD_DIAGONAL : 'bgbdiag',
ShadingPropertySet.VERTICAL_CROSS : 'bgcross',
ShadingPropertySet.DIAGONAL_CROSS : 'bgdcross',
ShadingPropertySet.DARK_HORIZONTAL : 'bgdkhoriz',
ShadingPropertySet.DARK_VERTICAL : 'bgdkvert',
ShadingPropertySet.DARK_FORWARD_DIAGONAL : 'bgdkfdiag',
ShadingPropertySet.DARK_BACKWARD_DIAGONAL : 'bgdkbdiag',
ShadingPropertySet.DARK_VERTICAL_CROSS : 'bgdkcross',
ShadingPropertySet.DARK_DIAGONAL_CROSS : 'bgdkdcross' }
TabLeaderMap = { TabPropertySet.DOTS : 'tldot',
TabPropertySet.HYPHENS : 'tlhyph',
TabPropertySet.UNDERLINE : 'tlul',
TabPropertySet.THICK_LINE : 'tlth',
TabPropertySet.EQUAL_SIGN : 'tleq' }
BorderStyleMap = { BorderPropertySet.SINGLE : 'brdrs',
BorderPropertySet.DOUBLE : 'brdrth',
BorderPropertySet.SHADOWED : 'brdrsh',
BorderPropertySet.DOUBLED : 'brdrdb',
BorderPropertySet.DOTTED : 'brdrdot',
BorderPropertySet.DASHED : 'brdrdash',
BorderPropertySet.HAIRLINE : 'brdrhair' }
SectionBreakTypeMap = { Section.NONE : 'sbknone',
Section.COLUMN : 'sbkcol',
Section.PAGE : 'sbkpage',
Section.EVEN : 'sbkeven',
Section.ODD : 'sbkodd' }
class Settings( list ) :
def __init__( self ) :
super( Settings, self ).__init__()
self._append = super( Settings, self ).append
def append( self, value, mask=None, fallback=None ) :
if (value is not 0) and value in [ False, None, '' ] :
if fallback : self._append( self, fallback )
else :
if mask :
if value is True :
value = mask
else :
value = mask % value
self._append( value )
def Join( self ) :
if self : return r'\%s' % '\\'.join( self )
return ''
def __repr__( self ) :
return self.Join()
class Renderer :
def __init__( self, write_custom_element_callback=None ) :
self.character_style_map = {}
self.paragraph_style_map = {}
self.WriteCustomElement = write_custom_element_callback
# All of the Rend* Functions populate a Settings object with values
def _RendPageProperties( self, section, settings, in_section ) :
# this one is different from the others as it takes the settings from a
if in_section :
#paper_size_code = 'psz%s'
paper_width_code = 'pgwsxn%s'
paper_height_code = 'pghsxn%s'
landscape = 'lndscpsxn'
margin_suffix = 'sxn'
else :
#paper_size_code = 'psz%s'
paper_width_code = 'paperw%s'
paper_height_code = 'paperh%s'
landscape = 'landscape'
margin_suffix = ''
#settings.append( section.Paper.Code, paper_size_code )
settings.append( section.Paper.Width, paper_width_code )
settings.append( section.Paper.Height, paper_height_code )
if section.Landscape :
settings.append( landscape )
if section.FirstPageNumber :
settings.append( section.FirstPageNumber, 'pgnstarts%s' )
settings.append( 'pgnrestart' )
self._RendMarginsPropertySet( section.Margins, settings, margin_suffix )
def _RendShadingPropertySet( self, shading_props, settings, prefix='' ) :
if not shading_props : return
settings.append( shading_props.Shading, prefix + 'shading%s' )
settings.append( ShadingPatternMap.get( shading_props.Pattern, False ) )
settings.append( self._colour_map.get( shading_props.Foreground, False ), prefix + 'cfpat%s' )
settings.append( self._colour_map.get( shading_props.Background, False ), prefix + 'cbpat%s' )
def _RendBorderPropertySet( self, edge_props, settings ) :
settings.append( BorderStyleMap[ edge_props.Style ] )
settings.append( edge_props.Width , 'brdrw%s' )
settings.append( self._colour_map.get( edge_props.Colour, False ), 'brdrcf%s' )
settings.append( edge_props.Spacing or False , 'brsp%s' )
def _RendFramePropertySet( self, frame_props, settings, tag_prefix='' ) :
if not frame_props : return
if frame_props.Top :
settings.append( tag_prefix + 'brdrt' )
self._RendBorderPropertySet( frame_props.Top, settings )
if frame_props.Left :
settings.append( tag_prefix + 'brdrl' )
self._RendBorderPropertySet( frame_props.Left, settings )
if frame_props.Bottom :
settings.append( tag_prefix + 'brdrb' )
self._RendBorderPropertySet( frame_props.Bottom, settings )
if frame_props.Right :
settings.append( tag_prefix + 'brdrr' )
self._RendBorderPropertySet( frame_props.Right, settings )
def _RendMarginsPropertySet( self, margin_props, settings, suffix='' ) :
if not margin_props : return
settings.append( margin_props.Top, 'margt' + suffix + '%s' )
settings.append( margin_props.Left, 'margl' + suffix + '%s' )
settings.append( margin_props.Bottom, 'margb' + suffix + '%s' )
settings.append( margin_props.Right, 'margr' + suffix + '%s' )
def _RendParagraphPropertySet( self, paragraph_props, settings ) :
if not paragraph_props : return
settings.append( ParagraphAlignmentMap[ paragraph_props.Alignment ] )
settings.append( paragraph_props.SpaceBefore, 'sb%s' )
settings.append( paragraph_props.SpaceAfter, 'sa%s' )
# then we have to find out all of the tabs
width = 0
for tab in paragraph_props.Tabs :
settings.append( TabAlignmentMap[ tab.Alignment ] )
settings.append( TabLeaderMap.get( tab.Leader, '' ) )
width += tab.Width or DEFAULT_TAB_WIDTH
settings.append( 'tx%s' % width )
settings.append( paragraph_props.PageBreakBefore, 'pagebb' )
settings.append( paragraph_props.FirstLineIndent, 'fi%s' )
settings.append( paragraph_props.LeftIndent, 'li%s' )
settings.append( paragraph_props.RightIndent, 'ri%s' )
if paragraph_props.SpaceBetweenLines :
if paragraph_props.SpaceBetweenLines < 0 :
settings.append( paragraph_props.SpaceBetweenLines, r'sl%s\slmult0' )
else :
settings.append( paragraph_props.SpaceBetweenLines, r'sl%s\slmult1' )
def _RendTextPropertySet( self, text_props, settings ) :
if not text_props : return
if text_props.Expansion :
settings.append( text_props.Expansion, 'expndtw%s' )
settings.append( text_props.Bold, 'b' )
settings.append( text_props.Italic, 'i' )
settings.append( text_props.Underline, 'ul' )
settings.append( text_props.DottedUnderline, 'uld' )
settings.append( text_props.DoubleUnderline, 'uldb' )
settings.append( text_props.WordUnderline, 'ulw' )
settings.append( self._font_map.get( text_props.Font, False ), 'f%s' )
settings.append( text_props.Size, 'fs%s' )
settings.append( self._colour_map.get( text_props.Colour, False ), 'cf%s' )
if text_props.Frame :
frame = text_props.Frame
settings.append( 'chbrdr' )
settings.append( BorderStyleMap[ frame.Style ] )
settings.append( frame.Width , 'brdrw%s' )
settings.append( self._colour_map.get( frame.Colour, False ), 'brdrcf%s' )
# All of the Write* functions will write to the internal file object
# the _ ones probably don't need to be used by anybody outside
# but the other ones like WriteTextElement could be used in the Custom
# callback.
def Write( self, document, fout ) :
# write all of the standard stuff based upon the first document
self._doc = document
self._fout = fout
self._WriteDocument ()
self._WriteColours ()
self._WriteFonts ()
settings = Settings()
self._RendPageProperties( self._doc.Sections[ 0 ], settings, in_section=False )
self._write( repr( settings ) )
# handle the simplest case first, we don't need to do anymore mucking around
# with section headers, etc we can just rip the document out
if len( document.Sections ) == 1 :
self._WriteSection( document.Sections[ 0 ],
is_first = True,
add_header = False )
else :
for section_idx, section in enumerate( document.Sections ) :
is_first = section_idx == 0
add_header = True
self._WriteSection( section, is_first, add_header )
self._write( '}' )
del self._fout, self._doc, self._CurrentStyle
def _write( self, data, *params ) :
# begin modification
# by Herbert Weinhandl
# to convert accented characters
# to their rtf-compatible form
#for c in range( 128, 256 ) :
# data = data.replace( chr(c), "\'%x" % c)
# end modification
# This isn't the right place for this as it is going to do
# this loop for all sorts of writes, including settings, control codes, etc.
# I will create a def _WriteText (or something) method that is used when the
# actual string that is to be viewed in the document is written, this can then
# do the final accented character check.
# I left it here so that I remember to do the right thing when I have time
if params : data = data % params
self._fout.write( data )
def _WriteDocument( self ) :
settings = Settings()
assert Languages.IsValid ( self._doc.DefaultLanguage )
assert ViewKind.IsValid ( self._doc.ViewKind )
assert ViewZoomKind.IsValid( self._doc.ViewZoomKind )
assert ViewScale.IsValid ( self._doc.ViewScale )
settings.append( self._doc.DefaultLanguage, 'deflang%s' )
settings.append( self._doc.ViewKind , 'viewkind%s' )
settings.append( self._doc.ViewZoomKind , 'viewzk%s' )
settings.append( self._doc.ViewScale , 'viewscale%s' )
self._write( "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0%s\n" % settings )
def _WriteColours( self ) :
self._write( r"{\colortbl ;" )
self._colour_map = {}
offset = 0
for colour in self._doc.StyleSheet.Colours :
self._write( r'\red%s\green%s\blue%s;', colour.Red, colour.Green, colour.Blue )
self._colour_map[ colour ] = offset + 1
offset += 1
self._write( "}\n" )
def _WriteFonts( self ) :
self._write( r'{\fonttbl' )
self._font_map = {}
offset = 0
for font in self._doc.StyleSheet.Fonts :
pitch = ''
panose = ''
alternate = ''
if font.Pitch : pitch = r'\fprq%s' % font.Pitch
if font.Panose : panose = r'{\*\panose %s}' % font.Panose
if font.Alternate : alternate = r'{\*\falt %s}' % font.Alternate.Name
self._write( r'{\f%s\f%s%s\fcharset%s%s %s%s;}',
alternate )
self._font_map[ font ] = offset
offset += 1
self._write( "}\n" )
def _WriteStyleSheet( self ) :
self._write( r"{\stylesheet" )
# TO DO: character styles, does anybody actually use them?
offset_map = {}
for idx, style in enumerate( self._doc.StyleSheet.ParagraphStyles ) :
offset_map[ style ] = idx
# paragraph styles
self.paragraph_style_map = {}
for idx, style in enumerate( self._doc.StyleSheet.ParagraphStyles ) :
if idx == 0 :
default = style
else :
self._write( '\n' )
settings = Settings()
# paragraph properties
self._RendParagraphPropertySet( style.ParagraphPropertySet, settings )
self._RendFramePropertySet ( style.FramePropertySet, settings )
self._RendShadingPropertySet ( style.ShadingPropertySet, settings )
# text properties
self._RendTextPropertySet ( style.TextStyle.TextPropertySet, settings )
self._RendShadingPropertySet( style.TextStyle.ShadingPropertySet, settings )
# have to take
based_on = '\\sbasedon%s' % offset_map.get( style.BasedOn, 0 )
next = '\\snext%s' % offset_map.get( style.Next, 0 )
inln = '\\s%s%s' % ( idx, settings )
self._write( "{%s%s%s %s;}", inln, based_on, next, style.Name )
self.paragraph_style_map[ style ] = inln
# if now style is specified for the first paragraph to be written, this one
# will be used
self._CurrentStyle = self.paragraph_style_map[ default ]
self._write( "}\n" )
def _WriteSection( self, section, is_first, add_header ) :
def WriteHF( hf, rtfword ) :
#if not hf : return
# if we don't have anything in the header/footer then include
# a blank paragraph, this stops it from picking up the header/footer
# from the previous section
# if not hf : hf = [ Paragraph( '' ) ]
if not hf : hf = []
self._write( '{\\%s' % rtfword )
self._WriteElements( hf )
self._write( '}\n' )
settings = Settings()
if not is_first :
# we need to finish off the preceding section
# and reset all of our defaults back to standard
settings.append( 'sect' )
# reset to our defaults
settings.append( 'sectd' )
if add_header :
settings.append( SectionBreakTypeMap[ section.BreakType ] )
self._RendPageProperties( section, settings, in_section=True )
settings.append( section.HeaderY, 'headery%s' )
settings.append( section.FooterY, 'footery%s' )
# write all of these out now as we need to do a write elements in the
# next section
self._write( repr( settings ) )
# finally after all that has settled down we can do the
# headers and footers
if section.FirstHeader or section.FirstFooter :
# include the titlepg flag if the first page has a special format
self._write( r'\titlepg' )
WriteHF( section.FirstHeader, 'headerf' )
WriteHF( section.FirstFooter, 'footerf' )
WriteHF( section.Header, 'header' )
WriteHF( section.Footer, 'footer' )
# and at last the contents of the section that actually appear on the page
self._WriteElements( section )
def _WriteElements( self, elements ) :
new_line = ''
for element in elements :
self._write( new_line )
new_line = '\n'
clss = element.__class__
if clss == Paragraph :
self.WriteParagraphElement( element )
elif clss == Table :
self.WriteTableElement( element )
elif clss == StringType :
self.WriteParagraphElement( Paragraph( element ) )
elif clss in [ RawCode, Image ] :
self.WriteRawCode( element )
#elif clss == List :
# self._HandleListElement( element )
elif self.WriteCustomElement :
self.WriteCustomElement( self, element )
else :
raise Exception( "Don't know how to handle elements of type %s" % clss )
def WriteParagraphElement( self, paragraph_elem, tag_prefix='', tag_suffix=r'\par', opening='{', closing='}' ) :
# the tag_prefix and the tag_suffix take care of paragraphs in tables. A
# paragraph in a table requires and extra tag at the front (intbl) and we
# don't want the ending tag everytime. We want it for all paragraphs but
# the last.
overrides = Settings()
self._RendParagraphPropertySet( paragraph_elem.Properties, overrides )
self._RendFramePropertySet ( paragraph_elem.Frame, overrides )
self._RendShadingPropertySet ( paragraph_elem.Shading, overrides )
# when writing the RTF the style is carried from the previous paragraph to the next,
# so if the currently written paragraph has a style then make it the current one,
# otherwise leave it as it was
self._CurrentStyle = self.paragraph_style_map.get( paragraph_elem.Style, self._CurrentStyle )
self._write( r'%s\pard\plain%s %s%s ' % ( opening, tag_prefix, self._CurrentStyle, overrides ) )
for element in paragraph_elem :
if isinstance( element, StringType ) :
self._write( element )
elif isinstance( element, RawCode ) :
self._write( element.Data )
elif isinstance( element, Text ) :
self.WriteTextElement( element )
elif isinstance( element, Inline ) :
self.WriteInlineElement( element )
elif element == TAB :
self._write( r'\tab ' )
elif element == LINE :
self._write( r'\line ' )
elif self.WriteCustomElement :
self.WriteCustomElement( self, element )
else :
raise Exception( 'Don\'t know how to handle %s' % element )
self._write( tag_suffix + closing )
def WriteRawCode( self, raw_elem ) :
self._write( raw_elem.Data )
def WriteTextElement( self, text_elem ) :
overrides = Settings()
self._RendTextPropertySet ( text_elem.Properties, overrides )
self._RendShadingPropertySet( text_elem.Shading, overrides, 'ch' )
# write the wrapper and then let the custom handler have a go
if overrides : self._write( '{%s ' % repr( overrides ) )
# if the data is just a string then we can now write it
if isinstance( text_elem.Data, StringType ) :
self._write( text_elem.Data or '' )
elif text_elem.Data == TAB :
self._write( r'\tab ' )
else :
self.WriteCustomElement( self, text_elem.Data )
if overrides : self._write( '}' )
def WriteInlineElement( self, inline_elem ) :
overrides = Settings()
self._RendTextPropertySet ( inline_elem.Properties, overrides )
self._RendShadingPropertySet( inline_elem.Shading, overrides, 'ch' )
# write the wrapper and then let the custom handler have a go
if overrides : self._write( '{%s ' % repr( overrides ) )
for element in inline_elem :
# if the data is just a string then we can now write it
if isinstance( element, StringType ) :
self._write( element )
elif isinstance( element, RawCode ) :
self._write( element.Data )
elif element == TAB :
self._write( r'\tab ' )
elif element == LINE :
self._write( r'\line ' )
else :
self.WriteCustomElement( self, element )
if overrides : self._write( '}' )
def WriteText( self, text ) :
self._write( text or '' )
def WriteTableElement( self, table_elem ) :
vmerge = [ False ] * table_elem.ColumnCount
for height, cells in table_elem.Rows :
# calculate the right hand edge of the cells taking into account the spans
offset = table_elem.LeftOffset or 0
cellx = []
cell_idx = 0
for cell in cells :
cellx.append( offset + sum( table_elem.ColumnWidths[ : cell_idx + cell.Span ] ) )
cell_idx += cell.Span
self._write( r'{\trowd' )
settings = Settings()
# the spec says that this value is mandatory and I think that 108 is the default value
# so I'll take care of it here
settings.append( table_elem.GapBetweenCells or 108, 'trgaph%s' )
settings.append( TableAlignmentMap[ table_elem.Alignment ] )
settings.append( height, 'trrh%s' )
settings.append( table_elem.LeftOffset, 'trleft%s' )
width = table_elem.LeftOffset or 0
for idx, cell in enumerate( cells ) :
self._RendFramePropertySet ( cell.Frame, settings, 'cl' )
# cells don't have margins so I don't know why I was doing this
# I think it might have an affect in some versions of some WPs.
#self._RendMarginsPropertySet( cell.Margins, settings, 'cl' )
# if we are starting to merge or if this one is the first in what is
# probably a series of merges then start the vertical merging
if cell.StartVerticalMerge or (cell.VerticalMerge and not vmerge[ idx ]) :
settings.append( 'clvmgf' )
vmerge[ idx ] = True
elif cell.VerticalMerge :
#..continuing a merge
settings.append( 'clvmrg' )
else : merging going on so make sure that it is off
vmerge[ idx ] = False
# for any cell in the next row that is covered by this span we
# need to run off the vertical merging as we don't want them
# merging up into this spanned cell
for vmerge_idx in range( idx + 1, idx + cell.Span - 1 ) :
vmerge[ vmerge_idx ] = False
settings.append( CellAlignmentMap[ cell.Alignment ] )
settings.append( CellFlowMap[ cell.Flow ] )
# this terminates the definition of a cell and represents the right most edge of the cell from the left margin
settings.append( cellx[ idx ], 'cellx%s' )
self._write( repr( settings ) )
for cell in cells :
if len( cell ) :
last_idx = len( cell ) - 1
for element_idx, element in enumerate( cell ) :
# wrap plain strings in paragraph tags
if isinstance( element, StringType ) :
element = Paragraph( element )
# don't forget the prefix or else word crashes and does all sorts of strange things
if element_idx == last_idx :
self.WriteParagraphElement( element, tag_prefix=r'\intbl', tag_suffix='', opening='', closing='' )
else :
self.WriteParagraphElement( element, tag_prefix=r'\intbl', opening='', closing='' )
self._write( r'\cell' )
else :
self._write( r'\pard\intbl\cell' )
self._write( '\\row}\n' )