#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of the web2py Web Framework
Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro <mdipierro@cs.depaul.edu>
License: LGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
import cgi
import os
import re
import copy
import types
import urllib
import base64
import sanitizer
import rewrite
import itertools
import decoder
import copy_reg
import cPickle
import marshal
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
from contrib.markmin.markmin2html import render
from storage import Storage
from highlight import highlight
from utils import web2py_uuid, hmac_hash
import hmac
import hashlib
regex_crlf = re.compile('\r|\n')
join = ''.join
__all__ = [
def xmlescape(data, quote = True):
returns an escaped string of the provided data
:param data: the data to be escaped
:param quote: optional (default False)
# first try the xml function
if hasattr(data,'xml') and callable(data.xml):
return data.xml()
# otherwise, make it a string
if not isinstance(data, (str, unicode)):
data = str(data)
elif isinstance(data, unicode):
data = data.encode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
# ... and do the escaping
data = cgi.escape(data, quote).replace("'","'")
return data
def URL(
generate a URL
>>> str(URL(a='a', c='c', f='f', args=['x', 'y', 'z'],
... vars={'p':1, 'q':2}, anchor='1'))
>>> str(URL(a='a', c='c', f='f', args=['x', 'y', 'z'],
... vars={'p':(1,3), 'q':2}, anchor='1'))
>>> str(URL(a='a', c='c', f='f', args=['x', 'y', 'z'],
... vars={'p':(3,1), 'q':2}, anchor='1'))
>>> str(URL(a='a', c='c', f='f', anchor='1+2'))
>>> str(URL(a='a', c='c', f='f', args=['x', 'y', 'z'],
... vars={'p':(1,3), 'q':2}, anchor='1', hmac_key='key'))
>>> str(URL(a='a', c='c', f='f', args=['w/x', 'y/z']))
>>> str(URL(a='a', c='c', f='f', args=['w/x', 'y/z'], encode_embedded_slash=True))
generates a url '/a/c/f' corresponding to application a, controller c
and function f. If r=request is passed, a, c, f are set, respectively,
to r.application, r.controller, r.function.
The more typical usage is:
URL(r=request, f='index') that generates a url for the index function
within the present application and controller.
:param a: application (default to current if r is given)
:param c: controller (default to current if r is given)
:param f: function (default to current if r is given)
:param r: request (optional)
:param args: any arguments (optional)
:param vars: any variables (optional)
:param anchor: anchorname, without # (optional)
:param hmac_key: key to use when generating hmac signature (optional)
:param hash_vars: which of the vars to include in our hmac signature
True (default) - hash all vars, False - hash none of the vars,
iterable - hash only the included vars ['key1','key2']
:param scheme: URI scheme (True, 'http' or 'https', etc); forces absolute URL (optional)
:param host: string to force absolute URL with host (True means http_host)
:param port: optional port number (forces absolute URL)
:raises SyntaxError: when no application, controller or function is
:raises SyntaxError: when a CRLF is found in the generated url
if args in (None,[]): args = []
vars = vars or {}
application = None
controller = None
function = None
if not r:
if a and not c and not f: (f,a,c)=(a,c,f)
elif a and c and not f: (c,f,a)=(a,c,f)
from globals import current
if hasattr(current,'request'):
r = current.request
if r:
application = r.application
controller = r.controller
function = r.function
env = r.env
if extension is None and r.extension != 'html':
extension = r.extension
if a:
application = a
if c:
controller = c
if f:
if not isinstance(f, str):
function = f.__name__
elif '.' in f:
function, extension = f.split('.', 1)
function = f
function2 = '%s.%s' % (function,extension or 'html')
if not (application and controller and function):
raise SyntaxError, 'not enough information to build the url'
if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
args = [args]
if args:
if encode_embedded_slash:
other = '/' + '/'.join([urllib.quote(str(x), '') for x in args])
other = args and urllib.quote('/' + '/'.join([str(x) for x in args]))
other = ''
if other.endswith('/'):
other += '/' # add trailing slash to make last trailing empty arg explicit
if vars.has_key('_signature'): vars.pop('_signature')
list_vars = []
for (key, vals) in sorted(vars.items()):
if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
vals = [vals]
for val in vals:
list_vars.append((key, val))
if user_signature:
from globals import current
if current.session.auth:
hmac_key = current.session.auth.hmac_key
if hmac_key:
# generate an hmac signature of the vars & args so can later
# verify the user hasn't messed with anything
h_args = '/%s/%s/%s%s' % (application, controller, function2, other)
# how many of the vars should we include in our hash?
if hash_vars is True: # include them all
h_vars = list_vars
elif hash_vars is False: # include none of them
h_vars = ''
else: # include just those specified
if hash_vars and not isinstance(hash_vars, (list, tuple)):
hash_vars = [hash_vars]
h_vars = [(k, v) for (k, v) in list_vars if k in hash_vars]
# re-assembling the same way during hash authentication
message = h_args + '?' + urllib.urlencode(sorted(h_vars))
sig = hmac_hash(message, hmac_key, digest_alg='sha1', salt=salt)
# add the signature into vars
list_vars.append(('_signature', sig))
if list_vars:
other += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(list_vars)
if anchor:
other += '#' + urllib.quote(str(anchor))
if extension:
function += '.' + extension
if regex_crlf.search(join([application, controller, function, other])):
raise SyntaxError, 'CRLF Injection Detected'
url = rewrite.url_out(r, env, application, controller, function,
args, other, scheme, host, port)
return url
def verifyURL(request, hmac_key=None, hash_vars=True, salt=None, user_signature=None):
Verifies that a request's args & vars have not been tampered with by the user
:param request: web2py's request object
:param hmac_key: the key to authenticate with, must be the same one previously
used when calling URL()
:param hash_vars: which vars to include in our hashing. (Optional)
Only uses the 1st value currently
True (or undefined) means all, False none,
an iterable just the specified keys
do not call directly. Use instead:
the key has to match the one used to generate the URL.
>>> r = Storage()
>>> gv = Storage(p=(1,3),q=2,_signature='a32530f0d0caa80964bb92aad2bedf8a4486a31f')
>>> r.update(dict(application='a', controller='c', function='f', extension='html'))
>>> r['args'] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
>>> r['get_vars'] = gv
>>> verifyURL(r, 'key')
>>> verifyURL(r, 'kay')
>>> r.get_vars.p = (3, 1)
>>> verifyURL(r, 'key')
>>> r.get_vars.p = (3, 2)
>>> verifyURL(r, 'key')
if not request.get_vars.has_key('_signature'):
return False # no signature in the request URL
# check if user_signature requires
if user_signature:
from globals import current
if not current.session:
return False
hmac_key = current.session.auth.hmac_key
if not hmac_key:
return False
# get our sig from request.get_vars for later comparison
original_sig = request.get_vars._signature
# now generate a new hmac for the remaining args & vars
vars, args = request.get_vars, request.args
# remove the signature var since it was not part of our signed message
# join all the args & vars into one long string
# always include all of the args
other = args and urllib.quote('/' + '/'.join([str(x) for x in args])) or ''
h_args = '/%s/%s/%s.%s%s' % (request.application,
# but only include those vars specified (allows more flexibility for use with
# forms or ajax)
list_vars = []
for (key, vals) in sorted(vars.items()):
if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
vals = [vals]
for val in vals:
list_vars.append((key, val))
# which of the vars are to be included?
if hash_vars is True: # include them all
h_vars = list_vars
elif hash_vars is False: # include none of them
h_vars = ''
else: # include just those specified
# wrap in a try - if the desired vars have been removed it'll fail
if hash_vars and not isinstance(hash_vars, (list, tuple)):
hash_vars = [hash_vars]
h_vars = [(k, v) for (k, v) in list_vars if k in hash_vars]
# user has removed one of our vars! Immediate fail
return False
# build the full message string with both args & vars
message = h_args + '?' + urllib.urlencode(sorted(h_vars))
# hash with the hmac_key provided
sig = hmac_hash(message, str(hmac_key), digest_alg='sha1', salt=salt)
# put _signature back in get_vars just in case a second call to URL.verify is performed
# (otherwise it'll immediately return false)
request.get_vars['_signature'] = original_sig
# return whether or not the signature in the request matched the one we just generated
# (I.E. was the message the same as the one we originally signed)
return original_sig == sig
URL.verify = verifyURL
ON = True
class XmlComponent(object):
Abstract root for all Html components
# TODO: move some DIV methods to here
def xml(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class XML(XmlComponent):
use it to wrap a string that contains XML/HTML so that it will not be
escaped by the template
>>> XML('<h1>Hello</h1>').xml()
def __init__(
sanitize = False,
permitted_tags = [
allowed_attributes = {
'a': ['href', 'title'],
'img': ['src', 'alt'],
'blockquote': ['type'],
'td': ['colspan'],
:param text: the XML text
:param sanitize: sanitize text using the permitted tags and allowed
attributes (default False)
:param permitted_tags: list of permitted tags (default: simple list of
:param allowed_attributes: dictionary of allowed attributed (default
for A, IMG and BlockQuote).
The key is the tag; the value is a list of allowed attributes.
if sanitize:
text = sanitizer.sanitize(text, permitted_tags,
if isinstance(text, unicode):
text = text.encode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
elif not isinstance(text, str):
text = str(text)
self.text = text
def xml(self):
return self.text
def __str__(self):
return self.xml()
def __add__(self,other):
return '%s%s' % (self,other)
def __radd__(self,other):
return '%s%s' % (other,self)
def __cmp__(self,other):
return cmp(str(self),str(other))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def __getattr__(self,name):
return getattr(str(self),name)
def __getitem__(self,i):
return str(self)[i]
def __getslice__(self,i,j):
return str(self)[i:j]
def __iter__(self):
for c in str(self): yield c
def __len__(self):
return len(str(self))
def flatten(self,render=None):
return the text stored by the XML object rendered by the render function
if render:
return render(self.text,None,{})
return self.text
def elements(self, *args, **kargs):
to be considered experimental since the behavior of this method is questionable
another options could be TAG(self.text).elements(*args,**kargs)
return []
### important to allow safe session.flash=T(....)
def XML_unpickle(data):
return marshal.loads(data)
def XML_pickle(data):
return XML_unpickle, (marshal.dumps(str(data)),)
copy_reg.pickle(XML, XML_pickle, XML_unpickle)
class DIV(XmlComponent):
HTML helper, for easy generating and manipulating a DOM structure.
Little or no validation is done.
Behaves like a dictionary regarding updating of attributes.
Behaves like a list regarding inserting/appending components.
>>> DIV('hello', 'world', _style='color:red;').xml()
'<div style=\"color:red;\">helloworld</div>'
all other HTML helpers are derived from DIV.
_something=\"value\" attributes are transparently translated into
something=\"value\" HTML attributes
# name of the tag, subclasses should update this
# tags ending with a '/' denote classes that cannot
# contain components
tag = 'div'
def __init__(self, *components, **attributes):
:param *components: any components that should be nested in this element
:param **attributes: any attributes you want to give to this element
:raises SyntaxError: when a stand alone tag receives components
if self.tag[-1:] == '/' and components:
raise SyntaxError, '<%s> tags cannot have components'\
% self.tag
if len(components) == 1 and isinstance(components[0], (list,tuple)):
self.components = list(components[0])
self.components = list(components)
self.attributes = attributes
# converts special attributes in components attributes
self.parent = None
for c in self.components:
def update(self, **kargs):
dictionary like updating of the tag attributes
for (key, value) in kargs.items():
self[key] = value
return self
def append(self, value):
list style appending of components
>>> a=DIV()
>>> a.append(SPAN('x'))
>>> print a
ret = self.components.append(value)
return ret
def insert(self, i, value):
list style inserting of components
>>> a=DIV()
>>> a.insert(0,SPAN('x'))
>>> print a
ret = self.components.insert(i, value)
return ret
def __getitem__(self, i):
gets attribute with name 'i' or component #i.
If attribute 'i' is not found returns None
:param i: index
if i is a string: the name of the attribute
otherwise references to number of the component
if isinstance(i, str):
return self.attributes[i]
except KeyError:
return None
return self.components[i]
def __setitem__(self, i, value):
sets attribute with name 'i' or component #i.
:param i: index
if i is a string: the name of the attribute
otherwise references to number of the component
:param value: the new value
if isinstance(i, (str, unicode)):
self.attributes[i] = value
self.components[i] = value
def __delitem__(self, i):
deletes attribute with name 'i' or component #i.
:param i: index
if i is a string: the name of the attribute
otherwise references to number of the component
if isinstance(i, str):
del self.attributes[i]
del self.components[i]
def __len__(self):
returns the number of included components
return len(self.components)
def __nonzero__(self):
always return True
return True
def _fixup(self):
Handling of provided components.
Nothing to fixup yet. May be overridden by subclasses,
eg for wrapping some components in another component or blocking them.
def _wrap_components(self, allowed_parents,
wrap_parent = None,
wrap_lambda = None):
helper for _fixup. Checks if a component is in allowed_parents,
otherwise wraps it in wrap_parent
:param allowed_parents: (tuple) classes that the component should be an
instance of
:param wrap_parent: the class to wrap the component in, if needed
:param wrap_lambda: lambda to use for wrapping, if needed
components = []
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(c, allowed_parents):
elif wrap_lambda:
c = wrap_lambda(c)
c = wrap_parent(c)
if isinstance(c,DIV):
c.parent = self
self.components = components
def _postprocessing(self):
Handling of attributes (normally the ones not prefixed with '_').
Nothing to postprocess yet. May be overridden by subclasses
def _traverse(self, status, hideerror=False):
# TODO: docstring
newstatus = status
for c in self.components:
if hasattr(c, '_traverse') and callable(c._traverse):
c.vars = self.vars
c.request_vars = self.request_vars
c.errors = self.errors
c.latest = self.latest
c.session = self.session
c.formname = self.formname
newstatus = c._traverse(status,hideerror) and newstatus
# for input, textarea, select, option
# deal with 'value' and 'validation'
name = self['_name']
if newstatus:
newstatus = self._validate()
elif 'old_value' in self.attributes:
self['value'] = self['old_value']
elif name and name in self.vars:
self['value'] = self.vars[name]
if name:
self.latest[name] = self['value']
return newstatus
def _validate(self):
nothing to validate yet. May be overridden by subclasses
return True
def _setnode(self,value):
if isinstance(value,DIV):
value.parent = self
def _xml(self):
helper for xml generation. Returns separately:
- the component attributes
- the generated xml of the inner components
Component attributes start with an underscore ('_') and
do not have a False or None value. The underscore is removed.
A value of True is replaced with the attribute name.
:returns: tuple: (attributes, components)
# get the attributes for this component
# (they start with '_', others may have special meanings)
fa = ''
for key in sorted(self.attributes):
value = self[key]
if key[:1] != '_':
name = key[1:]
if value is True:
value = name
elif value is False or value is None:
fa += ' %s="%s"' % (name, xmlescape(value, True))
# get the xml for the inner components
co = join([xmlescape(component) for component in
return (fa, co)
def xml(self):
generates the xml for this component.
(fa, co) = self._xml()
if not self.tag:
return co
if self.tag[-1:] == '/':
# <tag [attributes] />
return '<%s%s />' % (self.tag[:-1], fa)
# else: <tag [attributes]> inner components xml </tag>
return '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (self.tag, fa, co, self.tag)
def __str__(self):
str(COMPONENT) returns equals COMPONENT.xml()
return self.xml()
def flatten(self, render=None):
return the text stored by the DIV object rendered by the render function
the render function must take text, tagname, and attributes
render=None is equivalent to render=lambda text, tag, attr: text
>>> markdown = lambda text,tag=None,attributes={}: \
{None: re.sub('\s+',' ',text), \
'h1':'#'+text+'\\n\\n', \
>>> a=TAG('<h1>Header</h1><p>this is a test</p>')
>>> a.flatten(markdown)
'#Header\\n\\nthis is a test\\n'
text = ''
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(c,XmlComponent):
elif render:
if render:
text = render(text,self.tag,self.attributes)
return text
def elements(self, *args, **kargs):
find all component that match the supplied attribute dictionary,
or None if nothing could be found
All components of the components are searched.
>>> a = DIV(DIV(SPAN('x'),3,DIV(SPAN('y'))))
>>> for c in a.elements('span',first_only=True): c[0]='z'
>>> print a
>>> for c in a.elements('span'): c[0]='z'
>>> print a
It also supports a syntax compatible with jQuery
>>> a=TAG('<div><span><a id="1-1" u:v=$>hello</a></span><p class="this is a test">world</p></div>')
>>> for e in a.elements('div a#1-1, p.is'): print e.flatten()
>>> for e in a.elements('#1-1'): print e.flatten()
>>> a.elements('a[u:v=$]')[0].xml()
'<a id="1-1" u:v="$">hello</a>'
>>> a=FORM( INPUT(_type='text'), SELECT(range(1)), TEXTAREA() )
>>> for c in a.elements('input, select, textarea'): c['_disabled'] = 'disabled'
>>> a.xml()
'<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><input disabled="disabled" type="text" /><select disabled="disabled"><option value="0">0</option></select><textarea cols="40" disabled="disabled" rows="10"></textarea></form>'
if len(args)==1:
args = [a.strip() for a in args[0].split(',')]
if len(args)>1:
subset = [self.elements(a,**kargs) for a in args]
return reduce(lambda a,b:a+b,subset,[])
elif len(args)==1:
items = args[0].split()
if len(items)>1:
subset=[a.elements(' '.join(items[1:]),**kargs) for a in self.elements(items[0])]
return reduce(lambda a,b:a+b,subset,[])
if '#' in item or '.' in item or '[' in item:
match_tag = self.regex_tag.search(item)
match_id = self.regex_id.search(item)
match_class = self.regex_class.search(item)
match_attr = self.regex_attr.finditer(item)
args = []
if match_tag: args = [match_tag.group()]
if match_id: kargs['_id'] = match_id.group(1)
if match_class: kargs['_class'] = re.compile('(?<!\w)%s(?!\w)' % \
for item in match_attr:
return self.elements(*args,**kargs)
# make a copy of the components
matches = []
first_only = False
if kargs.has_key("first_only"):
first_only = kargs["first_only"]
del kargs["first_only"]
# check if the component has an attribute with the same
# value as provided
check = True
tag = getattr(self,'tag').replace("/","")
if args and tag not in args:
check = False
for (key, value) in kargs.items():
if isinstance(value,(str,int)):
if self[key] != str(value):
check = False
elif key in self.attributes:
if not value.search(str(self[key])):
check = False
check = False
if 'find' in kargs:
find = kargs['find']
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(find,(str,int)):
if isinstance(c,str) and str(find) in c:
check = True
if isinstance(c,str) and find.search(c):
check = True
# if found, return the component
if check:
if first_only:
return matches
# loop the copy
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(c, XmlComponent):
kargs['first_only'] = first_only
child_matches = c.elements( *args, **kargs )
if first_only and len(child_matches) != 0:
return child_matches
matches.extend( child_matches )
return matches
def element(self, *args, **kargs):
find the first component that matches the supplied attribute dictionary,
or None if nothing could be found
Also the components of the components are searched.
kargs['first_only'] = True
elements = self.elements(*args, **kargs)
if not elements:
# we found nothing
return None
return elements[0]
def siblings(self,*args,**kargs):
find all sibling components that match the supplied argument list
and attribute dictionary, or None if nothing could be found
sibs = [s for s in self.parent.components if not s == self]
matches = []
first_only = False
if kargs.has_key("first_only"):
first_only = kargs["first_only"]
del kargs["first_only"]
for c in sibs:
check = True
tag = getattr(c,'tag').replace("/","")
if args and tag not in args:
check = False
for (key, value) in kargs.items():
if c[key] != value:
check = False
if check:
if first_only: break
return matches
def sibling(self,*args,**kargs):
find the first sibling component that match the supplied argument list
and attribute dictionary, or None if nothing could be found
kargs['first_only'] = True
sibs = self.siblings(*args, **kargs)
if not sibs:
return None
return sibs[0]
class CAT(DIV):
tag = ''
def TAG_unpickler(data):
return cPickle.loads(data)
def TAG_pickler(data):
d = DIV()
d.__dict__ = data.__dict__
marshal_dump = cPickle.dumps(d)
return (TAG_unpickler, (marshal_dump,))
class __TAG__(XmlComponent):
TAG factory example::
>>> print TAG.first(TAG.second('test'), _key = 3)
<first key=\"3\"><second>test</second></first>
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.__getattr__(name)
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name[-1:] == '_':
name = name[:-1] + '/'
if isinstance(name,unicode):
name = name.encode('utf-8')
class __tag__(DIV):
tag = name
copy_reg.pickle(__tag__, TAG_pickler, TAG_unpickler)
return lambda *a, **b: __tag__(*a, **b)
def __call__(self,html):
return web2pyHTMLParser(decoder.decoder(html)).tree
TAG = __TAG__()
class HTML(DIV):
There are four predefined document type definitions.
They can be specified in the 'doctype' parameter:
-'strict' enables strict doctype
-'transitional' enables transitional doctype (default)
-'frameset' enables frameset doctype
-'html5' enables HTML 5 doctype
-any other string will be treated as user's own doctype
'lang' parameter specifies the language of the document.
Defaults to 'en'.
See also :class:`DIV`
tag = 'html'
strict = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">\n'
transitional = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">\n'
frameset = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">\n'
html5 = '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n'
def xml(self):
lang = self['lang']
if not lang:
lang = 'en'
self.attributes['_lang'] = lang
doctype = self['doctype']
if doctype:
if doctype == 'strict':
doctype = self.strict
elif doctype == 'transitional':
doctype = self.transitional
elif doctype == 'frameset':
doctype = self.frameset
elif doctype == 'html5':
doctype = self.html5
doctype = '%s\n' % doctype
doctype = self.transitional
(fa, co) = self._xml()
return '%s<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (doctype, self.tag, fa, co, self.tag)
class XHTML(DIV):
This is XHTML version of the HTML helper.
There are three predefined document type definitions.
They can be specified in the 'doctype' parameter:
-'strict' enables strict doctype
-'transitional' enables transitional doctype (default)
-'frameset' enables frameset doctype
-any other string will be treated as user's own doctype
'lang' parameter specifies the language of the document and the xml document.
Defaults to 'en'.
'xmlns' parameter specifies the xml namespace.
Defaults to 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'.
See also :class:`DIV`
tag = 'html'
strict = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n'
transitional = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n'
frameset = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">\n'
xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'
def xml(self):
xmlns = self['xmlns']
if xmlns:
self.attributes['_xmlns'] = xmlns
self.attributes['_xmlns'] = self.xmlns
lang = self['lang']
if not lang:
lang = 'en'
self.attributes['_lang'] = lang
self.attributes['_xml:lang'] = lang
doctype = self['doctype']
if doctype:
if doctype == 'strict':
doctype = self.strict
elif doctype == 'transitional':
doctype = self.transitional
elif doctype == 'frameset':
doctype = self.frameset
doctype = '%s\n' % doctype
doctype = self.transitional
(fa, co) = self._xml()
return '%s<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (doctype, self.tag, fa, co, self.tag)
class HEAD(DIV):
tag = 'head'
class TITLE(DIV):
tag = 'title'
class META(DIV):
tag = 'meta/'
class LINK(DIV):
tag = 'link/'
class SCRIPT(DIV):
tag = 'script'
def xml(self):
(fa, co) = self._xml()
# no escaping of subcomponents
co = '\n'.join([str(component) for component in
if co:
# <script [attributes]><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--
# script body
# //--><!]]></script>
# return '<%s%s><!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--\n%s\n//--><!]]></%s>' % (self.tag, fa, co, self.tag)
return '<%s%s><!--\n%s\n//--></%s>' % (self.tag, fa, co, self.tag)
return DIV.xml(self)
class STYLE(DIV):
tag = 'style'
def xml(self):
(fa, co) = self._xml()
# no escaping of subcomponents
co = '\n'.join([str(component) for component in
if co:
# <style [attributes]><!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/
# style body
# /*]]>*/--></style>
return '<%s%s><!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/\n%s\n/*]]>*/--></%s>' % (self.tag, fa, co, self.tag)
return DIV.xml(self)
class IMG(DIV):
tag = 'img/'
class SPAN(DIV):
tag = 'span'
class BODY(DIV):
tag = 'body'
class H1(DIV):
tag = 'h1'
class H2(DIV):
tag = 'h2'
class H3(DIV):
tag = 'h3'
class H4(DIV):
tag = 'h4'
class H5(DIV):
tag = 'h5'
class H6(DIV):
tag = 'h6'
class P(DIV):
Will replace ``\\n`` by ``<br />`` if the `cr2br` attribute is provided.
see also :class:`DIV`
tag = 'p'
def xml(self):
text = DIV.xml(self)
if self['cr2br']:
text = text.replace('\n', '<br />')
return text
class B(DIV):
tag = 'b'
class BR(DIV):
tag = 'br/'
class HR(DIV):
tag = 'hr/'
class A(DIV):
tag = 'a'
def xml(self):
if self['delete']:
d = "jQuery(this).closest('%s').remove();" % self['delete']
d = ''
if self['component']:
self['_onclick']="web2py_component('%s','%s');%sreturn false;" % \
(self['component'],self['target'] or '',d)
self['_href'] = self['_href'] or '#null'
elif self['callback']:
if d:
self['_onclick']="if(confirm(w2p_ajax_confirm_message||'Are you sure you want o delete this object?')){ajax('%s',[],'%s');%s};return false;" % (self['callback'],self['target'] or '',d)
self['_onclick']="ajax('%s',[],'%s');%sreturn false;" % \
(self['callback'],self['target'] or '',d)
self['_href'] = self['_href'] or '#null'
elif self['cid']:
self['_onclick']='web2py_component("%s","%s");return false;' % \
return DIV.xml(self)
class BUTTON(DIV):
tag = 'button'
class EM(DIV):
tag = 'em'
class EMBED(DIV):
tag = 'embed/'
class TT(DIV):
tag = 'tt'
class PRE(DIV):
tag = 'pre'
class CENTER(DIV):
tag = 'center'
class CODE(DIV):
displays code in HTML with syntax highlighting.
:param attributes: optional attributes:
- language: indicates the language, otherwise PYTHON is assumed
- link: can provide a link
- styles: for styles
{{=CODE(\"print 'hello world'\", language='python', link=None,
counter=1, styles={}, highlight_line=None)}}
supported languages are \"python\", \"html_plain\", \"c\", \"cpp\",
\"web2py\", \"html\".
The \"html\" language interprets {{ and }} tags as \"web2py\" code,
\"html_plain\" doesn't.
if a link='/examples/global/vars/' is provided web2py keywords are linked to
the online docs.
the counter is used for line numbering, counter can be None or a prompt
def xml(self):
language = self['language'] or 'PYTHON'
link = self['link']
counter = self.attributes.get('counter', 1)
highlight_line = self.attributes.get('highlight_line', None)
styles = self['styles'] or {}
return highlight(
class LABEL(DIV):
tag = 'label'
class LI(DIV):
tag = 'li'
class UL(DIV):
UL Component.
If subcomponents are not LI-components they will be wrapped in a LI
see also :class:`DIV`
tag = 'ul'
def _fixup(self):
self._wrap_components(LI, LI)
class OL(UL):
tag = 'ol'
class TD(DIV):
tag = 'td'
class TH(DIV):
tag = 'th'
class TR(DIV):
TR Component.
If subcomponents are not TD/TH-components they will be wrapped in a TD
see also :class:`DIV`
tag = 'tr'
def _fixup(self):
self._wrap_components((TD, TH), TD)
class THEAD(DIV):
tag = 'thead'
def _fixup(self):
self._wrap_components(TR, TR)
class TBODY(DIV):
tag = 'tbody'
def _fixup(self):
self._wrap_components(TR, TR)
class TFOOT(DIV):
tag = 'tfoot'
def _fixup(self):
self._wrap_components(TR, TR)
class COL(DIV):
tag = 'col'
tag = 'colgroup'
class TABLE(DIV):
TABLE Component.
If subcomponents are not TR/TBODY/THEAD/TFOOT-components
they will be wrapped in a TR
see also :class:`DIV`
tag = 'table'
def _fixup(self):
self._wrap_components((TR, TBODY, THEAD, TFOOT, COL, COLGROUP), TR)
class I(DIV):
tag = 'i'
class IFRAME(DIV):
tag = 'iframe'
class INPUT(DIV):
INPUT Component
>>> INPUT(_type='text', _name='name', value='Max').xml()
'<input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" value=\"Max\" />'
>>> INPUT(_type='checkbox', _name='checkbox', value='on').xml()
'<input checked=\"checked\" name=\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"on\" />'
>>> INPUT(_type='radio', _name='radio', _value='yes', value='yes').xml()
'<input checked=\"checked\" name=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" value=\"yes\" />'
>>> INPUT(_type='radio', _name='radio', _value='no', value='yes').xml()
'<input name=\"radio\" type=\"radio\" value=\"no\" />'
the input helper takes two special attributes value= and requires=.
:param value: used to pass the initial value for the input field.
value differs from _value because it works for checkboxes, radio,
textarea and select/option too.
- for a checkbox value should be '' or 'on'.
- for a radio or select/option value should be the _value
of the checked/selected item.
:param requires: should be None, or a validator or a list of validators
for the value of the field.
tag = 'input/'
def _validate(self):
# # this only changes value, not _value
name = self['_name']
if name is None or name == '':
return True
name = str(name)
if self['_type'] != 'checkbox':
self['old_value'] = self['value'] or self['_value'] or ''
value = self.request_vars.get(name, '')
self['value'] = value
self['old_value'] = self['value'] or False
value = self.request_vars.get(name)
if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
self['value'] = self['_value'] in value
self['value'] = self['_value'] == value
requires = self['requires']
if requires:
if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)):
requires = [requires]
for validator in requires:
(value, errors) = validator(value)
if not errors is None:
self.vars[name] = value
self.errors[name] = errors
if not name in self.errors:
self.vars[name] = value
return True
return False
def _postprocessing(self):
t = self['_type']
if not t:
t = self['_type'] = 'text'
t = t.lower()
value = self['value']
if self['_value'] is None:
_value = None
_value = str(self['_value'])
if t == 'checkbox' and not '_checked' in self.attributes:
if not _value:
_value = self['_value'] = 'on'
if not value:
value = []
elif value is True:
value = [_value]
elif not isinstance(value,(list,tuple)):
value = str(value).split('|')
self['_checked'] = _value in value and 'checked' or None
elif t == 'radio' and not '_checked' in self.attributes:
if str(value) == str(_value):
self['_checked'] = 'checked'
self['_checked'] = None
elif t == 'text' or t == 'hidden':
if value is None:
self['value'] = _value
self['_value'] = value
def xml(self):
name = self.attributes.get('_name', None)
if name and hasattr(self, 'errors') \
and self.errors.get(name, None) \
and self['hideerror'] != True:
return DIV.xml(self) + DIV(self.errors[name], _class='error',
errors=None, _id='%s__error' % name).xml()
return DIV.xml(self)
TEXTAREA(_name='sometext', value='blah '*100, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY())
'blah blah blah ...' will be the content of the textarea field.
tag = 'textarea'
def _postprocessing(self):
if not '_rows' in self.attributes:
self['_rows'] = 10
if not '_cols' in self.attributes:
self['_cols'] = 40
if not self['value'] is None:
self.components = [self['value']]
elif self.components:
self['value'] = self.components[0]
class OPTION(DIV):
tag = 'option'
def _fixup(self):
if not '_value' in self.attributes:
self.attributes['_value'] = str(self.components[0])
class OBJECT(DIV):
tag = 'object'
tag = 'optgroup'
def _fixup(self):
components = []
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(c, OPTION):
components.append(OPTION(c, _value=str(c)))
self.components = components
>>> from validators import IS_IN_SET
>>> SELECT('yes', 'no', _name='selector', value='yes',
... requires=IS_IN_SET(['yes', 'no'])).xml()
'<select name=\"selector\"><option selected=\"selected\" value=\"yes\">yes</option><option value=\"no\">no</option></select>'
tag = 'select'
def _fixup(self):
components = []
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(c, (OPTION, OPTGROUP)):
components.append(OPTION(c, _value=str(c)))
self.components = components
def _postprocessing(self):
component_list = []
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(c, OPTGROUP):
options = itertools.chain(*component_list)
value = self['value']
if not value is None:
if not self['_multiple']:
for c in options: # my patch
if value and str(c['_value'])==str(value):
c['_selected'] = 'selected'
c['_selected'] = None
if isinstance(value,(list,tuple)):
values = [str(item) for item in value]
values = [str(value)]
for c in options: # my patch
if value and str(c['_value']) in values:
c['_selected'] = 'selected'
c['_selected'] = None
tag = 'fieldset'
class LEGEND(DIV):
tag = 'legend'
class FORM(DIV):
>>> from validators import IS_NOT_EMPTY
>>> form=FORM(INPUT(_name=\"test\", requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))
>>> form.xml()
'<form action=\"\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\"><input name=\"test\" type=\"text\" /></form>'
a FORM is container for INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and other helpers
form has one important method::
form.accepts(request.vars, session)
if form is accepted (and all validators pass) form.vars contains the
accepted vars, otherwise form.errors contains the errors.
in case of errors the form is modified to present the errors to the user.
tag = 'form'
def __init__(self, *components, **attributes):
DIV.__init__(self, *components, **attributes)
self.vars = Storage()
self.errors = Storage()
self.latest = Storage()
self.accepted = None # none for not submitted
def accepts(
kwargs is not used but allows to specify the same interface for FROM and SQLFORM
if request_vars.__class__.__name__ == 'Request':
self.request_vars = Storage()
self.session = session
self.formname = formname
self.keepvalues = keepvalues
# if this tag is a form and we are in accepting mode (status=True)
# check formname and formkey
status = True
if self.session:
formkey = self.session.get('_formkey[%s]' % self.formname, None)
# check if user tampering with form and void CSRF
if formkey != self.request_vars._formkey:
status = False
if self.formname != self.request_vars._formname:
status = False
if status and self.session:
# check if editing a record that has been modified by the server
if hasattr(self,'record_hash') and self.record_hash != formkey:
status = False
self.record_changed = True
status = self._traverse(status,hideerror)
if onvalidation:
if isinstance(onvalidation, dict):
onsuccess = onvalidation.get('onsuccess', None)
onfailure = onvalidation.get('onfailure', None)
if onsuccess and status:
if onfailure and request_vars and not status:
status = len(self.errors) == 0
elif status:
if isinstance(onvalidation, (list, tuple)):
[f(self) for f in onvalidation]
if self.errors:
status = False
if not session is None:
if hasattr(self,'record_hash'):
formkey = self.record_hash
formkey = web2py_uuid()
self.formkey = session['_formkey[%s]' % formname] = formkey
if status and not keepvalues:
self.accepted = status
return status
def _postprocessing(self):
if not '_action' in self.attributes:
self['_action'] = ''
if not '_method' in self.attributes:
self['_method'] = 'post'
if not '_enctype' in self.attributes:
self['_enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data'
def hidden_fields(self):
c = []
if 'hidden' in self.attributes:
for (key, value) in self.attributes.get('hidden',{}).items():
c.append(INPUT(_type='hidden', _name=key, _value=value))
if hasattr(self, 'formkey') and self.formkey:
c.append(INPUT(_type='hidden', _name='_formkey',
if hasattr(self, 'formname') and self.formname:
c.append(INPUT(_type='hidden', _name='_formname',
return DIV(c, _class="hidden")
def xml(self):
newform = FORM(*self.components, **self.attributes)
hidden_fields = self.hidden_fields()
if hidden_fields.components:
return DIV.xml(newform)
def validate(self,**kwargs):
This function validates the form,
you can use it instead of directly form.accepts.
In controller
def action():
form=FORM(INPUT(_name=\"test\", requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))
form.validate() #you can pass some args here - see below
return dict(form=form)
This can receive a bunch of arguments
onsuccess = 'flash' - will show message_onsuccess in response.flash
None - will do nothing
can be a function (lambda form: pass)
onfailure = 'flash' - will show message_onfailure in response.flash
None - will do nothing
can be a function (lambda form: pass)
next = where to redirect in case of success
any other kwargs will be passed for form.accepts(...)
from gluon import current, redirect
kwargs['request_vars'] = kwargs.get('request_vars',current.request.post_vars)
kwargs['session'] = kwargs.get('session',current.session)
kwargs['dbio'] = kwargs.get('dbio',False) # necessary for SQLHTML forms
onsuccess = kwargs.get('onsuccess','flash')
onfailure = kwargs.get('onfailure','flash')
message_onsuccess = kwargs.get('message_onsuccess',
message_onfailure = kwargs.get('message_onfailure',
current.T("Errors in form, please check it out."))
next = kwargs.get('next',None)
for key in ('message_onsuccess','message_onfailure','onsuccess',
if key in kwargs:
del kwargs[key]
if self.accepts(**kwargs):
if onsuccess == 'flash':
if next:
current.session.flash = message_onsuccess
current.response.flash = message_onsuccess
elif callable(onsuccess):
if next:
if self.vars.id:
next = next.replace('[id]',str(self.vars.id))
next = next % self.vars
if not next.startswith('/'):
next = URL(next)
return True
elif self.errors:
if onfailure == 'flash':
current.response.flash = message_onfailure
elif callable(onfailure):
return False
def process(self, **kwargs):
Perform the .validate() method but returns the form
Usage in controllers:
# directly on return
def action():
#some code here
return dict(form=FORM(...).process(...))
You can use it with FORM, SQLFORM or FORM based plugins
#response.flash messages
def action():
form = SQLFORM(db.table).process(message_onsuccess='Sucess!')
retutn dict(form=form)
# callback function
# callback receives True or False as first arg, and a list of args.
def my_callback(status, msg):
response.flash = "Success! "+msg if status else "Errors occured"
# after argument can be 'flash' to response.flash messages
# or a function name to use as callback or None to do nothing.
def action():
return dict(form=SQLFORM(db.table).process(onsuccess=my_callback)
kwargs['dbio'] = kwargs.get('dbio',True) # necessary for SQLHTML forms
return self
>>> BEAUTIFY(['a', 'b', {'hello': 'world'}]).xml()
'<div><table><tr><td><div>a</div></td></tr><tr><td><div>b</div></td></tr><tr><td><div><table><tr><td style="font-weight:bold;">hello</td><td valign="top">:</td><td><div>world</div></td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div>'
turns any list, dictionary, etc into decent looking html.
Two special attributes are
:sorted: a function that takes the dict and returned sorted keys
:keyfilter: a funciton that takes a key and returns its representation
or None if the key is to be skipped. By default key[:1]=='_' is skipped.
tag = 'div'
def no_underscore(key):
if key[:1]=='_':
return None
return key
def __init__(self, component, **attributes):
self.components = [component]
self.attributes = attributes
sorter = attributes.get('sorted',sorted)
keyfilter = attributes.get('keyfilter',BEAUTIFY.no_underscore)
components = []
attributes = copy.copy(self.attributes)
level = attributes['level'] = attributes.get('level',6) - 1
if '_class' in attributes:
attributes['_class'] += 'i'
if level == 0:
for c in self.components:
if hasattr(c,'xml') and callable(c.xml):
elif hasattr(c,'keys') and callable(c.keys):
rows = []
keys = (sorter and sorter(c)) or c
for key in keys:
if isinstance(key,(str,unicode)) and keyfilter:
filtered_key = keyfilter(key)
filtered_key = str(key)
if filtered_key is None:
value = c[key]
if type(value) == types.LambdaType:
rows.append(TR(TD(filtered_key, _style='font-weight:bold;'),
TD(BEAUTIFY(value, **attributes))))
components.append(TABLE(*rows, **attributes))
if isinstance(c, str):
elif isinstance(c, unicode):
elif isinstance(c, (list, tuple)):
items = [TR(TD(BEAUTIFY(item, **attributes)))
for item in c]
components.append(TABLE(*items, **attributes))
elif isinstance(c, cgi.FieldStorage):
components.append('FieldStorage object')
self.components = components
class MENU(DIV):
Used to build menus
Optional arguments
_class: defaults to 'web2py-menu web2py-menu-vertical'
ul_class: defaults to 'web2py-menu-vertical'
li_class: defaults to 'web2py-menu-expand'
menu = MENU([['name', False, URL(...), [submenu]], ...])
tag = 'ul'
def __init__(self, data, **args):
self.data = data
self.attributes = args
if not '_class' in self.attributes:
self['_class'] = 'web2py-menu web2py-menu-vertical'
if not 'ul_class' in self.attributes:
self['ul_class'] = 'web2py-menu-vertical'
if not 'li_class' in self.attributes:
self['li_class'] = 'web2py-menu-expand'
if not 'li_active' in self.attributes:
self['li_active'] = 'web2py-menu-active'
def serialize(self, data, level=0):
if level == 0:
ul = UL(**self.attributes)
ul = UL(_class=self['ul_class'])
for item in data:
(name, active, link) = item[:3]
if isinstance(link,DIV):
li = LI(link)
elif 'no_link_url' in self.attributes and self['no_link_url']==link:
li = LI(DIV(name))
elif link:
li = LI(A(name, _href=link))
li = LI(A(name, _href='#',
_onclick='javascript:void(0);return false;'))
if len(item) > 3 and item[3]:
li['_class'] = self['li_class']
li.append(self.serialize(item[3], level+1))
if active or ('active_url' in self.attributes and self['active_url']==link):
if li['_class']:
li['_class'] = li['_class']+' '+self['li_active']
li['_class'] = self['li_active']
return ul
def xml(self):
return self.serialize(self.data, 0).xml()
def embed64(
filename = None,
file = None,
data = None,
extension = 'image/gif',
helper to encode the provided (binary) data into base64.
:param filename: if provided, opens and reads this file in 'rb' mode
:param file: if provided, reads this file
:param data: if provided, uses the provided data
if filename and os.path.exists(file):
fp = open(filename, 'rb')
data = fp.read()
data = base64.b64encode(data)
return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (extension, data)
def test():
>>> from validators import *
>>> print DIV(A('click me', _href=URL(a='a', c='b', f='c')), BR(), HR(), DIV(SPAN(\"World\"), _class='unknown')).xml()
<div><a href=\"/a/b/c\">click me</a><br /><hr /><div class=\"unknown\"><span>World</span></div></div>
>>> print DIV(UL(\"doc\",\"cat\",\"mouse\")).xml()
>>> print DIV(UL(\"doc\", LI(\"cat\", _class='feline'), 18)).xml()
<div><ul><li>doc</li><li class=\"feline\">cat</li><li>18</li></ul></div>
>>> print TABLE(['a', 'b', 'c'], TR('d', 'e', 'f'), TR(TD(1), TD(2), TD(3))).xml()
>>> form=FORM(INPUT(_type='text', _name='myvar', requires=IS_EXPR('int(value)<10')))
>>> print form.xml()
<form action=\"\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\"><input name=\"myvar\" type=\"text\" /></form>
>>> print form.accepts({'myvar':'34'}, formname=None)
>>> print form.xml()
<form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><input name="myvar" type="text" value="34" /><div class="error" id="myvar__error">invalid expression</div></form>
>>> print form.accepts({'myvar':'4'}, formname=None, keepvalues=True)
>>> print form.xml()
<form action=\"\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\"><input name=\"myvar\" type=\"text\" value=\"4\" /></form>
>>> form=FORM(SELECT('cat', 'dog', _name='myvar'))
>>> print form.accepts({'myvar':'dog'}, formname=None, keepvalues=True)
>>> print form.xml()
<form action=\"\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\"><select name=\"myvar\"><option value=\"cat\">cat</option><option selected=\"selected\" value=\"dog\">dog</option></select></form>
>>> form=FORM(INPUT(_type='text', _name='myvar', requires=IS_MATCH('^\w+$', 'only alphanumeric!')))
>>> print form.accepts({'myvar':'as df'}, formname=None)
>>> print form.xml()
<form action=\"\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\"><input name=\"myvar\" type=\"text\" value=\"as df\" /><div class=\"error\" id=\"myvar__error\">only alphanumeric!</div></form>
>>> session={}
>>> form=FORM(INPUT(value=\"Hello World\", _name=\"var\", requires=IS_MATCH('^\w+$')))
>>> if form.accepts({}, session,formname=None): print 'passed'
>>> if form.accepts({'var':'test ', '_formkey': session['_formkey[None]']}, session, formname=None): print 'passed'
class web2pyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
obj = web2pyHTMLParser(text) parses and html/xml text into web2py helpers.
obj.tree contains the root of the tree, and tree can be manipulated
>>> str(web2pyHTMLParser('hello<div a="b" c=3>wor<ld<span>xxx</span>y<script/>yy</div>zzz').tree)
'hello<div a="b" c="3">wor<ld<span>xxx</span>y<script></script>yy</div>zzz'
>>> str(web2pyHTMLParser('<div>a<span>b</div>c').tree)
>>> tree = web2pyHTMLParser('hello<div a="b">world</div>').tree
>>> tree.element(_a='b')['_c']=5
>>> str(tree)
'hello<div a="b" c="5">world</div>'
def __init__(self,text,closed=('input','link')):
self.tree = self.parent = TAG['']()
self.closed = closed
self.tags = [x for x in __all__ if isinstance(eval(x),DIV)]
self.last = None
def handle_starttag(self, tagname, attrs):
if tagname.upper() in self.tags:
if tagname in self.closed: tagname+='/'
tag = TAG[tagname]()
for key,value in attrs: tag['_'+key]=value
tag.parent = self.parent
if not tag.tag.endswith('/'):
self.last = tag.tag[:-1]
def handle_data(self,data):
def handle_charref(self,name):
if name[1].lower()=='x':
self.parent.append(unichr(int(name[2:], 16)).encode('utf8'))
self.parent.append(unichr(int(name[1:], 10)).encode('utf8'))
def handle_entityref(self,name):
def handle_endtag(self, tagname):
# this deals with unbalanced tags
if tagname==self.last:
while True:
self.parent = self.parent.parent
raise RuntimeError, "unable to balance tag %s" % tagname
if parent_tagname[:len(tagname)]==tagname: break
def markdown_serializer(text,tag=None,attr=None):
attr = attr or {}
if tag is None: return re.sub('\s+',' ',text)
if tag=='br': return '\n\n'
if tag=='h1': return '#'+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='h2': return '#'*2+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='h3': return '#'*3+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='h4': return '#'*4+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='p': return text+'\n\n'
if tag=='b' or tag=='strong': return '**%s**' % text
if tag=='em' or tag=='i': return '*%s*' % text
if tag=='tt' or tag=='code': return '`%s`' % text
if tag=='a': return '[%s](%s)' % (text,attr.get('_href',''))
if tag=='img': return '' % (attr.get('_alt',''),attr.get('_src',''))
return text
def markmin_serializer(text,tag=None,attr=None):
attr = attr or {}
# if tag is None: return re.sub('\s+',' ',text)
if tag=='br': return '\n\n'
if tag=='h1': return '# '+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='h2': return '#'*2+' '+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='h3': return '#'*3+' '+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='h4': return '#'*4+' '+text+'\n\n'
if tag=='p': return text+'\n\n'
if tag=='li': return '\n- '+text.replace('\n',' ')
if tag=='tr': return text[3:].replace('\n',' ')+'\n'
if tag in ['table','blockquote']: return '\n-----\n'+text+'\n------\n'
if tag in ['td','th']: return ' | '+text
if tag in ['b','strong','label']: return '**%s**' % text
if tag in ['em','i']: return "''%s''" % text
if tag in ['tt']: return '``%s``' % text.strip()
if tag in ['code']: return '``\n%s``' % text
if tag=='a': return '[[%s %s]]' % (text,attr.get('_href',''))
if tag=='img': return '[[%s %s left]]' % (attr.get('_alt','no title'),attr.get('_src',''))
return text
class MARKMIN(XmlComponent):
For documentation: http://web2py.com/examples/static/markmin.html
def __init__(self, text, extra=None, allowed=None, sep='p'):
self.text = text
self.extra = extra or {}
self.allowed = allowed or {}
self.sep = sep
def xml(self):
calls the gluon.contrib.markmin render function to convert the wiki syntax
return render(self.text,extra=self.extra,allowed=self.allowed,sep=self.sep)
def __str__(self):
return self.xml()
def flatten(self,render=None):
return the text stored by the MARKMIN object rendered by the render function
return self.text
def elements(self, *args, **kargs):
to be considered experimental since the behavior of this method is questionable
another options could be TAG(self.text).elements(*args,**kargs)
return [self.text]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest