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Wiki page [postdate] by shinkou 2012-10-05 06:13:45.
D 2012-10-05T06:13:45.312
L postdate
P a6f15448562bed90575dda011554cefb4adfdf67
U shinkou
W 2853
Section: User Commands  (1)<br>Updated: September 20, 2012<br><a href="#index">Index</a>
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<a name="lbAB">&nbsp;</a>
<p>postdate - find and display the nearest date in the future</p>

<a name="lbAC">&nbsp;</a>

<a name="lbAD">&nbsp;</a>
tries to find out and display the nearest date with the

<a name="lbAE">&nbsp;</a>
<dt><b>-f</b><i> format</i></dt>
<p>output in <i>format</i> (see <b><a href="">strftime</a></b>(3))</p>
<p>generate result inclusive of the starting date</p>
<p>output the starting date as the first entry</p>
<dt><b>-p</b><i> date</i></dt>
<p>generate result beyond <i>date</i> (default: current date)</p>
<p>display help and exit</p>
<p>a string that <b>postdate</b> bases on to generate the nearest future date. </p>

<a name="lbAF">&nbsp;</a>
<h2>DATE STRING</h2>
can be specified in the form of &quot;y-m-d&quot;, &quot;m-d&quot;, or &quot;d&quot;, where &quot;-&quot; can be replaced by &quot;.&quot; or &quot;/&quot;.

<a name="lbAG">&nbsp;</a>
<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
<b><a href="">strftime</a></b>(3)

<a name="lbAH">&nbsp;</a>
<dl compact>
<dd><p>Written by Chun-Kwong Wong.</p></dd>

<a name="lbAI">&nbsp;</a>
This program is released and distributed under the GNU GPL version 3.  Please visit &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; for more information.

<a name="index">&nbsp;</a><h2>Index</h2>
<dt><a href="#lbAB">NAME</a><dd>
<dt><a href="#lbAC">SYNOPSIS</a><dd>
<dt><a href="#lbAD">DESCRIPTION</a><dd>
<dt><a href="#lbAE">OPTIONS</a><dd>
<dt><a href="#lbAF">DATE STRING</a><dd>
<dt><a href="#lbAG">SEE ALSO</a><dd>
<dt><a href="#lbAH">AUTHORS</a><dd>
<dt><a href="#lbAI">LICENSING</a><dd>
This document was created by
<a href="">man2html</a>,
using the manual pages.<br>
Time: 01:01:48 GMT, October 04, 2012

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